Never Let Me Go (Man x Boy)

By Shir050403

136K 3K 551

"What is there baby?" I asked not sure why he looked at his lower half. Erin took the blanket off reviling hi... More

Happy new year, Pet
Happy Birthday Mark!
chapter 6
I hate you (Part 1)
I hate you (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Netflix n chill
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Momma/ Timmy
Happy birthday Erin!

Nice to meet you

25K 441 132
By Shir050403

(A/N: The guy in the picture is Erin!!^^
book won't be too long maybe 10-30 chapters if I'll like it... Hope you like it!
-Blue Mama)

*Erin's POV*

It's all started on a Monday, 10th of December 2016, 2 pm, I was on the bus on my way home from class. I failed my math test again and if I am honest, I didn't really want to go back home. I instead chose to go to the abandoned house at the other side of town and listen to my favorite song "Haru Haru" by Big bang. I marched slowly, my hands in my green school jacket trying to get some heat. I couldn't stop thinking about how many slaps I'll get when my parents find out I failed my test again. I came closer and closer to the abandoned house. When I was at the door I opened it quietly and went to my usual sitting place, it was a room with decaying walls, a big window and many pieces of glass on the floor from the broken window and bottles of beer that some punks broke... Somehow in all that mess there was peace. I moved into the room and sat down, my phone had only 12% and I hoped it would stay alive for another hour or so. I place my head back against the wall to rest, listening to the relaxing song and humming when the ditty began. My body was here on earth... But my mind was going nuts about how many injuries am I going to get when I come back home, 'maybe I should run away? Nah, the police will probably gonna look for me.' as I started to fight in my head, the devil in me said: 'you don't have a reason to stay... food? you can work, place to live? you can live on the street for a while and when I'll get enough money. Shit... I have nothing! no friends, no family... am I going to be alright? I should find a job, I'm already 16 I'm sure I'll find a place to work-' just as I began humming the ditty again I felt someone looking at me... I looked up at the doorway and noticed a high muscular guy. He walked into the room, his dark gray eyes staring deep into my soul... he was so hot... He smirked, "Who are you?" I mumbled, "Mark, nice to meet you. and you are?" his confident voice gave me goosebumps... 'who is this Mark?!' I couldn't take my eyes off of him, was I staring? I was... wasn't I? 'he is just so-' before I could even complete my thought I responded... I felt like I'm in some kind fairy tail...




We talked for a while and then he had to leave, to be honest, I was kinda disappointed he left, he was really nice to me.  An hour later I was still staring at the wall and being startled by him, I rose up and advanced to the bus.







*Mark's POV*

It was another boring meeting. We talked about how much money we want to donate to the poor kids in Africa and how much to the army in Afghanistan, my company has always given one Million dollars to the people fighting in Afghanistan and to poor kids. After the meeting, Everyone wanted to talk to me. 'Gahhhh I don't have the fucking patience for these people'. I run out of the building and request my driver, Damien, to take me to my house, when we arrived I got out the car and went to my private car, it was an Audi R8 Spyder the white and red model.  I didn't crave for anyone to follow me, I wanted time alone... 

While driving I couldn't stop thinking about how much I hated the fact that I don't have a submissive... I need a new one. But this time I wish for someone younger, Innocent, smart, Someone... Some that I can really~ feel good with. 

