Dark Paradise

By delxrious_

26.2K 3.8K 5.1K

The heavily inquired question arises in thousands of curiosity consumed beings; what would the outcome be onc... More

New School New People
The Name's Ryder
Kill Myself For a Guy?
Soup and Coke Situation
I'm a Whore Too?
Little White Lie
I Promise
The insulting Marathon
Say Yes To The Dress
Smile For The Camera Kitten!
Adios Morgan
Don't Say Adios Yet
The Scandalous Deal
The Terrors of the Night
Let The Games Begin
Murderous Laces & Superiority
Devil's Late Night Crisis
A Kitten in a Cat Fight
Two Boys & a Pen
Cooper the Party Pooper
The Art of Ramen Noodles
French Fries with a Side of Charlie

When Ron Met Kim

251 37 179
By delxrious_

When Ron Met Kim

Adriana's P.O.V.

Just as I had finally decided to end the life shattering mental battle I had regarding Anna's cheating boyfriend, the shaggy haired brunette had to magically appear right in front of my sharp gaze. His defined jaw repetitively clenched as we continuously gawked at one another. Anna's light eyes drifted from both of our figures, with a large question mark implanted within her face.

"Uh, H-hi, Adriana. It's nice to meet you."it was as clear as day that it required every fiber within his disdainful soul to utter those white lies.

A deadly fiber of hatred soured through his physique, from none other than me. "Would love to say the same thing. It's a shame I can't," Anna's eyes grew in size at my reply, and she initiated producing weird facial expression for me to shut my mouth. Cooper gulped as Anna ushered us in.

Although my entire figure was electrified with anger towards that unfaithful bastard, I couldn't bring myself to tell Anna. Observing crystal tears dripping from those emerald eyes was not a sight I wanted to observe. I have never been placed in such a situation, so threatening him to confess later on would be best.

I stepped inside of her perfectly furnished house that made one feel immense comfort. But comfort managed to escape from the wooden door as the cheating brown haired male was situated a few inches away from my indecisive being. Her ever so loyal boyfriend sat on the neighboring couch, and Anna made sure she felt comfortable placing her gluteus maximus right on his lap. He dared to wrap his sun kissed arm around her bare waist. The jaw I possessed managed to start a routine consisting of repetitive clenching. Whilst my jaw exercised, so did my thoughts. Divergent thoughts kept on racing up and down my brain.

    Stay quiet, Adriana!

    Find your inner off switch.

    Don't do it, she'll feel devastated!

    Go do your homework.

    I grimaced at the thought of resuming that ten hour calculus homework my teacher brightly and contently handed to the entire class.

   Adriana, focus!

   My inner conscience reminded my stressed soul of the situation in hand, and as soon as
it did, my fiery gaze settled on the intimately close couple.

    "Babe, why is your friend here?" Cooper inquired, facing Anna with innocence masking his entire visage. If only that innocence possessed honesty.

    "I invited her over for a girls' night, babe, but I totally forgot you were coming over. But it's okay, you can join us, the more the merrier." she winked at her fear consumed lover. He gulped and mustered up a crooked smile, earning him a slight peck on the cheek from none other than Anna.

    Their proximity and intimacy resulted in none other than immense guilt crawling deep within my soul. A person as pure and loyal as Anna did not deserve to have such a cruel human being present within her life. Cheating on a partner meant that you no longer cherish them as a human being, so why would I sit there and act as if it were all right? She deserved more than what has been granted to her, and at that moment, I finally decided to assist her in achieving what she deserved.

    "Anna!" I stated in a high pitched tone. I gulped and crossed my fingers. "Can we talk?" Cooper's brightly colored irises expanded in size as soon as I muttered those words, and panic was evident on his face.

    "Hold that thought, Adriana, I just heard the timer in the kitchen. I'll be right back," she chirped and exited the contaminated room. I stood up furiously and marched towards his disdainful physique. "You need to tell her what you did," I spat in utter disgust. His eyes narrowed but then an evil glint was twinkling within them.

    "Or else what?" he challenged in a bitter tone. As soon as he stated that question, he stood up and his height was evident to me. He clearly towered over me and could easily pass as a 6 foot male.

    "Or else I'll tell her myself." I spat once more, wishing a pound of saliva would land on his cheating face.

    "I don't think you wanna do that, now do you?" He stated in a sinister tone.

