Hard Timez (Completed)

By augustalsina2013

25.5K 1K 58

Te'ambrah was always popular in the city of Chicago, She was known as one of the best dancers around until he... More

memories from way back
way back.....
The Night Is Still Young
Hanging Out....
Ain't nothing Wrong
I Wanted Him
Today's Is The Day For Change
New Start
Your My Family Anyway...
When The Truth Comes Out
All Things Go
what would you do?
My Mistakes
Never Love Another
I Cant Believe...
Cayden ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜š
Two months later
Truth Set Free
Happily Never After
Mommy Time
Show up
Kyron's Problems
A Couple Days Later
She Belongs To Me
It's Not Her
I Want You Back
Cant Leave
What The Hell
Something Aint Right
Talk To Her
Tell Them The Truth
Hospital Bound
I Forgive You
Block Party
Dead Or Alive
Gotta Get Her
This Cant Be Happening
Im So Sorry
Excape fail
Labor Pain
A Few Months Later
Break away

I Will Always Be By Ya Side

481 16 1
By augustalsina2013

A few more months had past and sure enough every thing was still going good for everybody. Ashlei had begged Te'ambrah to come out to eat with her and she definitely wasn't passing up a opportunity to stuff her face so after dance pratice at the studio her,Gia,Krissy and Destiny met up with Ashlei at a dine in. They all sat around eating and conversating. "So when's y'all next performance"? Ashlei asked grubbing down her breakfast platter she had ordered. "In two weeks from now, I can't wait" Krissy said.
"Yeah me either, maybe I can meet someone new" Destiny said laughing to herself causing all of them to look at her weirdly. "Wait, what you mean someone new"? asked Krissy making a confused expression.
Te'ambrah added in "Right what happened to the chocolate girl with the dreads"?
"Yeah she was cute no homo"said Krissy forking her food. Gia on the other hand couldn't help, but keep eyeing Destiny. It was something she wasn't feeling about Destiny new mode. One things for sure Gia didn't know how much longer she could go with biting her tongue. "Don't you have enough new friends" G@ia asked in a sort of smart way.
Everyone was taking back a little at Gia's comment and the way she said it. Destiny chuckled while twisting her face up "What do you mean by that Gia, you can never have to many friends".
"Yes you can especially when you have to watch out for them" Gia responds smartly.
There was silence for a minute until Destinys phone ring. Glancing at it she excused herself from the table, while all eyes on Gia. "Gia what was that about am I missing something?" Te'ambrah asked.
"I'm sorry I'm just not feeling y'all girl nomore, she been on some sheisty shit lately".

"How?" Krissy asked.
"Okay so you know the girl she just broke up with is cousin's with this bitch Shanay and Des' been hanging with her and her little crew. Them bitches ain't  ain't nothing, but trouble". "Isnt that the girl Cayden was once dealing with" Ashlei asked curiously.
"Yes,and that bitch is shady" Gia said swallow the last bit of her food. "Maybe she doesn't know that" Te'ambrah said, trying to understand.
"Nah, I might have to be with them on this one Te because the other night when we was chilling on the porch she came walking up with them and I heard Ash and Gia tell her that" Krissy confessed.
"Right and she still hanging with them" Gia said shaking her head. Te'ambrah sat there confused for a second, but quickly brushed it off. She knew Destiny like the back of her hand, she loved that girl. In her eyes she couldn't do no wrong, Te'ambrah quickly changed the subject "So Gia where my God baby at".

"She's with Shotta at his aunt's house". Gia's eyes landed on Destiny as she headed back over to the table. Te'ambrah followed Gia's stare and leaned in closer "Look y'all just let it go I really don't care cause no female can get under my skin. Cayden is mine she can hang with them, long as they all know their places".
Once Destiny sat back down the subject was changed, but Gia still felt the same way as she did before. "Everything okay?" Krissy asked Destiny. "Yeah it was just a business call" she said digging into her food she had left on the plate. Ashlei and Gia gave her that yeah right look as she continued to talk. Suddenly Te'ambrah started to feel nauseous and quickly excused herself from the table. She had been feeling this way for weeks and unsure of why, but she brushed it under the rug thinking it was just stress about the big performance they had coming up.
After staying in the ladies room for a good ten minutes she splashed water on her face and headed back out to the table. "You okay boop?"Ashlei asked concerned.

