Never Let Me Go (Man x Boy)

By Shir050403

132K 2.9K 550

"What is there baby?" I asked not sure why he looked at his lower half. Erin took the blanket off reviling hi... More

Nice to meet you
Happy new year, Pet
Happy Birthday Mark!
chapter 6
I hate you (Part 1)
I hate you (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Netflix n chill
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Momma/ Timmy
Happy birthday Erin!


16.5K 338 119
By Shir050403

(A/N: In this pic is Mark^^^ Mark has a British accent!!! Please don't forget that)

-A few hours later-

I awoke in a hospital bedroom, I felt better and then remembered what happened, I started to look around, no one... While trying to stand up I heard a voice "Erin, no sit-down. You need to rest" 'that voice... I've heard it before' I glanced up to see Mark standing there and looking at me half smiling half worried, "M- Mr. Mark! Did you bring me here? W- where am I? What do you want from me?" I was shocked this man is even looking at me with a caring look... 'Who is he? What does he need? Money...? I don't own money' "Sir if you're here to ask money I don't have it..." He chuckled, "Erin, you texted me you're hurt. I arrived at the address and there you were laying on the floor bleeding to death. I have plenty money trust me," HE SAVED ME?!' After a few minutes of me taking it all in, he continued "Erin, what happened? Do you remember anything?" Mark sat on the edge of the hospital bed I was laying on, "I- I came home and studied for my history test and then... My mom arrived home and started shouting because I failed another quiz... I have a hard time in school," I explained. He nodded and I continued "She said that I need to gather my things and leave... I started crying saying I have nowhere to go... She kicked me and I passed out... Then I remember waking up and writing the first person I thought about" he smiled sadly "Erin, how about you come live with me for a while? You need a place to sleep, and I need a roommate" he offered 'oh- my- fucking- god ', I stopped for a moment to think about it, But to be honest, my brain already had an answer, 'Yes, hell yes'. "S- sir... Are you certain...?" I don't want to sound like a little kid next to him... "Yes, what do you say, we talk about the details on the way back?" I agreed "O- okay, Sir".

*Mark's POV *

When I got into the house Erin texted me, I was startled, He was on the floor, His amazing blue eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing, I took him in my arms and started running to the limo, Damien was waiting for me, "To the hospital" I said to Damien who started the car quickly. Erin moved a bit so I whispered "we are on our way to the hospital, Erin... I'm here don't worry, rest up." I felt him calm in my arms, 'whoever did this, is gonna have a few problems with me' when we got to the best hospital in town, they started treating him, "He we'll be fine, Sir." The doctor assured me. "You can take him home when he wakes up. He will probably wake up tomorrow morning." I nodded while looking at him sleep. I call my secretary "Hey Sharon, Please cancel all my meetings, I won't be attending work for the near week, Yes, thank you, Love" I wanted to get to know little Erin and make sure Erin was fine.

The next day, when he woke up I was just coming from the shop down the floor, 'I hate hospital food' I thought while walking in the hospital bedroom, Erin was trying to stand up and I smiled "Erin, no, lay down, You need to rest" he looked at me surprised to see me I guessed, 'Am I that scary to wake up too? ' I was glad he woke up, I've been worried about this boy, His blue eyes looked at me and he sat back down, 'He will be a good sub, He listens to commands'.

After he agreed to move to my place, we started getting ready "Do you want to take your clothes from your house? I can join you and My Bodyguards can make sure we will be fine-" He shook his head furiously, "No! Sir! please don't make me go back there... My mom should come home soon... and I'm scared..." He looked down ashamed, I took his little cute hands, "Erin, I'm here. look at me sweetie, let me go and deal with your mom, you stay in the limo and eat whatever you want." He looked even more scared "Sir, No! she'll hurt you!" I chuckled and pulled him into a hug, "You're just too cute, Erin".

*Erin's POV*

"You're just too cute, Erin", Said Mark said and hugged me, I never felt so safe in someone's arms... "S- sir, could I go with you...? I don't want you to go there alone... I'll protect you from my mother" I say while trying to ignore his warm hug, even tho deep inside I was so happy from it. "Yes, but you'll have to stay next to me at all time If something happens scream for me and I'll come for you." I blushed.




 I never actually came out to my parents but I always knew I'm gay, girls never really made me feel anything and I always looked at the cute guys in my class... Mark told me to stay next to him again and I respond with a small nod "Yes sir", he smiled and patted my head, "good boy"

these two words make me feel weird... I don't understand why... But it supplies me the determination to keep doing whatever I'm doing and being a good boy.

The rest of the ride I gazed out the window, "I've never been in a limousine before..." I whispered while looking at the man next to me. he picked me up lightly and put me on his lap, "Get used to it then" he paused, "If you're staying with me, you will drive it to school."
'Oh lord... why are you doing this to me?' I looked startled at him and he smiled again playfully. "S- sir..." I glanced out the window and saw that we were already at my place, "Let's go, and remember. call me if anyone appears." He said and I jumped off his lap. I opened the door and hopped out the car, and after me Sir went out and I saw a few more men coming out of a big black car, the men were wearing black suits and sunglasses, all of them had the same army buzz haircut, There were five men standing in front of us, Mark fix his sleeve and started walking towards them.

