The Christmas Wish

By MackenzieWinner

15.8K 808 229

Henry Mills and Roland Locksley are best friends who decide to ask Santa for one thing this Christmas: to be... More

A Wish for Santa
Lonely Holidays
Christmas Eve
Santa's Gift
Family Dinner
A Day Together
Enter the Grinch
The New Year's Eve Ball

Romance in the Air

1.9K 69 16
By MackenzieWinner

Robin woke first the following day. He needed to go into work, to check in on the store and do some bookkeeping. Yet he found it difficult to leave his bed. Or more accurately, to leave Regina's side.

They had gone to bed together, especially as Regina was more affectionate after their kiss at the lake. She let him steal several quick kisses throughout the evening and had given him a long goodnight one before they climbed into bed. Robin had been willing to stay on his side but she had curled up next to him, smiling as she drifted off to sleep.

She was still smiling and cuddled next to him, her arm across his chest. He smiled as he ran his hand down it, fingers ghosting over her smooth and soft skin. It should be a crime to leave someone so beautiful, even if only for a few hours.

As tempted as he was to call out, Robin gently lifted her arm and slid out of the bed. He pulled out a more casual outfit for the day, changing into the red sweater and gray pants quickly. A quick run of the brush through his hair, a dash of cologne and his watch completed his look.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" he heard Regina ask.

"Work," he replied, leaning against the vanity as he studied her. Her dark hair was mussed from sleep and there was a red splotch where her cheek had been pressed to his chest. Eyes that reminded him of whiskey sparkled as she bit her lip.

"You're injured," she said and he chuckled. There was a particularly nasty bruise along his hip and he was going to be sore but it was nothing serious.

"I will be mostly sitting but thanks for the concern." He pushed himself off the vanity. "I'll be back in the early afternoon, hopefully around two."

She nodded before sitting up, her cheeks growing redder as she lowered her eyes. "Do I get a goodbye kiss?" she asked shyly.

"What kind of husband would I be if you didn't?" He crossed the room in two long strides, using the headboard for support as he gave her a sweet kiss.

Regina cupped his chin, her thumb running over his cheek. "Prickly. Good."

He grinned. "My scruff will be back soon, milady. You'll see."

"Never shave it off again." She gave him a stern look, frowning.

"Understood." He gave her one more kiss, lingering this time as he drank her in before stepping away. "I'll be back soon."

Robin walked out of the room backwards, not wanting to take his eyes off the beautiful woman he was now fortunately married to. She watched him for a bit before lying back down, hopefully getting more sleep. He believed she deserved it.

Checking on Roland, Robin was not surprised to find his son already awake. He lay in bed, though, reading one of the comics Henry leant him. Robin kissed him goodbye, told him to mind Regina and then went to check on his other son. Henry was still sound asleep so Robin just kissed his forehead before leaving.

It struck him how easily he was forming a new routine.

He liked it.


John was already in a foul mood when Robin entered the store. He stood at the cash register with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed, long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail and a blue flannel shirt covering his portly frame. "What's this I hear about you getting married again?" he asked, voice gruff.

Robin paused, coffee in his hand. Granny had also been less than pleased with him that morning, insisting that he and Regina come around that night for a proper wedding reception. He had been too intimidated to say no.

Setting down the coffee, Robin raised his hands in a placating manner. "John, look, it's complicated and..."

"Complicated? I had to find out my best friend is a married man again from the town drunk." John's frown deepened. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've stood up for you, even if I had no clue you and Regina were actually dating."

"We were keeping it secret...It was sudden...John, you know I would've wanted you there if I had a choice..."

John's eyes widened. "If you had a choice? Is Regina pregnant? Did you marry her out of a sense of duty?"

Robin cursed his choice of words. "No, that's not it. Regina is not pregnant and I didn't marry her out of duty."

"Then what is going on? I'm confused, Robin. And concerned." John's eyes pleaded with Robin to tell him the truth.

Sighing, Robin nodded. "Okay, okay. Come with me to my office. I'll explain everything there."


Regina sat in her home office, going over some bills. She was already paying off Christmas gifts, having done some shopping early. It would help her in the long run, though she wasn't hurting for money--no matter what her mother thought.

Sounds of the boys playing drifted from downstairs and she smiled. It was nice to have another child in the house and she was adjusting to being Roland's mother. He was a sweet child, something she had always known, and he loved to cuddle. She wondered if it was because he missed his own mother but she was glad to hold him as they watched movies at night.

Henry was also warming up to having a father. She had watched as he hung around Robin the night before, asking questions and absorbing every word from the man. It had warmed her heart...and other places deep inside her.

Regina flushed as she thought about how much she craved Robin after finally kissing him. She felt like a newlywed she supposed she was, wanting to spend every waking moment with her new husband and unable to keep her hands off him. Falling asleep with him last night had been better than she had thought and waking up to him felt right. Like it was something they should've been doing for a long time now.

It was something with which all of Storybrooke agreed.

The boys' voices grew raised and her ears pricked up as she frowned. It didn't sound good, so she pushed her chair back to go investigate.

Downstairs, she found the two in the living room arguing over the remote. "I want to watch the Grinch!" Roland yelled.

"I want to watch Frosty!" Henry shouted back.

"We already watched what you wanted!" Roland gave the remote a good tug.

Henry pulled it as well. "It's my house!"

"Papa and I live here too!" Roland reminded him. "So that means it's our house too. And so we're watching the Grinch!"

Regina was about to intervene when Roland gave a good tug. He got the remote free from Henry's grasp and stuck his tongue out at him. Henry charged him, knocking them both to the ground. She hurried around the couch, heart speeding up as she saw both boys wrestling on the ground.

"Henry Daniel! Roland...Roland," she chided, realizing she didn't know her new son's middle name. That was something for another day. "Stop this immediately."

Both froze before jumping apart, sitting cross-legged on the floor as they stared up at her. She frowned at them, crossing her arms. "I know we haven't been a family long but I think it's safe to say that we do not solve our problems by fighting."

"Mom," Henry started, whining.

She held up her hand. "No. You two are going to go up to your rooms and think about what just happened for ten minutes. Then we're going to sit down and talk this out. Got it?"

