A Different Virus - Laura's S...

By CrystalScherer

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This is a second view point from my original story - A Different Virus - Heartfire. I highly advise reading... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 113.5
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Author's Note

Chapter 22

15.6K 1.2K 210
By CrystalScherer

Diane seemed lost in thought as she went down various hallways. I realized that she was heading to Matthew's office. Well, she had told Agatha that she was coming here, so I wasn't really surprised.

His door was closed, but Diane knocked anyways. Matthew opened the door and waved us in. He gave me an odd look, as if he couldn't figure out why I was here. Matthew had always welcomed my presence, so I wasn't sure why he had given me that look. I blinked as I noticed another man I had never met.

"Oh, Brett, I wasn't aware that you were here. Sorry, I didn't bring the tea." I was confused, how did Diane not know he was here? She always seemed to know where people were.

He shrugged, "No worries, I wasn't expecting you quite this early."

Diane looked at Matthew, "I had actually come to discuss a different problem with Matthew, but we can go over what happened when you left first since you are already here."

Matthew and Brett looked surprised. Matthew tilted his head inquisitively, "Brett is in the loop on most things in the base, so if it is about the lead you talked to a while ago we can talk about it also."

Diane nodded, "Yes, and thank you."

Brett asked, "Why was it you wanted me to return so badly? Matthew said you were unusually upset and at least one of my members was acting violently."

Diane glanced at me and then looked at Brett, "Kory and the big guy with the black hair that he was often hung around with were... not being nice to the others. They are actually nasty bullies and I saw the other guy cuff someone who dared to try and reason with them."

I could tell that she was editing her responses. They all were. They were also using words that I didn't understand. It sounded like two in his group were being mean to others. Brett looked angry, "Well, that explains more than a few things..."

Matthew frowned at him, "Hard to remove them from your team without proof and bringing Diane into it could cause problems given their friends."

Brett frowned as he considered that. Diane spoke slowly as if deep in thought, "The abuse didn't seem new, is there a particular place or time you leave them unsupervised routinely?"

Brett thought for a moment, "In the loading dock, I go fill out the paperwork on what we brought back. That is about the only time."

Diane shrugged, "Why not ask one of the Commanders to quietly stand on that lift that we use to maintain the door lift? That group didn't spot me sitting on the ridge for over five minutes, if he raises it so he is near the top of the door in the far corner I highly doubt that they would notice him. Just ensure that he does not say or do anything until you return, regardless of what happens below. None of them had seemed shocked at what occurred, so I suspect that if you mention that you have a bit more paperwork to do than normal that he will get quite a scene."

Brett and Matthew both nodded. Matthew spoke up, "That works much better for me." Matthew seemed to relax a bit with the new plan.

Diane shrugged and looked at Brett, "I will give you a write up of various strengths and weaknesses I saw, but I suspect that will mostly fix itself once your two big problems are gone."

Brett nodded. Matthew raised an eyebrow at Diane, "We can arrange that, but you came here for something else."

Diane shifted her weight and I could see her irritation resurfacing a bit, "After a somewhat round about conversation with Agatha, it turns out that two people with no name tags or badges came to visit. They did not give their names but were very curious about everything that we did with the children, particularly their schedules. I did inform her that Laura is never to be left alone with them for even a second, but to see you if she wanted to know why and to not mention it or our conversation to anyone else. Turns out the only reason they left was because an off duty Raider happened to stop by to visit with Agatha."

Matthew gritted his teeth while Brett scowled at the news. They did not like hearing this either, which only confirmed my suspicions. I stood quietly, I knew from Rick that movement and talking would just attract attention. I also knew that I would never dare talk about what I was hearing to anyone other than Diane, and even then it would only be when we were alone. Perhaps I would hear more if they forgot about me...

Matthew looked at Diane, "What are your thoughts?"

She frowned, "I have a few thoughts for all the children. Perhaps post a Guard outside in the hallway somewhere as that would deter them. One good thought is to approach various trainers and have them come in for an hour or so for some basic hands on lessons. I doubt they would attempt anything with two adults present and the lessons would greatly benefit the children down the road. The trainers are often bored during the day, so they can spend some time in the room even if the children are doing other lessons, the trainers would probably enjoy the company and being with the children."

She sighed and crossed her arms, "I don't think that they will attempt to lure a child away just yet, that takes time and planning. Although they may be willing to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. I have half a mind to come back at noon tomorrow and get Rick to train both of us from lunch until supper. Showing Laura what to do around me in various situations in the forest, in the base, or if a fight does break out. Then she can take her last zombie training class and come with me on my scouting trips. I already plan to carry her on my shoulders most of the time, so I won't be slowed too badly. I can protect her from almost any threat out there if she is with me, but I can't protect her in the base if I am outside the fence."

Someone was trying to lure a child. I had been right. I didn't want to be kidnapped, I wanted to stay with Diane. Diane wanted to take me with her during the day! That was what I had been after the entire time! I looked up at her and spoke quietly, "I would really like to go with you and learn what you do."

She grinned at me, "I knew you would, which is why I thought about it. We both need training together to ensure that we stay safe before we attempt it though."

I was game for more training, especially if it was with Diane. Matthew looked at Brett, "I am pretty sure the Commanders would be fine with having a few trainers stop by for lessons and have a Guard or two wandering around those hallways."