" I'm fine, I think it was the food".
"Are you sure T... " Destiny started, but Gia cut her off rudely " She said she was fine".
Destiny frowned her face up at Gia noticing her attitude towards her. "What is with you, why do you keep coming at me" Destiny barked. "Because bit... "Hey y'all can y'all chill" Te'ambrah said putting her hand up at both of them. Te'ambrah knew Gia too well, she had been the same for years and she didn't take well to disrespect.
"She keeps coming for me and I'm not understanding why don't get it wrong Krissy and Te'ambrah are like family to me, but at the same time I can't help who I know" Destiny said shrugging.
Te'ambrah took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair "Des, it's cool I'm not bugging on you and neither is Gia". Gia smacked her lips causing Te'ambrah to stare a hole in her before focusing back on Destiny.
"We've known you for years, all I'm saying is just don't switch up on us cause we never switched up on you"and with that being said Te'ambrah got up and started to walk away. She remained calm the whole time because she knew it probably was a chance that her bestfriend was just jealous and the last thing she wanted was so shit to pop off between the two of them.

Everybody got up proceeding to follow Te'ambrah leaving Destiny and Gia last. While Destiny was getting up Gia walked over to her and slightly pushed her back down before placing her finger in her face "Hey, I'm not playing with you I said what I said, I don't play about my bestfriend. That's been my bestfriend since before you came in the picture you fuck with her just know you gotta answer to me" she said meaning every word she said. Destiny gave Gia one last look and walking away. Destiny sat there a little longer, marinating what Gia had just said to her, the thing was though she knew by the sound of Gia's voice and body language she knew she wasn't joking.
They decided to go to the mall and do a little shopping to kill time before they went back home. They went into almost every clothes and shoe store in the mall, and every store they went in they spent money. Gia and Te'ambrah brought Te'marie a couple outfits, some shoes and toys, the child was beyond spoiled.
While in footlocker trying on shoes Te'ambrah phone started ringing, she looked at the receiver realizing that it was Poppi. She chuckled while looking up at Krissy "Girl ya man calling me". Krissy smiled when Te'ambrah answered the phone. "Wassup bruh".
The minute he started talking her smile faded, all she said was okay we on my way and quickly hung up the phone. They all stopped what they were doing and stared at Te'ambrah instantly knowing something was wrong.

"What's wrong with him is everything okay?"Krissy asked concerned.
"Cayden's grandmother just passed he's all Fucked up ,we gotta go" Te'ambrah said removing the shoes she was trying on in a hurry.
They All gathered up their belongings and rushed out the mall. Te'ambrah sped the whole way to the house to get to Cayden.
When they pulled up at the house they saw Cayden sitting alone on the porch. They got out and headed over to him one by one hugging him before going in the house. That left Te'ambrah and Cayden alone as she walked over to him grabbing him into a hug. The minute she touched him the tears rolled heavily down his face as he sobbed hard with his head on her shoulder. At that moment she couldn't do anything, but hold him and let him know that she was here for him.
Once he had calmed down, she took a seat on the steps of the porch close to him. "You gonna be okay baby?" He nodded his head, not even giving her eye contact. "She was my everything man she took care of me after my parents died... she never gave up on me" he chuckled a little "She kept a niqqa in line for real and now she's gone" more tears fell down his cheeks.

Te'ambrah sat quiet listening to him pour his heart out,she had never seen Cayden so emotional let alone even cry. "I fucked up Te man, I hadn't talked to her let or checked on her in years. I assume she was okay and I stop checking on her to the point I didn't even know she was sick".
"Don't blame this on you Cayden, just know she is in a better place looking down on you. I will always be by ya side" she told him sincerely as she grabbed his hand and held it tight. She took a deep breath " I love you Cayden just do ya self a favor and make her proud" she said smiling. He smiled back at her while holding her hand tighter. "Thank you babe, and I love you too".
Cayden knew she meant every word she said, but what he didn't know was this day would change him. His grandmother meant a lot to him and now she was gone. Deep down that hurted him the most because beside the crew she was all the family he had left. His parents died when he was seven from a drug overdose and the worst part of it all was it was in front of him.
Cayden grew up around his parent until they got hooked on drugs bad and he had to start spending more time at his grandmother's house. They weren't the same motivated, strong parents that he knew so well. Drugs had became they weakness, and slow, but surely it took them out.

He often thought bout them and how life would be if they were still here. That night Cayden practically smoked blunt after blunt and drunk himself to sleep. One thing for certain though, Te'ambrah never left his side.
A couple days later, they all attended Cayden's grandmother's funeral to pay their respects and be there for Cayden. It was one of the hardest things Cayden had to do, he could barely hold himself together. Days had passed and Te'ambrah realized she was still nauseous and throwing up let alone, she still hadn't had a period. She decided to take a pregnancy test, after pissing on the stick she waited for what felt like hours for the results. Two minutes later she read her results and almost passed out.
Clear as day her results read that she was pregnant. So many things ran through her head like confusion and excitement while she sat on the toilet staring at the test. She had never been through this before, but she knew the one person to talk to who had.