"Yes, Mom," they both said dejectedly.

"Good. Now go!" She watched both drag their feet as they headed upstairs before she collapsed onto the couch with a sigh.

Her phone began to ring and she saw it was Robin, having added him when Roland had become Henry's best friend. It made things easier now, she thought as she accepted the call. "Hello?"

"Just calling to check in, to tell you I miss you and the boys and that I had to tell John the whole truth," Robin said in one breath. "He was upset and rightly so."

"He's your best friend, right?"

"Yes. He's been with me through thick and thin. Stood up for me at my wedding to Marian and if we had been wedded properly, would've done so for us."

Regina curled up on the couch. "Maybe, if we decide to stay married, we could actually have that ceremony I was talking about at dinner."

"I'd like that," Robin said, softly. "But first, we have to have our reception at Granny's tonight. She's insisting."

"Of course she is." She sighed. "Okay, I guess it can't be too bad. Right?"

"That's the spirit!" He chuckled.

Regina hummed. "How are things at the store?"

"Quiet. I'm hoping to pack up soon and head home. How are things there?"

"I've sent both boys to their rooms for a timeout," she explained. "Then we're going to have a long talk about fighting."

Robin paused for a moment before asking: "Do you want me there? To present a united front?"

"A united front would be nice. But I think I can handle it. Just promise you'll back me up when you get home?"

"Of course. I don't condone fighting either. What was it about?"

"The remote," Regina replied, picking up the object. "They couldn't agree on what to watch. I think it's a sharing issue and adjusting to the fact it's not just them anymore."

He sighed. "You're probably right. Well, good luck."

"Thank you," she replied. "See you soon."

Robin hung up with her and she took a deep breath, deciding it was time to get the boys again. She stood and headed upstairs, opening Henry's door first. He was sitting on his bed, arms crossed as he pouted. "You ready to talk?" she asked.

"Talk about what?" he asked. "I wanted to watch Frosty and Roland wouldn't let me."

She sighed, sitting down on the bed. "Then I think we have a lot to talk about, Henry."

"What about Roland? Aren't you going to talk to him? Or am I the only one in trouble?"

"No, I'm going to talk to Roland too. I was hoping to talk to you both, but I think it's best if we do it one-on-one now," Regina replied, scooting closer to her son. "Okay?"

He huffed but nodded. "Fine."

"Okay, so remember how we talked the other day about sharing?" Regina asked.

"Yes. But Roland got a choice!"

She raised an eyebrow. "So he only gets one choice? Does that seem fair to you?"

"No," Henry muttered, eyes downcast. "I guess not."

"Come here," she said, opening her arms. He climbed in and she held him close. "I know it's hard to change. But you and Roland need to talk about your differences and work them out. That's what families do."

"I promise to do that," Roland said from the doorway. Regina motioned for him to join them on Henry's bed and he cuddled next to her.

He looked up at her with watery brown eyes. "I'm sorry, Mom. I know fighting is wrong but I was just so mad."

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to," she said, giving a pointed look at Henry.

Roland nodded, leaning over her. "I'm sorry, Henry."

"I'm sorry too, Ro," Henry replied. "Brothers?"

"Brothers," Roland replied.

Touched, Regina hugged them both. "I love you too so much."

"Well look at this sweet family scene." Robin leaned against the doorway, arms crossed. He smiled at them.

Both boys jumped down from the bed and ran toward him. He crouched down, opening his arms to scoop them both into a big hug. "There are my boys."

Regina tucked some hair behind her ear, watching as the scene unfolded before her. It almost made her cry.

"Regina? Are you okay?" Robin asked, now reaching out for her.

She leaned into his outstretched hand, pressing her cheek into his warm palm. "I'm fine. We've reached an accord."

"Good," he said, before pulling his hand away to look at the boys. "I came home early because I want to be clear on this: I don't want to hear about you two fighting like that again. Violence is not the answer. Got it?"

They nodded. "Sorry," they both chorused.

She stood, taking Robin's hand. "So, what do you want to do now?"

"Can we watch Frosty?" Henry asked.

Roland frowned. "The Grinch."

"Or we can go outside and build snowmen," Robin said, sensing the argument starting up again. "It's still light out and it'll be fun. What do you say?"

Both boys cheered before hurrying to get ready. Robin tugged her hand and led her from the room. "You might want to put on something warmer. It's a bit nippy out there."

"Did you just say nippy?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," he said, giving her a little push. "Now go. I won't be able to hold the boys back for long. You don't want to miss the fun."

She laughed, heading down the hall to her room. Why had she resisted falling in love for so long? She had been so foolish...


"What are you wearing, lovely?" Robin asked, entering their bedroom. "We should probably coordinate."

She laughed, standing in front of the closet. "Is that so?"

"Well, I don't want to embarrass you," he said, standing behind her and resting his hands on her hips.


He hummed, breathing in the smell of her shampoo. It was an intoxicating mix of vanilla and apples he wanted to drown in. "This is important. The entire town is going to be there."

"An entire town that already supports us," she reminded him. "They aren't my mother."

"True," he conceded, kissing her neck. "I just want to look good for you."

She shuddered in his embrace, leaning further into it. "You always look good. I was a fool to ever suggest otherwise."

He rested his chin on her shoulder. "So what is it?"

"Well," she started, "I thought that since we're celebrating a wedding, I'd wear the white suit from the picture."

Robin thought of the low-cut top, the swells of Regina's breasts tantalizing in the picture. He didn't dare imagine what they would look like in real life. Not when he was holding her so close. "That...That would be lovely."

"Yes. Except Santa didn't put it in my closet."

"That bastard," Robin growled. "I ought to write him a letter of complaint."

She turned in his arms, giving him an inquisitive look. "Why would you be the one complaining?"

"Do you know how gorgeous you looked in that outfit?" he asked. "We've all been deprived of that."

"So when you get over your foot in mouth disease, you have a silver tongue," she said.

He grinned. "I only speak the truth."

Regina gave him a little push. "Come on. Less flirting, more changing. We don't want to be late."

