Showing Mr. Wolf [MXM] ON HOL...

Von LadyAriya

491K 18.2K 2.2K

THIS STORY IS ON HOLD AND HAS TO BE REWRITTEN. STAY TUNED! He's sad. He's alone and mildly suicidal with a to... Mehr

Showing Mr. Wolf
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
- !Name Contest! -
- Give Hubby Some Loving -
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
A Very Special Christmas PT. 1 - Private
- A Very Special Christmas PT. 2 -

Chapter 20 - Christmas

6.7K 238 40
Von LadyAriya

Hallooo kittens! Merry X-mas! Or if you don't celebrate that. Merry today! [lol]. Here's the Christmas update I were supposed to set up yesterday, but meh, I forgot [dont kill me please].

I hope you enjoy your holiday and all that jazz, and see you guys on the [hint] VERY special New Years Update!

XoXo Ari


Pic: Tyler piggybacking a very young looking Teddy that had turned from a Great Pyrenees to a Labrador lol. 

Chapter 20: Christmas

Tyler's POV

Ushering Teddy out of the vehicle, we hurry up the steps and over to the door where we press the button, so Elise could ring us up to her floor. Michael were holding bags after bags of gifts, while I was holding the leash that were around Teddy. He was quite restless as he shifted this way or that way, every time he saw someone walking by. When a dog walked close enough to him, he would immediately try to sniff their butts out, only to be stopped by me, as I try to pull him back. The snow was pilling as we waited for someone to take the door.

"Hello? Who dis?" a small and excited voice came from the speaker. I quickly know that this is Kyle, Elise' 4-year-old hyper child, that can't sit still even if his life depended on it.

"Hey Kyle, its Tyler, can you please ring us up?" I ask very slow, as I waited for Kyle to understand. I heard giggling from the other side.

"I don't kno no Tyler, please try again" Kyle giggled as he, he's probably face palming that speaker, were breathing so hard we could hear from the other side. I sighed.

"Please Kyle, its Tyler, mommy' friend, you know me" I tried again.

"Nope, know no Tyler, try again" more giggling from the speaker. I sigh harder this time.

"Kyle," I take a mental break" it's unkie TyTy, please ring us up" I grit out in the highest pitched voice I could muster. Kyle giggled, and Michael guffawed as I heard the door click open.

"Unkie TyTy welbcom!" Kyle screamed through the telecom. I gave Michael the finger as we walked over to the elevator. He was clutching his stomach, the bags on the ground as he laughed. I punched his shoulder for that. Sniffling and drying a single drop of tears away, he caresses my cheek slowly and lovely, my eyes widening from that gesture. The funny and cozy atmosphere in the elevator suddenly getting hot as we locked eyes with each other.

No words were spoken, but our eyes told a thousand words.

Suddenly Teddy let out an excited 'yip', as the doors opened, and a beaming Kyle with his hand around –

"Chris? What are you doing here?!" I almost yelled that out loud as I gathered him in my arms, if my wolf were out, his tail would be wagging in a crazy speed right now. We exchanged some quite words of fatherly love to each other. Me rubbing my nose to his making him giggle as he tried to swat my nose away from his. Michael were next as he just quietly hugged his son, me watching as Kyle jumped around the two and over to me, taking my hand to his. I ruffled his hair, making him pout.

Teddy decided that it was the perfect time to let out a bark or rather 'bork'. Kyle gasped, yelling "Doggy" as he practically tackled my poor dog to the ground, very surprising since Teddy isn't a poodle, but a Great Pyrenees, Teddy is practically almost twice as big as Kyle. Not that Kyle or Teddy were minding, since Kyle and now also Chris were pouring their undying love to him with every head-and belly rubs. Teddy were left in bliss, hind leg kicking in the air.

"oh my fu-freaking God! Look at you two! So perfect Omg I'm fangirling omg omg come innn!!" Elise were batshit crazy as she ushered us inside, cooing at Teddy and giving him a big bone, making him super happy as he practically ran to a cozy spot in front of the fire, ignoring David's (Elise's husband) open arms, to gnaw on his bone in peace.

We, meaning Michael, since he had the duty of holding the bags, were having a hard time getting it through the all too narrow, resulting in me helping him. Michael were holding two bags with both hands, and I were holding two bags with both hands, as we were walking through the door, Elise being the dramatic lady she is, held her hand out in a 'stop', both of us stopping under the doorframe.

"Stop in the lord's name, aint nobody going through before giving each other the holy kiss!" she yelled on top of her lungs, her son doing the same position beside her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused as fuck, when she just pointed upward. Our heads turned up, and I almost cursed in front of Kyle when I saw the stupid plant hanging from stupid amounts of tape on the door frame.

"Nope, never, go find someone else" I grumbled, taking the bags and walking inside, leaving them as I walked over to the Christmas tree after getting out of my winter jacket and hanging it up.

