Star Trek Imagines and Prefer...

By emeraldcity221B

193K 4.2K 929

Put yourself in adventures with the crew of the USS Enterprise and Voyager. I will occasionally do an imagine... More

Sharing the Covers- Kirk
Little Surprise- Bones
-.-How You Met-.-
Sacrifice- Chekov
-.-He Realizes He Likes You-.-
Escape- Khan
-.-You Realize You Like Him-.-
Escape- Khan (Part 2)
-.-They Ask You Out-.-
Escape- Khan (Part 3)
-.-First Date-.-
Escape- Khan (Part 4)
-.-First Kiss-.-
Savior- Spock
-.-They Accidentally Hurt You-.-
Savior- Spock (Part 2)
-.-They/You Apologize-.-
Lovers- Kirk
-.-How You Kiss-.-
Riddles to Save- Scotty
-.-Breaking/ Making Up-.-
The Void- Chekov
Avoided- Spock
-.-Meeting the Family-.-
Explosion- Wesley Crusher
Growing Pains- Kirk
Water Fight- Bones
-.-Little Moments-.-
Time Of My Life- Data
-.-Finding Out You're Pregnant-.-
Set Up- Wesley Crusher
A Medical High- Chekov
Road Trip- Crew
Self Harm- Kirk
The Floors are Lava- Chekov
Two- Spock
Gravity- Bones
Coma- Wesley Crusher
Starry Eyes- Kirk
Midnight- Paris
Stay Alive- Spock
Rain- Chekov
Antidote- Bones

Separated- Riker

3.5K 41 22
By emeraldcity221B

Okay, so, someone wanted to make a "Star Trek Regeneration" with Tom Hiddleston as Data and Jensen Ackles as Riker... I'm so in love with this idea.

Anyways, here's an imagine with the original Commander Riker. I've had this ready since Christmas Eve but I decided against publishing it until Christmas was over because sadness.

"Captain's Log, Stardate 431257.9. We are cautiously responding to a distress call we received three days ago from the Federation Starship Survivor. The garbled transmission showed no sign of clear distress. Our mission is to investigate and provide any support that deems necessary."

"Captain, we are nearing the Survivor."

"On screen. Magnify," the captain demanded.

"Open a hailing frequency, Y/n," Commander Riker added.

You spoke clearly, "USS Enterprise to USS Survivor. Respond, please." Your hail was returned with silence. You glanced back to Riker, your husband. You two shared a look before you averted your gaze back to the screen. "USS Enterprise to USS Survivor. Respond, please, on this frequency."

There was another long wait. "No response, Captain."

"Make a full scan," Picard said.

You pressed a few buttons, watching as the scan report appeared on your screen.

"All systems appear functional, sir, but there are no life forms on board."

The captain frowned and Riker stepped behind you to view your screen.

"Y/n, could we be getting a false reading?"

You shook your head and pressed a few more buttons- looking to Data to back you up.

"Negative, sir," said Data. "My readings appear the same. There are no life forms on board the USS Survivor."

Picard looked noticeably upset, yet covered his emotion quickly. However, he still remained lost in thought. The captain walked back to his chair and sat down heavily. You knew that look from years serving on the Enterprise: He was looking for answers. Though your mission of rescue would be unsuccessful, there was no way the captain would deny his curiosity to see what went wrong.

"Captain," your husband spoke up, "request permission to take an away team to the USS Survivor. Perhaps we can find something that can help us figure out what went wrong."

"Granted. Minimal complement."

Riker headed quickly to the lift. "Worf, Y/n, you're with me."

Wesley came over to replace you at your station. You headed up the ramp and into the turbo lift to stand side-by-side with your husband and the Klingon, Worf.

The away team beamed aboard the Survivor. Right after you materialized you noticed that you were alone. Turning on your heel you glanced down the hallways, which were empty and silent.

"William?!" you shouted. Your voice echoed down the hallways only to receive no response. "Commander Riker!"

You tapped your Star Fleet emblem. "Y/n to Enterprise."

"Y/n," Picard responded.

"Captain, I have been separated from the away team. Do you still have a lock on them?"

"We- losing communication- Riker-" Silence.

