Tenerife Sea ~ H.Potter

By wonderswoman

133K 4.7K 995

She didn't quite know what love was. She didn't quite understand it either. But what Harry Potter knew was th... More

P A R T | O N E
P A R T | T W O


3K 142 22
By wonderswoman

Tenerife sea

That night Edith went home and hung the pictures she had collected with the boy wizard on her walls. Next to the older ones with peeling tape that had grown not so clear over the months they had been planted on the plainly painted area. Her eyes would widen at the wonder the picture may have held within them. Glowing as her mind filled in the missing gaps of each story that they told with interest.

The two had parted ways once the sun had settled below the sky, but Harry had promised he had an surprise coming her way. If he could find what he was looking for of course, which had brung a raised eyebrow and confused eyes his way from Edith. Sweat painted her skin like a second layer of herself, her hair had tied itself into small knots. The scent of freshly mown grass stuck to her body like an perfume she had sprayed on far to many times. But Edith she didn't seem to mind any of that at all, her feet ached and her skin itched from one or two or at least a few big bites. But it all could be ignored for the feeling of bliss had stuck itself to her senses. As if the she was on her cloud nine. That was something only Harry Potter could leave her feeling like, and the Ambermathy girl knew that for sure. Edith knew very well that Harry was not one for being confident in himself in any way shape or form. The boy was a ball of awkward and self doubt. His cheeks would flush with the colors of deep red wine when ever she would say something about him, or when he would do something the least bit clumsy around her. But if Edith could explain in any words that her lips would be able to come up with, on the way that the boy wizard left her feeling. It would leave herself shocked, for Harry Potter had done things to her that she thought no one else could. For he left a warm feeling in her finger tips and a small buzz in the bottom of her warmed stomach. He left a print that no other person had done for her. For maybe he gave her the feeling she had been searching for so long. The girl would not yet say herself that she loved Harry, because Harry wasn't so sure if he loved her either. The two had only known each other for the summer and she had learned more from Harry Potter than she ever could in a life time. For the boy with the circle framed glasses and the lightning shaped scar on his forehead left her heart warm.

Harry Potter stumbled into his room his heart on a high as the memories from earlier that day flooded his thoughts as he blushed as he thought of the way Edith's cherry tasting lips felt against his. It was his first kiss after all, although he knew very well that it wasn't Edith's first. It was probably her 100th time kissing a boy or a girl for that matter. But Harry would not have it any other way. Edith was perfect, in his eyes she was utter perfection. The words that he had heard from others about the ginger haired girl may have twisted his thoughts for a little while but he had fallen far to deep for Edith ambermathy than he ever thought he could before. For if it was love he was almost sure that it was, but not so sure that it seemed real. The boy was caught up in a web of warmth and heart he almost thought that it was just the feeling that made him think such thoughts. But maybe it wasn't maybe he was in love after all. The boy fell onto his bed his head landed softly onto the boys pillow, flat from the many years of use it had been through. His hands held the thin wired glasses as he set them onto his desk next to the moving picture frame of his parents. He dug his chin deep into the fabric the warmth of his breath leaving a warm feeling on his cheeks. His emerald green eyes beginning to close to a content shut, the smell of fresh grass still stuck to his t shirt and the old jeans he wore scratched against his skin. But before the boy could fall into a deep slumber, his eyes popped open wide and alert. He had promised Edith his Hogwarts Books, he knew she would love them after all. Filled with old sketches and pictures. Thousands and thousands of words collected about a magical world she had never known before. The boy quickly jumped from his once spot on his  unmade bed. The boy rummaged around his room sliding open the small closet door, as he pulled out the large wooden trunk that was filled with all of his things for Hogwarts. The truth was the boy had not looked into such books since his second year at the wizarding school, for he had gotten them in his first year when he first met Hagrid. Harry had soon forgotten them after his second year ended for he had already read them over and over on repeat because of the hype of becoming a wizard. Hermione would be proud of him for doing that if she even knew. The familiar green and red covered books, the only two he had managed to not lose and to keep in fairly good condition over the years. The boy gripped the two older copy's in his hands as he ran down the stairs of the Dursley home making his way towards Edith.

"Harry hello," Mrs.Ambermathy answered the door after Harry had knocked three times in a quick order. Her blue eyes shined like ocean colored crystals. The women's thick black hair had been let down, which was a very rare occasion indeed. It fell down her shoulders in thick waves which reminded Harry of the way Edith's hair would fall down her back, but her way was indeed puffier than her mothers. But not as puffy as Hermione's hair, no ones hair was as puffy as Hermione's hair. But Harry missed the wise girls puffy brown mess of a hair he missed her quick remarks and Ron's messy eating in the dining hall. These thoughts got the boy home sick, for Hogwarts was his home and so was Ron and Hermione. But he had not heard an word from them lately, or almost no times at all this summer. Which was soon coming to a close end. The boy shook his head in annoyance not wanting to think of missing Hogwarts at the moment but the fact that he was carrying two wizard textbooks in his hands did not help that matter.

"Um hello Mrs.Ambermathy." Harry blushed as he let out a small wave with his left hand. The boy wasn't so sure if the lady still had a disliking to him or not. But he wanted to play it safe at the moment. The truth was Karen Ambermathy knew that Harry Potter was unlucky for her daughter but he seemed to be the only boy to bring her happiness in this day an age. So she allowed her to be with him, it wasn't like she was going to magically become a wizard and develop powers now that she was friends with the Boy who lived. If Edith had powers she would not know what she would do, for the older women was very happy that she was born away from the wizarding community unlike her mother. For she hoped her daughter was the same, which seemed to be going well so far, and Karen planned to keep it that way.