This is ought to be the worst Christmas night in the history of worst Christmas's ever.

Michael's POV

When our eyes locked in the elevator, I tried to tell him everything that were bottling up inside me. How sorry I am, how stupid I were that time, and how much I wanted another chance, so I could show him how much I love him.

Love, something sacred and so, so pure. Something one shouldn't mess with, but keep doing, just because they wanted to or didn't know.

I was a stupid kid, didn't know better. But as the years went by I changed, and saw how stupid I were, and I just wanted another chance with my mate, with Tyler, so we finally could be that perfect family I always have dreamed about.

I wanted to kiss him then and there, inside the elevator, but sadly the goddess decided that it wasn't a good time, and I had to stump down the urge to just push him to the nearest wall and ravish him. My wolf [A;T I seriously do not remember what his name is lol] were growling and whimpering inside as he tried to come as close to our mate too.

Soon my friend, soon. I mumbled in my mind, my wolf only giving out a quite growl as he curled around himself and let out a small whimper.

When Tyler rejected kissing me, I felt a pang in my chest, as I watched his back as he walked over to the living room where everyone else was. Elise were giving me a sorry smile, me shaking my head with my own small smile. Taking my own jacket off, I take a hold of the 4 bags with the present, walking over to the Christmas tree I take out the present, Christ and Kyler dancing around the tree already, screaming 'present! Present' doing so. I was watching from afar as Tyler mingled with Elise and helped her pour the eggnogs in wineglasses, and hot chocolate drinks in cups for the kids. My back on the door frame as I watched and studied my mat closely, Tyler not minding, since he hasn't sent me any stink eyes for 10 minutes. My wolf was quietly within him too, as we both thought about how we could be so lucky to have the chance to still be close to our mate.

Even though we hurt him...

"You still love him huh..."

My eye flickered to Chris, Tyler's dad. Nodding I once again trailed my eyes back to our mate, that were laughing at Elise that looked like to be more than a little tipsy, from all the eggnog that were spiked with Baily. She was currently humping her very amused husband, fortunately the kids are playing by the fire, so they don't get to see this.

"You know, you should go for it, if you want him back, go for it" Chris said, as he took a chair and sat down beside me.

Shaking my head my eyes trailed down to my socked feet.

"I hurt him too mu-"

"Bullshit" Chris growled out. Kyle hearing the swear word, yelling out "Granny said a bad word! Bad Word!"

Chris shakes his head, his eyes softening as he looked at the kids, but when he looked back at me again, his eyes hardened.

"You hurt me son," I winched from the harsh words," But it was years ago, and people change. How do you expect to move on if you don't forgive or forget? Tyler hasn't forgotten the incident, that's true, it was his darkest times, you basically ruined his life" Slap, right in my face damn," But as I said; People change, either to the better or worse. I can see you want my son back, that you deeply regret everything. But it's not only my son that needs to just let the past go. You have too".

Chris eyes hardened for a second, but quickly softened. His grip on my wrist, when he said those words, loosened.

"Go get him back".

Tyler's POV

I felt his stare from the other side of the room. Deciding to ignore it I get ready to take the duck out from the oven, the mittens already in my hands, when suddenly Elise pushed me so hard that I stumbled back and to a hard chest. It could only be Michael and his hard stomach, or David, Elise' husband' had done some serious training. I choose the first.

"Kiss! Or else!" Elise almost screamed as she threw a mistletoe at us, hitting me on the chest, the dead plant falling on the ground, as she stood there waiting for us to do the deed.

"What about no?" I tried to brush Elise' scary angry face away. She can't force me.

"Tyler, I think she's going to explode..." Michael whispered into my ear, his hot breath fanning my sensitive neck, making me shudder a little from that simple 'caress'. Michael probably feeling it too, when his grab that were around my waist as he helped me steady myself when I almost fell, and grab said waist harder.

"Please, just do it, it's a simple holiday tradition...Please for me?"

"Elise I think it's time for you to lay down the eggnogs, I said no, and it will stay no. I'm not in the mood of kissi-"

Michaels lips were on mine in a heartbeat, and gone in a heartbeat. I felt my cheeks warm up, and blood rushing to my ears, effectively canceling the scream erupting from Elise. My eyes were locked to his for too many seconds, and I were sure Elise were taking pictures.

Michaels eyes widens his mouth agape.
"Oh gosh Tyler I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know what happened-I'm so sorr-"

"Save it. I'm hungry, when are we going to eat?" I interrupted him, my finger on his mouth, as my heart were hammering, and my cheeks on fire. It's really hard to keep a composed face, when the only thing you wanted to do is run away a far as possible.

Shaking his hands off me, I walk over to the already set dinner table. Sitting on my designated place as said on the small homemade glitter overdosed card. Looking to my side, since I'm sitting at the end, meaning there's only one person that would be sitting beside me. I rolled my eyes when I saw the name.