"Captain," you said urgently. "Captain?" But no one responded. You set your phaser on stun and proceeded quietly.

Riker's POV:

"Y/n?" I called out, noticing immediately that she was not with the away team. Worf looked up from his position and glanced around. There was an eerie silence lingering around the ship. Something seemed off.

In the distance, there was the sound of howling. The high-pitched noise sounded like it had caught a breeze as it faded and echoed.

"What was that?" Worf pulled out his phaser and let out a low growl.

"I don't know," I responded uncertainly. "Keep your phaser on stun."

We walked down the hallways, trying to locate the source of the noise. It had not repeated itself, which led me to suspect that it was just the ship's hull groaning under an amount of pressure. There were no life signs reported before...

"Transporter Chief, where is Lieutenant-Commander Y/n Riker?" I turned on my communications device.

"We show-" The answer came with heavy static. It wasn't understandable and eventually cut off.

"Captain, do you read me?" I tried, hoping that the bridge might do a better job picking up the signal. I had my doubts, however. "We're having difficulty with our communications. We also don't have the location of Lieutenant-Commander Y/n Riker."

"Number One, come in."

Then all communications shut off.

"All the computers are down, sir," Worf reported. "And my communicator isn't working."

I frowned. Where would Y/n go? The first step was to get the away team back together then find a way to return to the Enterprise. "Let's go find a turbo lift to the Bridge."

Your POV:

You needed to find a lift to the bridge. No doubt your husband had already discovered that the communications were down. If they were down and not corrected, it must mean that the Enterprise had lost their lock on you and the other members of the away team. The Bridge could help broadcast your signal.

The further you went down the halls, the more trashed the ship seemed. When you were told there were no life forms, you never would have expected this: Blood smeared on the walls and staining the carpets, computer screens broken, a few lights flickering. There were no bodies, however. Phasers set to kill were abandoned on the floor and ripped pieces of uniforms lay scattered.

Whatever had done this was dangerous.

A high-pitched howl echoed down the hallways. It faded quickly, but it was loud and near. Your breath hitched and you forced a hand to cover your mouth to hide your gasp.

Could this be what caused all the death? There were no life forms recorded on board... but this very well may be a new intelligent species.

The next howl was more like a scream. It tore through you like a shard of glass. Your eyes widened and your pulse quickened. You dropped your hand from your mouth and tapped your communication again. It beeped with no response.

"Beam me up," you begged. Despite the malfunction. "If anyone can hear me, beam me up. Transporter room! Come in, please."

You heard the howl again, the blood drained from your face. You barely had time to make a conscious decision before your legs were pounding down the hallways, arms pumping at your sides. You had no idea were you where going, but you needed to get someplace to take cover, and fast.

The creature who had let out those nasty screams was an expert on all fours. Should it need to run, it sprang away like a cheetah- maybe, no, definitely faster. It was more like a cat than a snake in attitude. It liked to play with its food. Let them run then deliver a fatal blow with poison. After that, it was simply a matter of waiting. The prey would give their last struggle then become dinner. Bada-bing bada-boom.

He heard you running. A ghostly smile etched across its reptilian face. He wanted to run, too.

In less than a heartbeat, he was racing towards you. Claws dragging against the carpeted floors with each footfall. He had you his sights, much to your displeasure.

You raised your phaser and fired at the oncoming creature. It was fast, there was no way you could outrun it. The shot bounced off its scaly skin effortlessly- natural armor. You tried to accelerate, firing more shots behind you with no avail.

With a perfect leap, it had pinned you to the floor. Its mouth curled open to show a set of teeth that would give a shark a run for its money. The howl made your blood run cold. It pierced through your brain and made you freeze.

Dammit, you were a Star Fleet officer, not a coward...

You refused to give up your struggle as you twisted your body from underneath its massive, blood-soaked claws. You felt their sharpness cut through your uniform and skin- slicing both your arm and leg open. You let out a scream of your own at the pain that soared through your veins.

You set your phaser to kill and fired- your result was not to your advantage.

Heaving yourself onto your feet, you started limping away with as much speed as possible. Only, the creature wasn't giving chase. It sat down and stared at you with beady black eyes.

