Megaman one shots

By ShadowVenus

35.9K 337 249

Various Megaman characters X reader no lemons More

Taking request
Rock x reader
Happy new years
Skullman x reader 1
Saturn x reader
Pluto x reader
Protoman x reader
Bass x reader
Waveman x reader (mermaid!)
Mercury x reader
Freezeman x reader
Bass x reader pt 2.
Heat x reader
Snakeman x reader (witch)
A/n 2
About me!
Whats been going on
Zero x reader

Jupiter x reader

2.5K 22 22
By ShadowVenus

Requested by: FNAF_forever_384 

This story starts on a lovely sunday morning. (Y/n) was sitting in the park on a bench. The air smelled of freshly cut grass, and the birds sung their daily song while the tree leaves danced in the wind. (Y/n) was reading a book while she waited Quickman, and Bass were going to retrieve Wily's most top secret item......

"I'll pay for the ice cream!" You could hear Bass scream at Quickman.
"No! You're too slow!" Quickman rebutted, and took the cash from him.  Soon after they began to fight like little children. You finally slam you book shut, get up and take the cash from them and get the ice cream.  You turn around and look at both of them.
"Was that so hard!? You guys act like fricken five year olds!"
They looked away from each other, and has their arms crossed. "He started it!"
"Excuse me! You were the one who said-"
"Shut up! The both of you! I don't wanna  hear it! Let's get this ice cream back to Wily before it melts!!" You shout, and begin to walk back, with Bass and Quickman following close behind.

When you get back to Wily's Castle you notice a strange ship.
"What the heck is that?" You ask, turning towards Bass and Quickman who also look very puzzled.
"Dunno, Let's go check it out!" Quickman dashed away before you could stop him.
"But Wily couldn't make such a contraption like that!?...could he?"
"I'm not sure she but let's go!" Bass followed the path Quickman took, and you just sigh. You were going to follow them, but got dragged back some. Two robots that you never seen jumped out of the ground. One of them looked like a bull, and the other one looked like a Fish.
"Ye matey, We caught a live one!"
"Let's take her back with us, She'll make a perfect hostage!" 
You do a backflip and kick the Robot that was holding you hostage.
"Hell no! Who do you think you are!? Picking on a defenseless girl!!" 
"Aye! She's a fightin' one!" He fired his cannon at you, as you dodged to get out of the way. The Salt Water instead hit the robot standing behind you.
"Neptune what the heck!!!?"  He said, falling to the ground.
"Sorry Mars, I'm trying to hit the girl!"
'Another one? Oh boy.'
Neptune replied, shooting at you again.
You tried throwing your book at him, but it did not phase him at all. 
"Neptune let's fight together! She won't stand a chance against us!" The Bull one said, charging up. (Ya know what Bulls do  when they are preparing to run,)
"Aye matey Uranus! Let's do it."
You back away slowly. I can't take on them! I could barely dodge that guy's moves!  
He charges at you, while Neptune fired his Salt Water. You stood there like a Deer frozen in time. 
"Stay right there, this fight will be over soon." it comes! My end is near! 
You pulls up into a defensive posture, preparing for him.
You feel a presence and heard a 'clanking' noise. You stand still for a second before looking up to see Bass.
"Run, (Y/n)! Hurry!"
You nod and run for your life. You almost trip, but keep running.
"Mars go after her! Quickly!" Neptune glares at Bass. "We will take care of him."
Mars nod and speeds after you.
"Damn it! (Y/n).." Bass dashes up and kicks Neptune in the face then fires at him.  Uranus hits him in the back, and he falls in the ground...
You are out of breath, and made it into the city. Nothing is good here either because You see Light's line also fighting off those crazy robots. 
You sneakily make your way to an allly and hide there. 
No one will find me... No one will find me...
You hear feel the ground shake and see Fireman flying towards the ally, however he did not hit it, but instead hit the hall beside it.
Fireman!! I..i can't go! I can't go out there! I'm scared.... I don't wanna get hurt....  but...My friends are in trouble!
"I'm going to ask you one more time! Where is (y/n)!?"
"Fireman, No!" You shout, coming out from the ally, coming face to with the Stardroid. He only smirked, and whipped his tail.
"You are (y/n)!! Finally!" Droppin Fireman, he walks over to you and Examines you.
"I am (y/n). Call off your friends, and I'll go peacefully."
"(Y-y/n) you...can't! I ain't finished fightin' this..."
You look at him for a second, before looking back at the stardroid.
"Fireman...You've done...enough...okay?"
"Terra, I've found her. I'm sending you the location now." The feline said, pressing a few buttons on his device.
"Heck...If I could just..."
" goodbye, Fireman.." You smile at him, as the one known as Terra appears right before you.
"You must be-"
"Quite!" He hissed, grabbing your chin and looking at you straight in the eyes.  He examined you, before putting a device on you.
"Pluto, tell everyone to get back to the ship. The mission is complete."
The feline nods, and dashes away. Terra teleports out, taking you along.

