Lost in Love

By KissesFromNeverland

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What would you do if they tell you're not human? That's you're from another world? A world were a war is comi... More

Chapter 1 ~ Life as it Was
Chapter 2 ~ this isn't a dream
Chapter 3 ~ Facing My Destiny
Chapter 4 ~ Meet The Eligants
Chapter 5 ~ Mrs Wardrop
Chapter 6 ~ Let's do some Magic
Chapter 7 ~ Christmas Time
Chapter 8 ~ New year and war scenes
Chapter 9 ~ School?
Chapter 10 ~ My first day
Chapter 11 ~ Ball Date
Chapter 12 ~ I don't care
Chapter 13 ~ I should have told
Chapter 14 ~ Kicked out
Chapter 15 ~ Preparation
Chapter 16 ~ Easter Ball
Chapter 18 ~ Break up, Make up
Chapter 19 ~ Brotherly Love
Chapter 20 ~ It goes good, for now
Chapter 21 ~ Too good to be true
Chapter 22 ~ In the pouring rain
Chapter 23 ~ The cold didn't bother me anyway
Chapter 24 ~ Back to school
Chapter 25 ~ Team work
Chapter 26 ~ Little Me
Chapter 27 ~ Good Enough
Chapter 28 ~ I wish
chapter 29 ~ The Feeling
Chapter 30 ~ Fearless
Chapter 31 ~ Breath
Chapter 32 ~ Sleep
Chapter 33 ~ Another man's blood
Chapter 34 ~ Giving up

Chapter 17 ~ Horrific Dreams

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By KissesFromNeverland

Horrific Dreams

Oliver's POV

I'm must had fallen asleep. I woke up from something, a noise, I just didn't know what. Then I heard in again. It was kind of a growl. It came from the room Ari locked herself in.

"No! Nooo!" She yelled, I jumped up from the cold ground and held my ear against the door, she growled again. I tried to open the door, but she locked it with a spell, of course, otherwise I've could’ve gone in a long time ago.

"AAAAAH!!" Her scream was unbearable. It was dreadful, I shook the door, trying hopelessly to open it. I had to see how she was doing. She hadn't had nightmares since she got here. The last one she has, was of me dying.

I had to see her, and the only way was through the small keyhole, but it was better than nothing. I sat on my knees as I watched through the little hole. It was awful, well it must've been for her, I suppose. I saw her, levitating? She was at least 1metre and a half above the ground. Her arms were spread wide, her eyes and her mouth were open. She screamed again, it was horrible. Her hair flew wildly around her, like it was crazy windy in there.

She looked like she was being tortured, from within. I couldn't stand it, I had to help her.

"Ari! Calm down. It gonna be fine, I promise, Arianna, please!" Tears escaped from my eyes, and once the first one fell, they didn't stop.

I had to get someone, but I couldn't leave her here like that. I had to stay with, be here for her, I was not leaving her, EVER.

Why the heck is she even levitating? That isn't normal. She never levitated before, when she had nightmares.

Her nightmares have always been freaky, especially the first time. If she hadn't woken me up with her muttering. She'd have woken the whole street, when she started yelling and screaming a couple minutes after I put a quiet zone around her bed.

But this was thousand time worse. The screaming, the yelling. I've never heard a more horrific sound in my life. Like it was reminding me of all the bad, stupid and dumb things I've ever done, plus the things I will do.

I didn't want to know in what kind of pain she was in. If it was effecting me as well, it must have been so much worse for her. If I could I'd swapped. For her I'll go through the pain, if it takes away hers.

"Ari, please! Do you hear me? It gonna be fine, really, I promise. I know you won't believe me. But I'll make you another promise as well." I screamed over her yelling, "I’m always be here for you. I won't leave you, I'll protect you, against any kind of harm or pain." I continued desperately, "Even though, I know I hurt you as well. And I'll never do that again. Please, Ari, come back!"

 I knew she probably didn't hear me, but it was worth a try, she was worth all the tries I've got. I couldn't stop crying. I felt like a baby, but I didn't care. All I cared about at that moment was Arianna.

Arianna, the best thing that happened to me, I could not lose her.

Then I heard the scream again, it was scarier and more terrifying as all her previous screams combined, multiplied by hundred.

There was a power boost, pushing me against the wall next to the door. Before everything went black, I heard a drop, she fell. She fell from a metre and a half, flat on her back.

Arianna's POV 

I opened my eyes, at least I though I did. But I couldn't see a thing, it was all black. I couldn't move. I was a bit freaked out.

'Oh, pour Arianna." A soft, warm women's voice said. I didn't knew where it came from, it sounded more like it was coming from every way. I wanted to know who said that.

'I feel so sorry for you." The voice said. Why is she sorry for me? And soon after that thought the voice answered my question. "I just can't believe he did that to you, that's why." The voice was sweet and smooth, I started to relax. "What do you mean?" I though, and she replied:

"Dear, he lied to you." "

Yes he did, indeed." I thought, beaming. 

"He betrayed your trust." She was right, he did betrayed my trust. "He hurt you, by kissing another, sweetie." Everything came to me again, it was all as clear as when it happened.

"He broke your heart."

"I know how you feel, darling. Someone broke my heart, the same way he broke yours." She said, I heard sadness in her voice.

"What did you do?" I thought, I took a while before she answered.

"I did what looked as the best option, and believe me, it was." She said, definitely not regretting what she did, whatever that was.

