Teen Sinbad x Reader

By katiyachann

236K 8.7K 4.3K

Princess (Y/N) hails from the country of Tenrou, where she is known not only as an incredible dancer, but as... More

1. (Y/N) Princess of Tenrou
2. Lofty Ambitions
3. Goodbye Tenrou
4. Swell of Music
5. Eternal Waltz
6. Captain's Courters
7. Racing
8. A Deals a Deal
9. A Second Letter
10. Just a Little Longer
11. Antagonizing Prince
12. Reunion
13. A Meeting With the Queen
14. Zero Sum Game
15. Close Call
16. Sassan
18. Goodbye
20. Ending
New Book!

17. Spartos

8.3K 371 119
By katiyachann

We step into the church, which was the exact opposite of what I had expected. Rather than the musty old smell of bibles, the entire building smelled clean and refreshing. Intricate stained glass windows covered most of the ceiling, depicting various religious figures. The light reflecting off of the glass shone over the entire church, covering it in different hues from firery red, all the way to cobalt blue. Pews lining the church weren't your usual wood, instead they were made out of a stone that looked almost like marble, and they gleamed, looking as if they had just been carved today. Candles lined the wall, along with different flowers in offering to their god. The main room itself was massive, the ceiling reaching multiple stories up.

While I take in every detail, Ja'Far tugs me along, so that we may meet with Mystras and his Father, the Knight King of Sasan.

As the King stands to greet us, I notice the intimidating aura surrounding him. I find it difficult to believe that he and Mystras are related when Mystras is so free spirited and light hearted. The look in their eyes contrast so much it's mind boggling; the King's eyes are calculating and cold, while Mystras' are curious and light.

"Your Highness." Ja'Far greets him, bowing. I follow suit, with a deep curtsy, as I feel his eyes look over me, who he doesn't know at all.

"Who is this?" He asks, his voice flat, and sounding out off.

"This is Princess (Y/N), I told you about her before Father." Mystras explains, as both Ja'Far and I rise to stand again.

He gives an audible sigh before complaining, "I didn't think they would send a female representative for Tenrou. I suppose your Queen is slipping as the rumors say."

I fight the urge to argue with him, as Ja'Far gives me a threatening glance. I'm forced to bite my tongue as he continues to insult me and my (former) country, while no one bothers to stop him or object. After tiring from voicing his opinions, he begins discussing business with Ja'Far and Mystras, while I wander off, exploring more of the cathedral.

"Excuse me, but you aren't from here are you?" A small voice says from behind me.

I turn to see a boy who looks remarkably similar to Mystras, "Indeed I'm not." I shake my head. As he steps closer to me, I crouch down so that we're both at eye level.

"Do you know my brother Mystras?" He asks excitedly, "He travels all over the world, he's pretty amazing."

"I'm friends with him actually, my names (Y/N), what's yours?" I ask.

"Spartos." He smiles adorably, "Do you want to see me practice my swordsmanship?"

I look back to where Ja'Far and the others are seated once before turning back to Spartos. They all seemed engrossed in their discussion, meaning I have some time to spare, "Sure, are you any good at it?"

"Not exactly... But my Father says if I practice I could get really good!" He grins, taking my hand and leading me across the castle.


I step into the lavish dining room, where Ja'Far, Mystras, and King Darius are already seated. I'm pulled along by Spartos, and have to crouch down slightly so that he can comfortably hold my hand.

"You've met my brother!" Mystras grins, ruffling his sibling's hair.

I nod, "He was showing off his swordsmanship."

Spartos starts discussing his new skills with his brother, as I take my seat next to Ja'Far, in front of the enormous array of food.

Ja'Far leans over and whispers to me, "Don't say anything strange, and make the King mad."

I'm surprised he thinks I would, I'm no Sinbad. Going around and accidentally insulting important people isn't my thing.

I nod my head anyways, as dinner begins and we start eating. The conversation flows mostly from trade and news of Sinbad, whom the King shows a great interest in, but halfway through dinner, the conversation is targeted at me.

"I heard you were betrothed Princess." The King states suddenly, as the eyes of my traveling companions shift towards me, "To the heir of Edindrae no less."

I nod silently, as my mouth goes dry. Am I really? How is that he knows more than I do about my wedding arrangements? Dammit, I still haven't read that letter. What should I tell them...

"They haven't worked out all of the arrangements yet, so technically nothing is official." I lie, my voice scarcely above a whisper. I don't know if it's the right thing to say, because even I'm unsure of my marital status.

"Hmm. Congratulations regardless, I heard that the Prince is charming." He hums, between bites of food.

Suddenly my appetite is gone. Instead, replaced by a hunger for knowledge, my curiosity burning up, as my mind wanders to the letter once more, which is still in the breast pocket of my shirt.

My friends sit in stunned silence, as I feel the urge to tell them I'm getting the news for the first time too. They're probably imagining that I lied to them, and was trying to keep the engagement a secret. I can't tell them that now though.

"Excuse me." I smile sweetly, as I walk as quickly as possible to the nearest bathroom so that I can open the letter.

Closing the bathroom door behind me, I pull out the crisp letter, smoothing out the crinkles with my hands. My stomach is in knots, as anticipation twists my very being.

Finally, I break the seal with my fingertip, and begin to read.

'Dear (Y/N),
I'm writing this to you after I've spent the past hour arguing with Mother. I was arguing for your freedom. Perhaps you'll find that I'm being over dramatic, but after hearing your stories from your adventures, I couldn't possibly have you cooped up in a castle with some spineless Prince. I cried and pleaded that rather than force you to marry, I would be betrothed to Prince Eren instead. She blatantly refused, and told me he insisted on you, and there wasn't any point in arguing. After hurling horrible insults at one another, I left, deciding what I would have to do. What you will have to do. Run.

That's the only option left. I've decided to make it seem dire that you run, even if that's not the case. I won't give you time to try and work something else out because in reality it won't. Instead, I'll tell you your only option is running, because that's how I see it. By the time your reading this, it will be too late for anything else anyways.

Even though running is what got you out of here, it won't be that simple. You're going to have to hide, until you hear news of the Prince remarrying. As long as he's single, they'll be looking for you. Everywhere. I don't know how long it will take, but please do this for me and you. I'm begging you (Y/N) just do as I say.

I don't know when we'll see each other again. But, I love you, and want the best for you, even if that means missing you for months; even years. All I want is for you to be happy, and have the freedom to decide what that is for you.


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