Betrayal || l.h

By kfcmalum

5.7K 123 19

He is the nerd. She is one of the cool kids. What happens when they meet, is it true love or just catastrophe. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author notes
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 3

376 5 0
By kfcmalum

Their car pulled up on the drive way. As I climb out from the car I'm admiring the view, their house is probably the most coziest place I've been at. It doesn't look as big from the outside as it is on the inside. I'm following the two sisters into the house. The white walls are still there, so is the little brown golden spot on the right wall in the hall since when Michael slammed a beer there because he got so mad at me for no reason or at least that what he told me, he gets aggressive when drunk. Seems like no one never wanted to wash it away or didn't have the urge to do it. 

We enter the living room which is cleans as always. Angelina sits down on the couch while Beth goes into the open kitchen. I caught my eye on the black armchair in the corner right next to the couch and sit down. It's awfully quiet which is really rare when you're with these two. They can go on and on about stuff and jump to a next subject and so on. I switch my eye contact back and forth between them waiting for them to talk. 

"Coffee or tea?" Beth finally breaks the silence.

"Coffee for me." me and Angelina says at the same time. We giggle. 

"So.. tell us" Angelina says and looks at me with a smirk. 

"Tell you what?"

"You know what." Angelina opens her mouth but Beth talks instead and walks in to sit with us with three cups of coffee in her hands, geez she and her big hands. I sigh and open my mouth to explain. 

"I told you he's just the new kid and I want to be polite, I guess." they both frowns as I reach for my cup and my hands cups it taking a sip. I love how the warmth goes through my hands and mouth and keeps going in the rest of my body. I've missed this, sitting at their house, drinking coffee and just chill. 

"Oh please you've never been polite to a new student before, why now? That's not you. It's odd and.. creepy." Angelina says smirking. What the hell am I suppose to say now? I don't even know myself why I talked to him. Or did I?

"I don't know, he just stood next to me and I felt like I had to say something you know." 

"Okey what the fuck has happened since we left? Are you on drugs or something?" Angelina giggles and Beth joins her while taking a sip of her coffee. I arch my brow and chuckle. 

"Can we please drop this, it's nothing special." they nod in agreement but I know they won't let it go, only for now.

"So, I know you guys have a lot to talk about." I smile at them and Angelina starts talking. The whole summer their family have been in New York. I'm so jealous because they travel the whole time it even gets my head exhausted for all the things they've done. Ugh rich people. But Angelina starts telling that they were shopping almost everyday, I'm not even surprised, but they also went to a beach which were a bit outside of town. On the fourth day they said that they met a guy in our age at the beach and Beth were all over him, so must of the days he took them to a  lot of parties. Angelina's smile turns bigger when Beth starts talking more about the parties. According to me there's nothing much that happened compared to what they have done before, well except that Beth is still talking to that guy and they text a lot. Angelina stops her by putting her hand on Beth's shoulder. 

"So another thing that happened, and this was on the seconds week. We were on a party in the city in a huge apartment, you should have seen it it was so cool! They had like windows from the roof to the floor. It sounds scary because partying when there's almost only windows all around you and you're on the 18 floor." what the fuck? I wouldn't even step inside of that house if it's that high above the ground and there's only glass around you. You could get so drunk so you fall from the window. Shivers go through my spine as Angelina continues. 

"Then.. Uhm. I met a girl, Josephine." she breathes heavily, is she nervous? Baby. I grab her hand and she smiles at me. 

"A really amazing girl! It was too good to be true. But we started talking and we had so much in common and I sort of got feelings for her. I was so nervous if she wouldn't feel the same. But I don't know if it was that we were drunk or if both us wanted it, but we.. kissed." she stops herself and stares down on the floor to hide her smile. I'm so happy for her. When she went through all this being into girls instead of boys has been a hell for her. She deserves to find some special.

