Life with Carter

By moomoo17

1.1K 13 9

Kaitlin Howard was always moving, and she hated it. She was resentful towards her new town, until she saw how... More

Life with Carter part 1
Life With Carter part 2
Life with Carter part 3
Life with Carter part 4
Life with Carter part 5
Life with Carter part 6
Life With Carter Part 7
Life with Carter part 8
Life With Carter Part 9
Life with Carter part 11

Life with Carter part 10

53 1 1
By moomoo17

I flopped out of bed feeling unusually chipper. I dashed into my closet and pulled out a cute black skirt and flowy, cheetah print tank top. I slipped on a pair of black ankle boots, then walked into the bathroom.

As I applied my make-up, I realized the reason I felt so awake was because I had woken up more than an hour later than usual, considering Carter was driving me to school. I didn't like that he got his way with that, but I could get used to the fact that I didn't have to wake up as early.

I fixed my hair into a long side braid after finishing my make-up. I brushed my teeth, then spritzed myself with a little perfume. I put some food and water in the still-sleeping Molly's bowl, then pranced downstairs to get my own food.

I ate a bowl of fruit loops, then watched Spongebob Squarepants until Carter showed.

Finally, I heard a car horn out front, so I grabbed my purse and stepped outside. Sure enough, Carter's shiny black car sat in my driveway, the engine purring. I slid into the passenger seat not-so-gracefully.

"Good morning Kaitlin." Carter greeted with a smile.

I nodded in response.

"So what's my first duty?" He asked as we pulled out of the driveway.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"As your bitch boy. Did you really forget?"

"Oh yeah!" I smiled. "You can start by carrying my books."

He gave me a sarcastic salute. I rolled my eyes and turned on the radio. We Found Love by Rihanna came blasting out the speakers. He quickly switched it off.

"That song is gay."

"you're gay." I mumbled.

He snorted. "I am deffinatly NOT gay."

"Your right. Your too much of a jackass to be gay."

He rolled his eyes. "That doesn't even make any sense."

"You don't make any sense." I muttered back.

"Are you going to be this annoying the whole ride?" he asked with an entertained expression.

"Maybe, now that I know it bothers you do much." I smiled.

He just sighed in return. "Oh by the way, I challenge you to a basketball rematch tonight. I'm getting that kiss." He smirked.

I laughed slightly. "As much as I would love to kick your ass again, I can't tonight."

"Why not?" He asked curiously.

"I have a date."

He paused. "With who?" he asked, seeming to lose the humor in his voice.

"Parker." I answered, confused by his weird attitude.

Another pause. I saw his hands tighten around the steering wheel. We were now at school, in his parking space.

"Kaitlin, Parker's not a good guy." He said bluntly.

I scoffed. "What? He's your friend."

"yeah, but he doesn't treat girls very well. He's kind of known to cheat." He said, turning towards me.

"And your any better?" I asked, suddenly upset.

"What?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I know your type, Carter. One girl after the other. So don't try to tell me shit about Parker, okay?" I responded angrily.

"Why do you just assume that's what I do? And I'm just trying to help you! I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out with him."

"Well thanks for looking out for me, but I don't need you to dictate who I date." I responded sarcastically. Before he could respond, I clambered out of the car, probably looking like a fool, and slammed the door. He got out of the car smoothly, and shut the door calmly.

I turned towards the school, and stomped off.

I sat in Mrs. Hanover's class, still furious at Carter. Who does he think he is? I sighed out loud.

Blain turned towards me and smirked. "Something bothering you good lookin'?"

"Shut up, Blain." I snapped back, then realized that was the only thing I had ever said to him. What a wonderful first impression, I thought sarcastically.

"Damn, aren't we feisty?!" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

Scott began snickering. "She's just pissed because she got in a fight with her pretty little boyfriend."

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I saw you two. You slammed his car door and stormed your tight little ass off." He smirked.

I realized he meant that morning with Carter. "You think Carter is my boyfriend?" I scoffed. "No, I hate that asshole." I seethed.

Scott flashed me an uncharacteristicly charming smile. "Then we have that in common."

