By clumsylouhaz

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Its started with a short of introduced self in a letter and Louis find the letter by faith , then started to... More

20 (part 1)
20 ( part 2 )
25 ( part 2 )
epilogue ?
The End
Alternate Ending


51 3 0
By clumsylouhaz

Wednesday  ( 15 / 08 )

2 month later .

Harry Pov

Harry : Tape 25 . Louis . This is your last bucket list . So what did you want to do before your life ends ?

Louis : aww this is the last one . Time moving fast .

Harry : louuuu *pout* I'm cutting that out or no I won't . It's too cute so move on .

Louis : alright . Oh urm.  I love you harry styles . I lo-

Harry : what are you doing ?

Louis : shh hazza. You ruining it . So urm alright . I love you sooo much harry styles . I'm glad I found your number inside the book that fell over my head . I remember the title of the book an it was " where is my prince charming " *chuckle*

Harry : why are you bringing this up lou ?

Louis : *ignoring him* the book fell on top of me like god want us to be together like we are meant to be together . Cause yea without a wind or shaking , the book just fell on top of me . So , I open the book and there was a paper that written by Harry here . His numbers and a little intro . At first I thought that he has no shame to do so but I'm really glad now that he done that .

Harry : aww really ?

Louis : really hazza . its not a whore to do so unless you put your nudes with a number on the book , that called a whore . But harry here is soo clever that he just put his number with an intro then put it inside the book that called where is my prince charming . It's too cute for me .

Harry : stop making me blush Louis !

Louis : then I text the number without hesitation. Because I'm just lonely boy who need some friend . I was paralysed that time , it was by an accident that causes my sisters and my dad died . Only me survive . We are on our way to pick mom from her works so just left me with mom .  The accident happen because of me .

Harry : no you not .

Louis : yes harry . If I didn't fight with my sister that time , the accident won't happen .

Harry : no lou , it's your dad car . The tyres blow out lou , then the emergency brake broken . So its none of your fault .

Louis : but I did accidently push my dad arm when he's driving. Anyway , I paralysed since that and when I come to school , my friend blame me for my sister death because he have a crush on my sister . Then he start to bully me physically and emotionally  . Then he outed me out in front everyone that I'm gay . And yea so I moved out and come here . I didn't go collage tho because it's traumatic to go there .. well for me . It's trauma .

Harry : your reason accepted because you're afraid if that thing happens to you again .

Louis : right.  So anyway , we started to text each other for like 4 hours I think ? Till I saw him at the Mcdonald .

Harry : what ?

Louis : yea obviously he doesn't know that . Well that time I'm having lunch with my mom and I was texting him and he said he was at the Mcdonald and I asked him what he look alike and he proudly describe himself . Then I look around and I saw him sitting in the corner while eating his burger . Then you want to know something ? I don't know if any of you also did this but to me it's kinda weird . He mix french fries with an ice cream then eat it. 

Harry : that's not weird lou . That's how we eating that .

Louis : really ? Well I don't . How does it taste like ?

Harry : salty but sweet .

Louis : eww.  Even knowing what it taste like make me don't want to try it .

Harry : I will make you taste that and I'm sure you're going to like it

Louis : okay then.  The stories is kind too long to share so I will make it short. Thank you harry for being there with me when I needed you . Thank you for giving me 2 new friend that I never knew I will get along easily . Thank you for making me laugh at your horrible jokes .

Harry : hey . My jokes aren't horrible . You're the one who doesn't get it !

Louis : test me then .

Harry : alright.  What did one ocean say to the other ?

Louis : what ?

Harry : nothing . It just waved . *innocent look *

Louis : you're such a dork . * fond activated *

Harry : sea what I did there ?

Louis : stop being a beach and let me continue my speech !

Harry : shell I stop then ?

Louis : *chuckle* yeah you shell.  Now shut up

Harry : alright .

Louis : thank you . Where did I stop  ?

Harry : my greatest jokes . You just thank me for making you laugh over my greatest jokes .

Louis : whatever you thought hazza.  Thanks for staying by my side . Thanks for the meal that you cooked for me , thanks for understanding me . Thanks for making me feel loved . Thanks for being the amazing , fantastic , pretty boyfriend and Thank you for loving me . I love you and I will always do. So urmm.  .Harry come sit here ! * while getting up from his sit to let harry sit down *

Harry : *confused but do what Louis told him to do * why tho ?

Louis : * push harry down and kneel in front him while let out a box on his pocket * uh . Urm. Harry Edward Styles , will you marry me ?