"Well, I guess it was because we both wanted to because since then we hung out almost everyday, went to the beach, saw some movies at her place, went to dinner and all that stuff. She made me happy even if we only knew each other for a couple of days. I wanted to tell our parents but they are just so non supporting in all of this so I'll just wait for a while." I nod and smile at her. 

"Are you together now or something? What happened when you got home?"

"We are in some sort of long distance relationships I guess. It was really hard to leave her since we spend the whole summer together." 

"Fuck, I'm happy for you Angie! You deserve it after all you've been through." I stand up to go get her a hug. She grab hold of me tightly. 

"Thank you." she whispers in my ear and I can feel her smile appear against my shoulder. Beth joins by hugging us both. I chuckle and we release.

The rest of the hour we keep talking about Josephine and also about the mystery boy that Beth's been with. As I look at my watch it's 6pm, I should be going home. I interrupt our conversation or I should probably say theirs therefore it's only them talking and I'm just nodding and humming for an answer. They look at the watch and agrees, their parents will probably be home anytime and I shouldn't really be here and their parents doesn't quite like me. They tell me I've ruined their life when I invited them to their first party. Actually they should blame them for going but they blames everything on me. But Angie and Beth says the opposite though, I've changed their life into better. Well, their parents are rich and wants their kids to have a good healthy life but I think the kids should do whatever they fucking want.

We wave goodbye and I walk out of the door and take the next bus ride home. I take the seat all the way in the back. As I sit down and stare out the window and Lukes face comes up in my mind. His shiny blue eyes. The way some of his blonde hair lays on his forehead looks adorable. What. I need to stop these thoughts right now, why am I even thinking of someone I don't even know. Fuck.

I'm finally home and as I step in the smell of chicken fills the room. It must be chicken for dinner and I'm hoping for some potatoes on the side since potatoes are probably the best thing in the world. I'm walking into the kitchen and Calum is sitting by the table and Meggie stands in front of the stove. They are awfully quiet and I don't think they really noticed me walking in. I'm sitting next to Calum and he looks up to me. 

"Oh hey, where have you been?" Meggie looks at both of us but turns around and continues cooking. 

"At Beth and Angelina's place." I answer Calum. He nods like he understands and look back on his phone. Nicole's name pops up and I can't help to gaze at the screen. Nicole writes that she misses him and about how her day at school. I look up at Calum and he is smiling. He types back saying he miss her too. Both Beth, Calum and Angelina is in some sort of relationships except me.. Well I had a relationship before summer but that is over, thank god. 

"Food's done." Meggie interrupts my thoughts and putting a big bowl with potatoes and a plate with chicken on the table. She goes back and grabs some plates and putting them in front of us. I start grabbing some potatoes and then a chicken fillet. We start to dig in and it's quiet. Meggie usually talks and asks us stuff about our day or talking about her day at work. Whatever. 

When we're done Meggie grabs our plates and I thank her for the dinner. I go up to my room and I'm so tired, I should go to sleep early. It's 8pm. Oh what the hell I'm going to sleep, I need my beauty sleep anyway. I walk into the bathroom and starts brushing my teeth. The bags under my eyes are dark. I rub my index finger on them and they are sore. Yeah I do need my beauty sleep. I put away my toothbrush and step out of the bathroom to put on my pajamas. I'm walking from my closet and putting on my black pajama shorts and jump into bed. My clothes lies all around my room but I forget about it and close my eyes. 

The alarm strikes and I actually feel a bit brisk this morning, thank you beauty sleep. I walk up and go to my closet. When I open it I find my black high waisted shorts and a white tshirt. Casual I like it. I put them on and goes straight to the mirror to put on my make up. As I put on my mascara I hear the door open in a rush and someone walks in. 

"Calum you don't always have to check in on me every mor-" the familiar face makes me terrified. What the hell is he doing here, how did he get in, what do he want. 

"Have you missed me babe?" Noel says, my ex boyfriend. 

Sorry this chapter is bad and a bit messy but I just felt that I had to do an update and then I got stressed, but comment on what you think and vote if you like it :)

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