The Call Of The Moon (A Justi...

By azela32

33.6K 1.2K 35

What happens when a broken young werewolf falls in love with a fellow young wolf Justin Bieber and their cons... More

Chapter 1: Another Wolf?
Chapter 2: Unwanted Guest
Chapter 3: Connections
Chapter 4: I Don't Like You..Or Do I?
Chapter 5: I Don't Hate You
Chapter 6: Confessions..Sort of
Chapter 7: Time To Kill A Witch
Chapter 8: It's Official!
Chapter 9: Your All That Matters
Chapter 10: Try Not To Kill The Witch
Chapter 11: What Am I?
Chapter 12: Love, Fights, And Mysterious Girls
Chapter 13: Mom's Back
Chapter 14: New Witch In Town
Chapter 15: My New Family To The Rescue
Chapter 16: The Plan
Chapter 18: Welcome To The Family
Chapter 19: Family Problems
Chapter 20: A Bunch of Surprises
Chapter 21: The End..

Chapter 17: Operation Rescue

882 37 0
By azela32

Cassidy's P.O.V

"And then I just . . . woke up like this." I finished gesturing towards my feet. 

My mom and brother Whyatt were sitting on the couch listening intently as I explained my 'dream' from last night. When I'd woken up with the blisters and mud on my feet, I knew that something supernatural was going on and I knew it'd be wise if I told them sooner than later. Hazel was there floating behind the couch with her arms crossed over her chest. Her expression was one of seriousness. I was standing before them explaining myself.

"Hey Mom isn't that a-" Whyatt started.

"A premonition? Yes. Yes it was." my mother finished. Her eyes had a little twinkle of amazement in them. "That is a rare gift indeed. Is this the first time you've had a . . . um dream like this?"

"Yeah . . . I guess . . ." I trailed off. 

"Interesting . . ." my mother stated absentmindedly.

"What does this mean?" I asked curiously. It annoyed me sometimes how my mom tended to throw magical terms around and not explain them. Basically just assuming I know what she means when I don't.

"Oh, yes! Sorry Cassidy." my mother said as she flushed. "A premonition is kind of when you know something that's going to happen before it happens. It's not a common power for witches and is rare which is why I'm so fascinated. You have so many rare powers Cassidy it's just . . . wow!"

"So kinda like seeing the future?" I questioned.

"Um no . . . not really. A premonition isn't really seeing into the future. Usually, for witches, it's kinda like your brain trying to tell you something. Maybe your brain is trying to tell you it remembers where you were and since your so frantic to find uh him it may have well caused that premonition." she said.

I rolled my eyes at the way she referred to Justin. What was her problem anyway?

"Alright so obviously plans have changed so what are we gonna do?" I asked in annoyance.

"Uh um well we can't do anything right now. I mean you haven't been fully trained and-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Your daughter and my boyfriend are in possible danger and we know where they are but your not jumping on the opportunity to save them!" I exclaimed in outrage.

"Language young lady!" my mother's voice rose.

"I don't give a fuck about my language! This is straight up bullshit! What really bothers me is how you of all people don't want to go marching down to my mo- Carol's lair and save your daughter! I know you don't like Justin, I can tell. I don't know why you do but I know it's true! I just ugh!" I yelled in fury. 

I looked into my mother's eyes. They were red with rage and her breathing was hitched.

"How dare you speak to me this way?!" she shouted. "Yes I do want to go marching down there this instant and go save your sister but I know it's not the wise thing to do. We have to be ready and-"

"LA LA LA LA LA!!! Can't hear you!" I yelled as I interrupted her and covered my ears with my hands. 

I sped angrily to the front door where my shoes are. I slipped them on my body shaking from the fury within me. It took all I had not to Change on the spot. I'd been getting better at calming myself down. I closed my eyes, took two deep breathes, and opened my eyes. Hazel was standing (more like floating) next to me with a concerned expression on her face. She opened her mouth to say something but I stopped her before she could say something.

"Hazel I know you know what I'm going to do. I don't want you to try and stop me." I sighed in a calmer tone.

"Who says I'm gonna stop you?" she asked with a smirk forming upon her face. "I'm in."

I grinned in response and was about to reply when I heard footsteps approaching us.

"Meet me at my place." I said in a rushed whisper. 