    "I sure as hell will if you don't tell her yourself. How can you even do that to her? I wont judge you for whatever way you swing but the least you could've done is break up with her before hooking up with someone. Gosh, you disgust me," I ranted but my speech was cut soon due to the harsh grip that was wrapped around my wrist.

    "Lower your voice," he hissed and I held a wince. "And if you tell her, I will make it my job to destroy you. Am I clear?" his grip tightened  around my aching wrist and it hurt more as I attempted to pull his hand away from mine.

    "Let go of my wrist, you psycho!" as if he felt she was returning, Cooper released my wrist and whispered something in my ear, "Am I clear?"

    Oh, you're as clear as day.

    "Cooper, I made a love heart cookie for you and-" she was cut short by none other than me.

    "Cooper cheated on you." I bluntly stated and the anger coursing through his bulging veins was immensely evident. Anna tilted her head in confusion, stared calmly at Cooper.

    "Um, Adriana, what are you talking about?" she lightly giggled as if my words were nonsense.

    "It's nothing, babe. Your friend here seems to have some issues and wants to rub them off on us or something,"

    "Your excuse doesn't even make sense, are you hearing yourself? You fucking cheated on her and I saw it with my damn eyes. Don't even try denying it," I shouted in frustration.

    "Adriana, I know Cooper, we've been dating for years. He wouldn't do that to me. Stop just stop. Why would you even say all of that? I thought you were my friend!" she spoke in utter disappointment. 

    "You've got to be kidding me," I gawked at her words, rubbing my eyes to check if it were all a dream. "Anna, I saw him, I saw it all. He was shoving his fucking tongue down someone else's throat in a damn closet. Why would I make all of this up? What would I even benefit from that? I am your friend and as your friend, I want the best for you which is not to be toyed around with by some asshole-" my ranting session was cut short by Anna's delicate voice.

    "Get out." she stared at the floor and I smiled in victory.

"Yeah, you heard the woman, get out." I stated in triumph whilst staring at Cooper. But my victory was cut short as her delicate voice had disappeared and was replaced by an angry one.

"You. Adriana, you get out," she spoke bitterly and resumed staring at the ground.

I scoffed,"So, what? You're just gonna believe that lying asshat? Anna-"

"GET OUT!" her voice boomed in the room and echoed thunderously. I snatched my phone from the coffee table and did as I was told.

Cooper Frayer, welcome to my hit list.

    My mission had begun, and in order to accomplish it and reach the end, none other than the notorious and infamous bad boy can help. With one ring, he picked up.

    "Morgan, get your big girl panties on, we're about to go on a mission."

• • • • • • •

    "No wonder I don't do girls!" Scooter screeched. "Hey, not all of them are as bad as her!" Melanie hollered from the other side of the room.

    "Are you guys here to emotionally destroy me or fix my already destroyed appearance?"

    "Both, duh." Scooter stated.

    "Do you have any costume in mind?" Trisha inquired.

    Costumes. We've been searching hours and hours for the perfect one, but it happened to be nonexistent. The reason I was in need for one was to accompany Morgan to some Halloween party that my sources stated Cooper would attend. Cooper, alcohol, and boys in one house. You do the math. With the help of Morgan, he and I will manage to catch Cooper in action. Picking him as an assistance would be painful, but at the moment, he was the only person available who was evil enough to help.

    "A nun," I said and at the same time Scooter shouted,"A hooker!" he exclaimed with excitement. Scooter and I quarreled for a few minutes regarding what costume would be suitable until Melanie brightly smiled at the both of us.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Kim Possible."

• • • • • • •

    A crop top as dark as pure coal masked my upper body. The shirt that reached my bell was accompanied by a pair of light green loose pants that resembled the cartoon legend, Kim Possible. The pants were secured by a big brown belt and my hands were concealed by a pair of dark gloves. My light brown hair was straightened and cascaded down my back. Melanie,Trisha and Scooter also managed to polish my makeup to perfection. Everything about the outfit was approved of by me, except the deadly part of skin exposed. The part of the skin exposed in my lower stomach area was not much, but I still felt uncomfortable.

    "Miss Lancaster, we're here." I thanked the white haired chauffeur and wrapped my hands around the door handle in anxiety.

    "Oh, and Mr. Morgan is standing on the doorway of the house waiting for you," he spoke, and after hearing his words, my face swiveled to the right to only find the dark haired beast leaning on the wall with a leg pulled up and stuck to the wall. I bit my lip and braced myself for what was to come.

