The Bastard Daughter [[DISCON...

By Puddles3535

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[A SUPERNATURAL FANFIC] Ever since Nova Books could remember she has been on the run. Always looking over he... More

The Bastard Daughter : A Supernatural FanFiction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

138 6 0
By Puddles3535


Slamming the laptop shut and saying “I need a break”

Nova looked at Sam and smiled “Does Dean always do this?”

“No...” Then Sam thought of all the times he was left alone to do research and Dean went out. “Well most of the time, but he'll help out once in a while”

“Where is he” She said looking at the clock on the motel wall.

“Probably at a bar..or getting a cheese burger” Sam said and lifted his hands to his eye and rubbed on the to relive the pain that was bouncing on his temples. He saw Nova get up and walk over to her bag. When she turned around she through a pill bottle at him. It was white and it did not a have a label on it.

“What are they?”

“They are for bad head pain and what not.” He said without a care in the world.

“And what not?” Sam said and looked at her. She was playing with a piece of her hair and looking back at him. “Aren't you a little young for these?”

“I take it when I can't block the angles out. It helps with the pain and sometimes sleep” She said and looked down at the floor. “I need to get more soon”

“Where do you get then?” Sam asked and she looked at him with big hazel eyes. Sam sat the bottle down and waited for an answer. She slowly walked over and sat down across him.

“A friend of mine”

“Thought you did not have friends” Sam stated playfully. She light cocked her head to the side and come back with.

“I have you. Right?”

Sam could feel the smile growing on his face and looked up at the girl. He picked up the bottle and really thought about it, but knew she needed them more then he did. He handed the bottle and she went to grab them out of his hand. There hands might have touched for a second or two before she jerked back. The bottle fell out of her hands and pills split all over the floor. They both bent down to pick them up, but Sam stopped half way through. She swiftly picked up the pills and when she looked up at Sam she was smiling. Their eye just happen to meet, and Sam lost it. He knew that Dean was right about his attraction to her, and they he would me very mad if he made a move on her. But he did not care. For the first time in a long time he did not care about what was happening around him, he was just care about himself and what he felt.

“I am not going to hurt you” Sam said and found himself drawn to her lips. He was about to make a move when someone knocked at the door. He jumped a little, then was upset about the fact Nova was already on her feet and putting the pills away. He walked over to the door, but before opening it she pulled out a gun; hiding it behind the wall. She opened the door to a shot man with a pizza in his hands. Sam pulled out twenty and gave it to the boy. As he carried the pizza into the room Nova cleaned off the table and when she looked at her Sam smiled.

“So the angles, you always here them?”

“Yeah” She said and sat down.

“They never stop?” Sam asked walking over to the mini refrigerator

“Well...They did once” She said and grabbed a piece of pizza.

San also took a piece and gave her a beer. “Oh? When?”

She slowly at her pizza, and shrugged. “A couple weeks before I met Dean”

“Why?” Sam asked. She shrugged again and looked away.

Sam looked at he and squinted his eyes “Are you not telling me something?”

“If I answer your question, will you at lest answer one of my?” She said and took a drink of her beet

“Depends on the question you ask” Sam said.

“That is not fair! I have been telling everything you ask about me. I think I deserve at lest one question that you may not be comfortable asking.” She said.

Sam took a deep breath. 'How bad could her question be?' he thought to himself and said


“I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible pain. The worst of my head aches I have ever gotten. They where screaming and panicking about....” She trailed off


She kept my eyes away form Sam's and brought my knees to to my chest. He could not help but think she was so cute when she as nerves. The thought left Sam's head after she said“You. They screamed 'Sam Winchester has opened Lucifer's Cage'. Then they all stopped and it was so peaceful, but it only a minute. After that I ran...I did not even know what I was running from. But I ended up at a hotel and then killing the demons that acted me. That is how I ran into Dean...”

After a moment she looked up at Sam, who was thinking of a thousand things at once.

“My turn...” she said, but Sam did not answer, he just waited for the question. “How?...”

Sam took a deep breath and could not look at Nova for a moment. When he looked back at her, she was light biting her lip and hugging her knees against her chest. Her eyes where waiting for an answer and he felt a slight moment of trust for her.

