Our Dark Sides (Completed)

By AntiTheKiller

12.7K 902 722

A story that doesn't really follow its intended plot. But it has a lot of twists and turns throughout and is... More

14? I think... maybe
15...maybe. idk
16. definitely
What boredom does
Some more Art.
41(last chapter?)
new stories?
new story!


232 16 9
By AntiTheKiller

Anti's Pov
I watched Mark crying in the corner. He's been like this since we recaptured him and Jack a week ago. He blames himself for what's happened. I don't know why, it's not like he could escape this. I had set it up so everything would happen the way I wanted it to. I just had to change a few things when Dark found out about what I was planning. He visits everyday now, to see if I've been torturing Mark. I don't want to but I don't want to be on Dark's bad side either. At least Mark wasn't in his day dream like last time. I guess seeing what Dark could really do to Jack made him realize this wasn't a dream, or nightmare for them.

I had an evil plan. To mess with his mind, something I feel more comfortable doing. I stepped into the light, allowing Mark to see me. He shuffled backwards into the corner. Awe, he's so scared. I could see he was trying to look brave but it wasn't really working. I held back a smile.

"Dark and Jack are here," I said. He looked at me desperately. I rolled my eyes. He's so pathetic. "Fine, I'll let you see him," I said, leaving the room. I took the shape of Jack and waited a few minutes before walking back in. Mark looked at me with teary eyes. He looked so much weaker than just a few minutes ago... I loved it.

"M-Mark, oh my god. Are you Okay?" I said in Jack's voice. I raced over to him and  pretended to actually care and seem worried. Something Jack would do.

"I-i am now," he stuttered before pulling me into a tight hug. Yuck! "Are you Okay? Did Dark hurt You?" He asked. Shit,  I forgot to add injuries. Guess I just have to make something up then. I shook my head, looking down.

"N-no. He just did.... things to me," I said in a saddened tone. I was even able to pull off a fake tear. Mark seemed to understand what 'things' were because his face twisted in horror and guilt. He pulled me into another hug. I was about to pull away but I remembered I was meant to be Jack and hugged back instead. He pulled away after a while and looked at me. He looked so miserable. I wanted to get up and dance so much but I didn't.  Instead I heard a very familiar voice call from behind me.

"Awe, you two look so cute together." I turned around to see Dark standing in the doorway. He was holding a glowing red chain, which must have been cursed so no one can take it off but him, that was attached to similar glowing handcuffs that held tightly onto Jack's wrists. Jack looked worse than he did last time he had been in Dark's control. He was barely breathing and barely any of his skin was left undamaged. If it wasn't a large, gaping cut it was burns or bruises. He was desperately trying to stay conscious but I could see he was loosing strength quickly.

I looked at Mark and saw a confused, horrified look on his face. He kept glancing between me and Jack, trying to figure out what one was real. I rolled my eyes, seeing my fun was over, and morphed back into my true for. When Mark saw this he tried to move away but was already pressed into the corner as far as he could go. I got up and walked over to Dark, a smirk on my face.

"They would look cute together wouldn't they. Too bad it will never happen," I said looking back at Mark. His eyes were locked on Jack, who had now lost consciousness. I looked at Dark again. He was... smiling? At... Me? I shook it off and frowned at him "thanks for ruining my fun though. I was really enjoying messing with Mark." He just smiled more. "Ah, Dark? Are you Okay?" I asked. He doesn't usually smile this much.

"Oh, I'm wonderful. I'm just happy because I had some fun with my pet," he replied. It didn't take me long before I knew what he meant. My eyes widened slightly and he nodded, confirming my suspicions. I knew Dark was sick but I didn't realize he was that sick. Poor Jack. He must feel horrible. I couldn't even imagine how he felt right now. It was probably a good thing he was unconscious. I know I'm a demon and I'm meant to enjoy all this but like I've said before, I'm not like normal demons. I only enjoy messing with their heads. But I'm sure this was going to traumatized the two men, but I didn't like putting them in too much pain.

"So, Dark. What shall we do Today?" I asked, trying to get off the topic. He smiled and pointed to Mark, who's face lit up with fear.

"You are going to do him," Dark said firmly. I looked at him in disbelief but quickly hid the look. If Dark knew my weakness then he wouldn't hesitate to use it against me. I quickly thought up an excuse to get out of it.

"I would prefer to do it later when I'm all alone with my pet. I want to know what you have done with Jack since I last saw you." I saw a flash of confusion on Dark's face but it was replaced with joy when I asked him what he had done. He smiled smugly, looking at Mark. He explained everything right in front of him. I watched Mark's face grew more and more horrified as Dark continued. Every time he explained something I got a sick feeling in my stomach. Once he finished I excused myself and went to the kitchen. 

After drinking some water and taking deep breaths, I felt better. I returned to the room to find Dark had Mark pinned to the ground. He was cutting things into his arms. I realized Mark wasn't wearing any clothes and Dark had put an electric butt plug inside him (since they were talking about butt plugs today in their video XD). Mark was trying to hold back tears but it wasn't working. Dark had put a gag in his mouth so I couldn't hear him scream while I wasn't there. I felt anger burn inside of me. I tackled Dark to the ground. He looked at me in shock.

"What are you doing Dark?!" I growled. He looked the slightest bit afraid but hid it behind anger.

"Something you should be doing," he growled back at me. How did he know I haven't been torturing Mark as much as he would Expect? I just hissed back.

"Mark is mine. I can do or not do what ever I want to him," I raised my voice slightly, my skin beginning to get hot. "How would you like it if I took Jack away from You?" I growled and he began to hiss in pain from the heat burning him. I didn't let him reply. I was too angry. My skin burned red hot. Dark's turned icey blue but he wasn't able to stop my heat from hurting him. He started groaning in pain. I saw him begin to loose consciousness. He wasn't getting away that easily.

"Now you will see how they feel," I said as I linked Dark's mind to Jack's and Mark's. His eyes were clouded with green smoke but his face was twisted with pain. As he began to feel more and more pain he began to fade into thick black smoke that faded back into Mark's body. When he was completely gone I felt myself disintegrate and flow into Jack's unconscious body. I traveled straight through his mind and into hell where I saw Dark on his knees gasping for air. He looked up at me, pain still dancing through his eyes.

"H-how d-did you do That?" He stuttered out of breath. I just smiled slightly and walked away, heading towards the giant castle I used to call home...

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I need sleep. I didn't sleep at all last night... why is Australia so Hot? Why can't it be cold like New Zealand? Just a little bit. Well, I don't know about you guys. But I'm going to go take a nap, nighty night... even though it 10 in the morning. Just... bye.

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