"And what was that option?" I thought.

"I choose the option to never let him break me again." In her voice was a certain persuasive tone, but that option sounded good, I don't want him to break my heart again.

"What did you do?" And she replied on a very sweet, warm almost hypnotising voice.

"The same you will do after I'll tell you." she stopped, I will do what she did, it was the only thing I thought then. And she continued, "I went up to him, and I killed him." Her tone, still soft and sweet.

Go up to him and kill him, go up to him and kill him. Him, Oliver. I can't kill Oliver.

"Dear, he broke you. I understand, you hate yourself as much as you hate him, now. You hate yourself, because even after what he did, you still love him. And that is the problem. Because you're still in love with him, he will keep breaking you, over and over again." She replied after my last thought.

"He'll break me, over and over again. ’Cuz I always love him. If I kill him, he can't do that. If I kill him, he can't break my heart. Go up to him and kill him. Kill Oliver, for my own good." I kept playing it in my head.

"Good, darling, very good. Now, do it now. It will be the best decision of your life." She said with a rather hypnotising voice.

I was about to get up and really go kill him. But it was Oliver, my best friend, I couldn't do that.

"Sweetheart, it's for you own good! Get up and kill him." Her hypnotising voice hit me again.

Hypnotising! That’s what she was doing, she was hypnotising me, to kill him.

"No! Nooo!" I yelled, or thought. I yelled at least in my head. "I won't kill him!" That I did just thought. I felt like something hit me, giving me a giant headache. I felt like I was burning, from the inside. And seconds later I was almost freezing to dead.

"Get up and kill him!" Her voice wasn't warm and sweet at all, it was harsh and cold.

"No!" Then I felt like a million dagger were stabbing me.

"AAAAH!" I screamed. The pain didn't stop. She kept trying to convince me that I should kill him. And every time I refused, she put me through more pain.

I had to fight her. But I couldn't see her. This was all in my head. I didn't know how to fight my own head. But the pain was killing me. I mentally cast a spell, and the pain stopped. For a couple seconds, then she was back, angrier than before.

I kept mentally casting spells and mentally slapping and kicking it seemed to work. But she started to fight back. I could feel al the energy that was going through my body. I couldn't even fell the ground beneath me. 

I was exhausted, but I couldn't let her torture me or worse, convince me to kill Oliver, I had to stay strong. 

Suddenly a spell came to my mind, a spell I read about, the other day. I hadn't even time to think if I'd cast it. Because the moment I thought of it, I casted it, unconsciously, of course. I would never use that spell on purpose. I would never use Anima corpus Separare, the Death Spell. But apparently I worked, I fell on the ground (I think I was levitating from all the power in my body), but she was gone, I killed a voice in my head, I'm mental. A bit later I blacked out.


I woke up the next morning, I felt pain everywhere. I just didn't know from what. Okay I danced a lot at the Ball, but not that much. I looked around the room, questioning myself where I was. Oh, right, I ran away from Oliver and hid myself here;

Oliver, Oliver, there was something bothering me in the back of my head, but I didn't know what. So I ignored it. I took my heels from the ground and walked toward the door.

"Muta, “I said whispering, so the door won't make a sound when I open it.”Aperi!" I said, to unlock the door. I pushed the door open a bit. To see if and were Oliver was laying. As I pushed open the door a bit more, I saw him, leaning against the wall next to the door. I came out the room and closed the door behind me. And I walked to the walk-through-wall as silent as possible.

I felt horrible, I had pain everywhere in my body, and I was exhausted. Even though I slept, I think, 8 hours. It's now 11 O'clock, I thought I fell asleep around 3AM? But I'm not completely sure. I strolled into my dorm. I still had to make my suitcase, cuz we all had to leave before 3PM this afternoon. 

As I walked into the room, Nicki immediately jumped on me. "Where were you, I haven't seen you since you and Oliver ran away." And after she said that, a big ear-to-ear smile appeared on her face. I looked at her, confused.

"What are you smiling for?"

"Did you and Oliver found a cosy room for the night?" I got what she meant and I felt like playing on her.

"Yeah, we found a room, in the dungeon. Luckily it had a lock. We didn't talk that much, though. We slept. Oliver's still sleeping, I didn't want to wake him." Technically, I didn't lie. But I knew she was thinking that we made up and were snogging in a cosy dungeon room. I smiled and walked to our room, and she followed me.

"So, did you guys, like I mean, kiss?" She asked hopefully, I could play a little more, but we only had a couple hours and I don't want her to get mad at me. "No." I said.

"Cuddle?" She raised her eyebrow. "No." I said again.

"Then what did you do?" she said, sighing.

"Well, let's see. I got mad at him I run off, that part you witnessed. Then I somehow appeared in the dungeon, after going through the wall. He got me in time to go there too. I looked for a room and locked myself up in it. I used a mute spell, so I didn't had to listen to what he had to say, cuz I didn't care and then I fall asleep, I guess." She looked disappointed. I shrugged. 

"Were you that mad at him, you wouldn't even listen?" She asked.

"Let me say it like this, I locked the door and dropped immediately on the ground and didn't move again." 

"Yeah, that's pretty upset." She also knew that I lay on the ground when I'm upset.

"But I have to pack, and I'm so hungry." I said, she smiled and put her arms around my shoulder. "But first, I'll take a shower and put on other clothes." I said looking down. I was still in my prom dress. She nodded and I walked to the closet.

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