"No, I guess not." He sat on the bed. "So, what are your options?"

She turned back to the closet, looking through her outfits. "A lot of black dresses, a red one and the white one I wore to my mother's on Christmas."

"Oooh, wear that. Unless it has too many negative vibes attached to it. Then go for the red dress. You'd look sinful in it."

"I'm trying to look bridal, not sinful," she said, glaring at him over her shoulder before pulling out the white dress. "So I guess it's this one."

He smiled. "Only if you want, lovely."

She laid the dress on the bed before stroking his cheek. "I do. You're not forcing me into anything."

"Good." He then stood. "I guess it's my turn."

"Wear something blue. It's your best color," she advised, starting to pull of her shirt. "Makes your eyes pop."

He nodded dumbly, eyes transfixed on her breasts. They were even more perfect than the picture had suggested. His wildest dreams couldn't hold a candle to them.

She tapped him on the cheek, forcing him to look up into her amused brown eyes. "Keep those baby blues up here, please."

"Sorry," he said, wincing. "You're just so..."

"Please don't spout off some flowery nonsense. I don't think I could take it," she said.

He grinned. "I was just going to call you beautiful."

"Nothing else?"

"Out loud at least."

She scowled. "You like sassing me, don't you?"

"It is fun," he acknowledged, heading over to the closet. "Okay, so something blue, you say."

"Robin." Regina caught his arm and he looked at her, watching as she bit her lip. "Maybe if you're good, I'll let you ogle my breasts all night long if you want."

"I want to do more than ogle. With them and you." He whispered that part, scared to admit how physically attracted he was to her.

She stepped closer, eyes hooded. "Soon."

He swallowed. "Okay."

"Mom! Dad! We're going to be late!" Henry yelled from downstairs.

"Maybe I can also bribe Mary Margaret and David into watching the boys for us too. Or Tink. Something tells me they'd find a way to intrude." Regina glared at the door.

He chuckled. "I look forward to it. In fact, why don't you arrange it for tomorrow? I want to take you out on a proper date."

She gaped at him. "Really?"

"Yes," he said. "I want to date you, to fall in love with you, and all the fun stuff Santa deprived us of. If you want it too."

"I do," she admitted softly.

Robin smiled. "Good. Now, let's get ready before our sons storm the room."


It seemed all of Storybrooke actually was crammed into Granny's diner for their wedding reception. Granny laid out a fine spread for everyone, buffet-style, from appetizers to everyone's favorite meals. Henry and Roland had dove for the cheeseburgers while Regina had opted for some grilled chicken. Robin had chosen to enjoy a steak, laughing when Granny asked him if he wanted it still mooing.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you on Christmas, but that dress is gorgeous," Mary Margaret said, bouncing Neal. "Did you wear it to marry Robin?"

Regina glared at her. "You know the answer to that, Mary Margaret."

"I know," she said, "but everyone else doesn't. They are going to ask."

"Fine. No, I didn't wear this to marry Robin. I wore a really nice pantsuit that's mysteriously not in my closet," Regina huffed.

David wrapped his arm around his wife. "Too bad. I'm sure you looked amazing in it."

"She did," Robin agreed, leaning against the booth. "Or at least in the picture Santa was kind enough to leave us."

Neal let out a little scream and Mary Margaret sighed. "Sorry. He's a bit cranky today. I think he's teething."

Robin set down his whiskey and held out his arms. "Here, let me. You look like you could use with a bit of a break."

"Are you sure?" she asked, looking hesitant.

"I've been through this stage before," he replied, glancing over at Roland. The boy was spinning on a bar stool as was Henry. It seemed they were in a race of some sorts.

Mary Margaret nodded, handing Neal to him. "Good luck."

"Come on buddy. Uncle Robin's going to take you on a walk," he said, bouncing the boy as he walked away from them.

Regina watched him with a smile as Mary Margaret slid into the booth across from her. "So, things are going well with this surprise marriage?"

"Yes," she said, looking back at her stepsister. "I've decided to give Robin a chance and..."

Mary Margaret leaned forward, smirking. "Yes?"

Regina swallowed. "I guess I'm starting to fall for him."

"I heard you did that literally yesterday at the ice skating rink," David said, sliding in next to his wife.

She glared at him. "I lost my balance and Robin tried to catch me. When he couldn't, he took the brunt of the fall instead."

"Aww," Mary Margaret said, looking doe-eyed. "That's so sweet!"

"Robin has a way with kids," David said. "You two really thinking of having more? I mean, I know he said all of that to defend you and he handled Cora perfectly, but perhaps there was some truth to it?"

Regina frowned, staring down at her wine. "I don't know," she admitted. "Everything's happening so fast."

She glanced behind her, finding Robin swaying with Neal as he spoke with Belle French and August Booth. The baby was no longer fussing and was just staring up at Robin with wide green eyes. Robin supported him, one strong hand rubbing Neal's back. For a few moments, Regina pretended he was holding their child and found she liked the idea.

There was still plenty of time to discuss that though, she decided. "Can we table to child talk for now? We have Henry and Roland and that's enough, no matter what happens in the future."

"Of course," Mary Margaret said. "So are you going to take Robin to Cora's annual New Year's ball?"

"He's never gone before but I guess so. Santa did say we had to give this marriage a real chance. If it meant taking him to Christmas dinner, I'm sure that also means taking him to the ball," she replied. "I should see if he owns a tux."

David looked Robin over. "I'd probably say 'no.'"

"You never know," she replied. "He's been surprising me the past few days."

"In good ways?" Mary Margaret pressed.

Regina nodded. "Absolutely."

Clinking glass caused the din in the diner to quiet down and Regina turned to find Granny standing there with a champagne flute in one hand and a fork in another. She grinned at everyone. "Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we want to know how this blessed event happened. Regina, Robin? Either of you want to fill us in?"

Robin approached her with a dozing Neal, eyes wide. " you want to do the honors, Regina, or should I?"

"You start and I'll jump in if I have to," she said, batting her eyes at him while grinning cheekily.

He narrowed his eyes briefly at her before nodding. "Okay, okay. Well, I guess it started a year ago. I decided to finally take my foot out of my mouth and asked Regina to stay for dinner one night. We had a pleasant conversation and soon, dinner together became regular occurrences."

