Dear Mr. Pessimist {Completed}

By ChasingMadness24

720K 34.5K 6.1K

"Dear Mr. Pessimist, here are a few reasons to love yourself and the world." When Sydney Hale gets a j... More

Trailer!!! (and fanart)
~1~ Here's Some Advice, Cupcake
~2~ Burnt Toast
~3~ Cutie Pie
~4~ Mr. Pessimist and Ms. Optimist
~5~ I'll Beat You With A Biscuit
~6~ Bite Me, I Bet I Taste Amazing
~7~ You Smell Like Cookies
~8~ You Smell Like Cookies Pt. 2
~9~ Who Got Your Knickers In A Twist?
~10~ Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backwards
~11~ Bittersweet Victory
~12~ In The Air Tonight
~13~ Sweet and Sour
Just a Quick Authors Note
~14~ Beat Me, Break Me
~15~ Bitter Batter
~16~ I Seriously Need Some Therapy Cake
~17~ Take My Hand, I'll Show You How To Dance
~18~ Please Forgive Me, I Have Pie
~19~ Chocolate Chip Muffins On A Rainy Day
~20~ That's Not My Cookie
Need Help
~21~ My Pillsbury Doughboy
~22~ I'm Here All Night
~23~ Chocolate Berries and Sad Songs
~24~ Stay Here Forever
~25~ Every Little Piece
~26~ Wedding Bells
~27~ Forget About The Brownies
~28~ Sydneys
New Book (Bonus Chapter)

I Do (Bonus Chapter)

12.1K 726 104
By ChasingMadness24

"Syd, where is my dress?"

I looked up from Parker in the crib and at my best friend as she walked into my room, looking ready to tear her hair out.

"I don't know, Jess. Did you leave it at home?" I asked.


"Did you leave it at our house?"

"I don't think so." She frowned as she answered, as if she were trying to remember.

"Is it in my closet?" She held up a finger before walking quickly toward my closet, throwing the doors open with a quiet groan.

"Not a word." She pointed her finger at me, shaking her head. I opened my mouth to say something, but Parker beat me to it and started clapping and giggling.

"Oh, you think this is funny, Bennett Jr? Huh?" Parker continued to clap, earning a small laugh and a smile out of me. Jess leaned down and picked him up, giving him a pouty face.

"Well, I don't think it is, neither does Mommy, right Syd?" She sent me a look.

"Sure." I said, trying not to laugh as much as Parker was. She sighed and grabbed her dress, shifting Parker into one arm.

"Let's go find Daddy so Mommy can get ready for her big day. Ooh, or we can go find Uncle Tristan and. . ." Jessica's baby voice trailed off as she walked out of the room, shutting the door gently behind her. I laid back on my bed for a minute and stared at the ceiling, letting out a shaky breath once I realized that I wouldn't be Sydney Hale in a few hours. I'd have the same name as my son, as Bennett. I'd be Sydney Banks.

"It's going to be okay." My mom had whispered this morning, smiling at how nervous I was, "You guys are already pretty much married, all this will do is make it official." I pried myself off the bed and grabbed my wedding dress from my closet, staring at it with a fluttering in my stomach.

I was going to do this, I was really going to marry Bennett.


I held Parker against my chest as I stared through the curtains at everyone in the church. I could see my mom and Mike talking to Mr. and Mrs. Banks. Tristan was talking to Jess and some other friend of theirs. And the rest of the place was filled with people I barely knew, probably from my dad's work.

"You've got to wish Mommy luck." I said to Parker, "I can't promise you I'm not going to pass out."

"Mama." Is all Parker replied with. His first word had been Dada, which had taken Bennett over two days to actually realize what our son was saying. He had only started to pick up on Mama the last month or so, and he made sure he used both words as much as he could.

"I know, I know. You're probably thinking, 'Mommy, this is just Daddy. You've loved Daddy for almost eight years now, why are you scared?', right? But I am scared, baby boy. I just. . . what if someone tries to stop the wedding. Or what if-" Parker put his hands over my mouth, giggling as he stared up at me with big blue eyes.

"Are you trying to tell me to shut up?" I asked into his small hands, smiling. He giggled again, his blue eyes reminding me so much of Bennett's that I momentarily forgot why I was nervous about this whole thing in the first place.

"Syd, I need your child." Tristan said, stepping into the room. I held Parker against me, frowning.

"Why you?" I didn't mean for it to come out as mean as it did.

"Because your mom wants me to bring him to her." He held his arms out, waiting for me to pass Parker over.

"Can't he walk down the isle with me?" I tried.

"No, Syd. Why are you so freaked out?" He finally took Parker from me, letting the one year old pull at his hair.

"I don't know. I'm just. . . scared I guess." I mumbled, leaning back against the table behind me.

"Of what? You're Sydney Hale. You're like one of the most incredible people in the world. Why are you scared of a small wedding with the man you love?" I stared at him for a second, taking in the reassuring smile on his face as he backed away.

"He's right, Syd." I whispered to myself, "You can do this. It's just Bennett." I let out a shaky breath and moved toward the curtain to wait for my dad.

I shook out most of my nerves when my dad pushed the curtain aside and extended his arm out of me, grinning. I took it, avoiding everyone's eyes as we walked down the isle. I felt my eyes widen a fraction when I saw Bennett standing at the altar.

He looked almost as nervous as I felt.

"Hey." He said, taking my hand from my dad and helping me up beside him.

"Hi." I smiled at him as he took both of my hands in his and leaned forward a little.

"You look beautiful." He said, chuckling.

"You do to." I replied, "Look good, I mean. Not beautiful." I wanted to face palm myself, but decided to wait until I wasn't in public to do so.

"We are all brought here today for a celebration of love between Bennett Banks and Sydney Hale." The priest said, to which everyone started clapping too.

As the ceremony went on, I could feel myself star to calm down, my heart starting to slow back to normal. It wasn't until after our vows that my anxiety started to build again.

"No secrets." Had been one of Bennett's vows, so I had to say it before we finalized the marriage.

"Wait." I grabbed Bennett's arm as he tried to put the ring on my finger.

"What? Syd, are you okay?" He asked, a mixture of confusion and worry in his eyes.

"You said there shouldn't be any secrets between us after this marriage." I saw his expression fall.

"Did you cheat on me?" He whispered. I blinked in surprise at the question, squeezing his hand.

"No, Bennett, honey. It's the opposite, actually." I leaned forward, feeling every pair of eyes on us as he slid the ring fully on to my finger.

"I'm pregnant."  


Hope you guys enjoyed! 

Let me know what you thought!

Love all you amazing people!


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