    Exiting the vehicle, my face was harshly slapped by the wind that ruffled my chocolatey locks. My legs began their  journey towards Morgan, and I continued walking until I was situated right in front of his physique. He pulled his head up, his gaze immediately focused on my visage.

    "Agent imbecile, I see you have arrived," he muttered in that husky tone of his that would make any girl swoon, any girl excluding me.

    "Well, Agent BeerFarts, you seem to be a great observer. Kudos to your perfectly functioning eyesight."

    He scrunched up his sculpted nose and raised his thick brows a centimeter or two at my words,"Agent BeerFarts? Adriana, are you high?" just as he questioned me on my inexistent drug consuming habits, his gaze traveled down towards my costume. I gulped in remembrance of my exposed skin, and fought the urge of concealing it with my arms. His dark irises initiated their staring journey from my black boots to the tip of my head.

    "Agent WindowLicker, what character are you portraying?" he asked and inhaled deeply.

    "Um, Kim Possible?" my words escaped my lips as if they formulated a question rather than a statement.

    "Oh for fuck's sake, I'm supposed to be Ron, that ugly blonde bitch who's her sidekick," he exclaimed with fake anger.

    As soon as he stated those words, that's when my vision fully comprehended his costume. A black turtle neck and grey cargo pants concealed his physique, along with a pair of dark boots and gloves.

    "Ron's cute though, how on Earth are you supposed to resemble him?" I fired at his relaxed physique.

    "Lancaster, are you calling me sexy?" my jaw dropped to the concrete ground at his disdainful inquiry.

    "Only you would twist an insult into a compliment," I rolled my eyes and initiated on strolling away from his irking being.

    "You didn't answer my question," he exclaimed, hot on my heels.

    "Shut up, you beast,"

    "A sexy beast," although I was ahead of him, I could practically envision that smirk of his plastered on his sun kissed visage.

    "Let's just get this over with," I muttered with a sigh.

    "Agent WindowLicker," he called as he managed to catch up to me and stand right next to my physique. He pulled out a walky talky from his back pocket and handed it to me.

    "What's this for?"

    "You can't seriously call yourself a spy without a walky talky,"

    "Don't you think that's unnecessary," I stated truthfully.

    "Lancaster, if you're willing to actually disrespect me like that then I don't think this is gonna work out," he exclaimed with an immensely serious expression plastered on his face and I fought a laugh from escaping my lips.

    "Jeez, sorry Mr. 'I have spy fantasy fetishes'. Didn't mean to offend you in any way possible!" the sarcasm was dripping from my tone.

    "Only way you'd know I have spy fantasies is if you have them too. Lancaster, you're not as innocent as you think," his lip curved upwards, formulating a smirk. After he said that, he walked right past me and into the house, not giving me a chance to reply.

We both stood right in front of the large, golden, and intricately engraved metallic gates. I gazed up at the mansion in utter awe.

    "Woah, it's huge!" I spoke in utter fascination.

    "That's what she said," Morgan snickered at his remark and I fixated my narrowed eyes at his built figure.

    "Please, I have a higher percentage of hearing that from someone in comparison to you," it was my turn to snicker.

    "Wanna bet?" he challenged.

    "Morgan, I'm a girl,"

    "Wait, really?" he questioned in utter amazement and confusion, as if I informed him that dinosaurs weren't extinct.

    "Proof or it didn't happen," he then added to his previous idiotic statement.

    "You're disgusting," I spat at the pervert standing right beside me.

    "Says the girl who calls me BeerFarts,"

     "That's because you are one,"

    "No I'm not,"

    "Prove it," he was about to reply until I remembered the situation that was at hand.

    "It's almost ten we need to start. Save all that crap you have in stored for when we're done exposing that cheating bastard." as soon as those words escaped my lightly tinted lips, we entered the exceedingly enormous house and the music blasting welcomed my bleeding eardrums.

"Agent WindowLicker," Morgan stated in a loud tone and turned his head to the left, facing me.

"Yes, Agent BeerFarts?"

"What's the sitch?"

* * *




I'm aware that not plenty of people will read this chapter as I guess a lot have stopped reading my book since I haven't updated in so long, but if you're still here then I truly appreciate you for sticking by and showing your support 💖💖💖

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Until next time,


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