What Lurks In The Shadows [A...

By LarotatheSamurai

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~Book One In Tmnt Series~ COMPLETED AND EDITED When The Girls (Larota, Venus, Talena and Amoly) Find themselv... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

1.1K 33 35
By LarotatheSamurai



Something is wrong with Venus DE Milo and Larota goes to investigate....But It doesn't end well....


Everything in the ninja turtles lair was all well, more or less..Leonardo was in the dojo practicing his kata's and concentration. Donatello and Talena were in Donnie's lab working on a batch of retro mutagen just to have. Then we have Mikey and Amoly...Who are both hiding throughout the lair trying to plan another perfect prank for the opposite turtle.

Both of the Sensei's were conversing over a nice cup of Jasmine tea in Splinter's room.

"So about what Larota said earlier... Do you suppose something is off about Venus? Since I don't really know her that well" Splinter asked Hopu.

"Well she been acting off.. But I didn't think anything of it, since she lost her only blood relative.. But now that I think about Larota's words, I have suspicions about Venus." Sighed Hopu.

"Sensei!" Talena barged into the room.

"What is it Talena?" Hopu asked her frantic student.

"Well... Its been hours since I've seen Venus or Lara.. I was starting to worry.. " Taly managed to stutter out.

"Hmm that is unusual... What do you suppose you do Talena?" Hopu thought, looking to her pupil.

"Umm w-we could go out and look for them I guess" The violet banded turtle muttered. Hopu nodded in agreement.

"Then go tell the others if that is what you think you should do"

Taly nodded and left the room to go gather the others.

"Donnie! Leo! Amy! Mikey! Raph! Come here for a second!" Shouted the purple banded female throughout the lair. One by one the others came to the living room, where Talena was waiting for the others.

"What is it Taly?" Asked Donatello standing next to her.

"Um.. Well.. Uh you've all noticed that Venus and Lara have been gone for quite a few hours now... And well I was thinking we should go out and look for them.." She explained to the other five and shuffled her feet nervously.

"Yah they have been gone awhile.. " Mikey replied.

"Lara said she was just going for a walk, I just thought she might've gotten lost" Raph chuckled slightly. Taly and Leo gave him an annoyed look. Raph just shrugged it off and smirked lightly.

"Anyway... I was thinking we should go out and look for them.. So I think Amy, Raph and Leo go. And Donnie, Mikey and I Go. Like in separate teams to find them easier." Taly said looking to each off them. "I mean.. If thats okay with you guys... "

"I think thats a good plan Taly...I'm in" smiled Donnie.

The others reluctantly agreed to the plan. Leo got a little grumpy since he was the 'Leader Guy' and was sopposed to be the one who made the plans.

"So where do you think we should look first Leo? Since Amoly and Me are still new to the sewers." The violet banded turtle asks Leo.

"Hmm well one group could go east further into the sewers and the other could go north near the rat kings old lair." Leo suggested crossing his arms and thinking.

"Sounds good. Lets go!" Mikey cheered and ran off to the entrance to the lair.

They all separarted into their groups and and went searching for the two missing females.

~Deep in the Sewers~

A scratching sound was heard far away in the darkest parts of the sewers. Venus was dragging an unconcious Larota throughout the smelly and gross pathways.

"She just had to get in my way, didn't she." Venus grunted, shoving the Samurai's limp body against the sewer wall.

"Leave Her. Come To Me Now Girl" Shouted a deep feminine voice deep within Venus's subconcious. She nodded and turned and ran out of the sewers.

Moments later, Leo's group came across Larota's unconcious body.

"Shit.. Who did this? Raph call Donnie and tell them we found Lara, but still no sign of Venus" Leo picked the Samurai up and lifted her onto his shell, while Raph called Donnie and told him about Lara.

~In warehouse with Nayichu~

"What is taking that girl so long? I swear if she got lost!... "

"Um... Miss Nayichu.. Shes here.. And may I ask why you brought her here? Couldn't you just see who this Shinobi is from where she was?" Fish Face and Dogpound interupted the older woman and pointed to where Venus was standing.

"Finally! And I brought her here because my powers could not reach into her mind fully." Nayichu explained. "Now girl come here"

Venus did as told and walked stiffly towards Nayichu. Then she knelt down so Vee was eye level with the evil women.

Nayichu smirked and put both her hands on either side of the turtles head and started an incantation to reach into and completly take over the youngers mind.

"Θα πρέπει να είναι υπηρέτης μου μέχρι το θάνατό σας μέρος από αυτόν τον κόσμο και να κάνει ό, σου εύχομαι να κάνει για μένα"

Venus gasped and started to have spasms and tried to move away from the woman, but nothing coupd stop what was happening. A dark pink glow surounded Venus and it swirled up and around her head and seeped into her eyes, ears and mouth.

All went quite as they waited for something to happen.

"What Shall I Do For You Mistress?" Venus's voice resonated throughout the large room with a scratchy edge to it.

The two other mutants jumped at the sudden loudness. Nayichu smirked widened and looked very gruesome on her face.

"Search your memories and find what I'm looking for" Nayichu stated. Venus nodded and closed her eyes looking for anything out of the ordainary in her past memories at the institute.

Nayichu also closed her eyes and watched what what happening inside the young girls head.


Nayichu shouted. Venus focused on that memorie and Nayichu laughed manically. (Im not showing the memorie cause it'll spoil)

"I Found You Shinobi"

~Back In The Sewers~

Both groups made it back to the lair to discuss whatthey found and get Larota to bed, to see what she knew. Though she hasen't yet woken up.

"Poor Lara.. She keeps getting knocked out..." Amoly sighed wiping some dirt off of her older sisters face.

"Yah... I think New York just doesn't like her" Mikey giggled slightly. Which earned a snack to the head by Donnie and Raph. "What? Im kidding jeese... "

Just then Hopu and Splinter walked out to see what they found.

"What happened?" Questioned Hopu sternly.

"We dont know Sensei... We just found her unconcious in the sewers.. " Explained Talena.

"Hmm When she awakes we will get to the bottom of this... "

A groan was then heard signaling that Larota was waking up.

"Ugh... The hell happened?"

"We found you unconcious in the sewers.... We wanted to ask you who did it" Leo asked right away.

".... I know who did it... " The Samurai sighed. Her faced showed sadness, anger and amd fear shimmered in her eyes.

"Who?" They all asked at once.

"...... "



Oooo dun dun duunnn!

Sorrynotsorry for this.....

And I finally update a chapter! Hehe sorry school is killing me!

Oh and just to tell you guys... I no longer rp on wattpad.. Sorry i just dont have time anymore.....

Anyway if any of you guys want me to write an OC of your into the story I'll be glad to do it...

O.O and if you guys have an idea on who the Shinobi is, comment below or message me just for fun. Oh and the incantation is in Greek btw.



Θα πρέπει να είναι υπηρέτης μου μέχρι το θάνατό σας μέρος από αυτόν τον κόσμο AMD κάνει ό, σου εύχομαι να το κάνει για μένα

You shall be my servant till death part you from this world amd do as i wish you to do for me

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