Earphones• Vkook

By SeasonalWonderland

1.2M 76.8K 32.7K

He wears earphones in his ear almost every second he can, giving the world the illusion that he cant hear any... More

43-F I N A L


41.1K 2.4K 1.3K
By SeasonalWonderland

The bright red light in front of Taehyung goes off like crazy signaling the door bell being rung over and over again. He gets up and opens the door to see Jungkook holding out an envelope.

"I don't know much about what you like so I hope this will do" Jungkook says and Taehyung takes the envelope and holds it under his arm 

"Thank you"  he says and Jungkook smiles.
"Are you doing anything special today?"
Taehyung thinks about it.
"Sleeping" he says with a smile and Jungkook's smile fades.
"Come with me"
Taehyung shakes his head, "I-I can't"

"Why not?" Jungkook asks confused, Taehyung had no plans why would he pass up an opportunity to have some holiday fun.

"I wouldn't want to in-interupt, I can't"

"it wouldn't be interrupting, please come" 

"next time" Taehyung says 

Jungkook sighs and Taehyung looks away so he wouldn't feel bad doing what he is about to do. 

He looks at the bottom of the door frame and makes sure Jungkook isn't inside,

"I'll see you when you get back, Merry Christmas" Taehyung closes the door and locks it. Jungkook starts knocking, which Taehyung feels, his hand still on the door knob, he pulls it away and no longer feels the vibration of the door.

"Taehyung! Taehyung!" Jungkook repeats over and over again waiting for Taehyung to open the door again and come with him. 

Taehyung not hearing any of Jungkook's pleading, goes into his room and lays on the bed.

Jungkook waits for a few more minutes, saying things like, "Taehyung, are you still there?", "please open the door" then after waiting for five more minutes Jungkook sighs and gives up, "I'll come check up on you when I get back" he turns away looking back at the door once before walking down the stairs to take a bus to his parent's house. 

laying on his bed Taehyung takes the envelope in between his hands and opens it slowly hoping not to rip whatever is inside. Carefully taking out a card that was inside he opens it, white snowflakes and a drawn snowman on the blue cover of the card. he opens it, 

I know we don't know each other too well, but I'm happy we are friends, I didn't know what to get you, so I hope my friendship is enough. But for next Christmas I hope we will know each other better so I can give you a gift that is more than my friendship, Merry Christmas,  

From, Jeon Jungkook 

aka that loser that sits next to you at school, and your next door neighbor.

Taehyung holds the card to his chest and smiles, almost forgetting that the same brown eyed boy who gave him the card was also the brown eyed boy he closed the door on. 

Taehyung sits up and puts the card standing up on his side table. The gilt of closing the door on Jungkook starts making Taehyung feel sick, he shakes his head and goes to get himself a glass of water. The cold glass feeling heavy on his hand. 

What should I do now, I ruined what could've been a festive day, because I was scared of human contact, and now I'm feeling guilty and just drinking water with nothing planed, Taehyung thinks to himself. 

Jungkook walks into his parents house with a huge smile on his face as both parents wrap their arms around their son. He smiles at them, but his heart is broken as he thinks of his friend who is stuck in his small apartment doing nothing, having no cookies, no gifts, no hugs. 


"why would someone not want to celebrate Christmas?" Jungkook asks his mom as she holds out a plate of cookies, he takes one and she puts the place down.

"Maybe it isn't important to them, why is something wrong?"

"No, I love this holiday you know that" 

She sits down at the small kitchen table, Jungkook pulls out the chair at the small round table and sits facing her. 

"Who are we talking about? Namjoon?"

Jungkook shakes his head, "I haven't seen him in a while, I'm talking about a new friend, he lives alone, he is actually new to town"

"His parents must live far, maybe thats why he isn't into the holiday spirt"

"You should've seen his face, he looked tired, sad, and empty, all he is going to do today according to him is sleep, I invited him to come here and he suddenly looked wary, unsure of what to do maybe, he even closed the door on my face"

"you're a sweet boy Jungkook, he maybe was worried about being here with people he didn't know, didn't want to intrude on you and your holiday" She grabs her sons hand thats on top of the table and gives it a reassuring squeeze. "Can you put the cookies on the table after you decorate them?" She asks and Jungkook smiles like a little kid. 

Its tradition, every year after the cookies his mom made have cooled, Jungkook decorates them with frosting, candy, and sprinkles. Its his favorite part of the day, unlike other people who look forward to the gifts, eating or watching Christmas movies, he likes the festivities of decorating what he thinks is the best cookies he's ever had. 

Taehyung's favorite part of the holidays used to be when he would make the cookies, using cookie cutters and putting them into different shapes, snowman, Christmas trees, and other designs, some in which he couldn't use cookie cutters for, like that one time he tried making a cookie that looked like himself, after messing up he decided to never try that again. He'd put them to bake and then inpatient wait for them to finish. 

Christmas was one of the only days where his dad wouldn't trash talk about him or his grades. It was the only day he didn't feel like an idiot, he loved listening to the Christmas songs, having all his family over all talking and laughing. He loved hearing them laugh, something he wouldn't even be able to do anymore. Now he wouldn't be able to hear the music, the laughter, the talking. If he plays the music loud enough in earphones he'd be able to feel it, but that wouldn't be enough. 

Taehyung rolls over in his bed unable to sleep, Three hours before he dropped his glass of water on the floor, the glass shattering inches from his feet on the kitchen floor. He tried cleaning it up, only to get cuts on his hands. Hands covered in bandaids he decided to watch TV, nothing was on besides Christmas themed shows and movies. After everything failed, watching TV, drinking water, He got himself right back into bed, thinking of old Christmas memories. The sledding, baking cookies, his dad smiling at him. Taehyung takes his phone out from under his pillow, turns off his cellphone and lightly drops it onto the floor. Jungkook is with his family, his family having fun without him, his old friends who haven't talked to him since he left, no one would text or call him anyways. 

A/N: This is my first time in a while, writing in present tense. I promise my writing will get better throughout this story. 

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