Terra drags you along in the mysterious ship.
"Where are we going?" You ask.
"Quite! I did not-" Terra hissed.
"Is there any food here?" You ask again.
"Sh-" Terra begins
"Why am I here!?" You ask once again.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Terra turns and glares at you.
You glare back and turn your head. You continue to walk until you reach the end of the hall, and come to a huge door.
Terra turned to you, and pushed you into the large door. 
"Hey!" You shout, and fall into the room.   "Damn it. First they hurt my friends, now I'm being taking as a hostage!? What the hell." You shout, slamming your fist on the ground. 
"Hello, (Y/n)!" A deep, but mysterious voice said from behind you. You turned your head around and see a very tall robot with a sun on his helmet, with armour of blue and white.
"And you are!?" You grumble, turning around.
"Sunstar.The leader and Captain of this ship."
"Oh boy..The leader how wonderful." You say sarcastically.
"Watch it missy. I won't hesitate to order my men to kill your friends." Sunsar threatened, glaring at you.
"Fine..Fine. What do you want this me?" You sigh.

"Well is just going to have to tell you the whole story then, won't I?" A small smile appeared on Sunstar's face.

Oh boy, wonder what the story is...

"It all started when We came across the planet known as Earth..." He began, as you listened intently.

"What planet is that? Are we going to destroy it?" Jupiter asked, with a slight head tilt.

"That is earth, and we are going to destroy the filthy creatures that walk upon it." Terra replied, crushing the pointer in his hand.

"Why are they filthy? They don't bath?" Venus asked, scratching his head.

"No! They are polluting the wonderful planet with their rotten waste materials! The skys used to be so blue and are now a full gray. The green grass is now a crispy yellow. We need to kill off those damned creatures!" Terra shouts, while everyone is confused.

"Well it is just one planet. It's not like they can go into space." Mars replies.

They all hear a noise and see a man standing outside of their ship (or floating?)

"See they're going to ruin other planets too! Those creatures need to be taught a lesson! What do you think Sunstar?"

Sunstar opening his eyes and looked at Terra. "Well it doesn't seem like a bad idea. I say we should. We can't have other creatures coming after us."

Everyone clapped and went along with Terra's idea.

Uranus wa so happy that he accidentally knocked into the computer tablet, zooming in on a girl.

"Whoa! Look at those creatures!" Venus exclaimed.

Everyone else was silent. The girl was just walking toward a castle, that looked like a skull.

"Who is she..Terra?" Jupiter asked, starting with interest.

"She's a creature deemed human." Terra replied. "One of the foul creatures that must be destroyed!!!"

"We shall make our move tomorrow so everyone use tonight to prepare for war!"

"WAIT!" You say interupping the story. "Are you saying that your planning to destory earth!? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ME!?


