Assassination on the Kill

By Angelgirl4ever02

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Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Enemies
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 8: You're One Of Us
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot
Chapter 13: The Masked Man
Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here
Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts
Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint

54 1 0
By Angelgirl4ever02

"Are you sure about this?" 50k asks Phantom. "Yeah, I've never regretted the decisions I made." She answers. "Can we go home now?" Trixie asks out loud. "I don't see why not, a cold shower would be nice too." OO9 comments. "Let's go then. There's only a few hours before school." 2bullet started picking up the pace.


Iris unlocks the door and as soon as everyone came in, they sprawled out to their own rooms. Everyone had their own bathroom so nobody took turns using the one in the hall. The entire house was quiet, only light footsteps could be heard. Iris had turned on the air conditioner for the entire house before entering her room. Everyone changed out of their "working" clothes to more suitable casual clothing for school later on.

Iris changed into a white sideless tank top with a heart made of flowers on the front, its length covered about one third of her black shorts. She put on some grey rubi flats to accompany. She proceeded to lock bracelets on her right wrist and put on some rings on her left fingers. She then picks up the straightener to straighten her hair before attaching colour extensions.

Jennifer was wearing a white crop top with the bold words 'Disaster' on the front and some blue ombré skinny jeans. Silver bracelets hung on her left wrist. She chose some black low-cut converse to complete her look. She dries her hair with a hair dryer before brushing it out. She snaps a hair tie on her right wrist to tie her hair up later. Jennifer thought it might be a good time to change her earrings and proceeds, from her ear sticks to small peace signs.

Katharine went with a more sporting look. A navy dri-fit shirt with a calligraphy quote on the front saying 'Food before Boys'. Instead of jeans she decided on some tights. She picks out a pair of sports shoes to wear, this time she decided on the blue one with the pink sole. She ties up the purple lace before moving to her mirror. Katherine picks up her engraved metal bracelet and slips it on her left wrist. She quickly ties her hair up into a high ponytail and proceeds on some light make-up.

Tricia being lazy as usual, threw on a shirt and short combo. This time she was wearing a white sleeveless hooded shirt and black shorts. The front of her hoodie states 'sleepy' in capital. Her shoes were white  high-cut converse with black lace. Tricia picks up her teal watch and secures it on her left wrist. Her shoulder length hair untouched besides combing. Just for fun she decided to wear a choker with a ying-yang charm.

Takahiro's fringe would hang above his eyes when not gelled. So that was his first step in getting ready. For today he decided on a side fringe look such that only one eye was half covered. A black shirt was his top with a red flannel, along with shredded jeans and black high-cut converse. He puts his leather bracelets on his right wrist. A chain attached to his belt hoops and a few plain metal rings on his left hand. Once he was done he grabbed his devices and proceeded downstairs.

Once downstairs he crashed onto the sofa and opens up his laptop. Knowing Iris would be in the kitchen he asks out loud for a coke. A few moments later a can hovered above him. He grabs it, thanking Iris before she returns. He was going to need a sugar rush to finish writing down today's assassinate report. Recalling every detail and typing away was how he was going to spend the next hour.

After passing Takahiro his drink, Iris returned to making everyone a quick sandwich meal to eat before school. She toasts the bread and decides to cut them in half, feeling bored she takes out three knives and juggles them as she cuts each slice. She throws two of them towards the knife holder by the sink when she was done, they slid in perfectly. She used the last knife to crack the eggs and scrambles them one by one. To her it was more of a hassle dividing equally than frying individually. She takes some frozen chicken out of the freezer and bake them before tearing them into shreds. As she looks at her ingredients, she realized an important ingredient was missing, a vegetable. She settled for some cold cucumber and sliced them up thinly.

She puts everything together with BBQ sauce in-between and sets the sandwiches on disposable plates, knowing how everybody was not in the same area and that she would be too lazy to wash the dishes later. First she went to Takahiro in the living room, then Katherine who was listening to music in her room, after that was Jennifer reading in hers and Trica who was in the theater room watching comedy. Attempting not to fall asleep she said.

