Stars (Thalianca Fanfiction) ✅

By BridgetDiAngelo

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Note: THIS WAS MADE A YEAR AGO WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE!! BEWARE!!!! Thalia looked up at the stars in... More

Stars: Chapter 1
Stars: Chapter 2
Stars: Chapter 4
Stars: Chapter 5
Stars: Chapter 6
Stars: Chapter 7
Stars: Chapter 8
Stars: Chapter 9
Stars: Chapter 10
Stars: Chapter 11
Stars: Chapter 12
Stars: Chapter 13
Stars: Note

Stars: Chapter 3

383 13 4
By BridgetDiAngelo

"Apollo. What can we do for my hunter." Artemis asked her (younger) twin brother.

Apollo sighed, rubbing his head. "It seems the only way we can tell what's wrong completely, is if we. . .I don't know. . . Sorta, kinda, look through some of her most personal memories."

He muttered, avoiding the goddess's eyes.

Artemis looked at Apollo with a death glare. "Speak up." She demanded, Apollo looked down at his feet sheepishly.

"Well Little sis-" Artemis interrupted him. "Don't call me that." She snapped, Apollo rolled his eyes. "Males." Artemis muttered under her breath.

"As I was saying. It seems that through Thalia getting knocked out- her body. Well she is sorta shutting down. This is usually caused by depression, extreme stress, anxiety. If we don't find out what's happening, and confront her— by talking, and getting some of my godly magic do-hickey-jazz in. We may be able to 'revive' her again." Apollo paused before adding more information.

"This is pretty fatal, and only 1 out of every 100 cases worked. But it's hard— we usually call it MDD. Or Memory Depression Disorder." Apollo explained.

"Brother." Artemis stated, "As much as I hate to ask questions. Do we need others? Like fellow hunters or cousins?" She asked, trying not to freak out by Thalia having MDD.

Apollo flashed a typical playboy grin. "That's why I brought them here." He snapped his fingers, and a few demigods fell from the sky.

Nico Di Angelo fell first, using language not meant for little people.

Jason Grace was second, scrambling off of Nico. Apologizing profusely, then came Annabeth Chase.

She landed on Jason, knocking him to the ground— once again, very colorful language not meant for little people.

Then came Percy Jackson, just getting up from the ground as if this was normal to him.

Finally came. . . Bianca Di Angelo.

Which shocked everyone.

Nico fainted, and Percy was baffled. Artemis was shocked at the hunter. Her dead hunter, she was alive?!

Annabeth, she had to catch Nico. Staring at Bianca with wide eyes.

Jason— not knowing anything about her. Or the fact that she was suppose to be dead. Stood there confused.

Finally, words where said, breaking the silence.

"But you're-you're suppose to be! Bu-Bia- " Percy stammered, and after a few moments he said "I hate demigod dreams."

"Percy. This isn't a demigod dream." Apollo informed him. Watching in slight amusement as Percy's eyes went as wide as saucers.

"Yeah!" Bianca agreed, "And I'm–wait. I am suppose to be dead." She stated, her fingertips brushing against her cheek.

The hunter laughed nervously.

"W-well this is awkward. . . Um hi person with Thalia eyes, but hair like that Will guy from camp. Was his name Will? It could of been Bill- eh. Who cares? Anyway, hi! I'm Bianca Di Angelo! The suppose to be dead daughter of Hades!" She said cheerfully, as if she was the only one calm about this.

Nico was slowly regaining his consciousness. Mumbling a few words here and there.

"Okay. Now that we're all h-" Apollo was interrupted again. "Oh my gods Thalia! What did you do to my cousin!" Percy exclaimed, looking at Thalia's limp body. Her hair was messier than usual, and she looked at peace- minus the bump on her forehead the size of a fist.

Apollo looked at Percy, who now attracted Nico attention (who had woken up a few seconds after Percy interrupted Apollo).

"What's wrong with Thalia?!" Nico questioned, everyone was crowding around her (except Bianca). "She's dying isn't she?" Bianca whispered to herself.

Apollo, upon hearing Bianca, sighed. "No Bianca, she isn't dying. She has actually contracted MDD. Or Memory Depression Disorder." Apollo informed her, now every demigod was listening.

