Brotherly Love

By DallyDaz

2.6K 58 25

The Love of Family Is Powerful, but not When you Have Drugs, Abuse, and Neglect in the way. More



65 2 3
By DallyDaz

"After taking a look at your hospital records, I noticed something odd" Angelina spoke, waiting on my response
I started to answer her question until I realized what she had said
"You took a Look at my what?" I said, a little shocked
She just looked up at me with a Innocent look on her face
"How did you-" my words were quickly cut off by hers
"I have my ways. Anywho, I noticed something odd. It said something about you 'dying' before?"
I nodded my head with agreement. I knew this story would be brought up and it was always such a weird story to tell.
"Yeah, I did"
"Care to elaborate?"
I nodded
She sat back and crossed her legs, while giving me her full attention.
"It happened twice. One was a Bathtub incident and a Fire one"
"Yeah, now shush so I can tell the story" I said, causing her to laugh a little. "It happened once when I was a baby. Lana and Jared had just brought me home and i was only about a week old. I was born about a week before Fourth of July. We had gotten our first fire pit and all of us where filled with joy. The gift was from our Grandma and Grandpa. I was an infant, only about a few weeks old so I'm telling the story how it was told to me. Lana and Jared were arguing about something stupid and weren't even paying attention to me. They wanted to make sure nothing would happen to me and that I would be out of the way from the fire. They sat me on the porch in a little baby bed, so that I could be outside with the family, but away from the fire. The fire kept going out and we ended up running out of matches. Dylan got this weird idea to light some paper on our stove and bring it out to the side walk where the fire pit was. He asked the rest of our brother if he could and they told him 'No'. Then he went and asked Lana and Jared. Even though they where in a heated argument, they sit said No as well. I'm not sure why Dylan would still do it anyways, even though every one told him not to." I paused because I was looking for a lighter to light my cigarette. Not taking her eyes off me, Angelina quickly pulled some matches out her purse and handed it to me. I thanked her and proceeded.
"Dylan ran in the house to light the paper, by the time he made it to the porch, his hands where on fire. He quickly threw the paper but instead of the fire going out or even falling on the porch, it fell on me." I said looking down at the floor
"I'm so sorry" Angelina spoke with teary eyes and soft voice
"I don't remember it" I said while shrugging my shoulders
I was glad when the charges dropped because I thought for sure we would be getting sued for fighting my coach. Jared pulled a couple strings and got us off the hook. Only problem is I'm suspended. I looked around the room and shook my head. It's crazy that 6 boys have to share 1 room. Just bunks and beds everywhere. I can't wait to move out
I walked out into the living room only to be greeted by strangers sleeping on our living room floor. Probably some strangers Jared met at the bar. I kept walking until I reached the kitchen. Not a meal in sight. I walked back over towards the strangers and looked at a coat that rested nearby the women's shoes. I quietly grabbed her coat looking for cash. I pulled out a dollar and some change and slid it into my pocket.
"Thanks" I said a little above a whisper. I decided I would make way to the grocery store.

I arrived to the grocery store and walked through the isles. I noticed a group of girls smiling and eyeing me. I smiled and continued through the isles. Looking for some potato chips in particular. I grabbed the chips I was looking for which revealed the other side of the wooden shelf. There stood one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen. He was y'all just around 6'0. He had a low cut curly hair style that was smushed down by a hair net. His eyes where a hazel brown with a hint of yellow. His skin was a golden brown and his name tag read Michael
Once he felt me starring, he looked up and smiled. Causing me to awkwardly walk off. I grabbed a soda and quickly walked off to the cash register. I ranged the bell and I herd a voice yell from the back
"Michael take that, I have a call"
Once I herd that I quickly placed my items on the counter and grabbed my comb out my back pocket. I looked at my reflection off the cash register and fixed my hair quickly. He walked up with a smile and said "hello"
"Hi" I replayed back nervously
"You from here?" He asked, trying to start a conversation
I nodded "Yeah, you?"
"I just moved here from Michigan"
"Michigan? What's it like there?" I asked handing him the money
"Cold" we both laughed
"It's cold here too" he added
I nodded in agreement
"Hey since you're new, If you ever need some friends to hang out with, I stay just around the corner off of forest drives." I stated
"Yeah sure. Here's my number" I spoke while writing it on a recite
I smiled and grabbed the bag off of the counter.
"See you Michael" I said walking off
"Yeah?" I spun around in the door to make eye contact with him
"You never told me your name"
He smirked and repeated "Zack" "later Zack" 

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