“It's a long story...I did a lot of things that I am not proud of.” He started. “It took a lot for Dean to take me back in. For him to trust me again”

“He is hard on you...” She said.

After a long breath he sighed and said “I don't blame him”

She lightly bobbed her head no. “Everyone makes mistakes, but to be reminded of them is all the time is not how you learn form them. It's how you learn to never forget them.”

Sam looked at her, “That is an interesting way of thinking”

“Thanks...I think” She said and let out a soft laugh. She took a deep breath and grabbed another slice of pizza. It was silent for a moment and she was looking at the ground thinking about something really hard.

“What's on your mind?” Sam said, but was hoping she was going to change the topic.

She looked up and shrugged. “Just listening”

“Too?” He said and she gave him the 'are for real' look. “Oh....what are they talking about?”

“Right now?” She said. “A little of everything. Heaven, and Hell...God, and the know angle stuff.”

“Do you ever hear Cass?”

“Not that I can remember, and he has a very...” She paused. “Memorable presents. How in the hell do you get involved with all of this Angle and Demon business anyhow?”

“We are hunters..” Sam said trying not to tell to much.

“Yeah...but you are not like ANY other hunter I have ever met.” she said. “Hell, most hunters look at me like I am crazy when I tell them about angels”

Sam really wanted to change the subject. “So how many hunter have you ran in to?”

“About four or five a year, and for some weird reasons you guys run in wolves.”

“Wolves?” Sam asked and laugh.

“Yes...wild, mean, harsh wolves” She said crossing her arms.

“I am sure not ever hunter you have met where that bad”

She looked at him and smiled. “No....”

Sam waited for her answer “Bobby is pretty cool.”

They both started laughing and soon could not stop.

“But for real, there are some hunters out there at have been really good to me” She said after she calmed down from laughing.

“Oh like who?”

“I don't think you would know him...” She said and looked away.

“Him?” Sam said and wiggled his eye browse.

She rolled her eyes and said. “Troy...Troy Quinn?”

Sam thought about if for a minutes or too. “No sorry.

“Oh well” She said and looked down.

“Maybe I will run into him someday...I will mention you”

Her eyes had a went a little wet and she looked out the window to the left of her “It's highly unlikely that you will ever meet him.”

“Why is that?” Sam asked.

Her jaw tightened and she started to grow angry “Because his sister and I burnt his body to a crisp .”

“I am sorry”, was all the Sam could mange to get out.

“Me too” She said and a single tear left her eye, it fell down on her knee that she still had pressed up tight to her chest. “I learned everything I needed to know to survive from him. He was a good hunter and a kind person”

“I know what it's like to loss someone”

“I know” She said...

“How do you know?” Sam asked.

She sighed. “Your a hunter, and that means NOBODY you care about is safe. They will never be safe and there is nothing you can do to change that” She spat the words out no looking at the window.

Sam looked at her and was shocked about how angry she was getting.

“Troy try to change that” She whispered. After a moment she closed her eye tight and got up. She stretched and looked at the clock.

“I am going to take a little cat nap...wake me up in an hour or two”

“Sure thing.”

“Oh and don't touch me, just yell my name or poke me with a stick or something” she said.

Sam smiled. “Trust me I learned the first lesson”

She smirked a little before walking over to the bed and rolling over so that she could not see him. Sam started to gather all of his research when he saw that she was fast asleep. He was a very still quite sleeper, but every once in a while she would moan or giggle. It was hard to think that if he just happen to touch her, she would turn into a person that was ready to kill.

Sam worked for hours before he found what he was looking for. He threw his head back, then let out a harsh sigh. 'Back to square one' he thought to himself as he picked up the phone to call Dean.

After a couple rings Sam heard a “Yo?”

“Hey! It took me awhile but I was able to trace the cars back to it previous owners”

“Did any of them die bloody”

“No, In fact...” Sam trailed off when he heard the sound of pool being played. “Dean are you at a bar?”

“Ahhh, no it's a restaurant” He said, then a sound of a girl saying 'here is the beer you wanted'. “And it happens to have a bar”

“Dean, I have been working my ass off all afternoon.”