When we got near them one of the guys came to Mark and shooked his hand, "Erin, this is Dan. he is my lead bodyguard." I looked up at Dan who was smiling and gave me his hand to shake it, I shooked it and then Dan started to give us instructions, "Sir Erin will go with Mr. Walton we had checked in this house and no one was there yet, Me and the other bodyguards decided to make three groups, one that will stay outside, one inside and look for things they'll need and pack it, and last one that will protect them,  they, as well, looked for things Mr. Walton and Erin need." The bodyguards got ready and we went into my old 'home'.
First I looked for the two most important things for me, My notebook that had my diary, songs and stories that I wrote and my laptop, then we took a few of my clothes. I wanted to get more but sir said he'll buy me better and newer clothes, I tried to tell him I don't need new clothes because I don't have money but he started talking about how he has money and he wants to give me the best... In the end, we took five shirts, three jeans a few underwears and a few socks.

 While sir was taking a look in the living room I heard someone yelling at the front of the house and I started to panic, I started looking for a way out but remembered that there is only one door out, I couldn't help but begin shaking and crying. When Mark heard me he ran into the room and hugged me tightly, "Shhh... it's okay, Baby... calm down, breath in and out...  Dan and the bodyguards are guarding us." he patted my back and kissed the top of my head, "S- sir... Shes gonna take me away from you and hit me again... Maybe even kill me, I d- don't want to go!" I cried out while he pulled me into his black suit, "No one will take you away from me and hurt you anymore... you're with me now" I glanced up at him and he smiled softly, "Let's go, sweetie, we're going home, Together." he took my hand and held it, His hand bigger then mine. "Protect them. anyone that comes near Mr. Walton that doesn't work for him, take them away from him, our top priority right now is Mr. Erin." they all looked at me. 'Am I the top priority? really? isn't it Mark? he is their boss after all....', I decided to raise my hand, Mark looked at me "You don't have to raise you're arm, Erin." he said with a chuckle, "Oh... Ehm sorry, I wanted to say that I'm not only the top priority... Mr. Mark is important too..." I looked away in shame, the guys all smiling. "Alright! everyone understood what the plan is?" Dan said after Mr. Mark made a mess of my hair and smiled, "Yes" we all said and started walking towards the exit.

*Mark's POV* 

I called my best bodyguards,  from the 'D.a.n' (Dangerous agent needed) app, He worked for me a lot and I can't find anyone better than him to look out for my Erin. After he gave the plans we walked in, hoping no one was there again. We looked for important stuff more than clothes because I knew I'll spoil this boy, He took his laptop, Understandable,  And a notebook that I'll totally ask him what's in it later. He insisted on taking some clothes even when I said I'll buy him new ones. I wanted to check the living room for some pictures of him but there were none, only some pics of a middle age guy and woman and a little boy,  after about 10 minutes I heard sobbing when I passed Erin's room and went in, I saw my little boy whimpering with awe, I immediately hugged him, "S- sir... Shes gonna take me away from you and hit me again... Maybe even kill me! I d- don't want to go!", No one is gonna take him from me, and if someone will ever try, I swear it'll be his death wish. "Noone will take you away from me and hurt you anymore... you're with me now" I said as my heart was beating faster from his reaction, his hands hugged me tightly, His amazing baby blue eyes gazed up at me and I smiled, I tried so hard not to just jump in and kiss him. "Let's move, we're going home, Together." I said the last word deeper.
I grabbed his small white hand. As we started walking out the house I saw Dan and the others blocking a woman who was screaming "You son of a bitch! It's my house! Move aside!" when she saw Erin she had so much disgust in her eyes, "Erin! you little whore! Did you do this?!" Erin grabbed my hand tighter and I pushed him into my embrace, His mom continued "Who's that?! Did you tell anyone?! You little shit! I'll make sure you pay!" I couldn't help but turn around and say "I'm his Boyfriend, thank you for 'Taking care of him', I'll make sure to sue you, later on, it was nice meeting you" She looked at me in shook, "B- b- b- boyfriend?! Erin, you little faggot! come here!", I looked at the small boy who was cutely red and his mouth slightly opened in shock. "B- boyfriend...?" He mumbles, 'Oh shit, did I really just say that? ops'. I continued walking and when we got to the limo I sat down and groaned, "I'm so sorry you had to see that bitch again.", "I- it's okay... Amm... S- sir...?" He mumbled quietly. "Yeah Erin, what is it?" I asked while checking my phone, "W- what are we...? You said that you're my boyfriend... What do you mean..." He asked shyly, 'well too late for it to be a surprise' I thought,  "I was about to ask you when we get home but, Are you gay?" He blushed and nodded, "So what do you think about being my 'Sub'?" I asked while texting my lawyer to send the sub/ dom contract, "S- sub...? what do you mean, Mark...?" after he asked that, my lawyer wrote 'the contract is on its way' I looked up and took him into my lap. "S- sir wha-" before he could finish his word I took him into a deep passionate kiss, He closed his eyes and so did I. I couldn't help it and petted the back of his cute little red ears. 

