Unititled For Now

Par Paigie_Panda

253 1 0

Ellia has found a new book interest in the library. However, there's something strange about it. The story li... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

7 0 0
Par Paigie_Panda

“What is it?” Liam asked, rushing out of the kitchen.

“There-there’s a-a shadow,” I stammered. Liam flicked a switch that illuminated a portion of the room. A raccoon’s head popped up over the window sill.

“Oh, no. So scary.” Liam joked and mockingly waved his hands around.

“Come on, Liam. We were watching a horror movie.” I hit his chest with the back of my hand. “It’s not funny.”

“No, it’s very funny.” I gave him a look. “Oh come on, Ellia. You tease me, I tease you.” I crossed my arms.

“It wasn’t the same.”

“You did it to me first. But seriously, your face was-.”


“I was only going to say that you look so adorable when you’re scared” Liam held my face in his hands and leaned forward. I pulled away. “What? You don’t wanna give me a kiss?” I scrunched up my face and backed away, but he started chasing me around the couch. “Just a little kiss! One kiss!” Liam wouldn’t stop so I did; I stopped so hard Liam ran into my back. I turned around and kissed him before Liam could tell what was going on. “I knew you’d warm up to me.” Liam did a cheesy hair flip.

I walked to the front door and put my shoes on. “I think I should leave before it gets any darker outside.” Liam kicked his feet and looked down.

“Do you have to go? You haven’t even had cupcakes.” I opened the door then waved to him.

“Save me some for me.” I walked out of the front door.


“Morning.” Liam said as I opened the door. We decided to move up our date, and we moved it up to today. It was supposed to be tomorrow, but Jason canceled again, so Liam asked if I wouldn’t mind if we moved it up. I didn’t.

Liam put his arm out and I took it in mine. “You look nice.” He complimented. I was wearing a bright yellow sundress with a jean jacket over it, along with my black converse.

“I didn’t know what to wear. You never told me where we’re going.” Liam didn’t respond but opened the car door for me.

“You’ll see when we get there. I think you’ll really like it though.” Liam started to pull out of the driveway. “You’re really lucky to have a boyfriend like me.”

“Ooh yes.” I said sarcastically. “Who doesn’t want a boyfriend who compliments himself more than his girlfriend does.” We continued our joking until the short car ride had come to an end. I walked out of the car and met up with Liam who was already standing by the entrance. The place was called ‘Sk8ers’: a roller skating rink. “Liam... I don’t know how to skate.”

The lady at the front booth handed us each green tickets. “Good thing I’m a pro. Don’t worry it’s easy once you get the hang of it.” As soon as we walked in the second set of doors it smelled like sweat. The music was blasting too loud for me to hear anything Liam was trying to say. He lead me towards the teenage boy handing out rental skates.

“Size 7.” I told him as loudly as I could.

“Size 13.” Liam screamed. The boy took our shoes and gave us our skates. We put them on. Liam stood up and held out a hand. I took it and tried to stand, but I slipped.

“Are you okay?” Liam helped me up. I sat down on the bench.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I stood up on my own, and this time I didn’t fall. We made our way over to the rink.

“After you.” I said.

“Ladies first.” Liam countered. I stepped into the ring. I put my hand against the wall. Liam followed me in and took my hand. Then he took off at full speed.

“Liam!” I screamed. He swerved around everyone and flew around bends.

“Told you I was a pro.” Liam uttered back to me. He spun us into a school dance position; one of his hands was on my back and the other holding my hand out.

“Slow down!” Liam grabbed the wall and we stopped. I pushed him and he started rolling backwards.  “Force equals mass times acceleration.” I shouted. Liam gave me an angry look and skated towards me.

“That wasn’t very nice.” Liam pouted into my ear.

“Then this is going to be horrible.” I smirked, got a good grip on his shoulders, then pushed Liam as hard as I could. I couldn’t believe how he barely moved but I fell straight on my butt. I moaned a bit in pain.

“That was horrible.” Liam said, kneeling down next to me. “Do you need help getting up?” I nodded and just as quickly he pulled me up by setting his hand on my waist. “I’ll go slower this time.”

“And I won’t push you this time.” Our next attempt was much smoother; Liam gracefully glided me past the other skaters for a few laps. “Stop. I’m getting tired.” I told him.

“You’re tired?” he complained. “I’m the one dragging you around.”

“Then if you’re tired too we can go get sodas.” Liam pulled me out of the rink. “So you are tired.” I laughed.

“No,” he said defensively. “I could just really use a soda.”

“Mmmhmm. Alright, Mr. Tough-Guy. I’ll have a… diet whatever.” I said with a lazy attitude.

“Gosh, Ellia. You’re so picky.”

“Fine. Get me a diet water.”

“Yeah, because regular water has too many calories.” Liam rolled his eyes after his sarcastic joke.

“Well it does. And have you seen how many carbs are in regular water?” I smiled. “ It’s insane.”

“One diet water, coming right up.” He said, bowing. Liam left me to go order the drinks. He came back not too much later with an entire plastic tray full of junk.

“Jeez, Liam. Are the candy stores going out of business?” There was not one type of candy bar that Liam hadn’t bought. He handed me a water then drank his own. “It’s not even diet.”

“I didn’t know what type of candy you liked.” Liam covered for himself.

I gave him a look of disapproval. “I honestly don’t think this was easier than coming over here to ask me.” I picked up a piece of candy from amongst all the sweets. “I like lollipops, by the way.” We sat and ate our snacks for a while before I recognized a ridiculously over played song.

“I love this song.” Liam told me while choking down another licorice rope.

I raised an eyebrow. “Really? This song is so-” My rant was cut off my Liam taking my hand and pulling me from the table.

“Can we dance? Please, please, please?” I couldn’t say no to him. We were already in the middle of the rink. I took a deep breath, sighed, then rapidly nodded my head. Liam seemed so relieved. “Just follow me.”

We rolled off to the side to avoid knocking people over. I stared down at my feet as they moved one at a time towards Liam’s. He put my chin in his palm then tilted my head so I looked at him. “Don’t look down. Trust me.” We continued to dance around the rink until I became unbearably dizzy.

“Whoa. I have to sit down,” I mumbled, tumbling towards the exit. I raced out and sat in the first seat I could find. Liam raced out after me. He grabbed the wall and started panting.

“I feel sick.” He admitted. I patted the seat next to me. He skated over and sat down.

“Too much dancing?” I asked.

“Think so.” He replied. We sat in silence until our stomachs settled down. “This was really nice. Thanks for agreeing to come.” Liam was breathing so hard I could hear it. Then again we were so close to each other.


I stood at my doorway rubbing my thumb against Liam’s cheek. He stood there without saying anything, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. His eyes looked so dreamy with the setting sun gleaming against them.

“I always feel bad when I leave you.” Liam admitted. “Can’t we hang out for just a bit longer?”

I tilted my head so it was angled to the other side. “I think we’ve hung out plenty.” Liam continued to stare blankly at my face.

“I’ll see you on our next date.” He promised. I leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. We said our goodbyes then he left to return to his own home.

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