Teamed Up With Rebels

By Newt4Life

14.6K 486 121

Book 5 of the Age of Jedi Series! Go Read the first 4 books if you haven't! Description: Put into hiding, Jad... More

Jedha City
Cargo Pilot
Sage and Bodhi
The Force
Clone Wars
The Plans
K-2 and Cassian
Age of Rebellion
Sequel Series

Jyn Erso

1.2K 41 18
By Newt4Life

Spoilers for Rogue One starting this chapter and forward-


End of the year, 1 BBY~

Over the years, Sage had started acompanying Jade to Yavin 4 to help the rebellion. The rebels opened her with welcome arms but Jade had made it clear to Sage when they first arrived:

"Never do anything they ask you without telling me about it."

Jade has realized over the year that the rebellion was almost ruthless when it came to getting things done and she wasn't willing to risk Sage's morals for it. There were rebels in the rebellion that Jade was almost positive that they didn't know what they were fighting for anymore. They had gone too dark and abandoned their morals so long ago they don't know wha morals are.

When Jade got news that the Empire was building a secret mass destruction weapon, Sage was quick to volunteer to go and help Jade help the rebellion with the mission. As much as Obi-wan opposed it, even he couldn't argue that they wouldn't be fine. They were the second and third most powerful force-users in the galaxy. 

Sage was also sixteen, almost seventeen, years old now and claimed that "she could take care of herself".

When Jade and Sage landed on Yavin 4, they were quickly rushed inside since they were late to the meeting. They got inside and quickly stood in the back of the room as the council spoke. "If the Empire is building a weapon using the kyber crystals, we need to find a way to get the man who's responsible for it: Galen Erso." One of the council members spoke.

Jade and Sage made their way around once Jade heard the name 'Erso'. She went and stood next to Cassian Andor, Captain of Rebel Intelligence. "What's going on?"

Cassian smiled at the sight of Jade and Sage before sighing deeply as the council kept speaking. He was quiet but his accent was still thick, "We found a man from Jedha who said the Empire were using the crystals to build some mass-destruction weapon."

"How much mass?" Jade asked, referring to exactly how much destruction it could actually bring.

"The man used the words 'planet-killer'," Cassian told her causing Jade and Sage both to get a feeling of fear.

Jade was rarely scared but this was something that made her nerves tremble violently. The council continued to speak, soon stopping to look at Cassian, "Cassian, did the man give you any more information?"

Cassian stepped towards the table, "there was a cargo pilot who defected from the Empire and delivered a message to Saw Gerrera which he will obviously not hand over to us."

Over the years, the disgreements between Saw's group and the Rebel Alliance had gotten larger, making it most difficult to operate together. Problems like this with Saw arose almost all the time and he hadn't allowed any of the Rebel Alliance members to talk to him, including Jade.

"How do we get Saw to tell us what the message said?" One council member asked causing everyone to be silent, giving glances. 

That's when Jade stepped forward, "Galen Erso has a daughter," Jade began, "Jyn Erso." Whispers errupted around the room until Jade spoke again, "We could find her, and use her relationship with Saw to get the message and then find her father."

The council members all began speaking to each other and Jade and Cassian gave each other looks. They both hated their council meetings since it took so long for people to agree with each other.

Then it went silent again, "Who will lead this mission to find Jyn and bring her back here?"

One of the captains raised his hand, "I'll do it, we only need about three men. Should be easy enough."

The council then dispersed and it was now time to play the waiting game. First they had to find out if Jyn Erso was still alive, if so, then where she was, and then they actually had to go get her and bring her back. It would be at least two days of waiting for Jade, Cassian and Sage.

In the meantime, Sage and Jade would hangout in the main hangar and train using the Force. It was a game that they had made up over the years. Sitting there, crisscrossed and eyes shut, their mind roamed the room. 

"I see something tiny and metal," Sage said as Jade began looking around the room using the Force.

"The wrench that's sitting on the table to the... right," Jade answered back causing Sage to lowly curse under her breath.

Jade chuckled as they opened their eyes again to see Cassian and K-2SO walking up. K-2SO was an imperial strategic analysis droid who had been re-programmed by Cassian to be his sort of right-hand-droid. K-2SO didn't much like Jade but had grown quite fond of Sage. They were quite different seeing as, even though Jade still had that sarcastic trait, she had grown more serious over the years. Sage was lightweight and fun to be around yet naive at the same time.

"Cassian, Kay, what're you two up to?" Jade asked, standing up from her spot on the ground and then helping Sage up.

"We came to get you, they've come back with Jyn Erso," K-2SO explained. Jade only nodded but Sage was almost excited that things were starting to get moving. She loved going on missions even though she couldn't use her lightsabers much because she had to use a blaster.

