Carnival clowns (Laughing Jac...

By Acmb_sketch_

4.5K 99 88

Even sense the event with Issac, Jack has grown only colder and nastier. He lives in an enchanted but horrid... More

Meet Jack|ch 1|
Meet Jill |Ch2|
Jack meet Jill |Ch3|
Moar gam3 b00ths cuZ 1 d0nT car3! |Ch5|
Marry go round of death |Ch6|
Cotton candy Ch 7
Main tent mayhem |Ch8|

because I'm not human|Ch4|

487 12 31
By Acmb_sketch_



Jack's POV

I stared at her with interest as she slurped the stupid lollipop over and over again. Every time she licked it I felt a longing to eat It even though I had my own candy. I wanted all the candy! You might be thinking, 'Jack, you gave it to her!' Well yeah I though it would kill her but sense she isn't dying I want it back. I mean, I don't really want it back now sense its covered in this girl's spit but I wish I hadn't given it to her.

We ate our lollipop's in nearly complete silence for a minute or two. I had retreated back to the game booth and was currently sitting criss cross on the counter. I had suggested to her that she came and sit with me but she had refused and instead sat on the counter of the booth that was little ways behind her. You'd think it would hard for us to communicate but the distance between the two booths was only about six meters away so we didn't even have to yell. She sat with her legs crossed in a very ladylike manor, her feet mere inches above . It creeped me out a bit how similar we were. Noses, skin, hair, color palette, anatomy and love for candy. Well, I just assume she loves candy she might not.

"You like candy?" I asked bluntly, licking my second lollipop, holding an unopened one in my other hand. I spun the sweet between my fingers and I smirked as I saw her eyeing it up as she sucked any last bit of taste from her lollipop stick.

"You bet! I love candy almost as much as I love having fun... actually I think I might like candy more!" She giggled, uncrossing her legs and swinging them back and forth, hitting her heels against the counter below her a few times before letting her legs hang still.

Without warning, I tossed her another lollipop just as she finished her first one. She caught it and thanked me.

"What's your name mister? It'll be easier to talk to you if I know your name." She asked in her girly sing song voice as she unwrapped the pink sweet. She set her hand down next to her as she starting to eat her candy, her long claw like fingers barely missing a pile of guts and blood.

"Fair point but you first." I watched as she ran her hand along the counter as her legs swayed below her and stifled a grin as her hand touched the pile of human flesh.

"I asked you first." She said in disgust as she stared at her blood covered fingers.

"I actually asked you first, remember? I asked you five minutes ago after you stabbed me which was quite rude might I add." It was interesting to watch her run her bloodied claws along her lollipop before licking the blood off. I had tried doing that before and it was quite delectable if I say so myself.

"Well sorry!" She sarcastically spat as she flipped some of her hair off her shoulder before continuing, "Its a reflex when some creepy clown appears behind me. Also, I asked you first before that! I asked you after I stabbed you before you asked!" She whipped the rest of the blood on skirt of her dress, a drop of it running down into the white lace staining it pink.

"Yeah well its my carnival and I was planning on murdering you so I suggest you do as I say!" I shouted and she just stared at me for a few blinks. I grinded my sharp teeth back and forth as I drummed my fingers on the countertop. I was a little nervous now seeing as normally when you tell someone you wanted to kill them they dont react to well. I was enjoying our chat and I would hate if she ran away or some thing.

Surprisingly, her gaze just softened as she spoke calmly, "You shouldn't murder people, Its bad for your health."

I scoffed before rolling my eyes and slurped my half eaten lollipop.

"I'm already sick anyways, sick in the head!"

"I prefer the term twisted. Sick makes it sound like there's cure." She said before winking and licking, you guessed it, the lollipop.

I seem to be finding myself liking this woman more and more every time she opens her fang filled mouth.

Though she's right; it is hard to talk to her without knowing her name but she's pretty stubborn.

After a moment of thought I finally gave in.

"Jack." I said quickly watching as confusion crossed her face.


"You wanting my name right? Its Laughing Jack but just call me Jack or LJ."

She stared at me for a moment with a curious look of wonder in her grey eyes. It was as if my name intrigued her but I couldn't imagine why.

"I'm Jill." She said slowly as she ate a bit more of her pink lollipop.

"Jack and Jill... a due of strange clowns." I laughed but she only nodded.

"Jack were you by any chance at one point a Laughing Jack in a box?" Jill asked and to anyone else this would be a very strange question but to me, it brought memories of my past to the present. I stiffed before nodding and licking my third candy.

"I was a Laughing Jill in a box before I became this monochrome murderer you see now." She sighed and continued to eat her poison coated lollipop.

"That's why you aren't dead." I tried to lighten the mood and it worked as a small smile graced her face with its presents. I don't know why that made me happy but it did.

"Yeah. Human poison doesn't work on me seeing as I'm not human."

"We were both once imaginary friends...  what else do we have in common I wonder...?" I asked as I stood up before walking over to her. I offered my clawed hand and helped her off the countertop as she giggled.

"You'll have to find out! I'm not about to spill my life story to a guy I just met. This isn't a Disney movie!" She laughed, removing her hand from mine before flicking my nose gently in a teasing sort of way. I used two fingers to stop my nose from moving as I used my other hand to ruffle her curly black hair.

"Same here."

Even though this was probably the opposite of a kid friendly Disney movie, a small part of me that I had thought had disappeared many years ago wondered if we would get a happy ending.


I'm not really impressed with this chapter but whatever

It's really cute so I'm not going to question it~

I'm a little slim on ideas for the next chapter so it take a while... sorry

Word count: 1165

Author~chan Aurora out!

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