BABY property of Dean Winches...

By captainarrow

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Dean winchester's Impala is his baby,everyone knows that. You don't mess with Dean Winchester's Impala unless... More



320 12 1
By captainarrow

Sam cholked and thought for a moments she may have shot him again.

"Excuse me?" He spat and she shrugged away from him suddenly feeling very shy as if she had said something wrong. Biting a nail nervously and shifting her skinny legs she nodded.

"Baby,it's my name that's all I really know."

"You can't be baby." Sam rejected almost in disgust. Baby stamped her foot down suddenly a flash of anger shooting through her that all she knew was suddenly challenged she had grown to actually like herself.

"Hell I can't!" She challenged fiercely like flames to dry wood. Sam almost was taken back by the intensity of her mood change.

"Well yeah...I mean,baby..." He began a little stunned. "Baby is..was er..."

"What?" Baby asked heart pounding nervously anticipating the answer awfully.

"Baby is Dean's car." Sam said finally. The sentence sounded so ridiculous that baby started to laugh. When she saw Sam's face serious she slowly melted into a frown. He sighed suddenly feeling fatigued beyond words. "Chevy Impala a classic he loves it more than anything,it was our dads." He rambled on seemingly lost in thought. He looked like he'd been through hell,baby wouldn't be surprised if he had.

"So I'm a car?" She asked sarcastically still not believing it. Everything now made sense to Sam every tattoo and scar was revealed to him. Her slender fingers brushed the license plate tattoo on the small of her back in between the dimples on either side or her protruding spine.

"I don't know,maybe the darkness messed with you or something." Sam thought aloud.

"The darkness?" She asked a memory tugging at the back of her mind.

"Yeah,that black storm wasn't just a storm,you did...wake up after a storm didn't you?"

"Yes." She recalled slowly. "I couldn't remember anything except for Dean...Find Dean. I couldn't walk or talk I was so scared." She explained arms crossed. Sam thought.

"How did you remember me and Dean?"

"I heard a song and I blacked out. When I woke up I started having these visions of two brothers,you and Dean." Baby explained with a semi-patient attitude.

"That's why you played the song for me? To help me remember?" Sam wondered as she nodded in response. The songs must've had some connection,stirred something deep inside.

"We've got to find Dean." She repeated urgently recovering her original mission.

"Yeah,I mean I woke up with a different life." Sam offered and baby chimed in.

"Me too had a husband and kid."

"Maybe Dean does too." He concluded. "There's one way to find out." Sam shifted from the bed and tucked one leg in his pants. Baby watched him curiously.

" Sam. You can't leave. You were kidnapped remember? Shot dead for all the media knows." She added as a reminder. Sam shrugged.

"It's dark out I'll get us suits."

"Suits?" She asked dark eyes wide with curiosity.

> > >

"Really Sam?" Baby spat giving the woman's pantsuit a gaze up and down. "I look like a middle aged realtor with three kids." Her dark shaggy hair was neatly pinned into a tight bun and had short grey heels exchanged for the combat boots.

"You don't have to like the part you just have to look it." He said adjusting his own tie that paired with his slacks and suit jacket. "Here's your badge, remember your Agent Ford,with the FBI." She squinted at him unamused.

"Ford funny. And you are agent...." She sought waving a hand dripping with sarcasm.

"Prius." He finished and she coughed in disbelief.

"A Prius really? You've got to be joking."

"Come on,let's go." He urged pulling her towards a silver truck.

"How are you..." She began but Sam had already rigged the vehicle and started it up,Sam Winchester was brilliant she thought in delight.

"Dean taught me that one." He admitted seeing the look of approval she gave him. Baby smiled silently for her boy,of course.

They drove slowly until they found the local sheriff's office and strode in,Baby all apt tumbling to the ground a couple times in the heels. They greeted an officer with confidential smiles.

"Good evening officers, I'm agent Prius and this is my partner agent Ford. We're with the FBI." The tall man introduced flashing their fake ID's before returning them to the safety of their suit pockets.

"How can I help you agents?" The officer offered almost anxiously.

"Actually we're working a missing persons case,he's very dangerous. We were wondering if you could run him through your data base."

"Of course has there been any sighting around town or..." The officer wondered.

"We're just checking all the neighboring states of the south." Sam lied flawlessly. Baby picked at her chipping black nail polish nodding in alignment with Sam when applicable. The officer agreed.

"It'll only take a moment feel free to come around and wait." He motioned as the odd pair of "agents." Followed the real authority figure. He ran through the computer as they fed him the details about Dean.

"Sorry agents,but I just don't think he's been around here." The officer apologized and baby's heart broke this was the last place on her burnt map if he was there she'd never know.