The dinner were silent, besides the shuffling and giggling coming from Chris and Kyle as they 'secretly exchanged food together under the table. Once in a while someone would cough or Dad would try to strike a conversation up with David, but he's a quit man when he's not around Kyle. But being polite they start a conversation about trees.

Elise were too buzzed up, trying to get Michael to try some of her 'special wine'.

Dinner were over, and the kids are now rummaging through the packs under the tree. The adults sitting by the fire place, sipping warm wine while watching the kids opening their presents. Michael were distancing himself from everyone else in the house, his back to the couch as he stared at the fire. I were a little concerned, since he's always that annoying fuck, that wouldn't go away for anyone. He's like a love sick puppy.

As the night went by, the adults decided to camp in their own designated bedrooms, Michael stalling a bit when he's showed our own bedroom. Weird. Where did the confident guy go? Our bags already inside. David probably put them in there earlier. As the house got quite and the casual cackling from the still going fireplace, where Teddy had decided to sleep by, I take my toiletries and decided that I wanted a bath before going to bed. I smelled like chocolate and cheap wine, and I'll rather not smell like that for the rest of the night. Michael were sitting on the small love seat by the bed as he looked outside the big window and out to the lit out sky of New York. He's already in his pajamas; a green T-Shirt and some loose sitting black pants.

"You can choose a side you want to sleep in, I don't care, just don't hog the blanket. I'll be in the shower, so if you need help, just yell to Elise or something" I mumble to his back. When I get no response from him, I decide that that would be enough for the rest of the night. Who made him go bitchy mode anyway, it's highly annoying.

Even when I came out from the shower, Michael were still not in bed. Though he's not sitting on the love seat but rather laying on the ground, with a pillow, and a throw on blanket from the living room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Michaels head turned to me, like he were starlet that I were here. The fucks wrong with him?

He fumbled with the thin blanket best when his fingers. That shit wouldn't keep him warm, even if he's a werewolf, it still would get really fucking itchy as the night went by.

"I...I'm getting ready to go the bed?" He said that more as a question than an answer. My brow went up.

"You're not sleeping on the bed?" Michaels eyes looked down.

"No...I thought you didn't like it when I'm near you?" He asked again. I chuckled. Pulling the blanket out and fluffing the pillows. It's a king sized bed, so theirs enough space.

"We might had ended in a bad way, but even I have pity for my enemy, when decide to sleep on the floor, just because they think I would be uncomfortable with them in the same bed as mine", Michaels head tilted to the side, I chuckled again, patting the side opposite to the window.

"Just get on idiot, I'm tired", I say as I lay on the bad, throwing the pillow on myself. Closing my eyes, I hear Michael shuffling around.


"You're ruining my sleep. Get fucking in bed before I kick you outside" I grumble, my eyes closed. I hear more shuffling, then quiet taps from his feet hitting the floor, then the blanket slowly being thrown open, and then a heavy body sliding inside. His warmth quickly consuming me in a comforting way. I close my eyes as I slowly gets sucked into a deep sleep.

Michael's POV

His warm soft skin, and his soft black hair running through my fingers as I watched him sleep made my heart flutter faster, and my body getting more nervous as time went by. It's been 15 minutes or so, and I finally had the balls to wiggle closer, and circle my arms around his body as I watched him sleep.

I had the nerve to even steal a kiss on all his finger tips, as my feelings poured out by every touch I made to his delicate fingertips.

"I'm really sorry for what I did to you for all those years ago. I pity past me for thinking that I could punch someone, then  believe that my problems magically would disappear" I whisper to him, my lips ghosting on the surface of his forehead, his long dark eyelashes casting a glow on his face, tickling my cheeks as I poured all my feelings out in that one confession and begging of forgiveness.

"I was immature, a brat, that didn't know better. I tried to prove to everyone else, when I was supposed to prove to myself that I were strong enough. Strong enough to not reject my mate for something as stupid as proving that I'm not gay, when in fact I'm as gay as one can get. I'm so Fucking gay, but I'm only gay for you. I love only you, and I'll try to prove it to you for the rest of my life".

I slipped the ring through his ring finger.

"I tried to forget what's really wrong, and only think about myself and what I wanted. But I couldn't forget, my body, my mind, my heart wouldn't let me. That's when I knew I had royalty screwed myself over. But now that you're here, right beside me, on this bed, not even screaming or trying to kill me in my sleep, I couldn't stop myself but try to ask for forgiveness".

My eyes watered.

"I know it's selfish of me, I know I should just let you be, let you live your life as it is. But I'm selfish, you already know that. I fucked up, I know that. But I want to start over. I know we had a bad start, but I want us to have a good ending. So please, don't let me go".


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