After that class, I walked back to my locker, only to find Carter casually leaning against it.

"What?" I asked, still extremely agitated.

"Look, I'm sorry I said that about Parker. You should go out with whoever you want to go out with." He apologized.

I sighed. "I forgive you. But I still don't like you." I responded.

He chuckled. "I know."

It was silent for a moment, then I shoved my books into his chest. "I have history, my little bitch. Follow me." I smiled. He smirked back, and did as I said.

Carter entered the classroom and layed my books on my desk. When we entered, Zack and Liv were holding hands, having a cute moment in the back of the classroom.

"Meet me here at the end of class so you can still carry my books." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes dramatically. I noticed all the girls in the room shooting daggers at me.

"Why are they all staring at me?" I whispered to Carter.

"Because the smokin' hot Carter Anthony just carried your books for you." He smirked.

"Please, that isn't it." I said flatly.

"Oh yeah? Let's test it out." he said with a suspicious smile.

"how?" I snorted.

"like this." Carter said quickly, then put his hands on my waist and leaned forward, attempting to kiss me.

"Carter!" I yelled angrily, pushing his chest. He moved back a bit, but kept one hand on my waist.

"Your such a dick."

He just laughter carelessly as I groaned and took my seat.

He winked at me, and walked out the door. Remind me why I'm even associating with him again?

After a day of Carter doing my biddings, it was time to go home.

As I stumbled into the car, the back door was opened. Vince and Trey slid in, just as Carter got in the driver's seat.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We're hanging out with Carter." they responded. I nodded my head as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"When we arrived home at my house, a little BMW was parked in the driveway.

"Why is my mom's car parked in your driveway?" Carter asked, stepped out of the car with me. Vince and Trey stumbled out after us, and we entered my house.

"Mom?" I called.

"In here!" she responded from the living room.

We all followed her voice to find her sitting on the couch, chatting with a beautiful woman. She looked to be about mid-40's with shoulder-length light brown hair and stunning green eyes.

"Hey Mrs. Howard. What are you doing here, mom?"

"I told you to call me Ann, sweetie! And me and your mother were just chatting." My mother explained with a friendly smile.

"Ann, she's gorgeous! Hi sweetheart, I don't think we've met. I'm Jennifer Anthony."

"Nice to meet you, mrs. Anthony." I responded.

"Well Jenn, your boy is quite the handsome boy himself!" My mom said merrily.

"Who are your friends Kait?"

"Um.. This is Vince and Trey." I responded awkwardly.

"Well nice to meet you boys." my mom smiled.

"You too Mrs. Howard. And good seeing you mrs. Jenn." they both said.

"You two boys." Carter's mom said.

"Kaitlin why don't you all go play upstairs?" My mom suggested.

"um... Sure." I said. Go play? What are we, 5?

We all climbed the steps to my room quickly.

"Well that was an odd transaction." Carter said, plopping down on my bed.

"Uh-huh." I agreed.

"Kaitlin, your mom is a total MILF!" Vince exclaimed. The boys cracked up as I made a horrified expression.


"Don't worry, so is Carter's." Trey said, then busted out laughing at Carter's face. "That's disgusting man!" Carter yelled, slugging Trey in the arm. We all laughed at Carter's expense.

After we calmed down, I walked towards my closet.

"What should I wear tonight?" I asked, mostly to myself but apperantly the boys heard me.

"Where are you going?" Vince asked. I turned around to answer and saw that Carter's jaw was clenched tightly.

"On a date with Parker." I answered.


"Kaitlin, Parker is our friend and all, but I got to be honest, he's kind of an asshole."

Trey said.

"I don't know if he's ever had a girlfriend he's never cheated on." Vince added.

I sighed heavily and looked at Carter, who was staring back at me, still clenching his chiseled jaw.

"Look, I appreiciate you guys looking out for me, but honestly, I can handle myself." I responded.

They looked disappointed, but reluctantly said okay.