After delivering the meals, Iris went on to the tech room, where all their high tech devices were located for "work" purposes. She settled into her seat which was the center of the crescent moon shape table. She turns on everything and the giant flat screen flashes. She connects her keyboards and proceeds to work whilst eating her sandwich. In the middle of her work the rest entered and everyone got into their seats. On her right was Jennifer then Tricia, her left was Katherine then Takahiro. They used their own computer screens. As Iris typed away her work, the email notification came up. She moves her mouse towards it and opens up the email page. She calls the others and they divert their attention to it.

From: Ed
To: Night Reapez
Subject: Details :)

Hello there Reaperz, hope you're still hanging in there. Oh what am I saying you could stay up a week straight. Anyway back to the main topic, I mentioned some "bad news". It's not all bad, for me but anyway. This is just a short mission for you. Our Britain branch has reached out to us. A team of theirs will be needing a place to stay with suitable people for just a few days. Of course I thought of you ;) Man was their reaction great when I said you were youngsters after the signing of the contract. Anyways there you have it. Here's a link for their information :) [Not that I hacked for it ;)]

Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads. Iris clicked the link and a document page came up. She hooked it up to the printer and printed copies for keepers.


Authorized Property

The Reeds, Family of 3
Terry Reed, Husband
Sarah Wood/Reed, Wife
Lorraine Reed, Daughter



The document had a total of 6 pages worth of information. Every detail of the Reeds was right there. Jennifer and Katherine took down the important points of the infomation. Takahiro searched them up further and Tricia made some fake documents to use. Time flew by and Iris' phone went off, it was the alarm she set to remind everyone to get ready for school.

Tricia passed Iris the completed fake filled in transfer student form for Lorraine. Luckily she was their age. This was what they did for Vince too when he was around. The woman at the front office is sure to key it in into the school system but they can access into it easily to delete it after this mission was done. Which reminds Iris, "Have you deleted Vince's form?" She asks Katherine. "Yeah." She answered.

"Let's go guys. We'll go by parkour." Everybody grabbed their necessities before heading outside. As they climbed onto the roof, the moon went down and up came the sun. Tricia's watch started going off, stating 6am. "Okay, who wants to lead today?" Katherine asks round as she stretches. "I will." Jennifer steps forward, she then ties her hair up into a ponytail and proceeds to run off the edge to jump onto the next building.


"I refuse."

"But honey, they're nice people. What's more, they're being generous in letting us stay for the next couple days."

"But mum, they're different! You know how I can't get along with people like that."

"Sweetie, can't you make do for just these couple days? We'll be in and out."

"I can try but no promises. I can't trust my own mouth."

"If you want, you can treat them the silent treatment when we get there. That way you don't have to interact alright?"

"...Alright. But I do hope I can be friends with them, even if it's just for a while."

"That's my girl."


"Someone explain why I'm feeling chills." Jennifer suddenly says during lunch. Tricia looks up at the scorching sun in the sky before turning back to her, "You're cold blooded?" Jennifer gives her a look, "Are you stating or is that a metaphor?" Tricia looks away, "Never mind." Katherine couldn't help but laugh at their conversation.

"Erm excuse me?" The five turn to see Billy and some of his gang behind him. "What?" Takahiro asks sharply. "Is, erm, Vince not here with you today?" He looks down continuously. "What's it to you?" Iris swirls the metal spork on her fingers. "I, erm, wanted to apologize for the way I acted towards him." The spork drops, clanging on the wooden table. He flinches at the sound. "Why now?" Tricia stares at him through her fringe. "Well er, well you see that's, erm." Billy stammers, unable to find his words. Katherine stands and the rest follow suit, "Forget it guys. We'll forgive you. Oh and Vince has left the school. He was just a transfer student remember?" Billy called out to them as they continued to walk towards the cafeteria exit. "So, I won't see him again? Ever?" Katherine looks back, "I guess so." The doors close.

School's out but the day isn't over for them. The effects of sleep deprivation had started to kick in. They've used more energy than needed on the last mission. They couldn't help but let a few yawns escape. Iris' phone suddenly started beeping. She takes it out and sees its another mission. She looks at her tired team, debating. Oh whatever. She opens up the message.