Riker's POV:

The howls came again. And again. It- definitely a life form- had found something or it was trying to lure us to it.

Worf and I continued our way to the bridge, which seemed to be the direction most of the noise was coming from. Though the howls were enough to make the bravest of men's blood run cold, what I heard next was even worse for me.

It was Y/n, screaming.

I didn't listen to Worf's warning of a trap, I was running. The scream sounded desperate, terrified... in pain. I was straining to hear any more clues to the source- to Y/n, but it was quiet. Too quiet.

A figure ran out in front of me. We both froze in our tracks and met each other's gaze. Though bloodied- I knew immediately who it was.


"William- we need to hide immediately," she said.

"What? Hide?"

She sent a worried glance behind her back before tugging on my sleeve. "We need to go, right now. Phasers do nothing- not even set to kill. The whole crew of the Survivor is dead- look at all the blood! We need to go!"

"Okay, okay-" I was cut off by the creature letting out another inhuman noise. Y/n flinched noticeably and let out a muffled sob. Though she was normally tough, something that made her that afraid must have confirmed my fears. It was dangerous and deadly.

Y/n's eyes then rolled up in her head and her body convulsed. She fell to the floor in a shaking heap. Blood dripped from her lips as she struggled to remain conscious.

"Commander!" Worf shouted. I had Y/n in my arms immediately and we began running again, making it to the turbo lift.

I placed her on the ground and propped her head up.

"Y/n, look at me," I commanded. She was unresponsive. The turbo lift doors opened to reveal the bridge. "Worf, we don't have much time. Can you get communication with the Enterprise?"

"I can, sir."

"Get it done."

"William-" she choked, her voice raspy and pained. "I can't see! I- I don't know where I am. Where are you?" Y/n let out a sob as her body convulsed again.

"Y/n, I'm here," I soothed. I brought her close to me, resting her head on my shoulders. My arms wrapped protectively around her waist. Y/n's lips, as well as the entire left side of her body, was coated in blood. The wounds on her arms and legs were festering with poison.

She whimpered and buried her head into the crook of my neck. I hummed gently and started murmuring sweet nothings, desperately trying to keep her conscious.

"Away team to Enterprise. Respond, please," Worf commanded in the distance. My main focus was on Y/n. Her struggles became weaker by the second. The frantic beating of my heart confirmed my worry that she was dying. "Away team to Enterprise-"

Death wasn't kind. He snatched away those who were far too young, too kind, too good. He didn't care nor distinguish.

Y/n looked up at me with blank eyes. "W-Will-?"

"I'm here," I answered too quickly. "You're going to be okay."

"I feel no pain," she said weakly.

"We're almost home. Doctor Crusher will heal you."

"I know you will keep me safe," Y/n mumbled. "Just hold me now... and let it be."


"Stay with me."

"Always," I responded.

At that, I felt her starting to go limp in my arms. Her head falling back into my arms and one final exhale escaped her lips.

Worf had no notice of what had just happened, but the communications panel was fixed. "-Enterprise, three to beam up."

We materialized back in Transporter Room 3. Y/n still in my arms.

"Hey," I whispered to her, shaking her slightly. I had hope. "Y/n, we're back."

She didn't respond.

I couldn't think straight.

...She was dead.

The room was silent. So silent that the gentle hum of the warp core could be heard. The doctor Beverly Crusher was immediately at my side, taking scans and applying multiple hypos to Y/n.

The captain had come down to the Transporter Room to see the safe return of my away team, but the great man was at a loss for words.

"Lieutenant-Commander Y/n Riker is dead, captain," Doctor Crusher confirmed for the ship's log.

"Captain's Log, supplemental. Today we lost a valuable member of our Bridge Crew: Lieutenant-Commander Y/n Riker. The away team discovered a new life form upon the Federation Starship Survivor that had killed its entire crew, at the cost of Y/n's life. The USS Survivor had been destroyed to prevent this deadly creature from attacking any other vessel. In response to these tragic events, I have put Commander Riker on a well-needed break from his duties monitored by Counselor Troi."

Sorry. I'll have a happier one up soon. -emeraldcity221B

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