"Is it okay if I come in?" Harry asked his voice growing soft towards the end of his sentence. The older women nodded her head leaving the door open behind her as she walked into the house. Taking a seat on the couch where she was before the boy interrupted her. Harry quickly ran up the stairs of the house wanting to get away from the awkward build up of tension between the two of them. The boy knocked quietly on Edith plain painted door. His eyes could only see the dim light that creaked underneath the door frame.
The boy cleared his throat "Edith can I come in." He said loudly so he could hear. In response a loud scream could be heard coming from the bathroom connected to the freckled skinned girls room.
"Harry Is that you! Sure come in! But if it's not Harry don't come in." She yelled back. The boy chuckled as he pushed the door open his eyes wandering around the bedroom, not spotting the ginger haired girl in any corner.
"Yo potter boy in here!" Edith yelled as a splash of water could be heard coming after her loud words. Harry closed his eyes a red blush crept up his neck as he walked into the bathroom.
"Harry you do know you can open your eyes," Edith said the boy could hear the annoyance in her words for she had said this to him many different times before.
"Why is it that almost everytime I see you, you're about naked?" The boy asked as he stood by the bathroom door clutching the books to his chest.
"I don't know, I guess your body just really want to see me naked." Edith said "But you always close your eyes Potter your mind wants to see it, just let it be." Edith giggled spreading her arms out to either sides of the white polished tub. Her hands clutching the white rims of the it. A wide smirk fell open her lips as bubbled foamed up around her chest and down the rest of her body. Her fingers twirled around a piece of loose hair that crowned her face, for the rest of it was tied up in a bun not wanting it to get wet.

"What do you got me now Potter?" She asked as her eyes directed towards the two thin books against his chest.
"Oh um yes," Harry said as he went to sit against the tub where the ginger haired girls arms landed. Harry leaned his back up against the white bath tub, his legs cross crossed on the granite tiled floor.
"This my love, is Fantastic beast and Where to find them." Harry said holding up the green colored book handing them to Edith. Her cheeks slightly red as Harry called her love, He had never done that before. Her fingertips traced the golden engraved letters of Newt Scamander and Eden Black at the bottom of the book cover. The muggle girl quickly flipped the book open in excitement.
"Property of Harry Potter" She read out loud giggling. The girl looked through the pages her face twisting and turning with all sorts of wonder. "A Hippo what's?' She asked as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"They're these large bird creatures, I met one in my 3rd year at Hogwarts. His name was buckbeak." Harry said remembering the times he had in his third year. Freeing Sirius and defeating dementers. It seemed to happen so fast.

"All of this is real?" Edith questioned once again her mouth shaped in an O form as she dipped through the pages of creatures once again.

"Yes ." Harry said nodding his head pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger.

"Oh my lord Harry do you know what this means! You have to get me a Pygmy puff! You have too!" Edith yelled her eyes filled with excitement. As her hands gripped the boy shoulders the book landing onto the bathroom floor. His t shirt splattered with little bits of water as the boy laughed.

"Ill get you ten thousand Edith, anything you want, Everything even." Harry said jokingly

"Not everything, don't ever get me everything that wouldn't end well." The ginger haired girl said shivering at the very thought. She was very sure she would end up a very bratty mean old hag if that were ever to happen.

"This one is Quidditch though the Ages," Harry said holding up the ruby colored book towards her.

"Do you play this Quidditch game Harry?" Edith asked raising her left eyebrow as she handed the book back to him. This one was not as fascinating as the one of magical creatures.

"Yeah I do actually, I'm a seeker." Harry said a small tone of brag in the words he spoke.

"I never expected you to be the jock type Potter," Edith teased as she poked at his arms A wide smile on her lips. His cheeks turned red as he turned his head to look back at her. The boys back was to her up against the white porcelain bathtub his mess of black hair close to her hands. As she ran her fingers through them. Leaning her chin up to rest it on the top of his head sitting up from her place in the water. The bubbles had began to disappear due to the time she had been in there talking to the wizard boy. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as her lips leant down to kiss his head, his hair the scent of sunsets and mint for Edith seemed to love that smell more than she ever had before in her whole life. Maybe it was because it belonged to Harry James Potter. Her wet arms made the boys shirt even more drenched but he didn't mind.

"You'll have to take me to Hogwarts one day," she said a small smile on her lips as she played with the boys black messy hair.

"Edith," Harry whispered as he turned his body towards her so his eyes could meet hers straight ahead.
"Hm?" she giggled her soft hands cupping his pale cheeks. Her forehead leaned up against his as he leaned into hers even more. Placing a warm peck on her lips.

"So is that a yes Mr. Potter ?" She giggled her fingers tracing his red scar as her other caressed his cheek. In response the wizard boy nodded quickly leaning into her once again.

Authors Note
AND THATS A WRAP EVERYONE. I'm sorry that this chapter was a lil short but I wanted to end this part of the book "Part one" with something short and sweet which is what most of this book has been so far. But now we journey into the deeper parts getting into the actual Harry Potter series yay! I would like to thank all of you so much for letting me make it this far lol. I've gotten so many lovely comments and messages I just love you all. This book was just supposed to be an AU and end here when I first started writing. But I love Edith way to much so I made her a longer better storyline to continue on with Harry. I've spent a lot of time on this book and it's my proudest out of all the things I've written on Wattpad. Through the late chapters, terrible grammar mistakes, and many times I've watched Order of the Phoenix while writing lol. Thank you for sticking with me. I love and appreciate everyone. See you in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (part two of Tenerife sea)

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