I realized that if I ran out the door they'd catch me in an instant. I decided to put my new found powers into action and I closed my eyes. I imagined where I wanted to be at that moment and snapped my fingers. I opened them and a flash of blue light appeared around me and covered the whole room so all I saw was the blue light. Then I felt a gush of wind around me and it swirled my hair all over the place. Sooner than it had started, the blue light started to fade as did the wind. I looked at my surroundings to see that I was in my house. I sighed in relief. I did it right without any mistakes.

"Bravo you didn't kill yourself." I heard Hazel say from my couch. I turned to look over at her and gave her a mock glare.

"Yeah well whatever. Do you think they know where I went?" I asked?

"I doubt it unless they overheard our whole conversation." Hazel said studying her nails carelessly. "I knew the real Cassidy wouldn't sit here and wait around."

"Well you know. . ." I said cockily brushing off my shoulders.

"So. . .got a plan?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I was just gonna wing it I guess. I mean I know some spells and I have werewolf strength too so. . ." I trailed off..

"Cool. Let's do it." Hazel chirped excitedly. That was the thing I loved about Hazel. She was behind me 100% no matter what.

"Gimmie a sec I wanna change into some more uh appropriate clothes." I chuckled gesturing towards the pajamas I was still wearing.

"Ha. Yeah you should do that." she said cracking a smile. 

I shook my head laughing at myself as I walked towards my bedroom.

Don't worry Justin, you'll be out of that horrible place soon.

Carol's P.O.V

The only sound as I strode down the hall was the sound of my high heeled black boots. I was making my way towards Justin's room, since it was now morning, to check on him. I was full of the giddy excitement a girl had over her first boyfriend. I couldn't wait to see if the spell actually worked. If it didn't that little witch was going to pay, starting with her brother.

 Finally I reached his room and stood before it with anticipation. I reached my hand out to turn the knob of the door when it rattled before me. Startled I pulled away and the door creaked open to reveal the stupid ass witch. When her eyes met mine she looked frightened. 

Yeah well she should be.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped.

"I. . .I-I um was-"

"Spit it out!" I exclaimed in impatience.

"Well uh last night when I went to do the healing spell I finished and was really drained. It took a lot of my power to do what you asked me to and I fell asleep." she rushed nervously.

"Oh. . ." I replied in an even tone. "Well leave now. I wish to be alone with him." 

"Yes your greatness." the witch replied and with her head down she stalked off towards her room. 

I watched her until her head was a black dot down the hall. Finally I stepped inside of the room and shut the door behind me. I rubbed my hands together and made my way to Justin's sleeping silhouette and sat beside him on the bed. I place a hand on his back and rubbed it.

"Justin," I whispered soothingly as I shook him lightly. "Wake up sweetie." 

He turned over to face me his eyes still closed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes then opened them to stare at me.

Emily's P.O.V

God that was a really close one. I had really thought Carol had heard me talking to Justin. I hadn't really given him a love potion, just a potion to make him unconscious for a little while. I had made my way to his room bright and early to devise a plan with him. I played nervously with my fingers as I remembered it.

"Justin! Justin wake up!" I urgently whispered.

"Huh what?" he mumbled as he opened his eyes. As they came to rest on me they widened. "Emily!?"

"SHH! She'll hear you!" I whispered putting a finger to my lip.

"Man what happened yesterday? I remember drinking a potion and that's it." he mumbled as he rubbed his head groggily.

"Oh yeah sorry about that. Listen that potion was supposed to be a love potion. Of course I wasn't about to have you fall in love with the psychopath. I made a potion that would just knock you out for awhile and told her those were the side effects. Now listen I don't know how long it's gonna take for Cassidy to come and get us but-"

"Wait Cassidy is free? Is she ok?!" he whispered in concern.

I found it sweet that he cared so much about Cassidy but right now his love struck state of mind was not what I needed.

"Yes but listen to me! I don't know how long it will take for her to come back for us but until then we need to come up with a plan." I said.

"Ok what did you have in mind?" he asked with interest.

"Well I was thinking you could pretend to be head over heals in love with her, gain her trust, find an exit to this hell hole and then were home free." I explained.

"Nice plan. I'll do it." he replied smiling.

"Great-" I started but was interrupted by the sound of familiar high heels down the hall. "Crap! She's coming. Pretend to be asleep." 

Justin nodded and plopped back on the bed on his stomach and closed his eyes. I crept over to the door and turned the knob opening it. I found myself to be face to face with super bitch herself.

