The end is just the beginning

By Chell83

7.8K 283 32

What if only a part of Atemu's/Yami's soul was sealed in the puzzle and Atemu was actually reborn in Yugi's t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

788 26 2
By Chell83

Other me

Domino City

Yugi started to think the Millennium Puzzle did hold some kind of magic when he noticed that his usual bullies avoided him like the plague ever since he started wearing it around his neck. And he didn't mind that one bit.
He was sure now that the stories his grandpa had heard about a power of darkness inside the puzzle were untrue.
Although he did have dreams about a sort of lookalike who was watching him while he slept like a sort of protector.  He wondered who it was. If he was even real. Since he didn't know who the person was he had named him Other Me. 

After 4 months completing the puzzle he started to think he saw the Other Me out of the corner of his eyes but whenever he turned around he didn't see anyone. 

'I hope I'm not starting to go crazy' he thought frowning.

'Don't worry Partner. You're not going crazy'

Yugi's eyes bulged.

"Who said that? Show yourself"  he said. He wanted to sound confident but he felt himself trembling.


Yugi swirled around and saw his lookalike standing there with a soft smile on his face. Only one problem.  He was transparent.  As if he was a ghost.  Yugi paled.

"Wh..who are you???"

"Not sure really.  I don't remember my name but I guess you can call me Other Me as you have nicknamed me in your thoughts"  his lookalike said.

'He can read my thoughts?' Yugi took a step back and his lookalike frowned upon the action.

"No need to fear me Partner...Yugi. I am here to protect you. Not harm you" Other Me said. Yugi didn't trust him one bit.

"Protect me from what? Are you the one who made sure the bullies left me alone?  Where did you come from anyway?" he asked. Other Me looked confused.

"From the Millennium Puzzle ofcourse.  You completed it.  Therefore I owe it to you to protect you since you are my vessel on my journey to face my destiny. Whatever it is.  I feel like I need to do something really important but I have no memories for what exactly" his Other Me explained.

"Puzzle? Vessel? Destiny? What are talking ab..." A lightbulb lit up in Yugi's mind and his eyes bulged again.
"You are the spirit of darkness that resides in the Millennium Puzzle"  he quietly said. The stories HAD been true and he had a sickening feeling inside his stomach.

Other Me chuckled.
"Spirit of Darkness?  Is that what they call me? Well I have been out of the puzzle mostly at night so you could call it that. But since you see me as spirit of darkness, calling me Other Me wouldn't seem right. You don't look like you could hurt anyone.  Even if you wanted to. No wait. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't even think about it"

Yugi blinked.
"You talk about me as if you know me. I'm not as innocent as you think I am" he said. "Oh and if you really are a spirit of darkness I should call you Yami.  It's mean darkness in my language. But don't do any evil stuff. Like making peope insane...uhmm Yami" The spirit now renamed Yami smiled softly.

"I can insure you Yugi that I haven't done any evil stuff as you may call it. Like I told you. I am here to protect you and recover my memories so that I know who I am and why I'm here"  he assured Yugi and stepped closer to Yugi who didn't retreat now like earlier. Yami reached forward and grabbed Yugi's hand. Yugi shrieked when he felt the ice cold touch and pulled his hand back like a reflex.

"You're ice-cold" Yugi said trembling.

"Well I am a spirit. What did you expect?"

Yugi squirmed.
"Can't you do something about it?"

Yami sweatdropped. 
"I can't warm up my hands Yugi but there might be another way. Hmmm. Okay go lie down on your bed"

Yugi looked at him confused wondering what lying down on his bed would solve the problem of Yami's ice-cold hands. But he did it anyway.

"Okay now what?" he asked.

"Now close your eyes and relax. I will lead you into the puzzle" Yami said softly in his deep voice.

'Lead me into the puzzle?' Yugi thought and his eyes snapped open. "Into the puzzle????"

Yami sighed.
"Yes Yugi.  Into the puzzle.  Now relax. Nothing will happen to you. Now close your eyes and let me guide you" Yami's voice sounded really alluring.

Yugi closed his eyes again and forced himself to relax before he felt a soft pulling sensation and a second later he snapped his eyes open. He was still in his bedroom.  Or what looked like it anyway.  The floor was cluttered with toys. He sat up and looked for Yami but no sight of him.

"I'm here Partner"

Yugi looked up to see Yami standing in the doorway of his bedroom.  Freaky thing was that he wasn't transparent now.

"Where are we? I mean this looks like my bedroom but not how I left it" he said frowning. Yami smiled.

"This is your soul room"

"Soul room?"

"Yes. You see we are connected now through the Millennium Puzzle.  In which you have a soul room. You will arrive here every time you want to visit me" Yami explained.

"Does that mean you have a soul room too?" Yugi asked and Yami nodded.

"Can I see it?"
Yugi was always the curious one and this whole thing intrigued him.

"If you wish. But you will have to hold my hand when we are inside. It's not a simple bedroom like yours. I don't want you to get lost"

Yami took his hand which felt lovely warm now and lead him out of his soul room through the hallway to an ironclad door with the Eye of Horus engraved on it. He stopped at the door and put his hand on the handle. He turned his head to Yugi.

"Ready?" he asked. Yugi nodded and Yami pushed the handle down to open the door.

Compared to Yugi's soul room the room was completely dark and Yugi unconsciously stepped closer to Yami who waved his hand and dozens of torches lit up.
Yugi couldn't believe what he saw. Yami wasn't kidding when he said his soul room wasn't a simple bedroom.  He saw a whole labyrinth of doors and stairs around him.

"Oh my god" he mumbled. He couldn't stop looking around.

"Impressed?" Yami asked.  Yugi could only nod.

"It is. But how come it looks like this?  I mean. Now I understand why you said you could easily get lost"

Yami shrugged.
"I guess it had something to do with the fact that I have no memories of what or who I am"

Yugi looked at him sympathetically. Yami might be called a spirit of darkness but to Yugi he looked like a lost spirit who tried to find his real self. He looked at the numerous doors and came to a decision.

"Okay Yami. I have decided.  I will help you find your memories"

Yami's eyes widened. 
"You will really do that? For me? I mean not to long ago you were afraid of me. I can't blame you for that with the kind of stories they told you about me" He looked away with a sad expression.
Yugi squeezed Yami's hand that he was still holding.

"Didn't you tell me yourself you would protect me? And from what I sense from you, you can't be as evil as the stories say you are. Let's do this together okay?" He beamed brightly and Yami smiled.

"You're really cute. You know that?" He chuckled when he saw Yugi turn red from blushing. 

"I'm not cute!! I'm a boy. Boys aren't cute" Yugi protested.  Yami laughed.

"Still cute" he said smirking. Yugi pouted.

"Let's just get out of here okay.  I think it's about dinner time and I don't want grandpa to worry about me"

"Ofcourse. Here let me teach you how"  Yami said. Five seconds later he woke up in his real bedroom again and stood up just in time to hear his grandpa calling him for dinner.

"Okay gotta go. Talk to you later Yami" he said and ran out of the bedroom down the stairs to the kitchen. Yami nodded and dissappeared into the puzzle again to await Yugi's return.

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