Our Dark Sides (Completed)

Von AntiTheKiller

12.7K 902 722

A story that doesn't really follow its intended plot. But it has a lot of twists and turns throughout and is... Mehr

14? I think... maybe
15...maybe. idk
16. definitely
What boredom does
Some more Art.
41(last chapter?)
new stories?
new story!


282 14 127
Von AntiTheKiller

I had to check what chapter I was up to twice cause I don't know how to count XD

Mark's Pov
I watched in horror as Dark slowly disintegrated in front of me. Anti was soon to follow. Turning into green and red clouds that swirled into mine and Jack's bodies, only to flow straight through our minds into hell. What the fuck just Happened? I shook all thoughts of them from my mind, replacing them with worries of Jack. I ran over to his still unconscious body. I tried shaking him but he didn't wake up. I need help. I need help. I need help. Then I realized I still had Dark's powers. I carefully picked Jack up and put him on my lap carefully as to not hurt him. I searched for Cry's mind with my own. He was with Felix. I delved into his mind.

"Cry, it's me. Mark. We need your help. Dark and Anti have returned to Hell. Dark hurt Jack even more than last time. I still have my powers but he's unconscious. I don't know what to do. I don't want to loose him," I said desperately. At first Cry was a little shocked but as I continued he became worried.

"Okay, where are You?" He asked out load, earning a weird look from Felix but he didn't notice. I thought for a second... I didn't know.

"Uh, I don't know. We are in the same building as we were last time. I just think Dark and Anti put a spell up to prevent you from finding us again," I said looking around a bit. I saw a large Window I hadn't noticed before because I had been crying so much. I heard Cry Humm as he thought. I could still since Felix looking at him weirdly. Cry will explain after.

"Is there any way you can get Outside?" He asked. Perfect timing to spot a Window Mark.

"Yeah. There's a window but I'm not sure If I'll be able to get Jack outside," I replied looking at Jack. He still wasn't breathing properly. I should see if he's okay...

"Mark?" I heard Cry again. I must have zoned out. I hummed in response. "Are there any doors you could go out Of?" I thought for a moment. I didn't want to leave Jack but I carefully placed him back down and walked around the house, looking for any easier way out. After I had checked the entire house I came to conclude that the only way out was through the window. I told Cry and all he had to say was "Be careful okay." Before he fell silent. He must have blocked me off from his mind. He probably needed to talk to Felix.

I returned to the room to find Jack on the floor still. His breathing seemed a little more off but I just took it as a sign to work faster. I walked over to the window and, after some struggling, opened it. It ended up being larger than i thought(thats what she said). I quickly returned to Jack and picked him up. I carefully climbed through the window and placed Jack down on the grass. I looked at him worried. He was growing weaker by the second. What did Dark do to make him this weak.

I decided i should enter his mind and try to wake him up. I didn't want to loose him. Just a few minutes. Then I'll leave. I thought to myself as I entered his mind. It wasn't like Cry's. It wasn't like anyone's. I had never been in Jack's mind because something always stopped me but now... I could see what he sees when Anti takes over. What he sees when he sleeps. What he sees now. Everything was broken and scattered across a large space like area. It seemed to never end. I could see a park, things rusted and moldy. I could see several different schools and buildings. They were all run down. Either rotted out or just broken down. I could see a House? It was burnt down though.

I searched for Jack's presence and followed it. I found him in the burnt house. He was standing in what looked like it used to be a living room. I put a hand on his shoulder but when I did the house became normal. When I re over my hand the house was burnt down. What is going on Here? I put my hand back on his shoulder, returning to the perfectly built house. I saw people? A women with long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a black dress that went to her knees. She looked beautiful. I saw a tall man with short black hair with Grey flecks. He had blue eyes, but they weren't quite as bright as Jack's. He wore a normal shirt and jeans. There was 2 girls and 2 boys in the room as well.  The girls both had long brown hair, one with brown eyes, one with light blue. One of the boys had black hair while the other had brown. Both boys had brown eyes. They all wore casual clothing. (I got to lazy to keep describing) I heard the door open behind me and turned to see.... Jack?

He was younger though. He looked about 13. He seemed to be the youngest in the group. He looked at everyone. His face was stained with tears and he was shaking. I looked back at the family. The other kids seemed annoyed to see him, the adults seemed... Angry? The man stood up and looked at Jack.

"Sean, what are you doing home? You're meant to be in after school Detention!" The man growled. Wait, Home?! Is this Jack's Family? Jack cried even more. Trying to say something but no words came out. He slide down the door and sat with his knees pulled to his chest. The man strode over to Jack and yanked him up into a standing position. "You are going back and finishing that detention young Lad!" His father growled at him, more angrily this time.

"I can't.  I can't.  It's all gone. All of it. It's burnt down. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop him," Jack wailed through his tears.

"What are you talking about Sean?" The man, I presumed to be his father, asked annoyed. He seemed to have heard this story before.

"He burnt it down. The school. It's gone," Jack whispered. You could barely hear him. His father looked shocked. So did the rest of the family.

"Why did you burn the school down Sean? Do you know how much trouble me and your mother are going to get in Now?! How could you do That!?" Jack's father yelled. Jack just seemed to get angry by this.

"IT WASN'T ME! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?" He yelled but then grabbed his head tightly. My eyes widened as he turned into Anti. He started laughing as he tackled Jack's father to the ground.

"You should have listened to Sean. He was right you know. It wasn't him. It was me. And I'm definitely not Sean," Anti said to the man, who looked terrified. Everyone else was silent, realizing they were wrong the whole time and not knowing what to do. I looked at the real Jack. He had curled up into a ball on the ground. But he was unable to the age his eyes off his past self. Was this a Memory?

Then a bright flash caught my eye and the next thing I knew the entire house was on fire. The younger Jack was standing over the body of his father. He was trying to get him to wake up but to no avail. He then ran to the rest of his family, who were all on fire, and tried to drag them to safety but he was too weak. He started coughing and choking as smoke filled his lungs. The loud wailing of sirens rang in the background. Past Jack fell to the floor crying as flames but him. Firemen ran inside, putting out the flames. One carried past Jack's now unconscious body out of the burning house. Others came in and checked the bodies but shock their heads when they didn't find a pulse.

Is this what happened to Jack's Family? He did say he was living with his aunty before she kicked him out Right? Then all the fire was put out and the firemen were carrying the lifeless bodies of Jack's family. As they were putting the dead bodies into a truck something dropped from what appeared to be Jack's mums body. I went over and looked at it. It was the same heart pendant Jack had been holding at lunch. So that's why he had it. He must have come back and picked it up. I left Jack's mind, thinking I had gone in far enough.

When I was out it seemed extremely bright. I opened my eyes to discover I wasn't outside on the grass anymore, but I was in a room. I was lying on a bed in an empty room. I got up and walked out of the room and into a hall. Walking down the hall I came to a small living room. Cry and Felix were sitting on a couch. They were talking to each other but stopped when I walked in. I looked at the two of them. A sad, sympathetic expression on both their faces. Then it hit me... Where's Jack?

And the crying begins.... bye


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