"What are you doing here?" she snapped. Her eyes were cold and fear surged throughout my body.

"I. . .I-I um was-"

"Spit it out!" she exclaimed interrupting me.

I explained my reason for being there. I had to admit it was pretty convincing for a lie on the spot.

"Oh. . well leave now. I wish to be alone with him."  she said in a snotty tone.

"Yes your greatness." I said dryly. God every time I said that I wanted to throw up on the spot.

Just breathe Emily you'll be out soon. I put my head down and stalked off to hide the disgust in my face. I could still feel her cold eyes piercing on my back.

I lay nervously in bed. There was nothing else to do here. She didn't allow me anything that would entertain me. Well I did have something...

I pointed my finger in the air and a bubble formed showing Justin and Carol. I guess I'd keep tabs on the two and see if things are going well. Like I said I've got nothing better to do.

Cassidy's P.O.V

"Are you sure that you know where your going?" Hazel asked for the up-teenth time since the hour that we've been in the woods.

"For the last time yes!" I exclaimed as I stopped to lean against a tree and hold my breath. "I don't see why your complaining I mean it's not like your walking. You floating."

"I can't help that I'm dead Cassidy." Hazel smirked as she gloated. "It's a gift."

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

I straightened up from against the tree and began to drag my body in the direction of the path I saw in my dream. 

"Seriously Cassidy are you sure this is the path you saw in your dream? We've been walking forever and can I say it's boring!"  Hazel complained.

"Yes Hazel now stop complai- Here it is!" I exclaimed in eagerness.

Hazel turned to look at what I was looking at. It was an entrance to an underground tunnel.

"Ready?" she asked after a moment of silent staring.

"Yeah." I said softly. 

This was it, I was finally going to deal with my mother and save Justin. I just couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this all. I shook it off and took a nervous step towards the entrance. 

"Hey," Hazel said comfortingly as she put a hand on my shoulder. "Just remember even when you don't see me I'll be there."

I smiled appreciatively. "Thanks Nutella." 

Nutella was my nickname for her since her name was Hazel, like the nut, and hazel nuts were used in nutella. I sucked in a deep breath and continued to make my way into the tunnel. It was pretty dark. Torches filled with fire, decorated the walls and enabling me to see. The ground was worn with footsteps and the air felt humid and smelled like mulch.

"It's really creepy down here." Hazel commented, her voice bouncing back off the walls.

I just nodded in response and continued to walk down the hall. At the end of the hall was a wooden door covered in dust and dirt.

"Well she sure doesn't keep the place clean huh?" I stated to no one in particular.

"That's for sure." Hazel responded.

I turned the knob and opened the door. I immediately made a noise of disgust and wiped the dirt on my jeans. I stepped through the door and found I was in another hall but this one had furnished floors and wallpaper. It was much cleaner than the hall before us that's for sure. I was about to make a comment about this when deep voice broke through.

"Hey you! What are you doing in here?!" a man shouted. I followed of the direction of the voice to see a hybrid with his fangs barred and he was standing in threatening stance. He was standing down the hall apparently guarding yet another door. God this place was like a maze.

"And why should I tell you?!" I shouted back. I began to advance slowly towards the door. My fingernails grew to claws and I let them hang lazily next to me.

"If you know what's good for you then you'll turn back around and leave." he snarled. I could see the foam around the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know who I am?" I threatened. My mouth turned into a challenging smirk.

"I actually do and I know that Carol doesn't want you here." he spat. I was still advancing on him.

"Well to bad because she has something I want." I spat back.

He growled in response and as did I. I lunged forward and closed the space between us two. I grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him to the ground. I was on top of him and I growled loudly. He grabbed my waist and threw me off of him. I flew through the air and landed in a crouch. He was much stronger than me since he had the strength of a vampire and werewolf. The only possible way I could beat him was if I Changed. It would also mean that I would lose my clothes and when I'd turn back to my human form I'd be naked.

"Cassidy use your powers!" Hazel yelled. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? That's when my mother's words rang through my head... 'A witch's power is connected to their emotions..' 

What was my trigger again? Oh right anger. The hybrid and I stared down each other for a moment, both catching our breath. I was trying to think of something to make me angry when he lunged and pushed me on the ground. He grabbed my throat and squeezed it hard. He had a satisfied smirk and his knuckled were white with the effort of squeezing my throat. I could feel his claws dig into my flesh. It hurt, like a bitch and I could feel something wet trickling down my neck. It was probably blood. 