Sage and K-2SO talked all the way to the main computer room where Cassian led them. And Cassian and Jade only joked about how much Sage and K-2SO had to talk about since they seemed to always be talking about something different. They entered the room to see Mon Mothma and General Draven there, talking about Jyn.

Cassian went and leaned his back against the board and K-2SO was called off to help with some mechanics on a ship. Sage sat in a chair around the table in front of them and Jade stood in between Sage and Mon Mothma, waiting for Jyn to be escorted in. Jyn was soon sat at one end of the round strategy table, her hands bound in shackles.

Jyn saw Jade and they gave each other a small nod before completely ignoring each other. 

General Draven took out his board and looked down at it, "You're currently calling yourself Liana Hallik, is that correct?"

Jyn stayed silent and General Draven continued, "Possession of unsanctioned weapons, forgery of Imperial documents, aggrivated assault, escape from custody and resisting arrest," He spoke causing Jade to nod, quite a resumé. "Imagine if the imperials knew who you really were, Jyn Erso, daughter of Galen Erso. That is your given name, is it not?"

Jyn's head raised slightly with this, it obviously triggered something in her.

"Daughter of Galen Erso," General Draven repeated, "A known Imperial collaborater in weapon's devlopment."

Jyn's eyes traveled to Cassian who was staring at her deeply, almost like she was a beautifully strange creature. Though Jade could tell he was slightly annoyed by her rebellious attitude.

Jyn towards Mon Mothma, "What is this?"

"It's a chance for you to make a fresh start, we think you might be able to help us," Mon Mothma replied as General Draven sat down on the opposite side of the table of Sage.

"This is Captain Cassian Andor, Rebel intelligence," Mon mothma introduced Cassian and he took that as a cue to explain what needed to be explained.

"When was the last time you were in contact with your father?" He asked her causing Jade to squint slightly and cross her arms.

"Fifteen years ago," Jyn reluctantly responded.

"Any idea where he's been all that time?" Cassian asked, shrugging slightly.

Jyn looked away and thought for a moment before turning back, "I like to think he's dead, it makes things easier."

"Easier than what?" Cassian was quick to ask. "That he's been a tool of the imperial war machine?"

Jyn's mouth turned into a small smirk, "I've never had the pleasure of having politcal opinions."

Jade couldn't help but quietly chuckled, as well as Sage. Cassian remained serious, "Really? When was your last contact with Saw Gerrera?"

This obviously also triggered something in her as she slowly looked back at Cassian and their eyes connected for a rather long period of time, "It's been a long time," she reponds.

Cassian nodded slightly, as though he was examining her, "But he'll remember you, though. Right? He might agree to meet you if you came as a friend."

Jyn remained silent and General Draven spoke harshly again, "We're against the clock here, girl, so if you have nothing to talk about then we'll just put you where we found you."

"I was a child, Saw Gerrera raised me but I have no idea where he is, I haven't seen him in years," Jyn spoke quickly.

"We know where to find him, that's not our problem. What we need is someone who gets us through the door without being killed," Cassian said, his arms folded.

"You're all rebels, aren't you?" Jyn asked, looking around at the people who stood around in the room.

"Yes, but Saw Gerrera is an extremist, he's been fighting on his own since he broke with the rebellion, it's caused the Rebellion a great, many problems." Mon Mothma explained, "We have no choice now but to mend that broken trust."

Jyn just looked angry now, Sage was amused at this. "What does this have to do with my father?"

Mon Mothma nodded at Cassian to explain it, "There's an imperial defector in Jedha. He's being held by Saw Gerrera. He claims the Empire is building a weapon to destroy entire planets. He also claims that he was sent by your father."

Jyn looked up at Cassian and her mouth parted slightly, her eyesbrows coming out of their furrowed state.

"We need to stop this weapon before it is finished," Mon Mothma said.

"Captain Andor's mission is to authenticate this message and then if possible, find your father." General Draven leaned forward.

"We believe he is critical to the development of this super weapon," Mon Mothma said causing Sage to stand up now, getting tired of sitting. "Given the rank that this puts you in in this mission and your relationship with Saw Gerrera, we're hoping he'll help us find your father and bring him back to the Senate for testimony." Mon Mothma finished.

Jade knew that Jyn would want to get something out of this. Jyn watched as Senator Organa stepped into view, "And if I do it?" She asked.

"We'll make sure you go free," Mon Mothma said. The word 'free' very clearly registered with Jyn since she then agreed to do it.


Oh this is gonna be so much fun, just you wait. I wanted to know, what were your guys' reviews of Rogue One? I thought it was great! Maybe even better than The Force Awakens, tbh.

xoxo, Chloe

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