
By Jordan_Horan01

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This is all the writing, story ideas, and stories I never published I've made throughout 2016 More

Dont Go...
The Fighting Twins
The Angel Princess
An Angel
Some One Direction fanfic i made
Daddy Malik
Daddy Malik: Chapter 1
The Lost Princess
Harold Child
Daddy Malik: Chapter 2
Write Love On Her Arm
The Swing
The same giggling girls
Daddy Tommo
Two Paths
Heartbreak Girl
The Unknown Power
RIP Grandma....
This Isnt Mine but I still love it
Tomorrow Never Comes
The Move
I dont know what to call that
Sit still, look pretty
Until the pain is gone
The mask
I'm sorry ok
I Know A Girl
Some Princess book
I need you...
"Im okay"
My favourite

Finding Me

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By Jordan_Horan01

Growing up with my mother and sister really do suck. My mother likes to have everything perfect and her way. Even her children. I'm 18 and in high school with all A's and perfect attendance. My sisters also had that in school along with "perfect" boyfriends that's just like them. My oldest sister married hers and they are boring as ever. My other older sister is still dating hers. I'm single (4lyfe).

My mother comes home from shopping. Her hair is perfectly curled and falls down her back while wearing a read pencil skirt that goes down to her knees, a black blouse and black heels. She carries 3 big Macy's bag. I smooth out my wavy hair and walks downstairs to greet my mother.

"Oh you're up!"My mother walks pass me. I nod and turn around to follow her.

"DANIELLA! THE DISHES AINT GOING TO DO ITSELF!"She shouts. I quietly sigh and walk away to do the dishes. I honestly don't like cleaning, thanks to my mother. Once I got done, I sat in the living room on my phone. "The Porters are coming over for dinner so you'll need to tidy up yourself and look good for Frank."My mother attempt to wink and walks away, only hearing the clicking of her heel down the hallway.

I rolled my eyes and texted my mother and told I'm going on a walk. She texted back and said ok and I left. This area we live in is peaceful, nothing really happened. Nobody new moved in and nobody old moved out yet. Personally I would move out because it pretty boring but at the same times, I wouldn't. It's pretty safe for kids.

Speaking of kids, I'm at a near by park with lots of kids running around. I ran straight into a boy. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"I rambled on. "It's okay, I'm fine."The boy reassures me, dusting off his pants. He looks around my age or maybe older. Possibly younger. His piercing blue and grey eyes met to my dull brown eyes.  Oh my gosh, his smile is so, ugh what's that word. Oh yeah, VERY VERY CUTE!

"Hi, I'm Logan."He stuck his hand out. I shook it. "Daniella."

We sat down and talked and he such a wonderful boy. He's from New York, New York City and he moved to California last week with his dad and younger sister to start a new life away from their mother and so his dad can get more job opportunities here.

He's 18 as well but a month younger than me. "Hey, can we exchange phone numbers to keep in touch?"He ask, wiping out his phone. I nod and we exchange our phones.

Logan, the dude you fell into😜

I laughed a little at his contact name. I put Dani👑

"Gurrrrlll you ain't no princess."He said, in a white girl voice. We laughed. "Oh I'm just kidding. Your a princess, a beautiful at that."

I can tell that my cheek are getting hot and red. He grins at me and gave me a hug. I inhale his scent. Such a good scent.

We said bye one last time then walk our own way. Once I arrived at my house, the Porters were there. Ugh not Frank. He's this boy that likes me and our parents thinks we should be together. He's sweet and all but I want someone who want to explore and do new experience.

Frank, he wants to stay here forever and have kids with me at like 30. I rather have my kids at 20 or 22 or something like that because I think having kids young is more of a good idea and you and experience it's more if you have more.

I walked inside and was greeted by my mother. "Oh looks who finally came home."She pulls a fake smile. The Porters greets me and Frank gave me a kiss on the cheek. I didn't do anything back but smile. He know I don't like him, he's just pushing it too far.

We sat at the table and talk and eat. "So Daniella, where was you?"Mrs Porter asked me. I wiped my mouth before speaking. "I went for a walk at the park. It's really peaceful, even if there's still kids running around."I flash her a smile. She nods. My phone vibrates. I quickly look at it to see its a text from Logan.

Hey, wanna meet up later?

Sure, what time?

Is 10 good?

Yeah, at the park?

Yep, I have to go. See you soon love xx

I smile down then put my phone up and pay attention to my mothers conversation. Blah blah blah. Frank keeps looking over at me. I wish he could stop.

It's 9:30 and the Porters are now just leaving. Frank took me to a separate room. "Look Dani, I don't like you in that way. I'm just acting because my parents keep saying "oh Daniella likes you" or some shit like that. We don't like each other in that way but we are good friends right?"He says. This might be the first time he actually cussed. I nodded and gave him a hug.

"Good because I like this girl/guy."We said at the same time then laughed. "Are we still doing this stupid act?"I asked.

"Apparently we are. They don't understand that just because they were best friends, doesn't mean we have to date."He ruffle his hair. I grabbed his hand and he nods as we put on a fake smile and walked out.

"Oh looky, there's the happy couple. Well we'll be going, I'll call you tomorrow Ella." Mrs Porter says, hugging my mother goodbye. I gave Frank a hug, a friendly one before they left. My mother washed the dishes and I went to my room and put some sweat on and my hair up in a ponytail. It's almost 9:50. Around this time, my mother goes into her room and don't come out until 6am.

I slipped on my Nike slides. My mother don't know I have these. Or sweats. All I'm wearing is black sweatpants and my black and white volleyball shirt with my Nike slides.

My mother wants me to be girly. I'm not that girly

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