You glared at him, but stayed silent

"*Ahem* Now then... "

I was sitting in Terra's office, just looking out the window of our ship.

"Terra...Do you think our troops are ready?"

He nodded and then sighed. "I think all but one."

I turned my head toward him. "Who, and why?"

"Jupiter. Did you see the way he looked at that creature?"

"Well, we're going to crush those creatures with or without him."

"But Sunstar-"

"Are you defying me?"


"Alright then. We leave in the morning."

With that I walked out of his office and headed to bed (I guess robots can sleep).  

"Sunstar!" I heard that Terra whisper.

"IS it time to go?" I asked, getting out of my bed (Cuz we can assume they sleep in bed.)

"Not yet, but Jupiter is missing."

"He must have went ahead without us. Tell everyone to get their ships ready and move out. Our new mission is to find that girl and bring her to the ship. After we find her, I want you l to destroy earth!"

"AND that's why we need you." Sunstar said finishing the story. He glanced up at you to see that you feel asleep. "HEY! WAKE UP!"

You wake up with a jolt, and look around. "I wasn't sleeping i swear!!"

He raises a bow at you, as you getting up and stretch. "So the only reason i am here to to meet this jupiter guy?

"Not quite. Not only are you going to meet him. We will also hold a marriage ceremony.'


"He's not that bad." Sunstar muttered.

"That is not the point!"  You stomp your foot on the ground. "What about my friends!? Are going to destroy them too? You know they are robots like you."

"That's why my troops are still down there." Sunstar smirked, and got up. "You are the only human who will live in this universe."

"Not if Megaman and the other can help it! They will fight til the end!"

"Our little chat has been nice, but I must get going. Darkmoon will be coming by to watch you. She is kind of friendly, so ta ta."

"Hold it! Where are you going!?"

"That;s for me to know and you to find out!"

With that the doors closed, leaving you in Sunstar's office. Sunstar walked over to the control room, and headd for earth.

"Now that I have (Y/n) those damned creatures will be forced to surrender! MAhahahahaha!" Sunstar laughed.

Jupiter dodged Windman's Wind Storm.  "I'm looking for (Y/n). Do you know?"

"How do you know (Y/n)!? You and your buddies have been wreaking everything. Why would I tell you (Y/n) is!?"

"I don't want to fight. I just want to find (Y/n)."

"Shut up!"  Windman growled, blowing Jupiter away.

Jupiter fell to the ground, but managed to get up. "Why..."

"Look! Another one of those space robots!" 

Jupiter snapped his head around to see two robots coming toward him. A big construction like robot and a small cutting like one. 

"W-wait! I don't want to fight. I'm looking for (y/n)!"  jupiter said, putting his hands up.

"You lie! You're just like those heartless robots! You want nothing but destruction!" the small orange one replied, throwing his scissors at him.

"No. I'm not like them! I swear! I don't want destruction. I just want to find (y/n)!"

The construction like robot grabbed him from behind. "Like hell we'll let you get away!"

"No. You have to believe me!" He said, struggling in his grasp. "I'm not like them!!"

"Shut up, and say good night!" 

Jupiter was stabbed with the scissors in the chest.


Jupiter's body was dropped.

He barely saw the two robots leaving, but then was attacked by one robot would hh couldn't make out.

"Jupiter! Jupiter! Stay with us!"  A voice had told him but he fell unconscious.


(POV of Saturn cuz i like him.)

Mercury and I saw Jupiter fighting off two robots. Well...Technically he wasn't fighting them more like he was getting his ass handed to him.  He were busy fighting off two robots as well, but I easily took care of them with my black hole. 

"Come on, Saturn! We have to hurry! Jupiter is in trouble." Mercury said, dashing over.

"Why? It's his fault he didn't fight!" I whined, but followed anyways.

"Jupiter!" Mercury called out, latching onto the bigger robot. "Saturn, get Jupiter to the ship! Hurry!"