It had seemed to make the most sense to them to say that, especially as no one would've seen them out on dates. People would believe that Robin and Regina would've kept things simple and to themselves. At least, she hoped they did.

"Over time, it grew obvious to us that we were falling in love," he said, before pausing. "Well, it was obvious to me. I had to convince Regina a bit."

Everyone chuckled and she swatted at him, faking annoyance. That part, though, was no adlib but another aspect they had agreed to. Regina believed she was mature enough to admit she'd need some convincing that she loved Robin.

Though now she was starting to doubt that.

"Did anyone know you were low-key dating?" Granny asked.

"No," Robin said. "We...uh..."

Regina decided to rescue him. "It was my doing. I wasn't ready to let Mother know I was dating someone else. You know how she is."

Everyone nodded, dark looks shared among them all. Cora certainly didn't have any supporters in that crowd.

"Is that why you two decided to elope?" Ruby asked, leaning over the counter.

Regina nodded. "Yes. And I guess Robin also brought out my spontaneous side. He proposed and I said 'why wait'? So we went down to the courthouse and got married."

"Well, that's certainly a good story," Granny said, coming close to them. She held out two champagne flutes. "Let's toast this marriage."

David took Neal from Robin so he and Regina could grab the flutes. Granny then turned to the others. "Who wants to give the toast?"

"I will," John said, stepping out of the crowd. He grinned at the two of them. "To Robin and Regina for finally realizing how right they were for each other. Both have experienced loss, are devoted parents, are passionate professionals and generous souls. I know they will do nothing but love and cherish each other, supporting each other no matter what life throws at them. To many years, you two. You deserve it."

Regina was surprised Robin's best friend knew so much about her. But she didn't have time to marvel over it as everyone raised their drinks, chanting "Cheers!"

"Milady?" Robin held out his flute and Regina linked her arm with his. They entwined their arms, sipping from their flutes as they kept their eyes locked on each other. His shined with amusement and adoration. Regina hoped hers did as well.

Everyone applauded and Robin leaned in, kissing her. When they broke apart, she wrapped an arm around him as she turned to face their friends.

"Thank you," she said. "You all have shown us such love and acceptance. I know a lot of you were disappointed there wasn't a wedding you all could attend, but maybe Robin and I can have another ceremony once it warms up. We would be honored to profess our love in front of you."

As everyone cheered, Robin leaned closer to her. "Thinking of keeping this marriage going, love?"

Her heart fluttered at the term of endearment. "I am."

"Good," he said. "Me too."

Regina beamed as their boys raced over for a hug. They were a family now and that was the best Christmas present ever.


"How do I look?" Robin held out his arms, submitting himself for inspection.

Henry and Roland, though, just stared at him. "Dad, it's just Mom. Chill," Henry said.

"I want to look good for her. This is our first official date," Robin explained, regretting he only had seven-year-olds to help him. He loved his sons but they were no help at the moment. "So can you tell me if I look okay?"

"You look fine," Tink said, entering the kitchen. Mary Margaret and David were going to celebrate Christmas with his mother and had been unavailable to babysit, so Regina had called their shared reliable sitter.

Robin adjusted his suit jacket. "You sure?"

"Absolutely," she replied. "I'm sure Regina will agree."

"Agree with what?" Regina entered the kitchen, wearing a tight black dress with cap sleeves. She carried her clutch under her arm and was busy clasping a bracelet around her wrist. Her dark hair was pulled into a beautiful bun atop her head and long black earrings almost brushed her shoulders.

She was absolutely beautiful.

Tink motioned to Robin. "Tell your husband that he looks fine."

Robin's stomach flipped as she turned her eyes to him, looking him up and down. She stepped closer, tugging on his tie. "It should be illegal for a man to look so good in a suit."

As relief flooded through him, Regina released him and headed over to the boys. She kissed their foreheads before telling them to mind Tink. "Yes, Mom," they chorused.

"We'll see you later. We love you," Robin said, kissing their foreheads as well. He then followed Regina out to the foyer to get their coats.

Tink tagged along as well. "Don't think you have to hurry back. I can stay all night if you need. Even have a bag in the car."

"Thanks, Tink," Regina said, letting Robin help her into her coat. "We might just take you up on that offer. I'll give you a call to let you know."

She nodded, winking. "Have a good time you two. You deserve it."

Robin smiled, holding out his arm to Regina. "Milady?"

Taking his arm, she grinned at him as he led her out to his car. Opening the door for her, she gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you."

He gave one last wave to Tink and the boys before climbing in himself, smiling at Regina. "So, we have reservations at Tony's. I hope you like Italian."

"I love Italian," she replied, leaning back as Robin pulled out of her driveway. "You didn't have to go to great lengths to impress me."

"Nonsense. This is technically our first date. I want it to be one. From me being nervous to going out of my way to impress you." He grinned at her. "I'd like to think I'm succeeding."

She chuckled. "I'd say you were."

They lapsed into silence as he navigated through the slushy streets, careful to avoid where it was starting to ice over as the temperatures plunged. Regina broke it, though. "Well, if this is a first date, I believe we're supposed to get to know each other."

"We know each other," he pointed out.

"Uh huh. But you want this to be a proper first date."

He sighed, knowing she had gotten him with his own words. "Fine. What do you want to know?"

"Favorite food?"

"Anything meat and potatoes," he replied. "I would kill for a decent pub here in Storybrooke. John's talked about it and I've tried to encourage him to open it because I think he'd do a great job, but he's nervous. I know how nerve-wracking it is to open your own business."

She nodded. "You definitely took a risk. Newly widowed and raising a son on your own."

"Yeah, but I wasn't really drawing in a salary focusing on making the Olympic team," he said. "No one really wants to sponsor archery."

"No, I imagine not," she agreed.

"Marian had the stable corporate job that provided child care and benefits and all the responsible adult things. I continued to train and train, only focused on the Olympics. I thought that if I won gold, maybe I'd make archery cool and then I'd get sponsorships." Robin paused. "How silly, huh?"

