Eddsworld Drabbles n Oneshots

By DarknessDeathandFear

8.1K 252 96

I didn't even mean to join this fucking fandom More

Careful What You Wish For
I'll Mourn You When You Go
Gay Vampire Scenarios That No One Asked For
A Glimpse Into the Future
Room 64
Im taking suggestions
Love and War
Friends with the Monster
Tord's Room
Beauty and the Beast
New Chapters Coming Soon!
Traitor Next Door
Paint the Town Red
Admirer Next Door
Ringo Isn't Fat

Jon is a Criminal

475 18 18
By DarknessDeathandFear

Jon really couldn't believe himself.
He had gone too far this time, too far. The whole walk home was agonizing for him. He couldn't help but feel as if there were eyes watching his every move.
Eyes that knew the horrible extent of his actions.
He walked as fast as his little legs would carry him, but not fast enough that anyone would get suspicious.
It's not like anyone would see, right?
It was getting sort of dark out, and the only people who were still out and about in the neighborhood were delinquant kids and elderly couples going on their evening stroll.
As the house grew closer, Jon thanked whatever superior being there was that the car wasn't in the driveway.
That meant no one was home, therefore he would have the house to himself, and enough time to get rid of the evidence.
Jon walked up to the door and set the heavy blue plastic bag he was holding down.
He shakily pulled the house keys out of his pocket and put the metal key in the door, frantically jiggling it around.
"Come on, come on, open," he quietly spoke to himself in a nervous, quivering voice.
"Hey Jon!!" Yelled someone from behind him.
Jon squeaked and quickly turned around, seeing Edd, his neighbor, standing in the yard.
He quickly kicked the plastic bag behind him, and prayed that Edd wouldn't come any closer, so he wouldn't see his shaking knees.
"H-Hey Edd!! I-I was just about to head inside!" The man spoke in the most normal voice he could.
When Eduardo wasn't around, Edd would actually act half decent towards he and Mark. Right now he wished that really wasn't the case.
If anybody knew what he had done, Jon would be done for, finished.
He tried, he really did try not to let his desires tempt him, but he just couldn't take it anymore.
"Okay, well-"
"Bye Edd! Talk later!!" Jon cut him off, quickly picking up the bag and shutting the door, leaving Edd hanging.
Once the brunette locked the door, he let out a long sigh, and started to pace.
How was he going to get rid of all of it??
Sure, he would be able to hide some of it, like he always did, but there was so much this time and he didn't know where to put it...
Jon dashed to his room to see if he could find anywhere to hide everything from plain sight.
When he reached his room, he leaned against the wall momentarily to catch his breath, but then resumed his task. He started hiding pieces of it everywhere he could- in the drawers of his nightstand, in his closet, under his bed.
Once the brit ran out of space to put it, he collapsed on the floor, still holding the bag.
"Shit!! What now?!" He thought aloud to himself.
Suddenly, he got an idea. A nasty, disguting, immoral idea.
Jon reached into the bag and pulled a piece out, bringing it to his mouth and biting into it.
He hated this, he really did feel so bad, but he had no choice.
He continued to eat, the content coating his hands and making them feel sticky.
Piece by piece, he emptied the bag in about 7 minutes. His stomach now felt full and gross.
Suddenly, he heard the sound of the front door being opened.
They were home! He had to clean himself up fast, or else he would blow his cover!
All of it had spilled on his blue shirt, and had dirtied his hands.
Jon pulled off his shirt, since he had a black tank top underneath anyways.
He rushed to the washroom to go wash his hands, watching as the grit dirtied the water, and went down the drain.
The brit dried his hands and looked in the mirror. He rubbed his eyes and fixed his hair quickly, before exiting the washroom.
"Jon? We're home, are you here??" Eduardo called out.
Usually Jon would have ran to them like an excited puppy by now.
"Y-Yes!" Jon answered. He walked down the stairs, rubbing his arm.
Eduardo glanced at his friend.
"Hey, what'd you do today?" He asked.
Jon bit his lip and whimpered a bit, looking down at the floor.
"I-I can't take it anymore!" He exclaimed suddenly. "It was me, okay?!? It was me!!"
Eduardo raised an eyebrow, confused at what the shorter man was rambling about.
"What was you?"
"I stole the candy!! It was me all along!! I'm so sorry Eduardo, I'm a horrible criminal!!" Jon wailed as he latched onto the other man.
"I deserve the worst punishment, please, condemn me to a punishment!!"
Eduardo was too confused to laugh, so he just went on with it.
"Uh...okay..? Go...do the laundry...for,, a week,"
"Thank you, merciful judge. It shall be as you wish," Jon said, pecking Eduardo quickly on the cheek before running off.
"Weirdo," Eduardo said to himself.

((Wow for once I wrote a story that's not angsty and stupid))

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