A Second Chance **Watty Award...


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What would you do if you were given the opportunity to live your life all over again? What if you take this o... More

A Second Chance: Description
A Second Chance: Chapter 1
A Second Chance: Chapter 2

A Second Chance: Chapter 3

248 11 4

Authors Note;

Hi everyone, I have not uploaded a story in so long! I am terribly sorry for the long wait, I have been busy with so many different things, and gahhh. Just so many stuff. I want to thank all my supporters, and my new fans - welcome. I am going to be creating another story also, so look out for that! <3 Enjoy this story is about to get rollin! Keep on voting, and keep on reading thank you <3


Chapter 3 

The next few weeks became a haze to me. Days passed  by as they were nothing, and nights were lonely, and long. I called into work saying that I needed a month's worth of vacation, Mr. Willox agreed. I couldn't stand up right, and my heart was racing. I had lost my golden opportunity to be what I wanted the most, and not only that my nightmares continuously haunted me.

 I decided to go see a fortune teller, how cliche. I knew they always took more money and gave you some bullshit fortune, but right now I could use a few lies to help boost what was left of my confidence. If it still existed somewhere deep inside of me…

 I got up off my bed which I had been lounging on for the past few weeks, and brushed my greasy, frizzy, hair. I definitely needed a shower before I left this place. I hopped in letting the hot water stream down my back, as the steam covered the entire room. I felt so relaxed, and soon everything around me became so surreal as I got lost into my thoughts once more.

-flash back-

I ran through my front door, covered in ketchup, and mustard as it was thrown all over me. I could feel tears welding into my eyes, as I stepped into my house. I couldn't bear it any longer, the tormenting, and the pain. I saw my Mom down the hall in the kitchen humming, and singing happily. Only if she knew how many times that I've been tormented..


 I called from the front room as I made my way through the house slowly reaching the kitchen

"There you are my darling!"

She shouted with smiles, as she approached me and acknowledged the ketchup, and mustard stains all over my clothes, and in my hair.

"What happened?!" She shouted, as she ran to the sink to clean me up.

 "Just a regular day of high school Mom, nothing new…" I mumbled.

"Have you even tried to report Natasha? She could get into serious trouble Paulina, why aren't you reporting her?"

Really Mom? Tattle telling? Great that can be added on to my so famous reputation.

"I'd rather not add a tattle tell to my reputation mom. You know, it's so far pretty popular in all of the school. I mean everyone knows who I am…" I said stubbornly.

 Everyone knew who I was. I mean, I was Natasha's victim, and the school laughing stock. 

"Well my Paulina," She pulled my hair back as she scrubbed my shirt and pants for the stains to fade, "You are stronger than that. Don't let some girl break your happiness, you are way stronger than that."

She smiled confidently, yet the stains were not getting out. "

 Go get changed, and wipe those tears up. You will never cry again for this girl, do you hear me?" 

 -Flash back End-

It was more easier said than done. Four entire years of torture, not to mention elementary school. I couldn't even add up the amount of years of torture I suffered from this one girl. I knew it couldn't be reality, but what if I had that ONE chance to go back in time, and just change everything?

 I began smiling, and I knew that revenge would be the best solution. I wanted Natasha to feel my pain, inflicted over, and over again.  Obviously people can't time travel, but at least I had some pretty good dreams at night to think about instead of those horrific nightmares.

 I hopped out of the shower and  began getting ready to meet my Pyschic Janelle, who would hopefully boost up the remainder of confidence I had, maybe even make me laugh at her ridiculous fortunes. Sliding into some tight black jeans with a nice blouse, I stood in the mirror and smiled, where I could see wrinkles already beginning to form. I stopped smiling to make them go away, but they were just creases on my face. 

 I didn't have to go very far for this physic she was only down the street from me. My neighbour Rayna told me that she was a great physic and can do powerful healing… whatever that means. I was really hoping this wasn't a bogus show for more extra money.

 As I walked into the tiny, narrow spaced shop the bell above my head rung in a loud chimed sound, making my hands rise to my ears. However, the room was just magnificent. My eyes began to wander all across the room, amazed by what I was seeing.

 There were shelves filled with different objects, and gold treasuries. It was very dim, but LED lights were appearing from each and every corner. Curtains hung around the entire small room, which I assumed was the lobby and then there was a big oak door leading to the back room which held the crystal ball.

 I stood there patiently awaiting for Janelle to come out, but instead a petite small blonde walked out sobbing. She didn't even acknowledge my presence and walked out.

 Um…. what did this lady do?

 "Ah, Paulina walk into my little office."

 Janelles soft toned voice echoed through out the room.

 I walked slowly afraid of what I was about to endure.

  "Don't be scared, I'm not some evil witch or anything."