From: Ed
To: Unknown
Forward To: Phantom

There was a huge load of drugs coming in last week at the old airport by the lake. Our team from the second department managed to stop the loading but only disposed half of the items. A new shipment is coming in. The pills are going to be sent to the mansion of Pete Harison, a rich businessman. Possible uses of this drug are almost endless. We've got word he's going to experiment with them. Send a team from the first department to stop the loading and the experiment that he is going to perform. We've already tipped word to the police to be at the scene at 1am but you know how police are. They'll probably be there at 12am instead.


"This does not look entertaining." Jennifer says over Iris' shoulder. "Kinda boring I have to agree." Katherine says over Iris' other shoulder. "What choice do we have? Plus the amount's not bad." Iris shoves her phone into her pocket. "So what are we going to do before 10?" Tricia asks. Everyone thought about it for a while before realizing with dread that they left their work uncompleted in the high tech room. "Back to work? Really?" Takahiro complains. "We could stop by McDonald's?" Tricia suggests.

"I have to go somewhere else first actually." Everybody turns to see Iris looking on her phone. "Where're you going?" Iris puts away her phone. "Somewhere."


From: Unknown
To: Phantom

The usual place.


Looks like it's ready. "I'll meet you guys back home." Iris walks away into the opposite direction.


"I trust you have them." He passes me an A4 envelope. I take it, uncoiling the string and flipping the top open. I pull out the documents, scanning over them before putting them back, coiling the string and tucking it under my arm. "I take it you are satisfied?" He asked smugly. I played along. With a smirk I stare into his eyes, "I will be, soon enough." His smile falters. "I'll come back." I disappear into the shadows, our eyes never leaving.


"Database 03, 71 and 94 has yet to be secured. 2bullet if you please." A file was thrown across the room from Jennifer to Takahiro. The team was currently having Sue on the line, carrying out protocols. "Phantom, 50k, I need you to research more on test subject 254." Iris and Katherine started typing away. "OO9 and Trixie. Camera files have been squeaky lately. Fix them." I bet you're wondering why they have to do these things. It's just part of the job. They don't like to express details on that.

Iris was getting ahead of her work so she moved on onto something else she's been meaning to do for a while now. She swings her chair towards the other table at a side of the room. She clicks a button on a board and several security camera footage came up along with black screens scrolling with green encrypted numbers. She puts on her head set and connects with the base.

"This is Phantom from the First Department. Is anyone there?" She holds the mic closer to her lips. "This is HQ base speaking. I'm the 2nd commander in charge, what's happening?" Iris started typing away, hacking into the base. "Getting a signal on the West side of the building, could be hackers." Iris was actually hacking the East side. But getting HQ workers distracted in the other areas made the work more "fun" in their opinion.

Iris signaled Katherine to come help her. She puts on her headset, "This is 50k from the First Department, getting a hacked signal from the West." The reply came a little flustered, "Y-yes, it's been reported, getting workers to come in." Iris and Katherine high-fived as the data download completed and they managed to divert attention. "Leave the rest to me." Katherine tells Iris, making sure the mic was far. Iris unplugs the thumb drive and heads back to the head computers. She throws the drive towards Takahiro who caught it with ease.

Suddenly Ed appears on the screen and Takahiro quickly dropped it in his drawer before closing it shut. "Reaperz your attention please." Everyone stopped what they were doing and look up. "The Reeds will be arriving today. It seems their journey was faster than expected. They will be reporting to me soon before getting to your place. Estimated 8pm. That is all." The screen turns back to their original work. "He planned this didn't he." Jennifer started, voice getting deeper with threat. "He loves playing around with us way too much." Tricia didn't hesitate to say. "Let's welcome them shall we?" Iris said with a smirk playing on her lips. "Your list of fun is never ending is it?" Jennifer asked Iris. She simply smiled.


"On second thought, maybe I left my coffee at-ah!." Mum pulls me by the collar as I tried to walk away. "Lorraine sweetie we talked about this and you already threw your leftover coffee away." I started to act dramatic to convince her. "But mum I'll die! Ow!" She hits me on the head. "Lorraine, you only "die" when you're on a battlefield. We are staying with them and that's that." She uses her mum voice. I look down, disappointed that I couldn't do a last minute escape. Dad comes back with a lady in a suit, "This is Miss Susan and she will be guiding us to the company from here." By here he means the airport that we've been waiting at for the past hour since our arrival.

