Brock Bagans | Ghost Adventur...

By GhostAdventuresHQ

10.6K 315 17

"I never want kids" Zak said. He'd always been too busy filming for Ghost Adventures to start a family. Every... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22:

Chapter 18:

218 10 0
By GhostAdventuresHQ

Usually every morning, Brock would be the first to wake up. However, for this one occasion, it was different. Zak and Brianna were able to sleep in a lot longer than what they were used to and because of realising this, they were a little suspicious as to what was going on. Maybe Brock just wanted to sleep in because he was tired. 

It soon hit 11am and Brianna noticed that Brock still hadn't woken up or come out of his bedroom. Because she didn't want her son sleeping too long because she knew that he wouldn't nap, she decided to go and wake him up. As she did so, Zak began to cook breakfast.

"Good morning Brock, you slept in today." Brianna spoke to him, as she began to open his blinds which let a lot of light into the room. Brock rolled over and began to rub his eyes. "Come on baby, daddy's making breakfast." She told him as she knelt down next to his toddler bed and encouraged him to get out of it. "Noo-" Brock whined as he turned around and tried to go back to sleep again.

Brianna raised her eyebrows a little. This wasn't like Brock. Usually, Brock would be up in a shot and would be ready the moment that he heard the word 'breakfast'. "Brock, honey, are you feeling okay?" Brianna asked the little boy. He refused to reply for a moment, instead, he tried to go back to sleep. "Brock? Please answer mommy. Do you feel okay?" She repeated the question, hoping that she'd get an answer from him. Brock sat up slowly and shook his head before frowning. "I f-eel sick mommy..." He trailed. 

Upon hearing this, Brianna frowned also. "Aw Brocky, I'm sorry to hear that. Does anything hurt?" She wondered, as she felt his forehead. Brock was burning up. "Yeah...Tu-mmy hurt-s." He whined slightly. "I think you may have a fever, Brock. I'm gonna take your temperature just to make sure that it's not too high, okay?" Brianna told him. "-kay, mommy." Brock replied, as he laid back down and tried to fall back to sleep. 

Whilst Brock did so, Brianna dug into the bathroom cupboards for a thermometer, however, this was unsuccessful. She quickly went down the stairs and asked Zak whether he had seen it anywhere. "Is he up yet?" Zak asked Brianna, the minute that she walked into the kitchen. "Do you know where the thermometer is?" She wondered, as she looked into a few cupboards where she thought that the thermometer would be. "Why? Are you feeling okay?" He responded, as he paused what he was doing and looked at her. "It's not for me, it's for Brock. I think he's got a fever." She told him. "Poor little boy, I hope he's okay." Zak frowned slightly upon hearing this. "I hope so too, I need to find the thermometer quickly though as I need to make sure that his fever isn't too dangerously high." She replied. "I think the thermometer is in the cupboard underneath the sink." Zak spoke, as he tried to remember where he could've put it. "Checked there already, wasn't there." Brianna sighed. "Have you checked our bathroom? I think it's in there." Zak told her. "Oh, no I haven't, thank you honey." She smiled slightly as she went over to him and pecked his cheek. "It's okay, I'll be up in a moment, I'm just going to dish out the food." He told her, as he got a few plates out of the cupboard and placed them on one of the kitchen counters.

Brianna jogged out of the kitchen and back up the stairs. She checked in the cupboard underneath the sink in their en suite bathroom and thankfully found the thermometer. She sighed in relief before walking back to Brock's bedroom. 

As she walked in, she realised that Brock had fallen back to sleep. "Brock? I've got the thermometer here and I need to take your temperature." Brianna spoke, as she gently shook Brock awake. Brock grumbled as she did so, not wanting to open his eyes. "Once I know what temperature your fever is at, then I'll let you go back to sleep for a little while, okay?" She said, kneeling down next to his bed and placing her right hand on her son. "-kay, mommy." Brock responded as he finally opened his eyes and allowed her to do what she wanted to do. 

Brianna took Brock's temperature. Once she did so, she looked at it. "102.2*F" She said, as she sighed a little. Of course, Brock had no idea what those numbers meant but knew that it wasn't good. "You do have a fever, Brock, so I'm going to let you sleep a little and then if you feel hungry in about half an hour or so, then you can have some food." Brianna told him. "I'm going to get you a cold flannel to put on your forehead and hopefully that will bring down your fever." 