Matthew looked back at Diane, "I will also approach the Commanders to discuss the thought of you taking Laura with you after sufficient training. I know you are capable of defending her, but they would have to approve an all day trip with her while you are out scouting."

Diane nodded, "I expected as much. If they want, once we get our training, a couple of them can come to the training field and watch how we manage with our caged zombies in the arena."

I felt like cheering. I was so close to my goal! I remained silent though. Matthew chuckled, "Your original Group Leader, Alex, once warned me to never let you show off in the arena because you knew those zombies too well. He wouldn't tell me why, but said that I would agree with him once I saw you do it."

Diane chuckled, "If I recall right, his trainees almost had a panic attack watching me even though they were on the observation post. By the time I was done, I am not sure who wanted to kill me more, Alex or the three zombies below."

Matthew shook his head with a wide grin, "I will have to make sure I am present, as your Group Leader, of course."

Diane grinned back at him, "Of course, but don't say that Alex and I didn't warn you."

I was confused once more. Alex must have been her former Group Leader, but I had no clue what she had done that he wanted to kill her. Surely it couldn't have been that bad.

We went for supper and afterwards Trish took me to see Rick. He went over hand signals and showed me different ones for various things. Apparently Diane already knew them and could use them to communicate silently with me. Some were quite easy, but several were similar and I really had to watch closely. Donovan gave me some tips to remember them. They gave me a small booklet of signals to study if I got bored in Agatha's class.

I got to practice using them with Rick and Donovan. I made some mistakes, but they helped me correct them as I ran here, climbed up something, or crawled under an obstacle. The room was silent as I tried to remember the hand signals that they were giving.

We finished up the class and I thanked Rick for the booklet. I hesitated, "Rick, do you know what kind of training Diane is doing?" She was getting even more training than I was since she stayed up later.

"She is learning how to fight. Specifically, on how to fight people or disarm them, which is different than when dealing with zombies."

That was more or less what Diane had told me. She had given me more details on exactly what she was doing. I had one question that I really didn't want to ask Diane though. I fidgeted, unsure of how to ask my next question. Rick smiled at me kindly, "What is on your mind?"

I ducked my head shyly, "Why does Ace seem to want to hurt her."

Rick chuckled, "Ace doesn't actually want to hurt her, but what Diane is learning is serious stuff, and he believes that bruises in training can help in the long run."

So Ace probably was the cause of those bruises. At least he didn't seem so bad now that I knew what he was doing. I didn't dare ask him about those men. "Diane said that she wanted to take me with her during the day. I only have one more class, right?"

Rick nodded slowly, "You have one more class, but those in charge also need to approve it since Diane does lots of scouting and is usually alone."

I tilted my head, "Who would I have to ask?"

"Matthew, since he is Diane's Group Leader. He will also have to go to his superiors as well."

I nodded, that was easy enough. I usually saw Matthew every day. He had spoken about it before, but I would have to ask, just in case he forgot. I looked over to see Trish and Nathan arrive. I thanked Rick and went with them.

I saw Matthew the next evening at supper. He brought his plate over to our table, but before I could speak he started talking with Diane, "Brett got rid of his two problems."

Diane chuckled, "That was quick. What did he do? Ask a Commander to inspect the lift motor for him?"

Matthew chuckled as well, "Actually a Commander and the Group Leader who looks after the loading dock went to inspect the motor that lifts the door on the far side. After they saw how it worked, the two problems have been isolated. Rumor has it that Desmond wanted to keep the broken parts instead of throwing them outside the fence in the garbage pile. He pushed hard enough that he was allowed to keep them."

Why would someone want to keep broken parts? That guy must not be very smart. I was glad that they got the lift motor fixed though, the doors on the loading docks were big and they were used every day.

Diane sniffed suspiciously, "Smells like trouble brewing to me." Matthew nodded and I realized that they were still talking about the loading dock doors. I had a strong suspicion that I was missing something, this must be an old discussion with them since they didn't go into detail.

Diane glanced behind me, but didn't say anything else. I looked behind me to see Trish and Nathan approaching with their own trays of food. Matthew was also silent. Now I knew that whatever they were talking about wasn't something they wanted others to overhear.

I decided to use the lull in conversation to my advantage. I turned to Matthew, "Rick promised to help me complete my sixth training class tonight. If I pass, can I go out with Diane tomorrow?"

He looked as if he had forgotten I was on the other side of Diane. He shook his head, "You will have to prove in a training test to a Commander a day or so afterwards. If you pass to their satisfaction, then you can go with Diane to see what she does."

I nodded rapidly. I hoped I could do that test soon. Rick had told me that I would have no problems passing it and I had also kept practicing with Diane when she was around. Practice was always harder with Diane and she tended to show me tricks in case I got cornered by a zombie that I wasn't sure that Rick would approve of.

Matthew spoke to Diane, "After some talk with the trainers, you can come back tomorrow at noon and Rick will ensure that Laura knows what to do around you in various situations. He told me that he has already been working on the hand signals and she knows them well. He offered to train you two from lunch until supper."

Diane nodded, "That is very kind of him, I will come back early then."

I was very excited, I finally got to train with Diane! I was practically bouncing in my seat with happiness. Diane grinned at my actions and enthusiasm.

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