20. Ending

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Sinbad's POV
I sit at my desk, which is filled with half-organized clutter, and groan. Usually filling out paperwork and looking into contracts is Ja'Far's job, or Rurumu's but somehow I managed to have the work piled on me. Rather than focus on the work like I should, my mind wanders, mainly to (Y/N). If things turned out how I hope, then she should be on the next ship into port along with Ja'Far and Mystras. Despite my attempts to not get too hopeful, nothing works.

I shuffle my papers into a stack, and roll my pen around in my hand, when Rurumu comes through the door. Quickly, I pretend to be getting work done.

"The ship with Ja'Far just came in." she smiles, walking closer towards my desk and picking up a sheet of paper. A tick mark forms on her pale skin and I brace myself for a lecture and chop on the head, "If you're not going to get anything done, you should go meet them." she grumbles.

"W-Was (Y/N) with them?" I ask, acting like I'm not eager for her response.

"I don't know... But if you're so curious, I suggest going to the ship." she chuckles, picking up most of the papers on my desk, and sitting down in the chair across from me, "I'll take care of these."

I nod, a grin on my face, "Thanks Rurumu!"

Closing the door behind me, I rush out of the room, heading towards the stairs. I slide down the banister landing firmly on my feet when I get to the bottom.

I run down the busy street towards the port, my excitement getting the better of me while I dodge carts and people. When I finally get to the ship, I catch my breath, and head on board.

"Ja'Far!" I call out, when I see him standing on the other side of the deck.

"Sin." he smiles weakly as I get closer.

Ignoring his strange expression, I ask "Did (Y/N) end up coming with you?"

He shakes his head, avoiding my gaze. He heaves a sigh before explaining, "She was with us in Sasan, but she disappeared in the middle of the night."

"How strange..." I mumble disappointed.

"She left a letter to help explain things, but it didn't make a lot of sense. I have one addressed to you as well." he tells me, pulling out a folded envelope, and placing it in my hand.

I look to him once before tearing it open and beginning to read.

'Dear Sinbad,
I won't bore you with the details I put in the other letter, I'm sure if you want Ja'Far and Mystras will let you read it as well. Instead, I want to write a few things to you specifically.
First, me leaving has nothing to do with you, so don't think even for a moment I've changed the way I feel. If anything, having to leave like this makes me realize how much I care about you and everyone else. It was unbelievably hard having to leave, and I'm sure you're upset that I didn't come see you once more before I left. Had there been more options, I would've chosen something better.
Please don't worry about me too much Sin, I want you to go on to accomplish things all while I'm gone, so I'm begging you to forget about me for a little while. I'll work hard on learning things and gaining Djinn while I'm away, so when we meet again, we'll both have amazing stories to tell each other.
When we meet again, I'll owe you a dance, so practice while I'm away so that you won't step on my feet...
Wait for me,

I stare at the letter in my hands, as I clutch its edges harder. I reread it before finally looking back up at Ja'Far, "What did the letter she addressed to you say?"

"It wasn't really clear... Mainly it said she would be taking a journey and not to worry about her. It didn't say how long she would be away, which made me think maybe she wasn't sure herself. It didn't say why she was leaving either." he explains, "Honestly, I don't know what to think about it."

I nod, clenching my fists. What the hell is going on? I respect (Y/N) enough to do as she wishes and not worry, which really means not to search for her... But why is this all shrouded in mystery?

"Sin," Ja'Far starts, rubbing his neck awkwardly, "There's something else, that wasn't in the letters..."

"What is it?" I ask, my voice a mix of concern and anticipation.

"While we were in Sasan, King Darius mentioned something-"

"Sinbad!" Mystras calls out as he crosses the deck, dodging men carrying crates filled with goods.

"Mystras." I smile.

He looks to the letter in my hand before asking, "What did it say?"

"She wanted me to wait for her." I laugh breathily.

He nods, as I turn back to Ja'Far, awaiting for him to continue.

"He said she was engaged."

I feel the ground sway beneath me, as my heart begins to beat faster. Could that be what this is about? Why wouldn't she write anything about that?

"But, she seemed just as shocked as we were when she heard the news." Mystras adds, rubbing a hand on his chin, "I think that was the first time she heard about it."

I give a relived sigh, and stare off the side of the ship. If what (Y/N) said is true, and she still feels the same, then I'll wait, I don't care how long it takes. I'll wait for her to come back to me.

Teen Sinbad x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now