
By DangerousObsessedFan

3.1K 90 5

No retreat, no surrender, that is Spartan law. And by this law, we live, fight, and die. King Leonidas and hi... More

Chapter one, Sparta.
Chapter two, warplans.
Chapter four, the battle begins.
Chapter five, Scared.
Chapter six, Death and Sorrow.
Chapter seven, everything goes wrong.
Chapter eight, the last battle.

Chapter three, Desire to kill.

432 13 0
By DangerousObsessedFan

They walk on for what seems like days, but only is a few hours.
"Guys, I don't think it's supposed to look like that.." Alkestis says, pointing at a burning village.
The Spartans and Arcadians all walk forward, trying to get a better look.
"I put their number around 20." The captain says, looking at the footprints.
"A scouting party..." Leonidas whispers, remembering the footprints from somewhere.
"Person!!" Someone yells. A huge shadow comes from a hill.
All men turn around and hold their shields and spears ready.

"Child!" Alkestis yells. She runs forward, catching the child just before he falls.
"What happened here?" She whispers, being careful not to hurt him.
"They came, like black shadows. Huge fangs. They came, and took everyone. But me. It's finally quiet now..."
And with those whispered words, he takes his last breath.
Alkestis holds the child out for someone to take, and she stands up.
She and two others go over the hill.
And what they see, is inhumane.

"Well, if you have a weak stomach, don't look at this!" Stelios yells, while the others come.
A large tree, filled with dead bodies. All with a spear through their head, stomach or neck.
"This is just disgusting.." Alkestis says, covering her nose with her hand.
"Disgusting? More like madness!! Who would do such a thing!?" Daxos says.
And with that, they set out again, with new hope. With new desire.
The desire, to kill.

"We're being followed!" Astinos yells.
"Yeah, he's been following us since we set out." Someone else says.
"Let him be, he's observing.. If he forms any kind of danger, we'll do something about him!"
They walk out of the forest, only a short distance until they reach the mountains.
"Ocean!" Alkestis yells. She has always loved the sea, the salt water, the powerful wind.
She stands at the edge of the cliff.
"Look! Persians! Let's see what Poseidon and Zeus have for them!" She points at many ships.
"It does look like rain!" Leonidas yells out above the howling wind.

And a few minutes later, rain is pouring down merciless.
The ocean is rocking the ships. And all of them, sooner or later, meet the bottom of the ocean.

The loud cheers of the Spartans and Arcadians are heard. Only two keep their cool.
Those two are Leonidas and Alkestis. They hold their shields up to keep them somewhat dry from the rain.
"This is just a fraction, isn't it?" Leonidas nods. They both know this is nothing.
They decide to rest for the night.
They all fall asleep, but not before Leonidas has spoken with Ephialtes, the one that has been following them.

"What did he want?" Alkestis asks, a concerned tone in her voice.
"He told me about a goat path, right behind us. And he wanted to join us, to fight with us."
"So? What's the problem with that?"
"Our army is one moving beast, we all need to protect each other. He cannot do that. His body is misshapen, his thrust is fine, but he cannot raise his shield." Leonidas says. The regret is evident in his voice. Ephialtes was so excited to help, to finally earn the respect for his father's name.
"So, you just turned him down? Really!? Brother, I love you, but sometimes you are so stupid!!"
Alkestis brings her hand up to slap her brother, but lowers it after a second.
"I had to, Alkestis! If I would take him, I'd put the others in danger!" Leonidas yells, he was very scary when angry.
Alkestis turns and runs away.

Yes, she is a good warrior. She does not fear.
She is not afraid to kill, not afraid to make decisions.
But, she is also just a girl. A girl with emotions. A girl with her own problems.
That is something the others often forget.
So some of the others have looked after her as their own baby sister.
She is younger than the others, not very much, but still younger.

Always when she is on the verge of tears, she runs away.
She doesn't want anyone to see her weak side.
They already look down on her for being a woman, and she can't have them laughing at her for crying.

"Hey... Are you okay? What happened?" A voice asks from behind Alkestis.
"Go away." She says, not even bothering to turn around.
Alkestis was sitting against a tree, surrounded by a whole forest.
Nature calmed her down, everybody knew this.
"I'm not leaving until you calm down." Only one voice could say this.
"Dilios, why? Why do you care?" Alkestis always wondered why people cared about her so much.
"Well, first of all, you are one of us, you are a warrior, a Spartan warrior. Second, you are our little sister, we care about you. And last, Leonidas is worried about you, but he knows he can't come here."
Dilios was a very kind man. Despite the hard training, he would always look after the others.
"It's just... Why are men like this? War, one of the most heart-breaking things! And we are marching right into it! All of us know that we are not surviving this!! What's wrong with peace!?"
Sometimes, even for the best warriors, life is hard. They are not just kill machines. They are only human, afterall. Sometimes life gets too hard, and they break.

"I know, Alkestis. But we don't have a choice. Maybe in the future, people will learn from it. But right now, we are at war." Dilios puts his hand on her back. In a way, it soothes her.
"Thanks Dilios. Go back to the rest, tell them not to worry. I'll be there in a few."
Dilios nods and walks back.

Alkestis lies down in the grass. High grass, just like home.
They have been gone for two days, but it feels like eternity.
Suddenly, a rustling behind some trees is heard.
Alkestis quietly sits up. She looks around, trying to find its source.
More rustling, but this time, from all around her.
"Guys? Is this some kind of joke?" She asks, expecting her friends to jump out and scare her.
"You're not being funny! Come out already!" She yells, this time a bit afraid that it's not the guys.
"Stelios? Is that you? Daxos? Hello?" No answer.
If it were the guys, they would've come out by now, they would never scare her this much.
Alkestis quickly jumps up, readying herself to fight, to kill if needed.
"Who are you and what do you want!?" As expected, no response.

Suddenly, about ten Persian soldiers jump out from every direction.
"Leonidas!!! Help!! Somebody!" Alkestis yells, screams, runs, and fights.
But there are too many. She needs help.
"Leo!!! Dilios!! Stelios!! Daxos!! Please!"
She stands with her back against a tree, she has nowhere to go.
"Stupid armor! This one time I need it. And I leave it at the camp!" She silently curses herself.
She has nothing to defend herself with but her bare hands.
Normally, that would be enough, but she can't fight ten armored guys all at once!
That is impossible! Even for her!
"Please! Leo! Someone! Please help!" She yells out, now crying. Both from fear and pain.
The Persians all walk up to her at once, kicking and punching her.
"ALKESTIS!!!!!!" A booming voice yells, making chills send up the Persians' spine.

And there, through the trees, is Leonidas, together with Artemis, Astinos, Dilios and Stelios.
Dilios, Artemis and Stelios go and kill the Persians.
Leonidas and Astinos run to Alkestis.
"Alkestis! What happened? Are you okay!?" Leonidas asks while sitting down. Taking his precious sister in his arms.
Alkestis is covered in blood and bruises. Fresh blood is dripping from her head and arm.
"I'm fine! No broken bones! Just a few scratches... Thank you guys for coming."
Astinos checks her to make sure she doesn't have any broken bones.
"She's fine. Water and a bandage is enough." He says, standing up to leave.
"Astinos! Thank you." He smiles and leaves.
Astinos has a big crush on Alkestis, ever since they first met.

Leonidas picks his sister up, and walks back to the camp.
"What did they want? Why would they just come to beat you up?"
"I think Xerxes wants to show us that he knows your weak spot, me."
It was true, Xerxes would always find out people's weak points. And when he finds them, he uses them.
"He's going to pay for this." Leonidas says through a clenched jaw.
No one messes with his sister.

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