Come on Cassidy channel your anger! That's when I thought of Carol and how she took Justin from me. A ball of fire appeared in my palm and I held it in the hybrid's face. He snarled and let go of my throat backing up slowly. I sucked in a gulp of refreshing air and stood up in a crouch. I threw the ball of fire aiming for his head and that's exactly where it landed. 

"AHHHHH!" he cried in pain as he held his burning face. I grinned and summoned another ball of fire. I continued to throw them at him until he crumpled to a lifeless burning heap on the ground. I found myself breathing heavily.

"Whoa. . . your bleeding." Hazel whispered. I had no idea what came over me. The thrill was exhilarating though. I didn't respond to Hazel's comment instead I swatted a stray hair from my face and began to make my way to the door, past the dead hybrid body. "Um Cassidy? Maybe you should I dunno turn invisible or something? I mean unless you wanna go through what you just happened again."

I nodded in response and chuckled. "Et videtur quod non videtur." I said as I closed my eyes and pointed a finger to myself. A brief wind blew my hair and I opened my eyes.

"Whoa I can't see you!" Hazel exclaimed in astonishment.

"It worked?" I asked.

"Hell yeah it did! What did you say anyway?" she questioned.

"It was latin..'Let the seen be unseen'" I explained. 

"Oh ok cool. Ready?" she asked. I nodded.

Carol's P.O.V

"Your greatness your greatness! Your daughter has broken in. I saw the footage on the camera she killed one of our own and-" one of my henchmen screamed urgently. I stopped him mid rant.

"Hush! Let her come. Tell Justin I'd like to see him." I said in a calm tone. I wasn't scared. Not one bit. I wanted her to come. I wanted her to see Justin no longer in love with her. Finally the day has come when I win.

Emily's P.O.V

Can I just say that Justin is an extremely good actor. If I had to pretend I was in Love with Carol I think I might barf. 


I've been watching them all day and it's disgusting. All she wants to do is make out. Bleh. I know I sound like a creep but I'm only doing this to make sure Justin was ok. If one thing seemed off I would be out of my room ready to fight in an instant. Justin was currently in his room watching TV. Yes Carol gave him a TV. 


Anyway I was about to make the bubble that was displaying Justin in my room go away when a guard knocked on his door. He opened it.

"She has summoned you." the guard simply said. Justin nodded and followed him out of the room. 

So much for taking a break. I sighed and put my hand down. I swear if she just called him to make out again I'm going to pop this fucking bubble. Carol's face brightened when she saw Justin. There was something different of her face. Triumph?  

"How are you sweetie?" she asked.

"I'm fine my love." Justin replied as he kissed her cheek. I snickered at that one.

Ew 'my love'?  Really Justin? He should really get into the acting business.

"That's good but uh. . .we have a problem." she said while pouting. 

Seriously just kill me now.

"Why?" Justin questioned putting a hand on her shoulder. She sighed and put her hand on top of his.

"Well someone has uh broken into our fortress and uh-"

"Who?" he interrupted.

"Uh well . . . um how do I put this-" she tried again but was interrupted by the huge double doors being thrown open. I heard footsteps and then the door slammed shut. The only problem was there was no one there. That was creepy.

"Who's there?" Justin shouted into what seemed to be an empty room besides Carol and himself. Silence rang out through the room and then a familiar voice started to whisper in Latin.

"Sit visum videre" the voice said and then came to appearance.

Wait a second that was a spell to get rid of an invisibility cloak. What surprised me even more was the fact that the intruder was actually Cassidy. She did come to save us!


Cassidy's P.O.V

"Hello, Carol." I spat with a smirk. Then I turned to glance at Justin who was standing by her side.

Huh? Well that was weird. They seemed to be very friendly. More than they should at least. Some emotion bubbled inside me as I stared at his hand on her shoulder and her hand on his. Jealousy of course.

"Well well well if it isn't my lovely daughter. Glad you cared to join us." Carol replied with a grin.

Why was she so happy?  First of all I'd broken into her fortress thingy, second I killed at least three more guards on my way in here, and third I was about to kick her ass. 

"Cut the crap Carol. You know why I'm here." I snapped.

"Excuse me? Is that any way to talk to your mother? she questioned with mock disbelief.