Regina smiled softly. "Not at all. I think with your good looks, you might've been able to catch a few eyes. Certainly there had to be one duchess or something back in England who would've been glad to sponsor you because of how good looking you are."

He almost ran a stop sign, his heart beating fast as his face grew hot. "You're teasing me."

"Robin, look at me." She placed her hand on his knee after he parked the car. He turned to face her, looking right into her soulful brown eyes. There was only honesty and adoration in there. "I mean every word."

"You're the one who could model," he said, sliding his hand below her bun. "Though I guess we could be a package deal."

She rolled her eyes but her smile was fond as she opened the door. "Come on. I'm hungry."

"Wait there, milady." He got out of the car, hurrying over to her side. Regina took his hand and leaned closer to him against the brisk winds blowing. He hurried them toward the restaurant and warmth.

Once they were seated, Robin took Regina's hands in his. "So, do you want to give up the law for a modeling career?"

She laughed but shook her head. "I like my job though I was kinda pushed into law. Mother thought that since Zelena was studying business, I could study law and then go to work for Leopold's company. But I fell in love with criminal law. So she started to imagine I'd work at some high powered firm. I went to work for the District Attorney's office instead, deciding I'd rather put the bad guys in jail then keep them out."

"Admirable," he said. "I feel safer knowing you are on the job. And that's not sarcasm."

"I'm learning the difference," she assured him, laying her hand on his cheek as their waiter approached to take their drink orders.

Once they were alone again, Regina leaned closer to him. "So, you never finished your story about how you came to own a sporting goods store here in Storybrooke."

He bit his lip before nodding. "Fair enough. Well, when I lost Marian to cancer, I realized I needed to grow up. Roland and I lost her paycheck and we couldn't live on my seasonal jobs. So I gave up training and took stock of my options. That's when John called. We were very good friends in Boston before moving up here hoping for better employment opportunities. He told me about a storefront for sale and knew I had retail experience. I knew plenty about sporting goods. So we agreed to give it a chance."

"You are a natural businessman," she said. "You should be proud at how well you've done. And being able to secure a loan with almost no experience..."

"We own the store outright," he said, a haunted look in his eye. He fought hard as images of his grandfather's dim study rose to the forefront of his mind. "And I attended business school online so I could run the store properly."

She frowned and he believed she wanted to ask him more. He watched as she tapped her thumb against her arms, which she had crossed on the table, as she considered her next question.

"You know about my family but I've come to realize I know almost nothing about yours. Do you feel like talking about them?" she asked. Her brown eyes gazed on him with concern and understanding, already forgiving him if he can't talk about his past.

Robin, though, was ready. He was certain she would understand and realize just how kindred their spirits were. Sighing, he unbuttoned the cuff on his right shirt and rolled up the sleeve to reveal his tattoo. "This is my family crest."

"I saw the other day and figured that was it," she replied. "Who knew the Locksleys had a crest?"

"The Locksleys don't. But the Wakefields do."

She frowned. "I don't understand."

He sighed. "I know, I know. I'm not really telling it any order. Let me gather my thoughts."

The waiter approached, bring the wine they had ordered and taking down what each wanted for their entrees. When he walked away, Regina took Robin's hands in her own. "Why don't we table this discussion for now? I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe we should talk about your family in private. Let's stick to more pleasant topics, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed, somewhat relieved. His family history was a bit too much to unpack on her, he knew, and he needed the time to figure out what to start with. "So, what else do you want to know?"

"Everything," she replied. "I feel like you've learned so much about me and I know absolutely nothing about you."

He smiled. "I'm sure that's not true. Do you know my favorite color?"

"Pretty sure it's green," she said. "Do you know mine?"

"While you wear black a lot, I remember Henry once painted something purple for you. So I'm going to go with purple." Regina grinned and he knew he was right. He pressed on. "When's my birthday?"

"Sometime in spring," she replied, wincing. "I've never pinpointed a date."

"April eighteenth," he said. "Yours is February fourth."


Confusion spread through him as he frowned, certain of when they always celebrated her birthday at Granny's. He always ended up there, pretending it was a coincidence and not that he had it marked in his phone. "February first? But I always see you and everyone at Granny's on the fourth."

She shook her head. "I always celebrate my birthday alone with Henry and then everyone takes me out."

"I see," he replied, making a note to change the date in his phone. "Well, then, now I know. February first."

She nodded. "Now...American football or what you would call real football?"

"I am a traitor to my country. American football all the way," he announced. Regina laughed and they kept each other laughing as they continued their date.


Regina felt drowsy as she sat in Robin's passenger seat. She closed her eyes and folded in on herself, smiling. Their date had been a rounding success so far and she never wanted it to end.

The car came to a stop and she sighed, not yet ready to open her eyes. "We home?"

"Kinda," he said, turning the car off. She opened her eyes, spotting Robin's little cottage before looking back at him. He gave her a small smile. "I still own it and I thought we could have some privacy here."

"Good call," she said, waiting for him to open the door for her. He was a gentleman, though she hoped he didn't make a habit of it. She did like to open her own door every now and then.

He led her up the walk to his darkened house, fiddling with his keys as he tried to find the lock without any light. Regina pulled out her phone, turning on the flashlight function for him. "There you go," she said.

"Thank you," he said, finally sliding the key in. He unlocked the door and swung it open, motioning for her to lead the way. "After you."

She stepped into the cold house, rubbing her hands together as Robin guided her further into the living room. "Let me light the fire and then I'll go check on a few things. Hopefully, I'll have the place warmed up soon enough."

Regina sat on the couch, watching as he easily lit the fire. It crackled to life, casting a soft glow on Robin's face and making her heart skip a beat. He stood, smiling at her. "I'll be right back. Make yourself at home."

He slipped out of the room as Regina peeled off her coat, wandering closer to the fireplace to warm up. As far as she could tell, Santa only brought Robin's clothes along with Roland's belongings to her house. Looking over the various pictures and decorations on the mantle, she wondered if he would want these precious mementos and his knick-knocks. She then mentally slapped herself because she knew she would, so naturally he would as well. Regina was going to make some room back at her house and practice what she was preaching to Roland and Henry.