"Can you check every file? Prisons,hospitals,hotels? Anything that'll give us a name and a face." Sam explored and the overweight balding officer sighed clicking a few more keys on the old fashioned key board face hidden by the computer.

"Didn't find a name but there is a collection of John Does at the main hospital." The police offered turning the screen towards the interesting pair. Baby's face scanned the screen as he scrolled through photos of different people. At last,one of a man with dirty blonde hair obviously grown out some and stubble from a hospital shave on his chin with closed eyes sent fire through her veins. Dean it was Dean she knew for sure. At the same moment both Sam and Baby spoke.

"That's him."

"How far is the hospital from here?" Baby demanded.

"About a ten minute drive,fifteen if there's traffic,need an escort?" He offered but Sam declined.

"No thank you,we've got time. Thank you officer." Sam finished walking quickly towards the stolen truck with long strides Baby could hardly keep up in her high heels. They jumped in the car and were already speeding off towards the hospital.

Baby dressed into her normal black leather clothing while they drove Sam glancing over once in a while,it was hard not to stare at the odd scars and mysterious tattoos. They seemed to be emblems of his life his and Dean's life. When they arrived baby was out of the car before it had stopped and racing towards the doors. Sam thought she for sure was insane.

He didn't know where she came from but Cas had trusted her and she knew him and Dean well enough to bring Sam back,he had no choice but to trust her. Wether she was Dean's car or not in an altered form he chose no to believe.

Baby asked for the description of the John Doe at the front desk and they gave her multiple room numbers she found him on the third try. Sam was on her tail now catching up. Baby breathed in sharply at the first real physical sight of her first thought and drive for over a year.

"Dean." She said softly feeling almost light headed he appeared to be asleep. "Dean." She repeated a little louder as to wake him. Nothing. She approached his bedside and took his hand it was still warm and rough,sent tingles up her back she knew these hands well. Sam strode in after stopping at the door a tear coming to his eye.

"Dean." He said through a choke of emotion. He noticed his brothers unresponsive state. Becoming concerned he approached the bed. A nurse walked in and looked up with surprise at the company this seemingly nameless man had accumulated. "What's wrong with him?"

"Are you family?" The petite light skinned nurse asked.

"He's my brother." Sam responded defeated.

"We found him a little over a year ago in a coma during that awful storm. My best guess is he suffered some sort of TBI during the storm. He's been out ever since." The words were enough to bring baby to her knees. Th muse apologized kindly and shifted the older brother's position on the bed as she did every few hours to avoid sores she had grown attached the grown man almost enchanted by him. Typical nurse falling in love with the patient.

Baby noticed the way she looked at Dean and jealousy coursed through her veins like green fire.

"You've done what you came for,now you can leave." Baby spat harshly ignoring Sam's harsh glare. The nurse shot an acid glance right back at Baby and surprised her,she looked to sweet almost angelic to be so competitive. Leaving in that note Sam dropped to his knees as well.

"Castiel if you can hear me,please. I don't know what to do. Please." He prayed and Baby looked around awkwardly yes testing on Dean and rushing to his bed side brushing his hair back thoughtfully.

"Sam." A deep voice croaked and Baby jumped in surprise it took her off guard she knew that voice. Cas appeared in be corner of the room covered by shadows. Sam gasped for air like a fish out of water for too long.

"Cas! It's Dean." Sam offered and the Angel stepped slowly out from the shadows. He was beat and his clothes were torn,tiredness drained the light around him that glow angles seemed to possess was dull. "Cas??" Sam exclaimed in horror. "What happened to you?"

"Sam there's not much time but there's something I have to tell you about Dean and your not going to like it." Cas said hastily already out of breath. Baby soaked the whole scene in like a sponge dark eyes wide. Sam offered for Cas to sit but the fallen angel just shook his head.

"The darkness will not let him go."

"It already has! He released it." Argued Sam,angry for the condition of his big brother.

"You don't understand." Cas returned exhausted. "Dean is not here."

"Cas what the hell are you trying to pull I can see him right in front of me!" The youngest Winchester fought.

"His body but not his soul. Sam there are other dimensions than our own."

"So your saying his other soul is living in another dimension?!" Sam heaved in ridicule. Cas stumbled threatening to faint and his next words were slurred.

"Not living fighting. Sam, Dean's soul is in a battle by himself and if he loses everyone and everything in existence will die. There won't be an existence." The impossibly low rasp of the angel's voice ended in almost a whisper before he crumpled to the ground and Baby's jaw dropped.

"What the Hell." She said quietly glancing from the man beside her and the disheveled man before her. This was more than she could ever have imagined. All she was supposed to do was find Dean and now she knew nothing she felt helpless. Baby looked to Sam and he looked away Sam wasn't any better than her. Dean was in trouble but from what where and who they had no idea. If they didn't find out everything would be lost.

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