"Cut the crap Carol. Your not my birth mother so if you'd just tell me where Emily is, Justin and I can be on our-" I started but Carol interrupted with a harsh laugh, an evil snicker.

"Oh really Cassidy thanks for the laugh but I am you real birth mother." she said as she wiped a tear. I glanced at Justin absentmindedly and noticed he was still at Carol's side. He stared at me the entire time. It was like his body was there but his mind was elsewhere.

"No your not. Emily's mom is my mom." I argued.

"Wow your just the gullible type aren't you? Probably got that from your father." she snickered as she rolled her eyes.

"Can you stop fucking lying to me! It's really getting annoying! I didn't come here for some tea and a chat! I came here to save Justin and to save Emily!" I shouted. My face felt heated and I was about three seconds from Changing.

"Oh calm down you silly girl. I hope you know the bigger threat here is Emily's mom. Hell I did Emily a favor by keeping her here and away from her mom. I tried to get her brother too but he was just too brainwashed by his mom." she said shaking her head like it was a tragedy.

"Huh?" I asked. I was extremely confused and I needed answers.

She sighed rolled her eyes dramatically. Then she patted a chair that was next to hers. "Here come sit you have a lot to learn."

"I just don't under-"

"Shh," she interrupted. "Just listen I'll explain."

I crossed my arms with irritability, I came here on a rescue mission and now I'm chatting with my evil bitch mother. 

Wonderful isn't it?

"Ok well let's just start from the beginning. Ok you obviously know I wasn't always this smoken hot vampire babe I am now. Sad but true, anyway I meant your father ,well your birth father I should say, while I was human. Yes I was with your dad at the time. He never knew about my cheating though. It was one night anyway. Well that was the night you were conceived. Back then I didn't know anything about witches or any supernatural stuff. When I found out I was pregnant though I immediately knew it was from the guy I cheated with. Your father and I had been trying forever and nothing. So anyways apparently at some point you got bit by a werewolf and well you know the rest." Carol explained.

Wow that was the first time I've seen her so serious.

"Ok so when were you turned into a vampire then?" I asked. She looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Hmm I think not too long after you um. . .ran away. . ." she shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

Wow was she actually guilty deep down somewhere in that cold exterior of vampire. Deep down inside did Carol Davidson have feelings?

"So then why would she lie about being my mom and-"

"Let me tell you something about that bitch," she explained with a stony composure. "She may look all nice and sweet but she is evil. I'm just a bitch but she is pure evil. When she sees something powerful she does everything in her power to get it. I would get why she'd want you. For one your one of the rarest typed of hybrids, half werewolf and half witch. And well you have some pretty rare powers. Your very powerful. She was trying to gain your trust so she can use you. Now I know you probably don't want to trust me of all people but I-" she cut off just staring at the ground.

"Yeah I know. . ." I replied softly. Justin glanced between us both and for a moment I forgot he was there. I knew what she wanted to say but just didn't know how. She wanted to say that she does love me no matter how horrible she acts. I guess that was the closet thing to a mom/daughter relationship I was gonna get. 

"So um before you go and get Emily and leave with Justin there is something you should know." she said with a uncomfortable expression.

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

"Well I may have forced Emily to make a love potion for me to give to. . ."  she gulped at the end and glanced at Justin.

"You what!?" I exclaimed. I sprang up from the chair I was sitting in.

"I have a confession to make!" Justin shouted before anyone else could say a word. "It wasn't really a love potion. Emily faked it. We were planning a way to get out of her but. . .so yeah the potion was fake and I'm not in love with you. I just happen to be a very good actor."

"Wow." I said in disbelief. I had a slight smirk when I saw Carol's expression of dramatic betrayal.

Sudden'y Hazel made herself visible for everyone to see. Hey, she did say even when I didn't see her she'd be there.

"Well that was something." Hazel chuckled.

A/N: wow so Cassidy's real birthmom is Carol and Justin and Cassidy are back on. Whoop whoop! lol so yeah i hope u enjoyed this chapter i hope it isn't too boring..the next chapter will be more interesting I promise u that. So what do u think is gonna happen now that they know who's the real bad guy here? Will Emily trust her mom again? Will Cassidy and her mom ever be close again? lol ok yea im done.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment it will help me update faster and it lets me know u guys like the story!! I want your feedback :) and thank u for reading lovelies!!

Oh and don't forget to check out "Hate That I Love You" if you havent already :) 

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