She left Brock for a moment or so as she went to grab him a flannel. As she did so, Zak walked into Brock's bedroom and knelt down beside his bed. "How are you feeling, little boy?" He asked his son as he felt his forehead. "No-t good, da-ddy." Brock frowned as he tried to kick the duvet covers off of his bed. "Because you have a fever, you at least need your duvet to keep you warm and keep your body temperature level because you can still shiver with the cold even if you have a fever." Zak tried to explain to Brock, however, Brock wasn't getting the picture. "Too h-ot!" Brock complained once more, before Brianna returned. "Here Brock, here's a nice cold flannel to bring down your temperature-" She began, as she got the little boy to lay down on his back. "Now, you've got to keep your bed covers on you because you may feel cold with the flannel and we don't want you getting cold, okay?" She continued, as she looked at her little helpless son. "-kay, mommy." Brock responded to this. 

"Okay, before you get too comfortable, how about you go potty before going back to bed because we don't want you to pee yourself or the bed, do we?" Brianna asked Brock, who shook his head in reply. "C'mon then," Zak began, as he bent down to pick up his small son and carried him towards the bathroom. Because Brock didn't feel himself nor did he feel well enough to go potty by himself, both Brianna and Zak helped him. Once done, just to be on the safe side, Brianna helped Brock into a pull up, just in case he was to feel too weak to get out of bed and go potty and it would save him from having any accidents. 

"We'll leave you to rest for about an hour and we'll come and check on you just in case you want any food, alright?" Zak said quietly, as he began to walk out of the little boy's room. "Yes, and we'll leave your door just slightly open so that if you need to go potty, then you won't have to find your way out of your bedroom in the dark." Brianna told him, as she carefully shut the little boy's blinds. "Mhm-" Brock murmured, before falling back to sleep. 

In the meantime, Brianna decided to make Brock a small meal for when he was to wake up. Because she didn't want Brock to potentially throw up whatever food she would give him, she decided to make some mashed potatoes for her son to eat as it was also one of the easiest foods to eat and settle the stomach. Zak, on the other hand, had to head out to the GA Headquarters to meet with Nick, Aaron, Billy and Jay. 

After about an hour or so, Brianna returned to Brock's room with a glass of water and a bowl of mash. "Here Brock, I know you may not feel hungry but it's good to eat because we don't want you getting sick, okay?" She spoke to him, as she handed him his glass of water which had a straw, making it easier to drink. She held the bowl of mash in her hands as she began to spoon feed Brock a little bit of food. "How are you feeling?" She wondered, hoping that the little boy was feeling better than earlier. "S-s-ick" Brock frowned, as he reluctantly took another mouthful of the mashed potatoes. "Do you feel like you need to throw up?" She asked. Brock nodded slowly before closing his eyes. He hated being ill, especially when he needed to be sick. From a young age, he had always been afraid of throwing up. "Alright, let's get you to the bathroom then just in case." Brianna spoke, as she helped Brock out of bed and carried him into the bathroom. 

She sat Brock on the bathroom counter, the sink just next to him. Brock began to shiver slightly, he was cold but also nervous. He didn't want to be sick but could feel his stomach getting worse. As well as this, he had the feeling coming up his throat. "Hey, it's okay Brock. It's natural to be sick and throw up when you're not well, it's your body's way of helping you get anything bad up that needs to come up and once you've thrown up, your body will feel a lot better and hopefully, you won't be sick anymore." Brianna soothed him, as she gently rubbed his back and kissed his forehead. "I s-scared mommy..." Brock trailed, a single tear falling. "There's nothing to be afraid of, it may appear scary to be sick but mommy gets sick as well as daddy, it's okay. I'm here." She told him. 

It wasn't long until Brock ended up throwing up what he had just eaten, as well as what seemed to be last night's food. The whole time that he did so, Brianna rubbed his back and soothed him, telling him that it's okay and that he's okay. She wanted him to realise that everyone gets sick when they don't feel well. 

As soon as Brock had finished, Brianna wiped Brock's mouth and hands with a baby wipe and felt his forehead once again. He was a little warm, however, not as hot as earlier. "Do you need to go potty again?" She asked him. Brock nodded slightly. All the water he had drank made him need to go once again. Once Brock had finished on the potty, Brianna decided to carry Brock into her and Zak's room so that he could sit with her just in case he felt like he needed to be sick again. She also wanted to care for her son, he had just turned three a few weeks ago so he was still incapable of doing a few things for himself and she wanted to help him. 

Brianna tucked Brock into bed and brought one of his favourite stuffed bears into the room to sleep with. She also grabbed him another glass of water and a bucket, just in case Brock needed to be sick and they couldn't reach a bathroom in time. 

It wasn't long till Brock fell back to sleep. Brianna laid by his side and wrapped her arm around him, keeping him close to her. Brianna hoped that this was only a 24 hour stomach bug of some kind. She hated seeing her little boy so ill and helpless. She wanted to see him racing around the living room and almost knocking everything over in his path. 

She sighed a little, knowing that this wouldn't last long and that he should be back to his normal self soon.

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