Harry : * put his hand over his mouth , shocked and speechless*

Louis : I know it's too soon but my last bucket list was to be your  husband  and live happily with you before something bad happen ! So , will you -

Harry : yes I do . Yes I dooo.  Ohhh myyy goddd! !

I said happily while holding my fiance hand and jumping around. " calm down love " Louis said while trying to stop me from jumping . I stopped jumping and he pull my finger then put the ring on . Then he kissed my hand then to my lips . I kiss him with full of happiness.  After we done kissing , Louis pointed at the camera.

Louis : hello there ! Well we are engaged!  Congrats to us then . Now my bucket list is done and I'm here to say that life is sooo much wonderful if you keep waiting for the good thing to happens and keep fighting for your future . Believe me everything gonna be okay before you knew it . Don't let sadness ruin your happiness cause your life will be fantastic without it unless it is a happy tear . Remember happiness is a direction not a place . And also remember it's just a bad day not a bad life . Always think of your family , or people who know you before you doing something you will regret . Recover takes time so don't give up, love . Alright ? A lot of love from me , Louis . Byeeee!

I chuckle at his last speech then stop the recorded . " aren't your cheeks hurt baby ? " Louis said with a grin . I tried to stop smiling but I just couldn't . " you're the reason for this ! " I pout and Louis put his hand around my waist .

" keep smiling then . I love to see you smiled . Thanks for everything hazza . I love you forever and always . I won't stop loving you even tho I already died . You always in my heart even if this heart stop beating , you will always be in my memories when I'm at the above hazza,  " he said sadly but sweetly . I know there was a double meaning for it but I refused to believe any of it .

I smiled and give him a short kiss ." I love you too Louis . Thanks for everything too.  You've done soo much for me and you make my life happier than before I met you ." I said to him with a smile on my face.  I hold my camera then I said to him " It's time to edit ! " he looks worried but force a smile .

" you go edit it by yourself then.  I'm goinggg tooo sleeepp!  " he sing a song while walking toward his room . He sooo cute . I can't believe he proposed me. When did he bought the ring then?  Hurm. 

I go to my room , this room is actually for guest but Louis told me if I want to edit the documentary , I should use this room. So , I agree cause I always editing it late late night and I don't want to disturb him from sleeping beauty .

I set my laptop on the study table then my camera's sd card . But suddenly I got like 3 message.  Mom , Liam and Niall.  Weird . So I open it one by one .

To : Harry
From : Mom

Congrats myy babbyyy.  I'm happy for you . So Louis is the man in this relationship ha ? ;)

To : Harry
From : Leeyum☆

Congrats Bro ! I wish you all the best and tell Louis , I will cut his dick if he hurt you again ! Well see you tomorrow harry ! Congrats again and again !

To : Harry
From : Nialler☆

Congrats harry.  Hope you and Louis will be happy together forever and after  .

Of course they knew , Louis have been told them about his plans . How can they be sooo secretive? I reply to all of them in just one text .

To : @Mom , @Leeyum☆ , @Nialler☆
From : Harry

Thank you guys . See you tomorrow!  @mom well , maybe .. We kind of share that really . Haha . Night . Sweet dreams everyone !

I hit the sent button and close my phone . I wear my headphone and start to look all the cctv activities.  Well , this may take longer than I ever imagine . Damn .

~ 5 in the morning ~

I haven't sleep yet cause I still handling the cctv . I cut every video which is the video that I don't like . Now , in front of me , is all I need . There are few of Louis doing a lip move toward the cctv .

" what the hell is he saying ? " I said while turning the volume  high. It's doesn't work . I'm give up and I will figured it out later . I'm really tired . Thinking to ditch class today . 5/5 of cctv video done . It's not that hard to cut the tape that I don't like it .

I stretch my body when I stand up . God feel soo good . My bum hurts tho because sitting on the thin span wooden chair for like 5 hours.  I walk to our bedroom while limping cause my right leg started to cramp .

Once I get in to our room , I sat down on the bed slowly and stretch my legs . Wohooo.  It's hurt . Damn . Relax . " hazza ? What's wrong ? " Louis asked while yawning . " oh.  It's just cramp . " I said softly .  " want me to help ? " he said tiredly. " no , go back to sleep , you're tired. its doesn't hurt anymore. I'm thinking to ditch class today , what do you think ? " I asked Louis while slowly lift my legs on the bed . Then I lay down and Louis quick to put his head on my chest .

" what time is it ? " " 5 something. " I said while closing my eyes. " but you skip too many classes hazza, you will - " I didn't hear the rest cause I already fall asleep ..

It's short I know . Well, next chapter will be long ... prepare yourself dear . Lots of love -Az-

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