Our life | Cameron Dallas

By atshae

48.2K 905 156

Friends, marriage and babies There's two other books to this one. Make sure you check them out first x More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 3.

2.4K 44 2
By atshae

Ali's P.O.V

"I love Paris but I'm so excited to see the kids now" Cameron spoke as we pulled up to gina's house

"I know, it's weird not having them around all the time" I agreed.

Cameron parked the car and we both got out making our way up to the house. We rang the doorbell and my mom answered

"Hi mom?" I questioned as she stood aside to let me and Cameron in

"Hi sweetie" she smiled hugging me. "Hey cam" she pulled away and hugged Cameron

"Where are my babies" Cameron clapped his hands looking around the room

"In the kitchen with Kian and kyra" my mom smiled

"So how was Paris" my mom asked as she led me into the kitchen

"Ugh amazing. I think we both secretly needed a little break away" I smiled as I saw everyone in the kitchen

Mia had her arms wrapped around Cameron's neck as he kneeled down in front of her. Connor was sitting in a high chair being fed by Gina while Kian and his girlfriend kyra made faces at him

"Hey sis" Kian laughed as he turned his attention from Connor to me

"Hey bro" I mocked as I sat down

"Mommy I missed you" Mia frowned as she walked over to me and climbed onto my lap nuzzling her head into my neck

"I missed you too baby, but we're home now you don't have to be upset" I smiled as I gently swayed her rubbing her back

Mia mumbled a few other words about missing cam and I and how she wanted to go home and then started crying in my arms

"I wanna go home now mommy" Mia cried

"Hey what's all this about" Kian asked Mia as he poked at her sides

"Go away" she cried. Mia got off my lap and ran upstairs to one of the bedrooms

"She just missed you two and she's probably just tired" my mom explained

"Right back to reality" Cameron laughed from across the table

"Could you go talk to her please" i asked  Cameron

"I'll be right back" he smiled pecking my cheek on his way out of the room.

"She's Cameron's daughter alright. He never wanted to be away from me when he was Mia's  age" Gina spoke as she finished feeding Connor and began cleaning the kitchen

"Yeah she is pretty attached, I thought school would stop that a little bit though and she'd want to be with her friends more" I said

"Yeah some kids just take longer to get to that stage" my mom explained

"Yeah don't worry Ali by the time she 11 she won't want to even be seen with you" Kian smirked

"Shut up kk" I mocked as I shot him a glare

I picked Connor up from his chair and sat him on my lap. "How's my little boy" I cooed

"He was good as gold for grandma are you sure he's Cameron's" Gina laughed as she kissed the top of Connors head

"He better be" Cameron spoke as he walked into the kitchen with Mia draped over his shoulder

"Of course he's yours cam haven't you seen the size of his tiny pee pee" Kian mocked

"Hahaha your so funny" Cameron laughed sarcastically

"Don't worry baby you don't lack in that department" I whispered as I stood next to him

"Is she okay" I asked pointing to Mia

"Yeah, I think we should get home now though, I'm pretty tired" Cameron said

I nodded my head agreeing and we all said our goodbyes and thank you to Gina for looking after Mia and Connor.

Cameron carried Mia out to the car and strapped her in to her car seat while I did the same to Connor. After hugging my mom, Gina and Kian we got into the car and Cameron began to drive home

"So what was wrong with her" I asked Cameron while playing with his hair as he drove home

"She said she thought we weren't coming back. She was just scared" cam shrugged as he looked at me every so often

"My poor baby" I breathed as I looked back at a sleeping Mia

"I bet it's because of the little girl in school. Her dad ran out a couple of weeks ago and she went told all the kids in class. She probably thought the same thing had happened" Cameron sighed

"Oh my god" I sympathised as I continued looking at Mia while Cameron grabbed a hold of my hand

"It's okay. I explained to her that her mommy and daddy love her very much and we're not going anywhere" cam smiled as he kissed my hand

"Thank you. I just don't even want to imagine what was going on in her head" I shook my head and turned back to face the road

"She'll be fine baby, she knows we love her" Cameron soothed

"I know I just want to protect her" I sighed

"Hey you are, she only feels like this because of the girl at school. She'll be fine. The hardest thing about being a parent is not being able to protect our kids from everything" cam explained

"But she has an amazing dad who is completely obsessed with her and an even more amazing mom" cam smiled as he quickly looked at me

"I love you" I smiled as I leaned over and kissed his cheek

"I love you more" he smiled while keeping his attention on the road

A/N  I don't know if this book is good. Thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote 💗

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