"Hello Miss Susan, I'm Mrs Reed and this is my daughter Lorraine." Mum shakes her hand. "Oh please, call me Sue and no need to be so formal Sarah. Come, I will drive you to our company." We follow her out to the parking lot. She opens the trunk for our luggages before sitting behind the wheel. As she started to drive, my parents being them, tried to make a conversation. "So Sue, what's your position?" Mum asks lightly. "Me? Oh I'm just the boss' manager." She makes a sharp right, resulting for me to crash into Dad.

"Are you okay back there?" She asks, her eyes glanced at us for a moment before returning to the road ahead. "You'll have to excuse the bumpy ride. We don't usually have guests so we drive quite recklessly." She apologizes before another sharp left turn. But luckily Dad held me this time. I then noticed how blurry the outside looks, as my brain processed it I realized we were driving way pass the speed limit. I held the arm rest a little tighter, knowing my knuckles were turning white.

Soon we arrived at the company, we quickly got out as that drive had us a bit traumatized. Sue steps out and throws the keys towards a guy standing by the door. He gets in and speeds away. "Our luggages!" I call out. "Don't worry about those, they're being delivered to the place you're staying in." Sue says to me. We enter into the building and she led us to the elevator. She scans her card and clicks the button for the top level. When we arrived, we went through many twists and turns before arriving at a door.

Sue knocks on it lightly, "Sir? It's me and I've brought the Reeds." There was no reply but Sue turned the knob anyway. A dart came flying out of no where at lightning speed. I flinched and covered my eyes with my arm. "Sir, no playing darts when we have guests." Sue says in a scolding manner. I look up to see her holding the dart that was hovering a few inches away from her face. "Lighten up Suzzie! You're too serious." A man holding several darts between his fingers says to her. Sue sighs, "We'll talk later sir. For now could you please get back to work." The man sits down on a chair in front of a desk. "Alright alright. Serve the Earl Grey if you please." The man opens a drawer and drops the darts before pulling out a laptop and a stack of papers. He notices us and motions for us to come in. There were 3 chairs in front of his desk. I took the one to my right so that I was seated right behind his laptop screen. I didn't want to know any of this business stuff. Mum sits in the center and Dad on the right chair.

"Okay let's get started. I apologize for my behavior earlier. Let's see erm, Mr and Mrs Reed or Terry and Sarah, you'll be staying with my best students from the first department. They don't have any guards at all as they prefer self defense is that okay with you?" He asks.

"Oh no that's fine. Youngsters nowadays are up and at it." Dad comments. "It's good to see we won't be living with lazy lads." The man chuckles, "I personally find them quite the lazy ones. Ahh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Ed." He stands up and holds out his hand. Mum
and Dad quickly stood up and shook it. "It's a pleasure to need you Mr Ed." He shakes his head. "Oh that makes me sound so old, Ed is fine." He waves it off. "Anyway, picking up where we left
off," He picks up some papers. "You'll practically live in a resort cause these lads have their own home which means own kitchen, own toiletries, own property." Mum thanks him profusely, "That's very nice of you! We don't need such services, we can live on take out and such." Ed shakes his head, "No please, anything I can do, I'll do it. It's been a while since our British branch have reached out to us anyway."

"Thank you so much Ed."

"Don't mention it. Now, here's the rules," I internally groan at that.

"No killing of each other, always have each others' backs, leave no one behind, no matter what, do not and I mean DO NOT disregard each other, AT ALL. Now I just need you to sign some things and you can be off." He slides papers towards us after his rapid talk. Mum and Dad took some time to process. "O-oh yes of course." They quickly sign each piece and were about to stand when Ed gestured to me, "You too young lady, everybody has to sign. Here in Feather Wind everyone is an individual." I quickly pick up the pen and signed on the line beside my mum's signature on every page, ready to leave anytime. After forever and a sore wrist, we were finally on our way out. "Off you go then." He waves as we got into the car that was driving us to our destination. As we drove off I couldn't help but notice a mischievous glint in his eyes.


Okay I don't know why but this chapter came out faster than expected. Maybe I was motivated or something. And chapter 11 coming on quite fast even though school started. So I guess lucky you? Let's see how long you have to wait for chapter 12 haha :)


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