Later on that night, Gia and Te'ambrah, Krissy and Destiny sat out the porch talking, enjoying the nice cool air. Destiny and Krissy were strolling on Facebook on their phones while Gia and Te'ambrah talked. "So, how did shoota take it when you told him you were pregnant?" Te'ambrah asked calmly. A smirk appeared on Gia's face as she looked up at the sky "He was happy you couldn't tell him nothing, but that was cause beside all of us he didn't really have a family".
Te'ambrah sat there in deep thought for a minute about her next question"Was you scared to become a mother"?
Just then Gia looked at Te'ambrah with a confused expression "Why, you tryna become a mother or something?"
Everybody's attention was now in Te'ambrah and Gia's conversation. Te'ambrah and Gia both locked eyes and stared at each other for a few minutes before Gia let out a chuckle "Wait a minute, are you pregnant"? Te'ambrah slowly nodded her head up and down with a nervous expression. Gia sat shocked for a second before she responded "Oh my God bestie I'm so happy".

"Wait....shhhhh....I don't want Cayden to know just yet" she whispered. Everybody sat shocked at the new news they just took in. "Why not Te I'm pretty sure he would be so happy" Gia said. "I don't know about all that you know he hasn't been his self lately you know with the lost of his Grandmom I just don't wanna throw no more news on him right now"Te'ambrah said while scratching at her leg, something she did when she got nervous about things.
"I know he would be happy Te, he loves you" Gia said with a smile.
"I think he would be happy too" Destiny said giving her imput as she looked up from her phone. Gia shot her a dirt look as to say did anybody asked you before looking back at Te'ambrah.
Destiny threw her hands up in surrender, it was no way she was gonna win when it came to Gia so she gave up. Gia smiled at Te'ambrah " Te, Cayden loves you don't ever think other wise". Te'ambrah smiled on the outside but inside she just wasn't ready to tell him yet.

Time was passing, days had turned into weeks and she still hadn't told Cayden that he was ready to be a father.
Lately he had been in another world, he kept to himself unless he decided to chill with his boys. He still dealt with Shotta and Poppi from time to time, but he seem to block Te'ambrah out. Still he barely talked to anybody, he mainly stayed in quiet mode either drinking and smoking. He went from chilling in the house most of the time with his girl to barely even being home at all.
Most of the time she would just stay up and talk to Gia and em until she fell asleep. The problem definitely came in when he decided to start staying out some nights even when Poppi and Shotta would return.
Te'ambrah couldn't help, but worry about him, the lost of his grandmother was taking a toll on him. She understood that completely, but she didn't want him to keep blocking her out.

It was late in the afternoon and the girls were just laid around in the living room relaxing. With nothing really to do, they decided to get dressed and take a walk around the projects. People were out chilling out enjoying the nice weather,children were running around chasing each other it was just a good day in da hood.
As they walking Gia happen to glance over to her right at the playground area and who did she see.... Destiny hanging with some girls and one just happened to be Shanay. Anger hit Gia's body as she started to go over there, but krissy stopped her "Naw,let her be some people gotta learn the hard way I guess". The fact that nobody had seen nor heard from Destiny in days had them all feeling some type of way.
Gia and Destiny locked eyes before Gia rolled her and entered the corner store with Krissy and Te'ambrah close behind her. Once she spotted them, Destiny walked away from her friends and jogged over to the corner store, She knew they was ready to chew her ass up.
Te'ambrah happened to be by the counter tying to decide what chips she wanted when Destiny entered the store. She walked right up to Te'ambrah and touched her on her shoulder "What's up Te" she said with a joyful voice.
Te'ambrah stared her up and down before looking away as if she wasn't standing there. Krissy and Gia had joined Te'ambrah and Destiny at the counter by now and neither one of them seemed pleased to see Destiny.

"Why you been missing practice?"Te'ambrah asked, cutting straight to the chase.
Destiny inhaled deeply before answering Te'ambrah back. "I've been busy, I'm sorry Te" she said hoping Te'ambrah would buy that. To be honest she wasn't busy, she just didn't want to be around them. She was starting to not feel Te'ambrah and Krissy, she felt as though both of them had changed up on her.
As long as she had her new friends she felt like they no longer matter, she was way over her head.Te'ambrah stood there eyeing Destiny for a minute until she shoved her shoulders continuing to decide on her chips.
"I'm For real Te,I been busy, but it won't happen again" Destiny fake pleading.
Te'ambrah finally faced her "You dont care Destiny, all I'm saying is if you miss another practice I'm gonna care and kick ya ass. We can't afford to have no mess ups Des cause you being sloppy and shit".
"Exactly, all because of some new friends".Krissy chimed in.

