Teen Sinbad x Reader

By katiyachann

237K 8.7K 4.3K

Princess (Y/N) hails from the country of Tenrou, where she is known not only as an incredible dancer, but as... More

1. (Y/N) Princess of Tenrou
2. Lofty Ambitions
3. Goodbye Tenrou
4. Swell of Music
5. Eternal Waltz
6. Captain's Courters
7. Racing
8. A Deals a Deal
9. A Second Letter
10. Just a Little Longer
11. Antagonizing Prince
12. Reunion
14. Zero Sum Game
15. Close Call
16. Sassan
17. Spartos
18. Goodbye
20. Ending
New Book!

13. A Meeting With the Queen

8.5K 363 117
By katiyachann

Standing in front of the mirror, I brace myself for Namia to start tightening my corset. I resent having to wear one, in my opinion the only thing a corset does is make it hard to breathe. I missed the freedom of wearing men's pants.

When the tightening starts, I feel like my ribs are cracking; and for a second I swear they are, "Namia. I. Can't. Breathe." I choke out.

"That just means I'm doing it right. Now stop acting like you've never worn a corset before." she chastises me, as Aria laughs from her spot on the bed.

When she's finally done trying to contort my body into unrealistic proportions, she brings over the dress I'll be wearing today.

I step my feet into the crimson ballgown, as Namia pulls it up and helps me place my arms in the sleeves. The satin fabric brushes softly against my (s/c) skin, tickling me slightly. After she zips up the back and helps me into my shoes, slipping them onto my feet. They pinch my toes uncomfortably, but I don't dare complain.

"Your Mother wants to see you." Namia tells me, after fixing my hair, "She sounded rather angry.."

"More than usual?" I smirk sarcastically.

Namia hits my head, before telling me angrily, "Don't act like that!"

A dark aura forms around her, and I nod quickly. Apparently not having someone to constantly yell at you about proper etiquette makes you forget it.

I walk out of my bedroom, and down the long hallway which leads to my Mother's bedroom. She is always there around this time, sitting at her giant desk, examining papers and forums, all the while holding meetings with her consul.

I step into the room, where I see my Mother leaning forwards in her seat, her forearms resting on the desk before her. When her eyes meet mine, a twisted smile forms on her lips, a mix of anger and superiority.

"(Y/N), I'm glad you're back." she announces fakely.

"I'm glad to be back again." I lie, as I make my way to the high backed seat in front of the desk.

As I sit down, I'm mindful of my large ballgown, whose petticoat sticks up slightly. As I flatten it out, my gaze turns to meet the judgmental eyes of the Queen. Who is currently searching for any slight flaw in which to call me out on. I can't help but think she's the one who sent that letter.

"I wanted to see you to ask about your recent trip to Edindrae." she says finally, growing tired of the suspense she's created.

How did she know about that? I only just got back from there... And it's not as if I've been telling everyone about it.

"I assume you've met Prince Eren?" she asks, leaning even further over her desk, so that she can study my reaction.

I remain calm as I explain my encounters with him, "Indeed I have, in fact I came here on his ship."

My mind races, as I fight my paling cheeks. Could this have something to do with a marriage proposal? Obviously it's not about the throne as that letter said. But why would someone send me here on such short notice-

"So it's safe to assume you're somewhat close to him?" she questions, her gaze never leaving my own.

"Not in the slightest." I say curtly, and almost as soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them.

Her face has grown irritated, or at least more than usual. Furrowing her eyebrows she looks down at the desk, "It doesn't matter..." I hear her mutter under her breath.

She clears her throats before looking up to me. I'm taken aback by the look on her face. It's not agitated or angry, but it's a look I've never seen her have before. Her facial expressions are almost pleading, but for what I don't know.

"I need you to tell me in your honest opinion, your impression of him." she finally says.

"Can I ask why?"

She lets out a deep sigh, then shakes her head.

"Can I ask you something else?"  I question, hoping her change in tone will allow me to address the curiosity tearing me apart.

"You can try." she tells me.

"Did you send me that letter?"

She nods, not looking even slightly remorseful. She brushes off my question almost like it was irrelevant.

I clench my fists, and inhale deeply, trying to calm down, "Why would you do that?" I grit.

"Because I knew it would bring you here." she says flatly, as if the question were boring her, "Now your impression of him?"

I slam a fist on the table in anger, as I feel a wave of heat tear at my chest, "You can't just toy with people like that."

"Oh I can't?" she asks, challenging me, "Could it be that you were actually worried?"

"Only for my sake and Aria's." I tell her.

Her face contorts back to one of anger, before she demands me, "Your impression of Prince Eren now."

"He's suspicious, I don't care for him." I say exasperated by my Mother's repeated interrogation.

"Very well, you may return to wherever you were before." she says, getting up from the desk, and turning towards a book case behind her.

I sit in shock and confusion, before she clears her throat, signaling me to take my leave.

As I do, I keep looking back at her, trying to decipher this string of odd occurrences. What does that Prince have to do with all of this? And why did she trick me into coming so urgently, only to ask me about him? More importantly, why was she acting so strange?

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