“Hey, world smallest violin buddy! I just spent the my after noon up a 'Little Bastards' skirt. I needed a drink”

“Actuality, no you didn't” Sam said


“The car's first owner was a guy from Philly, he drove it till he died in 1972”

“So, you saying?” Dean asked.

“That car is a fake 'Little Bastard'”

Dean sighed “Then what was it that killed the guy?”

“Good question” Sam said.

“Alright I will see you in an hours” Dean said. “Hey, how's the girl”

“Fine, she is sleeping now”

Dean paused. “Did you get anymore dirt on her”

“I found out she strongly dislikes hunters”

“It does not take a rocket scientist to find that out”

Sam sighed. “No more like on a personal level”

“How so?”

“Do you no a Troy Quinn?”


“Well, she was friends with him” Sam said. “We was a hunter”

“Was?” Dean said.

“He's dead”

“Oh, but why would that make her hate hunters”

“I have not got that fare. She said ' Being a hunter means that NOBODY you care about is safe. They will never be safe and there is nothing you can do to change that'”

“Bit of a Debbie Down”

Sam took a deep breath, “I think there is more too her then what we think”

“More? How much more different can she get”

“You know what I meant Dean” Sam said. “I will see you in later”

“Alright...bye” Dean said and did not wait for Sam to say good bye.


I woke up to the sound of someone coming into the room, not remembering where I was and who I was with I tuned quickly to see who it was. Dean happily waved and I through my head back in the pillow. I heard him and Sam talking about the car so I slowly got out of turned to face them.

“So did you find what you where looking for?” I asked Sam, my voice was high from sleeping. I just realized how thirsty I was. 'Was I talking in my sleep again' I asked myself.

“No, it's not the right car”

I yawned and asked “What now?”

“Now we try and find another reason some one would kill Cal. Find a motive or something in his pass that a little fishy”

“How long does that take?” I asked

“Could take days”

“Oh Joy!” I said and got out of bed. I walked over to get a drink, and found that they only had beer. I was get sick of beer. It's like hunters have to be somewhat drunk all the time to do what they do. I looked in the wallet to see that I had about forty dollars in left. I found my jacket and headed for the door.

“Where do you thing your going?” Dean ask.

“To get something to get some air and to get something to drink” I said and walked out the door. I heard foot steeps behind me and Dean said.

“No, now get back in this room!”

I stopped and took a deep breath. “Or what?”

“I am doing this to protect you” Dean said. “I don't want to have to have Cass bring you back”

I balled my first up and turned to see Dean crossing his arms. I pointed at a pop machine outside of the hotel lobby. “You can fucking watch me go get a poop, that all I was trying to do”

Dean looked at the lobby and said “Hurry up”

I walked over the machine and got my drink along with two other just in case I needed them. I walked into the room. As Dean shut the door I put my pop in the mini refrigerator.

“Don't do that again”

I sighed. “Dean I am not a child. I can handle myself and I don't need babysitting. If I wanted to, I would have left weeks ago”

“Well while you are here, you will do as I say!” Dean said. “This is not a sleep over.”

Sam got up and was about to put a hand on my shoulder to move me away from Dean.

“Sammy, if you enjoy your arm, then I highly suggest you DON'T touch me” I said and walked over to the bed, crossing my arms as I sat down. Dean and Sam continued to talk about the case, so I turned on the TV and watched some horrible B movie about zombies. They talked about nothing, but what could have happened to Cal for hours. I drowned them out with the sound of angles. Though I hated them , they never left me. They where always there so that in cold nights where I am alone. I could listen to them and know that as lest I am not like all of the other people in the world. At lest I don't go through my life not knowing what it out there. I don't like not being sure, and the angles make me sure.

Around six at night Dean ordered food

“You hungry?” He said.

“Nope” I said.

He sighed. “Are you going to be in a pissy mood all night?”

“Yepp” I said and turned the volume up in the TV a little bit. Sam smiled and walked over to his bed laying down and relaxing for the first time tonight. After Dean got off the phone he walked over to the table, putting his feet up and rocked on the legs of the chair.

“Um Dean?” I lightly smiled think of something.

“Yes Princesses” Said and got a smirk on his face. I did not get mad nor did I lash back. I just smiled and asked

“Where are you going to sleep?” He looked at me then said.