*Erin's POV*

After our mouths parted, seeking for air,  I mumbled, "S- sir... I like you... B- but what's a Sub...?" Mark smirked, "A sub is in short for submissive, you submit yourself and I will own you, you will be mine." I started getting hard, 'Being his... fully his...' "I just texted my lawyer, when we come home I'll give you a contract, You will read it and if you agree..." as he said 'if you agree' I started to think to myself, 'Of course I'll agree.' "If you agree, you will be mine fully, and we will have a sub/ dom relationship. If you won't agree I'll rent you a house in the city and you will live there alone." as I said that I hugged me, "No! please stay! I'll do everything! don't leave me... you're the only one I have!" I cried out. Mark hugged me back and whispered, "Never... you won't get rid of me that easily, you're gonna be mine entirely..." He looked down at me and kissed my forehead. When we got home a guy was waiting in the living room, I guessed it was Mark's lawyer as he said before, "Mr. Walton, your contract" said the guy, "Yes yes, thank you, Tim, I'll send the contract to your office right after we look at it." Tim nodded and walked out of the room. 

*Mark's POV*

Erin, as I already found out was a very interested teen, I had to show him the house before I could even sit him down to read the contract. "I live on my private island but for my business, I live in San Francisco" I explained. I showed my little curious boy the kitchen, the living room, Bathrooms, the pool, and Jacuzzi. He looked really thrilled and it was extra cute. after I showed him almost all the rooms, He felt exhausted... Surprising huh? I rolled my eyes and asked him "Would you like to take a quick shower and go sleep for today?" He nods, "Okay, come after me" I guessed he'd sleep with me as it was a very hard day for him... Hospital, Mom, Boyfriend and of course the offer. I lead him to my room, "Take a shower there" I pointed at a door, He went off to the shower and I went to the room next door to do the same.

As I walked into the room, Erin was sitting on the bed, He was wearing some blue long sweatpants and a white t-shirt, I, in the other hand, Don't like to sleep with clothes so I was wearing some black boxers, "A- are you sleeping with me?" He asked and I chuckled, "You mean, you're sleeping with me, yes. Now come to bed I don't want you to catch a cold." Erin quickly cover himself with the blanket, laying on my king sized bed, I closed the lights except for my bedside lamp, "G- good night Sir", I rolled over and kissed his forehead, that'll be enough for him for tonight, from tomorrow I'll kiss him normally.

 Before I knew it he was sleeping and I was just about to finish the book I was reading, I closed the side lamp and closed my eyes.

*Erin's POV * 

After we finished looking around the house I was pretty tired... And then I remembered the contract I had to read... 'Fuuuuck...'  "Would you like to take a quick shower and go sleep?" Mark suggested which made me feel better as I really didn't want to read now, "Okay, come after me" I followed him to bedroom, "Take a shower there" He pointed at a door, And I went in, there was a huge bathtub, a shower, a toilet and a sink. it Looked so nice... I've never seen such a nice looking bathroom.
I started to take my clothes off after I locked the door, It took me time to understand how to open this weird-ass looking shower system but eventually, I opened it and hot water fell down my body, I reached to take the soap, I smelled it, It had this manly scent that smelled like him... I smelled the soap for a few more seconds and then started washing.  

When I moved into the bedroom I noticed Mark coming in with only boxers... Damn, he looked good, In fact so good I started to feel a little bit hot... I then noticed there was only one bed in that room so I asked, "A-are you sleeping with me?" He laughed, "You mean, you're sleeping with me, yes. Now come to bed I don't want you to catch a cold." I ran into the king size bed and covered myself with a blanket warming myself.  "G- good night Sir", Mark rolled over and surprisingly kissed my forehead, I couldn't help but blush. Before I knew it I was falling asleep.

when I woke up Mark wasn't in bed, I looked around and suddenly the bathroom door opened, "Good morning" He said, wearing only a towel around his weights, 





He's so fucking hot, I felt my growing erection already, "Morning...", "You slept quite well, Are you ready for breakfast?" I nod and hopped out of bed, I changed clothes and we went to the dining room where we ate some eggs and bacon, "What would you like to drink?", "Do you have O- orange juice...?" He grinned and texted someone, after A few minutes a guy came in with orange juice, "T- thank you". 

When we finished eating he took me to his office that had yellow and brown walls, 'Classic Room style' I thought.
Mark handed me a folder that had at least four or five pages and said, "Erin, read this well. if you have something you don't agree with," He handed me a pen, "Mark it on the paper and we'll look at it later." I agreed and started reading it with my most manly and straight face, He looked at me and chuckled, I think I was so nervous I forgot to breathe because sir called out, "Hey Erin, I think you should breathe, I do need a one alive  Erin." I let out a small 'Humph' and went back to reading the paper.

(A/N:I hope you guys like it! I worked hard on it.


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