"Is it curable?" Bianca questioned, looking hopeful. Apollo nodded.

"But, the only was we can cure her is to look through her memories as a child— well, really just her memories." Apollo explained, Bianca paled slightly.

"And no matter what we can't avoid it." Apollo stated. "Unless you want her to die!"

Bianca felt tears sting the corners of her eyes, she blinked them back.

Bianca took a deep, shaky, breath. She had to calm herself down, for her girlfr— for Thalia. Yeah. Thalia. "Now. Let's get into this first Memory." Apollo said.

"Wait." Nico interrupted, everyone looked at him. "Whatever we see here. We don't talk about. We don't laugh at each other if we're in the Memory. And we don't hate each other for past choices. Okay?" He said, Bianca nodded eagerly.

She had to hold back a sigh.

For, Nico, her baby brother, grew up so fast. But he was a sweet, and he was a fine young man. However old he was (about 14 was her guess).

"Okay. Deal guys?" Bianca spoke softly, Percy smiled. "Deal." He agreed, "Deal." Everyone echoed.

Even the two gods agreed to those terms.

"Okay. Everyone hold onto your clothes. My memory searches usually end up with someone de-pants." Apollo warned, everybody glanced at Percy, who was looking at the ceiling. Everyone–minus Percy– rolled their eyes and gripped their clothes.

"Let's do this." Jason said.

"Kay." Apollo answered, he touched Thalia's head.

Bianca felt slightly jealous, but ignored it. He's a male god, and she's a hunter— they swore off boys.

Apollo's lips moved slightly, and he muttered something under his breath. Bianca swore she could hear 'potatoes' or maybe 'spells' somewhere, but she wasn't sure.

Then, all of them where taken by a bright light.

It was like the sun, except, a wind was blowing harshly. The wind rattled up Bianca's (and everyone else's) clothes.

Nearly everyone, save Apollo, squinted. Holding their clothes tightly and shut their eyes.

Bianca's hair flew wildly in the wind, mostly into her face. She wanted to put it behind her ear, then remembered her clothes. She firmly kept her hands in place.

"When's this going to stop!?" Annabeth yelled over the harsh wind, Bianca shrugged to herself.

Then, as if on cue.

The wind stopped, and the light vanished.

It was sudden, and kind of surprising. Bianca assumed it would fade and disappear eventually, but it just vanished.

No more traces of it, other than the crazy hair that was styled by the wind. And all was now left of the light, was pitch darkness.

"Apollo? What's going on?" Bianca whispered, looking around in the darkness. "Give it a second." Apollo said, Bianca heard Percy sigh.

"That usually means I'm going to die." He stated, "Shut up Seaweed Brain! We aren't going to die!" Annabeth exclaimed.

Bianca almost laughed, they were a great couple. It was obvious.

"Annabeth?" Percy questioned, the daughter of Athena groaned.

"Yeah?" She replied. "Have you seen my pants?" He asked her, "I got them!" Jason—well, Bianca was pretty sure he was Jason—shouted.

Then, a hand touched her face. She stood frozen still.

"Percy? That you?" Jason asked, moving his hand over Bianca's face. "No. It's Bianca." She replied, Jason got his hand off of her face and walked on.

Again, just like the light and wind, the darkness disappeared. Lights filled up the room, revealing chairs that where hooked together- which Bianca found weird.

And a big screen, like a movie screen.

Except, there was snacks in the corner. "Foood!" Percy and Jason shouted, running to the table of sweets. Percy had retrieved his pants from Jason and was currently eating a candy called 'Sour Punch?' Who would name a candy that horrid name?

"Guys! We have to sit and watch the memories!" Artemis shouted, talking for the first time in 20 minutes.

Jason dropped a chocolate bar.

Everyone hesitantly sat down, except Bianca. "Come on Bia. You can sit next to us." Nico said, signaling her over to a seat in between Nico and Annabeth.

Bianca but her lip, but nodded, and without a second thought, she sat down.


Hey guys! New chapter! Anyways, shout out to AviciiPoseidonGirl ! She is very supportive to me. And I'd like to thank her!!! Thanks!!!



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