"So John came and emptied the fridge so my stuff wouldn't go to waste," Robin said, entering the room again. He held a glass out to her. "He left the nog though."

"Lucky us," she replied, taking the glass.

He grinned, raising his own. "To us and doing things ass-backward."

"Being normal is overrated," Regina quipped before they clinked their glasses together. She took a sip of the nog, creamy with a wallop of bourbon.

She raised her eyebrows. "I didn't take you for a bourbon man. I always see you drinking whiskey."

"I do prefer whiskey," he agreed. "I find bourbon goes better with eggnog."

"Well, I usually use cognac, but I agree this is good." She took another sip before picking up a picture frame. Inside was a shot of a young Robin, no doubt a teenager, surrounded by two adults she knew had to be his parents. He was the spitting image of his father, especially as his scruff hadn't fully grown back in yet. Robin's mother had long blonde hair with beautiful green eyes and a warm smile.

Robin's smile faltered. "My parents, yeah."

"Are they still with us?" she asked, a knot twisting in her stomach.

He shook his head, placing a hand on her back and guiding her to the couch. They sat together and he ran his fingers over their images. "You and Mum have a lot in common," he said softly.

"We do?" She wasn't sure why that affected her so much, a lumping forming in her throat.

"Yeah," he said, scooting closer to her. "She came from a prominent family back in England..."

"The Wakefields." Regina rubbed his right wrist, the tattoo there once against covered by his shirt.

He nodded. "Yes. They own and operate Wakefield Manufacturers. It goes back over two centuries, back to the Industrial Revolution if I remember correctly. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Charles Dickens based some of his characters off my ancestors."

She chuckled before growing serious. "Tell me more about your mother."

"Okay," he said. "She was my grandfather's only child and he wanted her to go into the family business but she became a social worker instead. Mum wanted to help children, not worry about business, stocks, shipping and other things like that. Grandfather disapproved but didn't do much to stop her. And then she met my father, who was a carpenter, and fell in love."

"I already know that your grandfather didn't approve."

Robin gave her a weak smile. "You're right. He forbade her from seeing Dad and for a while, she obeyed. But she loved him too much, so she stood up to Grandfather, telling him it was her life and she was going to live it the way she wanted. She left and moved in with Dad, marrying him within a year. I came along the following year."

"It sounds very romantic," she said, leaning against him.

"It was," he agreed, kissing her forehead. "My parents were so in love and they loved me. I had a very happy childhood. Dad made almost all the furniture in our house and was the one who taught me archery. He was my coach for years. Mum loved to entertain people and make sure everyone was happy. She would go out of her way to brighten someone's day. Mum was also my biggest cheerleader. I grew up loved and happy, not wanting to trade my childhood for anything."

Regina felt her stomach clench, knowing there was a tragic twist in such a beautiful story. "So, what happened to your parents?"

"Mum was murdered when I was fifteen," he said, voice soft. Her heart hurt for him as she saw the pain in his eyes.

Setting down her nog, Regina took his hands in hers. "You don't have to continue. It's okay."

He shook his head. "I want to tell you."

"Okay." She settled in a corner of the couch, still holding his hand. "Go ahead."

Robin told of how his mother had been removing two little girls from an abusive household when the violent father pulled a gun. She had tried to talk him down but he shot her. Emergency services rushed her to the nearest hospital but the doctors were unable to save her.

"Did they catch the man who shot her?" Regina asked.

He nodded. "He's still in jail over in Britain."

"Good." She would've hated the thought that the bastard had gotten away with taking away such a beautiful and loving woman from her family.

"Dad and I felt lost without Mum," he continued. "So we both threw ourselves into my training. I finished school but didn't go to university. Every day was just spent training for the Olympics. We wanted to do it for Mum."

Regina smiled. "I'm sure you still do. So how did you end up in the states?"

"We were told about a really good archery coach who was willing to take me on. I was a bit hesitant to use someone other than Dad but he convinced me it was for the best," Robin explained.

He told her how he and his father moved to New York to train under a man named Tuck, who did improve Robin's skills to the point that when he went back for the Olympic trials in England, he almost made the team. "I was disappointed but figured I would have four years to get even better."

"But you met Marian instead?" she asked.

Robin smiled. "I met John first. When I wasn't training, I wasn't really doing much else. I helped my dad out every so often but carpentry wasn't for me. I started to fall in with a problematic crowd and became something of a bad boy."

She raised an eyebrow, looking him up and down. "I've thought you an arrogant asshole, but would never picture you as a bad boy."

"Yeah, well I never went completely bad," he said. "John intervened and helped me channel my energy into something more productive, hiring me to work at the store where he was a manager. Being a people person, I enjoyed meeting people and helping them, no matter how rude they were. And that's how I met Marian. She was one of our regulars."

Regina leaned closer, enjoying listening to his story. He told how he was nervous to ask her out and was surprised when she did it first. They went out on a few dates and he knew he was in love within a couple months. "She was so supportive of my dream, even if it meant I wasn't providing much of a steady paycheck. Dad said I shouldn't let someone like that go."

"You didn't."

"I didn't," he said with a nod. "Dad got to see us get married and he was there when Roland was born. He suffered a heart attack a few months after that and I lost him."

She rubbed his arm. "You've had more than your share of loss. If we were in a competition, you would win."

"I'd say we were even," he replied. "We lost beloved parents and our first loves."

"Well, when you put that way..."

Robin stood, gathering her empty glass. "Do you want some more eggnog?"

"Yes, please," she said, "but not too much. It's getting late."

Once he left, Regina took a deep breath and sank down on the couch. She had made so many assumptions about Robin and had done nothing to learn anything about him. He may have had a happier home life than her, but he had far too much heartbreak for one person. All Regina wanted to do now was hold him and try to soothe away the heartache she knew all too well could never really go away.

"You know, you look absolutely beautiful in the fire's glow," Robin said, handing her her glass again.

He sat down and she scooted closer to him. "I'm so sorry I didn't bother trying to get to know you earlier. That I was so caught up in my own head..."

Robin shook his head. "Let's not focus on the past for the rest of the night. Let's just focus on the now."