"In that case, you should wear this." Vince said, reaching in my closet and pulling out a snow jacket. I

laughed, and began my hunt. I finally stumbled upon a short, deep purple, silk dress that was tight to the body and flattering on my curves. I decided to try it on for the boys.

When I stepped out of my bathroom in the dress, all three jaws dropped. I smiled, taking that as a good sign.

"You can't wear that." Vince said, shaking his head.

"What? Why not?" I said, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"You look way too sexy!" Vince said. They were all raking my body with their eyes, Carter even licked his lips.

I rolled my eyes, and walked back into the bathroom.

I changed back quickly, deciding that was the one.

After the boys left, shortly after my dress reveal, I finished getting ready. Put the dress back on, curled my hair, letting it cascade down to my mid-back. I also applied my make-up, deciding on the "smokey eye" look, making my light blue eyes pop. Finally, I slipped into my black stiletto heels, and grabbed my matching clutch. Eventually, the bell rang, to which I excitedly ran to answer.

Parker stood there, holding a beautiful bouquet of carnations. He was wearing a nice blue formal shirt and silver silk tie. He looked absolutely amazing. He smiled brightly at me.

"You look...gorgeous." he complimented. I smiled warmly at him.

"You don't look too bad yourself." He laughed, then handed me the breathtaking flowers. "these are for you."

I could tell that it was going to be one of the best first dates ever.


I sat by my pool, only dipping my feet in, as my friends acted like complete idiots in the pool. I wanted to enjoy myself, but I just couldn't. Not while knowing Kaitlin was on a date with Parker.

I didn't understand. All Parker does is date a girl for a while, finally gets them to have sex with him, then cheat on them. What kind of dick does that to girls?

I guess I never really liked that he did that, but now that Kaitlin was his target, I couldn't stand it. I wanted to punch Parker in the face so bad. I wonder what there doing? Is she having fun? She looks so beautiful in that dress. It hurts me to imagine him touching her, caressing her, kissing her...

"Woah, you mad bro?" Trey asked me, snickering.

I glared at him. "Seriously though, are you okay? Your making that face you make when your really pissed off." He said.

"What do you think there doing?" I asked out of the blue.

"Who?" Trey asked, confused.

"Kaitlin and Parker, what do you think there doing right now?"

"I don't know dude, but if I were Parker, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her." Vince said. I glared at Vince, beyond pissed. Not at him, just that what he said was true. I wouldn't either.

"Why is this bothering you so much?" Trey asked.

I shrugged, looking into the water. "I guess I like her more than I thought." I responded.

"More like your f*cking in love with her." Trey smiled.

"No, I'm not in love with her. I just really like her, that's all." I insured.

Trey lifted his eyebrows, obviously not believing me.

"Why WOULDN'T you love her? She's funny, smart, gorgeous, and fun to be around. She's every guy's dream girl." Vince shrugged.

"Then why don't YOU ask her out?" I muttered.

"That would be wrong. One of my best friends is in love with her." Vince responded. He and Trey snickered.

"I'm not in love." I said in a confident voice.

Although, since I started thinking about it, I wasn't too sure...

Parker walked me up to my front door, being a complete gentleman.

"I had so much fun tonight." I smiled.

"Me too." He said, grinning back. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something."


"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked slowly.

I smiled at him. "I would love to be."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him back. We had had the most amazing date. A romantic picnic under the stars. The perfect date had the perfect ending.

We pulled apart and smiled at each other. "I'll call you." he said. With one more peck on the mouth, he drove off. I sighed happily, then turned to unlock the door. But before I did, I saw three peeping toms sticking their heads up over the fence surrounding the Anthony's pool.

I was too happy to care, so I simply waved

I heard someone whisper, "We've been compromised!" Then all three heads duck down.


ALRIGHTTYYYY.... In this update, I have a picture of Kaitlin's date dress. The model wearing the dress though, is a LOT more voluptuous than how I see Kaitlin, so keep that in mind(:

NOWW, I have a lot of the Character actors picked out, so I think I'm going to go back to chapters with out pictures and put the actors pics up there. Don't worry, I'll tell you what chapter and what character when I do it(: THAT IS ALL.


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