I was driving for around 20 minutes and stopped as I noticed a small house, It looked somewhat safe enough to go in. It was very abandoned so no one would be around here to nag me with bullshit.
I approach slowly, not making a lot of noise and movements, I wanted to be sure it's safe here. Suddenly I heard a small quiet humming from one of the rooms, I looked at the kitchen and saw a bag of chips, I kept going deeper into the building until I found the source of the sweet humming. It was a beautiful boy with Blond hair in a dark green beanie, Black torn jeans and a White shirt underneath the green jacket. I smiled, how can't I? There was a beautiful boy in front of me humming a sweet melody. I looked at him for about a minute and then he saw me. His eyes getting wider, showing his amazing baby blue eyes . "Who are you...?" He questions shyly, his voice sweet. "I'm Mark, nice to meet you. And you are?" I replied gazing deep into his glowing blue eyes, "M- Mark... huh... I- I'm Erin... What are you doing here...?" He asked shyly, "It's a long story, Erin. May I sit next to you?" I promoted while smirking and thinking how much I want him, I need him, those baby blues of his, he is the one I've been looking for... "S- sure..." He mumbled unsure for some reason, I sat down next to him and smile. "S- so...?" He pauses to hear my story, I chuckle, 'he's so cute', "I was looking for a spot to relax so the people in my workplace wouldn't be able to disturb me. And then I saw this house and thought 'this looks like a good place let's go in!' " He stared at me, his headphones still in his small cute ears, Suddenly he took them off, "And how about you, Erin? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be home, eating normal food and not chips?" He flushed "Y- yeah but I'm not sure I should head home yet... My parents will be mad as soon as I return... And... I kinda wanted to feel "Free" I'll go home in an hour or more..." He looked at his hands, "why would your parents be mad at you? If I may ask of course" Erin looked surprised by my question, "B- because my parents will beat me up again... Because I failed my math test... Again..." I was startled, 'this gorgeous boy is getting hit at home?! Hell no, not on my watch.' "Erin, your parents hit you?" He nods, "What do you say, can I talk to your parents?", "W- what do you mean, sir?" I grinned confidently, "how about we meet here tomorrow? And I'll make sure you will be safe? What do you say?" I was hoping he'll say Yes, I need him to trust me.

"I'm sorry sir... Mark... I don't know you... I- I can't trust you, please don't do anything..." He looked scared and he was tearing up, 'No no no, what did I do...? Damn, I need to find a way to make him trust me...' "Okay, don't worry, trust me I won't do anything without your permission, Erin. I should get going now though, it's getting late, what do you think, will it be okay if I'll give you my phone number? You can call me if something happens and you need help." He nods 'that's a good start ' I thought, he got his cell out of his pocket and with his pale white hand gave me his phone, I put my number inside it and texted myself to know it's him. "You can call me and if I don't answer text me I'll call you as soon as I can, okay?" He nodded "good boy", his beautiful face turned red as a tomato and he started smiling, I felt my lower part grow... 'Mark, chill he's just a boy, calm the fuck down' I said in my head over and over, I gave him a small smile back and started walking out, 'I'll see you soon my baby boy... I'm sure he will call as soon as something happens.' I got into my car, deep in thought.

When I got home I went to my office, as always I had plenty of emails, I started checking emails. after a while I checked my phone and saw a few text messages, I got up and was ready... I was so damn ready to kick some butts.








*Erin's POV*

When I got home I was still alone it was around 5 PM, my little brother was at his hockey training. I had some homework so I sat down and opened my history notebook and started to read about the 'American Revolution'.

When I finished reading I heard someone coming into the house. I was alone so I went to check who that was... 'Hmm? it's only 5:30... my brother should come only after 6, and mom needs to come only at six after she picks up my brother...' I Thought as I walked to the door, surprisingly it was my mom, and she looked pissed as fuck, 'oh shit... I'm dead' "Erin, you little shit, you failed another test?! why didn't you study, you stupid boy!" she screamed and walked fast to my direction, "Mom! I did study! I swear! I- I'm sorry-" before I knew it I was on the floor my cheek red with a hand-print, I cry out in pain. "you're a fail child! pack your stuff. you're leaving!" She yells, "Mom, please! I have nowhere to go! mom, I'm sorry!" 'No, no, no no no no this isn't happening! my mom is kicking me out?! where will I live...? ' She looked at me with such hatred, I knew I have nowhere... she kept kicking me in my stomach, I couldn't breath... everything went blurry, I Fainted.

next thing I woke up still on the floor, my whole body was hurting... I looked around and didn't see anyone, I took out the phone and texted the first name I thought 'Mark...'.
Erin: "Mark? I'm sorry to anboy you. I'm hyrt... free me... pls... I live on the Dewberry street hoise nuumber 4" (Mark? I'm sorry to annoy you.. I'm hurt... save me... please... I live in the Dewberry street house number 4)

I fainted from pain again, when I began to wake up I felt something grabbing my body and lifting me up, I couldn't open my eyes for some reason but some why I felt safe in these warm, caring hands. I tried to breathe but couldn't, then I heard "we are on our way to the hospital, Erin... I'm here don't worry, relax." 'this voice...' he hugged me tightly with his protective arms.









This was the first Chapter I hope you like it!  -Blue

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