"What are your plans for now?" she asked, though she had her suspicions.

He set his empty glass down. "Well, I brought us here for some privacy...and I won't lie, I was hoping we could know..."

"Physical?" She tried to keep a straight face.

Robin's started to turn red. "Intimate? I...I was hoping to have ... that we could.... God, it all sounds so awful when I try to say it out loud. I promise I'm not just trying to get into your pants."

"I know," she said, voice soft. "And I'm not going to lie, I was hoping the same thing"

Relief spread throughout his face and he leaned closer. "Are you sure? I don't want to force you into anything."

She shook her head. "You're not forcing me into anything. I promise."

"Then why don't I give you the grand tour?" he offered, standing to douse the fire.

"I thought you'd never ask." She took his hand and followed him upstairs.


Regina didn't know what she expected Robin's room to look like but when she entered the master bedroom, it seemed too plain for him. It was just his bed, a nightstand and a chest of drawers. No pictures, no knick-knacks, nothing personal. It looked like he just slept there.

"Something wrong?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her. "We don't have to do this..."

"It's not that. I guess I just expected your bedroom to look like you, not like something out of a catalogue," she confessed.

He sighed, kissing her shoulder. "I don't really spend a lot of time in here. Personal stuff is in my office down the hall."

"And I thought I'd be the workaholic in this relationship," she mused, drawing a chuckle from him.

She turned in his arms, tugging on his jacket. "My room is now your room. Feel free to make it feel like that. Okay?"

"I think I'll take you up on that offer," he said, smirking as his hands went down to her ass. "I have a funny I'll be spending a lot more time in the bedroom now."

Regina bit her lip as he backed them up. Her legs hit the side of the bed and she fell onto it, pulling him with her. Their lips met as she landed on the mattress, her legs entangling with his.

One hand slid up to his head, her fingers scratching his scalp. He moaned against her lips, trailing kisses until he could nip at her ears. "Don't stop."

"Not intending to," she said, "though you'll have to undress yourself."

"Challenge accepted." He kissed right below her ear, which sent a jolt straight through her core. She felt her panties growing wetter already.

Robin pulled off his jacket and began to undo his shirt with one hand, his lips now exploring her neck. She dug her nails deeper into his hair, bringing her free hand to help with his shirt so she could run her fingers along the muscles she now knew hid under the fine material.

(She also now knew he had fine taste in clothing and wondered just how good his business was to allow him to afford it).

He pulled away from her, pulling off his shirt as she frowned. "I thought you didn't want me to stop?"

"I also want you naked," he said. "I would hope you would want the same for me."

Regina licked her lips as she glanced over his toned chest, knowing he was right. "Fair point. Then let's get naked."

She reached behind her, feeling for the zipper. Robin leaned forward, strong and hot fingers covering hers. "Let me," he whispered.

He kissed her neck as he slid the zipper down, her dress loosening before she could peel it away. Robin helped her pull it off until she laid under him in her lacy black bra and panties. He raised an eyebrow. "Be prepared, huh?"

"I guess," she said before running her hands over the muscles in his arm. "That and I think it's pretty obvious we've been heading this way since we kissed at the lake."

"Are we going too fast?" he asked, concern in his blue eyes.

She shook her head, cupping his cheek. "I think we're going at the right pace for us."

"Good." He fixed her with a look of such concern and love, she lost her breath for a moment. "I wouldn't want to rush you."

Robin Locksley was shaping up to be her most considerate lover ever.

It felt right.

She reached forward, unbuckling his belt as she kissed him. "Enough talking. More kissing, more fucking. We can't pay Tink all night."

He chuckled and she knew she had won as she tugged down his pants. Robin laid her back down, his fingers toying with the clasp of her bra. "I believe I was promised a chance to ogle these beauties."

"If that's what you want, go ahead," she said, shrugging.

Robin pulled away her bra, hands massaging her breasts as he smirked at her. "That's just what I have planned to start with."

"Oh," she said, smirking as well. "What should I start with?"

"Whatever you want," he told her before his mouth closed over one of her breasts.

Rational thought fled her mind as his tongue toyed with her nipple. She began to buck, seeking some way to create friction against her clit. She burned for it, knowing it had been too long since she had sought pleasure with something other than her own fingers or one of the toys she hid from Henry in her nightstand.

As Robin moved to her other breast, he shifted just enough for her to feel the bulge pressing against his silky boxers. She grinded against him, moaning in relief as her clit got the attention she needed down there.

It was short-lived though. Robin released her other breast, its nipple now as pert as its partner's, and began kissing his way down her stomach. She squirmed underneath him, gasping when he dipped his tongue into her navel. It sent a dull wave of pleasure coursing through her, reminding her of the now acute ache between her legs.

Robin's fingers curled around her panties and began to roll them off her, still kissing every inch of skin he could reach. She closed her eyes, one arm falling limply to the side while she threw the other over her eyes. When she felt Robin's tongue against her clit, giving her a teasing lick, she let out a low moan.

"A glorious sound," he said, voice low and husky. It sent chills down her spine. "I want to hear that again and again."

"Then keep doing what you were doing," she replied, her own voice hoarse with desire. It sounded foreign to her ears, like someone else was speaking.

He chuckled and she felt his tongue against her clit again. She bent her knees as he licked and lapped at her, teasing her and building something hot and good inside of her.

Regina's breathing grew shallow as her heart pounded against her ribs. She tried to find purchase on Robin's flannel blanket and moved the arm covering her eyes, reaching behind her to grasp the headboard. Her fingers clutched it as she arched her back, trying to get closer to Robin's talented tongue.

He chuckled, the vibrations sending a sharp jolt of pleasure through her. She gasped, rising off the bed as her eyes popped open. Regina saw nothing, though, except a few stars in the darkened room. Her body began to tremble and she felt she was going to crest soon.

A finger toyed at her entrance as she felt a few drops of sweat start to run down her cheek. "Do it," she said, gripping the pillow as well as the headboard now.

Robin inched it into her, curling it as he sought out the one spot she knew would send her over the edge. She reached down, tugging on his right ear. He obeyed, curling his finger in that direction. The tip of his finger brushed against her g-spot and she let out a yelp.

