Just A Fling//Jovani Jara

By Espinosa-love

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No boyfriends. Just flings. Or so she thought. More



120 3 3
By Espinosa-love

Their words shocked all of us as we did not know what to say or how to react. I wasn't really against Weston being gay, but I really just never expected it. 

He has always talked about Mario fondly and said they were best friends. He always complimented him in small, kind of awkward ways. So I guess that should have gave it away.

Everyone continues exchanging glances and I start to feel bad for the two of them. They kind of look sad at this point, especially since we have been sitting her for a few minutes just contemplating their news. 

"Well I think that's awesome bro." I finally spoke up, trying to make the situation a little less hard on him. I look over at Kaylyn who seems so surprised and almost weirded out. I thought she would have known at least since her and Weston are so close. Ian has a blank look on his face as all of this is happening and I wonder if he is going to still be friends with Wes.

"Thank you so much." Weston breathes in relief. I could tell I lifted a bit of weight off his shoulders and I was happy to know I could help in someway. I grinned back at him and to Mario and they both looking happy just being around each other. 

We turned back to the tv after going to the kitchen to talk about how long they both have felt this way. Kaylyn and Ian went upstairs to her room, which seemed like the best idea at the time. Mario told me how he met Weston and how they spend as much time together as they can while he is in town. 

They are almost kind of really cute. I just love seeing my friends and people I care about happy and I got to know a little bit more about that Mario dude. He looks kinda familiar though but I'm sure he just has one of those faces. 

After about another half hour of eating some snacks and catching up with Mario and Weston I start to remember that I have my own problems to worry about. Reality hits and I just really need to talk to Julian right now.

"Hey guys. I gotta get home. But I'm really happy for you guys and I hope everything goes okay." I smile and put on my bomber jacket. 

"Thanks man. We really appreciate that." Mario smiled at me giving me a side hug before Weston did the same.

I stepped outside to the cool air and I feel a bit better then earlier I guess. I mean I couldn't really feel any worse I assume. Because I've never really had many girlfriends I dont know what heartbreak is supposed to be like or if this it, or if im just super fucking dramatic. I always try to keep to myself because I'm scared people are gonna leave and the one person that caught my eye in a long time, did. She left and she has someone better now. Honestly, I'm just gonna be single forever.

I'll live with Julian and Daniella in their house when they're married and shit. I'll be that loser with no girlfriend or wife living in their basement that works at Kmart.

I break out of my shitty thoughts to realize I just made myself feel worse. Like honestly super shitty.

I walk and try to enjoy the slow breeze today and head home. I walk in and go upstairs to flop on my bed. It makes a squeak from the mattress as I lay down and I close my eyes slowly drifting off.

*Daniellas POV*
I walk with Julian to his car and we just drive. My mind is a little cluttered right now and I'm honestly just super sad. It's one of those feelings where even though you're doing okay and you're with someone you truly care About, you're still sad because of something small. Except it isn't small,it's super, super big.

Julian stays quiet knowing it's what I need right now. It does help that he is with me but I dont know, I just dont feel right with the world right now.

We drive about 30 minutes until we reach the beach. The sand is white and the water a deep blue. The sky is turning dark and the sun is barely up. It's truly beautiful. I step out of the car take a deep breath. Julian is right beside me and I just lean on him not moving an inch in that moment.

To be continueeeeeddd...

(I'm so sorry dont hate me. I love You ur so cute. Happy 2017 my loves. Ily. Okay byeeee.))

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