Our life | Cameron Dallas

atshae tarafından

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Friends, marriage and babies There's two other books to this one. Make sure you check them out first x Daha Fazla

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 1.

4.1K 51 7
atshae tarafından

Ali's P.O.V

I rolled over in bed and looked at the clock that read 3:30am. I internally groaned as I faced back towards Cameron who mumbled a quite "no"

"Please baby I got up last time" I whined as I ran my fingers up and down his exposed arm

"No you didn't. I did, this happened about two hours ago aswell" he whispered as he turned away from me and fell back asleep

I sighed and got up from the bed and made my way down the hallway and into Connors room.

"Shh baby we don't want to wake your sister do we" I whispered as I walked over to his crib, picking him up and carrying him to the kitchen to get some formula.

After feeding Connor I cradled him in my arms until he settled down and finally went back to sleep.

Once walking back to his room, I placed him back in his crib and went back to my room, checking that Mia was still asleep on the way

I lay back down in bed, wrapping myself around Cameron as he slept. We had 3 more hours until we had to get up and get Mia ready for school and I can only hope that these three hours will go undisturbed.

"Morning Mia" I smiled as I walked into the kitchen to see cameron cooking and Mia falling asleep at the table

"Morning sexy" I mumbled as I stood next to Cameron kissing his lips softly

"Good morning beautiful" he whispered placing a kiss to my cheek and turning off the stove

"Alright orders up, today princess Mia is having blueberry pancakes to celebrate the first day of school" Cameron cheered as he placed the food on Mia's plate

"Can I not go to work with you daddy" Mia frowned as she played with her food

"Trust me Mia school is much more fun than boring work" I smiled as I sat down next to her and cut up her pancakes

"But I don't want to leave you and daddy" she cried. Her head dropped as she began sobbing into her arm

"Mia, baby, how about after school we go to the park and get some ice cream" Cameron suggested as he knelt down beside her seat

She shook her head 'no' and continued crying. Cameron picked her up and gently swayed her in his arms and began talking to her soothingly.

I walked upstairs and picked Connor up from his crib and brought him downstairs and began feeding him.

Cameron came downstairs again with a smiling Mia, who was now dressed and ready for school.

"Mommy will you do the braids in my hair please" Mia smiled as she handed me some hair ties.

"Of course come here and stand in front of me" I smiled as she walked over and faced away from me

Cameron finished feeding Connor while play talking to him and making weird faces at him.

"Okay daddy lets go to school now" Mia said as she picked up her back pack and pulled on cam's arm

"Okay say goodbye to your mom and brother first" Cameron said as he stood up and grabbed his car keys

"Bye mommy I love you" Mia smiled as she knelt on my lap and hugged around my neck

"Bye Connor I love you" she whispered as she placed a gentle kiss on Connors cheek

"Bye baby have fun at school and behave yourself" I smiled as She and Cameron walked out the door.

A/N I'm back

Really short chapter to get the new book started. I decided to make another one because I miss writing so much and I loved the other ones. Thank you all for reading. I love you 🎄

Okumaya devam et

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