She began laughing, and the room once again echoed her laugh. 

 I quickly walked towards her "office" and closed the door behind me. The room was even smaller than the lobby, and held a big oak table, with a small crystal ball, with two chairs opposite at the table.

 Janelle sat on the opposing side, with her long black hair, and piercing blue eyes she looked like a gypsy goddess. She had dark black eyeliner which spread around her eyes, and a shadowy look about her. 

 She seemed mysterious, yet intriguing. 

 "Your afraid I presume?"

Her hand lightly glided over the ball while still staring into my eyes. 

 "I've never been to one of these places before…" I said calmly while gulping in a bit of fear.

 "Well, my dear I can tell a lot about you already." Her eyes began twitching, and slowly went back to normal.

 "You've been humiliated your entire life, seeking for understandment, maybe even rejoice. But most of all revenge. These three emotions boil within your body. Do I stand correct?" 

 My jaw dropped down, how had she guess this?

 "Um… possibly" I remained calm once again.

 "I feel like I am reliving every moment, all the tears and disgrace from when you came home every night. The thoughts, the deadly thoughts you think about. The harm you wanted to do, tried to do…" She continued on.

 I began to stand up, tears welding in my eyes.

 "Are you going to tell me about my life about the pain I endured from the past, or are you going to tell me something good about the future. I don't want your sympathy from my past, I want to get over it." I shouted.

 I clapped my hand over my mouth to realize I just yelled at a woman who has potential power to cause me bad luck for life.

 "Sit down Paulina, I may have a solution." 

 I silently plopped back into my seat, and stared at her once again.

 "What's your solution Janelle?" I snuffed, a confidence boost? Please give me one.

 "A Second Chance."

 She clapped and the ball lit up, and stems of electricity moved through it. My eyes dropped from her and stared right into the ball, where I could feel myself being pulled into it.

 "You need a wake up call Paulina, revenge is not the answer for what you are looking for. But rest assured, you need to learn that yourself." Janelles tone became more harsh rather than her soft, and her once blue eyes turned grey.

 "Well, I wish that I could go back in time and indeed learn it for myself." I wanted to give Natasha every bit of pain she earned, every torment, every… 

 "You must be careful for what you wish for, because you just might get it. You are not seeing the bigger picture here. Revenge does nothing, it is not satisfactory. You need to understand, and learn the reasons of the past, and move on from it."

 Ha, I've heard better quotes from my Mom seriously. I felt like this was getting a bit cliche, so I stood up pulled a twenty out of my pocket and dropped it on the table.

 "Thanks for your time Janelle, I had a great one."

I began laughing and opened the door and walked out.

"By the way, there is no way anyone could ever go back in time." I walked out of the store, and I could hear Janelle yelling after me… only if I knew what she was saying.


 It was a long day after that, I couldn't believe what I just did and why I was there. What was I desperate? It was night time and I felt the need to sleep, I was scared of the horrendous nightmares I would have so I calmly slept thinking about if I could actually go back in time…

 What would it be like? How would I act differently? I would tell myself things completely different, having knowledge based on a older womens prospective. I would have definitely partied more, had more fun, and even made fun of Natasha myself. Oh, the wonderful joys.


 I woke up from that night not having a single night mare.

My bed was more stiff though, and I could hear someone calling my name. I opened my eyes and saw myself in my old bedroom, where I used to be when I was a teenager. My mom walked into my room and smiled,

"Wake up Paulina, you need to do your chores."

She stood by my door and stared at me.

 "Um… is this a dream?" I said looking around the room, confused as to why I was here.

 She began laughing, "Oh come on sleepy head, stop making excuses and get up. You have ten minutes." She closed my door lightly and I could hear her stomping down the stairs.

 I jumped out of my bed and started pacing back and forth in my room. 

 "This can't be happening." I mumbled striding my hands through my hair.

  I slowly approach the mirror and as I got closer I could see my freckles, frizzy brown hair and glasses stare back at me.

 "I'm…. sixteen again?" I took steps back and tripped over my own foot and landed on my butt. A loud thump was made and I could hear my Mom shouting from below to hurry up and get downstairs.

 "This isn't real…" I muttered.

 "This isn't real… it can't be real. There is no way in hell that this is FREAKING REAL!"

I screamed and curled up into a ball.

 "Janelle!" I shouted,

"Janelle! I know you can hear me, take me out of this! I don't want to relive this!" I screamed and shouted and felt tears form again.

 After a few minutes of quiet sobs, I realized I had got what I wanted…

I'm back in the past, and that means that Natasha is here too.

I looked up back into my mirror and smirked,

"Revenge" I said quietly.


What did you guys think?! Leave a comment, please <3 I will be updating every sunday or 2-3 times a week now, sorry for the VERY long delay but i am back :) 

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