"Aw come on y'all don't hear me saying that bout y'all friends" Destiny said sarcastically glancing Gia.
"And what is that suppose to mean, honey I am Te'ambrah's bestfriend I've been that for 10 plus years bitch don't play with me" Gia said stepping all in  Destiny's face.
"Who said I was talking about you"?Destiny said chuckling.
"I ain't dumb whore you ain't no different then them and that's why you hang out with them. A bunch of grimy bitches together... don't worry bitch I see right through you" Gia said while krissy and Te'ambrah held her back. Destiny just didn't know that Gia was two second close from slapping the taste out of her mouth.
Just then shanay and two of her other home girls walked in the store. "You alright Des' girl?" Shanay asked as she popped the gum in her mouth. "I'm good, I'll be out in a minute".

"It don't look like you good to me" Shanay said with her home girls agreeing.
"She alright if I wanted to touch her I would and ain't nobody gonna do shit" Gia said smartly while fixing her clothes.
"What u say, I can't hear you talk louder" Shanay said holding her ear while stepping closer.
"I said if I wanted to touch her bitch I would" Gia said getting into fighting stance. She was ready for Shanay and her two home girls, Gia was known to beat bitches up in the streets and not hesitate.
Te'ambrah was constantly trying to get Gia to chill but the bitch Shanay just kept right on going with the slick comments. One thing about her she was very out spoken and most girls didn't try her cause they pretty much knew what she was about.
"Who is you getting smart with"? Shanay asked getting hype. "I'm talking to you, you know I don't like you hoe so don't act new bitch" Gia said seriously, but a little calmer than before as she waved her off. The last thing she wanted to do was get into with these bitches while Te'ambrah was with her because she knew without a doubt that she was gonna jump in and she couldn't have that because she was pregnant.

"I dont care that you dont like me and Destiny why u still fucking with them they some fucking clown bitches yo"Shanay said waving at all of them.Te'ambrah spinned around so fast giving shanay the stare of death, and so was Gia and Krissy. Te'ambrah pointed at herself "Who me... I didn't say nothing to you... cause baby you don't know me don't add me in this situation I will hurt ya feelings" Te'ambrah said heading Shanay's way causing Gia to grab her back. "Hurt my feelings?" Shanay chuckled.

"Clearly that's what I said, don't do it baby I'm telling you you got the right one you better go head you must have forgot I know you, but you don't know me".
Gia had a bad attitude, but Te'ambrah could be worser at times, put it like this Krissy, Gia and Te'ambrah were nothing to play with. Destiny just didn't know she was playing with fire when she got on their bad sides. "Y'all just go I got this please"Destiny said starting to get annoyed.
"So you ain't tell em yet,cause it seem like these bitches need to be alarmed. Te'ambrah faced Shanay again and lowered her eyes "Shanay, dude you got one more time to call me out my name I'm warning you." Meanwhile Shanay's two homegirl weren't saying anything, they ain't really want no parts in the commotion. Shanay on the other hand was a tester, she liked to keep going, but couldn't fight to save her life.
Gia picked up on what Shanay said and definitely wasn't about to let that go. "What you was suppose to tell us Destiny"? Gia asked as she leaned back against the counter. "Nothing" Destiny said quickly trying to drop the convo before it even started.

"Nah tell us" Krissy said backing Gia up. Silence was all you hear for a minute before Shanay finally broke it "Well I'll say it, shes dropping out the dance group Gia she don't like you she said you fake as fuck. Krissy she said you a dummy for Poppi forreal first night you met him he fucked you and Te'ambrah you pregnant with Cayden's baby, but you so scared to tell him. We know it all" Shanay said ending it with a laugh.
By now Krissy and Te'ambrah are both shocked, the only one who wasn't surpised was Gia because like she said before she could see right through Destiny.
Te'ambrah step closer up in Destiny's face while looking her up and down while Krissy stood there furious. " That wasn't your fucking business to tell nobody... That's some fucked up shit"
"I ain't say that shit" Destiny lied nervously. "Bullshit bitch I saw right through you" Gia said with her eyes low at Destiny.

"You done got here in Chicago and started pulling ya ass, but its cool cause I ain't fucking with you no more ". Krissy couldn't say nothing,instead she just wanted to ring Destiny's neck. "Damn Shanay did you really have to do that" one of her home girls asked. Shanay shoved her shoulder " Just thought they need to know" she said not really caring. "Destiny holla at us" Shanay said last before they left the store. The fact that they had left her behind should have showed her ass that they weren't real friends, but of course Destiny was so nai've she didn't even notice. Te'ambrah paid for stuff and left the corner store with Krissy and Gia behind her.
Destiny knew she had fucked up big time, she wasn't thinking it was gonna go down this way. She follow them the whole walk back to the house trying to cope dueces. Te'ambrah wasn't tryna hear it, they fuss the whole walk back while Gia and Krissy remain quiet for a reason. They both knew they were five seconds from whooping Destiny ass and being though Te'ambrah had a little more tolerance than them they stayed quiet. Little did they know Te'ambrah was now a few seconds from exploding on Destiny.

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