“In my bed..” I raised my eye browse, I was biting my tongue to hold back me laughter. Sam looked up at to see Dean slowly get my point. He started laughing and Dean said

“Son of a Bitch” He said and crossed his arms thinking. “I will just have to get Sammy another room”

I looked at Sam, who was rolling his eyes.


Around six a clock in the morning Dean got a call on his cell phone. I turned too looked at him get out of bed, as he hung up on the person. He pressed a couple buttons on his phone then said

“Sammy, looks like another one bites that dust...Be ready in ten”

He walked over and throw a pillow at me.

“I am already up you ass whole” I said and slid out of bed.

“Get ready”

“Another person killed my the car?” I asked

“No a guy was shot” He said grabbing a his suit.

I grabbed mine and head to the bath room. “How is that weird”

“There is no gun powder, finger prints, or any prof that anyone was there”

I sighed and got dressed quick, this time I kept my hair down. I strapped my gun around my shoulders, as I looked for my badge Sam walked in to the room. I jumped and Dean gave me a weird look.

“Knock please..” I said.

Sam looked at the door then back at me. He raised his hand an taped on the door; I gave him the bird and he laughed. As Dean locked the door I told Sam about what had happened to the next victim. The drive was short and when we got to the scene, it was a mess. Fresh blood was covered the walls, people taking picture and dusting all over the place. Dean walked up to the chief of police and asked

“Did you get another weird one?”

“Well, yeah it's a little strange...but once you look at the facts"

“Will died of a gun shoot wound to the head, No gun, No Gunpowder, and No bullet” Sam started

Dean shrugged “Nope, nothing strange about that?”

“WELL there has to be a reasonable explanation.” said the officer “There always is”

“So what is you reasonable explanation for this one” Dean asked

The officer looked both ways and whispered to us “Professional killer”

“Rigghhhhtttt” Dean said.

“Look your welcome to look around. But these kinds of killers don't leave evidence behind.”

“Can we talk to the witness?” Sam asked.

“Yes, but she is not making any sense, in Spanish or in English”

“Rigghhhhtttt” Dean said. They started to walk out the door when I said

“I will met you out there in a minute. I want to see something”

They looked at each other and then Dean said. “Back at the car in five!”

They walked out of the room, and I was left alone for the first time in a week. I looked at the blood soaked room and walked over to the desk where a puddle blood had manufactured. I made sure nobody was looking when I dipped my finer in to the cold think red fluid. I did a double take of the room and a deep breath before sticking the finger in my mouth. My body went stiff as I saw this mans last moments.

I saw him at his desk working on somethings when his the room got cold. He could see his own breath, and when he turned he saw a tall man in black suit and top hat. He looked angry, and came at the man fast then any human could. I snapped out of it before I could see the end. I was breathing heavy and when I looked to the left of me there was a picture of President Lincoln. No! It could not be! Could it?

I walked out to see Dean and Sam talked to a lady ranting in Spanish. Sam was trying his best to understand her. I walked up and started to talk to her.


“What did you see Miss?”

“A man, with a beard, and big top hat.”

“Did he look like President Lincoln?” I asked and once I did she nodded sad.

“Yes...He killed Mr. Hill” She said. “May I go home now?”

“Yes, you can go? Thank you”

She got up, walk over to a small car and drove off


“Did I hear that correctly?” Sam asked.

“Yes” I said and sighed. “It's what I saw too”

“What you saw?” Dean asked

“With a drop of blood I could look find out almost everything about you” I said. “Even how you died”

When I said the word blood Dean looked a Sam, who was looking down at the ground. “And I saw Abraham kill Will”

“Wait so you just put Mr. Hill's blood in your mouth”

I shrugged and Dean pointed at me “There will be no more of that, you understand! And how do you know Spanish?” Dean asked.

“Angles know all mortal languages, when I get bored I learn as much as I can” I said.

“Hmm? So how many do you know?” Dean asked

“Spanish, German, French, Italian, and some Latin” I said and Sam's eye bugged out of his head. Dean bobbed his head back and forth then asked

“What can't you do?”

I crossed my arms “Fly”


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