He lifted his head, her juices running off his chin as he frowned. "Did I hurt you?"

"No," she panted, trying hard not to roll her eyes. She believed she failed. "It's right there. You hit it."

Robin raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't expecting a yelp."

"If you keep it up, you'll never undercover what other sounds you can get out of me," she said, motioning for him to continue.

"I knew you'd be bossy in bed," he said. "I love it."

She gave him a pointed look and Robin dove back in, his tongue against her clit once again. He brushed her g-spot, now knowing where it was, and Regina moaned as her head fell back on the pillow.

He used his free hand to hold down her hips, keeping her from bucking too much as he added a second finger. Robin was filling her, stretching her in a way that made her hiss but felt so good. She couldn't wait to take his cock inside her, but for now, his fingers were enough.

Regina arched off the mattress, feeling how hot she was becoming. Her fingers curled around the headboard as more stars began to appear before her. She felt her walls tighten around Robin's fingers and she gave in to her orgasm, letting the pleasure overtake her with a shout.

She floated down from her high, breathing still shallow and body slick with sweat. Robin sat up as he reached for a tissue, wiping his mouth as he flopped down next to her. "I didn't take you for a screamer."

"That was hardly a scream," she said, curling against him. He wrapped an arm around her, rubbing hers. "I've been louder."

Robin raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe," she replied, feeling giddy. She smiled at him, no doubt looking silly.

He gave her a silly grin in return. "Well, I look forward to taking it."

She hummed, pushing him down onto the bed as she sat up. "I think it's my turn to take the lead, though."

"You're getting no complaints from me," he said, eyes once again fixed on her breasts.

She shook her head. "You know, I would've thought you were an ass man."

"I am," he said, hands squeezing hers. "It's just my luck that you have an exquisite ass as well as gorgeous breasts. You're a goddess, Regina."

Heat filled her cheeks. No one had looked at her like he did. Daniel loved her and they had been intimate, but there was still something innocent about it. They never even made love with the lights on. Not like now, where Robin was able to see every inch of her and looked like he had seen an artistic masterpiece.

She pulled off his boxers, trying to ignore how her stomach flipped over his intense gaze. Instead, she focused on his cock, bigger and thicker than she expected. She let out a soft gasp and he sat up, frowning. "Is something wrong?"

"No," she insisted, pushing him down. "Just taking everything in."

Robin wasn't fooled though. "It'll be okay, Regina."

She rolled her eyes, fingers closing around his cock. "I know that. I'm no virgin, Robin."

"And I know that," he told her. "It's okay, though, to be nervous. You don't always have to be strong around me, Regina. I want you to trust me to hold you as you fall apart."

Tears pricked her eyes and she fought them. "You're ruining the mood, Locksley. Now lie back and let me work."

He looked like he wanted to say more and she had no doubt he did, but he leaned back, resting his head on his arms. "Okay, milady. Go ahead."

"Good," she said, pumping her fingers slowly. His eyes fluttered closed and his lips parted, his chest rising and falling faster.

She lowered her head, flicking her tongue over his tip, tasting his precum. His back arched as she took him into her mouth, her fingers sliding to fondle his balls. Regina closed her own eyes as she focused on sucking him, hoping her mouth gave him the same pleasure his had given her.

He groaned as she worked him up, feeling him grow harder and his balls fuller. She knew he was getting closer to his own climax as well.

Regina pulled away, releasing him with a satisfying pop. He let out a little whimper, eyes locked on her. "Why'd you stop?"

"Because I have other plans for you," she said, straddling him. "I think you'll like it."

He swallowed as he nodded. "Okay, lovely. I trust you."

She felt her heart skip a beat at his words and she knew she had grown wetter from them. Positioning herself at his entrance, she gave him a naughty smile. "I'm going to make you scream."

"I have no doubt," he replied, hands gripping her hips to steady her. "Do your best."

Regina sank down onto his cock, letting it fill her. She gasped as he stretched her, clutching onto his shoulders as she let herself adjust to having him inside her. He held her, moving one hand to massage her breast again.

Once she reoriented herself, she began to ride him hard and fast. He rose to meet her with thrusts of his own, his back rising off his mattress. She watched him, his eyes closed and his mouth opened as he panted. He still wasn't screaming and she frowned, her body trembling as she ascended quickly to her own peak.

She tweaked his nipples and he gave a loud shout then, making her smile in victory. It was close to what she wanted and she did it again, drawing an even louder shout from him.

He sat up, his lips latching onto her neck. She gasped as he shifted inside her, one hand coming to rest on her back while the other cupped her ass. He pulled her closer, letting him go deeper inside her. She ran her fingers through his wet hair as her movements grew erratic. Regina knew she was close but she was determined to take him over with her--screaming or not.

"Robin," she moaned, sliding her free hand between their sweat-slick bodies. She found her clit, rubbing it.

"Regina," he groaned back, squeezing her ass cheek. "I'm with you, lovely. Let go."

She nodded, shifting until he hit her spot again. Robin adjusted as well, their pants and the sound of skin against skin filling the room. He buried his head against her neck, his breath hot against her already heated skin.

Regina leaned back as her head felt light as a feather. The stars returned and she came with a shout of his name, riding out her orgasm as Robin let out a scream of his own. Victory was hers and it magnified the pleasure she felt.

He fell back onto the bed, taking her with him. She curled on his chest, her ear pressed to his rapidly beating heart. They both laid there, waiting for their breathing to even out again. Robin kissed the top of her head.

She closed her eyes, feeling like she was weightless and that she could sleep until the New Year. He rubbed circles into her back and she sighed, content.

Regina wasn't too sure she was ready to voice it yet, but she was certain she was falling in love with Robin Locksley.

A/N: Anyone need a bucket of ice after that?

Now you know a little bit more about Robin and the similarities between Regina and his mother will come up again. There's also more to his relationship with his grandfather to be revealed as well.

Things to be going well for our couple, huh? Dates, flirting, gelling as parents, and now s'mores. Looks like it's a good time for Cora to visit!



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