"Hold on." Jupiter threw his ring out in front of him and pulled Sunstar's ship from it. Then took Jupiter and placed him the ship.

"OKAY WHAT!? SATURN HOW'D YOU THAT!?" mercury asked, with a shocked look on his face.

"Okay, I'm lazy I didn't want to go ALL the way back to the ship so I brought it here instead" he replied, taking jupiter into the ship.

(A/N: for real it said that Saturn is lazy and will often bring people to him rather than going to them. XD)

POV 3rd
Sunstar hoalt the ship's movement very confused as to how he got to earth so quickly. He heard the door open and saw saturn appear.

"Jupiter's been hurt." 

"Take him to (y/n) She might be able to help him. Tell Darkmoon that I need to see her as well."

"Alright...but where is (Y/n)?"

"In my office." Suntar replied. "I'll be in here if you need me."

Saturn walked out of the control room and headed toward his office.  He opened the door, to see (Y/n) sleeping on Darkmoon.


DarkMoon and (Y/n) jumped up. "Who are you?"

"Saturn. Sunstar wants you to fix up Jupiter. As for you, Darkmoon, Sunstar would like to see you."

"Bumo!" Darkmoon said walking out.

"I'll try to fix him. Do you have anytools that I can use?"

Saturn throws his ring in front of him and pulls out some tools.

"That ring is really somethin!" Thanks." (Y/n) said, taking some tools and beginning to work. 

Saturn said nothing and left.

After hours of working, you finally patched up the nasty hole left in his chest. You collapse and lay on the ground for a few minutes. (As that is where you were working in the first place.)

"You are finally done... with the little space I had to deal with..."


You sat up to see Jupiter sitting up.

"You're Jupiter..Nice to finally meet you." You give him a warm smile. "I fixed you up.

"(y/n)!" He shouted and hugs you. "I finally found you! I'm so happy."

"E-eh..." you say blushing.

"This is great! Once those filthy creatures are gone, we can finally having our wedding!"

"Not you too.." you mutter. "Marriage is too soon...We barely met."

"No it's not! I want you to be my wife, so no one else can have you!"

"But Jupiter...The human have done nothing wrong. Why are you going to punish the human race for no reason!?

"Terra and Suntar said that they are polluting the earth. We don't want them ruining  our homes either."

"So you're going to spare me? But I am a human too..." You said,sighing

"But you are special. You hang out around robots!" Jupiter countered, smiling.

"Jupiter...Megaman and the other will foil your plans." You say, turning you head away from him. "They're giving their all right now, fighting so that we can have a future for tomorrow. They will win because they have a reason to fight. Someone will come to rescue me."

"No. I won't let it-"

"I know you let anyone take me. You giggle and looks up at him smiling. "You care for me so much even though We've barely met. You want to protect me. How can I say no to such a sweet"

"So does this mean!-"

"Yes."  You say, hugging him tightly. "But you'll have to tell your troops to back off okay?"

Extra ending:


We ended up stopping the fight, and stardroids agreed to not kill the human race if the humans would recycle more. 

The stardroids were busying partying, while jupiter and I were sitting  eating some of the cake that we stole from one of the bakeries. 

"This was fun. I'm glad that we came to an agreement." Jupiter smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"It was, and me too Look,even Sunstar is having fun."  We watched him break dance.

We all chanted "Go Sunstar! Go Sunstar!"

So, we wish you all a happy merry thanksmaseen. From the stardroids! :D Thank you so much for reading my fanfic.

A/N: I kinda want to end it like this because I feel like it'd be great to leave it as a cliffhanger. I made the story kinda vague so you can chose what Sunstar's office looks like etc. I  didn't add too much descriptions just because Again I wanted to leave it as a vague kinda story. Sorry if this took so long. School..But ey I'm going to get his out before christmas so merry hrst uys and I will have a special story coming up after christmas.

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