PLAYBOY - [oh sehun]


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[sample audio book inside] "Yep! I'm officially a personal assistant for EXO!" We hugged each other tightly... Más



134 5 0

Min's POV
After I bought Sehun's lunch, I went with Nari and Tao to the restaurant. We went to the back room which was reserved just for us. I felt like I was experiencing a piece of the idol life, without the hardships of being one.

Us three were last to the table, which made me feel embarrassed. It was nice for the two of them to wait while I got the brat his food. Once we arrived all the boys stood up which made me blush. I hate being noticed and making an entrance.
"Ah there she is!" Chen called out as I sat down at the end of the big table next to Nari.
"Sorry I'm late everyone. Sehun-ssi made me buy him lunch before I came here." All the members laughed and shared knowing glances.
"Yep, that's Sehun alright. Typical maknae," Baekhyun commented. "Don't worry about it. He'll warm up eventually." I tried to believe him but it was difficult.
"We ordered for you three because we didn't know when you get here. I hope you don't mind," Suho informed us. Me and Nari were fine with it, but Tao was not so happy.
"I bet you got me something really gross. I don't eat just any old garbage," Tao whined and the hyung line all rolled their eyes.
"You hang out with Sehun too much Taozi," Xiumin muttured under his breath, but loud enough for Tao to hear. Tao just stuck his tongue out in rebuttal.

"Hey guys listen up!" Suho called out and the whole table fell silent, listening to the leader. "Now that we're all together, well most of us anyway, I just want to say that on behalf of all of EXO, we'd like to welcome you to the family. We'll try our best to be as friendly as possible to you all." Wow I've got to hand it to the guy. Although I always thought he was just a rich loser, he is very well spoken.
"And I think I can safely say that all us assistants will work very hard in order to make your lives easier," I said, wondering where all these words came from. I'm not one to make speeches usually. However luckily for me, all the other assistants clapped so I assumed I did a pretty good job.

At that moment the food came and everyone looked at Tao to see if he approved. He tasted it, feeling skeptical, and then munched away happily which made the whole table laugh. I felt so lucky to have this job. Two months ago I moved to Seoul, feeling terrified with absolutely no friends. Now I have an amazing flatmate, an assistant for a member of one of the most popular idol groups in Asia and most importantly, I'm part of an amazing family of people.

As I was finishing my meal, Chen who was sitting beside me, nudged me on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry that you're here without Sehun," Chen said to me apologetically. "He was like that to all of us at the beginning too." I was surprised by what Chen said.
"Really? I thought he was just mean to me because I'm just an assistant." I covered my mouth, realising how blunt I'd been. Chen however didn't seem to mind.
"Don't think that! He'll warm up to you eventually okay? Just be yourself, the real you."
"What do you mean? I am being myself," I replied, my voice slightly shaky. Chen gave me a knowing look.
"Look I don't know you very well, but in a way you and Sehun are quite similar. You both like to put your guard up in front of others." I nearly spat out my drink at Chen's comment. I do not want to be compared to that brat. Chen noticed my disgust at his remark and kept on laughing. I really wish I was his assistant. We'd get on so well I just know it. "Just promise me to be yourself. Would you rather Sehun like the fake you when he could love the real you?"

I was about to reply when Suho's assistant jumped up and told us that EXO all had to be back at the dance studio in 10 minutes. All the boys ran out and Suho left us his credit card so that we could pay for the meal. Well that was a fun break. Now back to the bratty maknae.

Sehun's POV
"Okay guys you're pretty solid on the dance now, you'll all be fine for MBC's Music Core tomorrow. Good luck!" We all bowed to the dance teacher and as soon as he left we all collapsed on the floor. I should be used to intense sessions but that was a whole other level. I closed my eyes and sooner or later I was asleep.
"It's time to wake up," I heard a sweet voice call to me which could only belong to a beautiful woman. With my eyes still closed I smiled.
"Why can't you just lay down here with me," I said, trying to sound seductive. However this did not have the desired affect as I heard the girl scowl which was totally not what I expected.
"Eww no you . Besides you stink." I opened my eyes and I saw Min standing above me, holding out a water bottle. Ughh why does such a sweet and -teasing voice have to come from a girl with no curves whatsoever?
"Ugh why are you here?" I asked, wanting to just go back to sleep, even if it was on the floor. She sighed and took the cap off the bottle.
"I'm your personal assistant in case you forgot? And if you don't get up in 10 seconds this water is going all over you." I didn't think she was serious but then she started counting so I got up, albeit begrudgingly. Tao appeared to be watching and he couldn't help himself but laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked indignantly. I hate being made a fool of, even if it was only in front of Tao.
"That a simple girl you only met today has already got you wrapped around her little finger," he answered innocently. I felt my fists clench and Min folded her arms and cocked her hip.
"Who are you calling simple?" she demanded. I felt slightly taken aback. I had never seen this side of her before.
"And I'm not wrapped around anyone's little finger!" I said, defending myself. Tao laughed at both of us and grabbed the water bottle and towel from the floor.
"Chen was right. You're just like each other," Tao said with a smirk and then pulled out his phone and slumped himself against the wall. She the water bottle and towel she brought with her into my hands and then left the room before I could even say anything.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked Tao, hoping he'd have more of a clue.

Min's POV
I felt bad for the way I left Sehun. Maybe Chen was right and he'd get used to me. Well that's what I hoped for anyway. This is why I decided to head back to the dance studio. I was about to open the door when I heard Tao and Sehun talking so I decided to listen in. Sure that's eavesdropping but who cares? I was never one to have strong morals.
"It doesn't take a genius to understand, Sehun. Did you know you were the only one who wasn't at the lunch today?" Was Tao talking about me? Probably, all the other assistants were accompanied by their members.
"Does it matter I wasn't there?" Sehun asked, which made my blood boil. He is such a brat.

"Yes it does Sehun! You've practically ignored her since she got here and she's tried to be nice to you. Why don't you like her?" Tao was being really sweet sticking up for me. Maybe Nari told him to say something.
"Look she's just an assistant, I don't have to be best friends with her. Besides all of you got gorgeous girls with great bodies while I got her!"
"What the hell Sehun! You're so shallow you know that? Min is an unconventional sort of pretty and that's what is special about her. More importantly she's a real person and frankly manager hyung could not have picked a better person to be your assistant. She could be good for you, if only you get off your high horse and let her in." I could hear Tao getting his things so I ran down the corridor, tears brimming in my eyes.

I feel so angry and hurt by that stupid insensitive . Who does he think he is? All this time I thought he didn't like me because I was new or something. But in actual fact it's because he's just a superficial player who's only interested in girls like D.O's PA. I was teased through high school for not having big tits, or a tiny waist, but I didn't care. I decided to be myself and I've never looked back.

That's it I've made up my mind. I'll stay his assistant, but I'm not going to be fake and sweet for him. He doesn't deserve it.



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