One and Only

By believe96

7.2M 74.7K 7.1K

"I-I think I'm in love with you." My eyes widened and my breath caught as those words left his lips. It was... More

Scared | [Pic. of Jade]
The Beach
Picture of Noah
Picture of Rose
Picture of Alex
First Day of School (Part 1) | [Pic. of Emily]
First Day of School (Part 2)
Sweet Love
Dinner With The Evers
Day One of Practice
The New Girlfriend
Food Fight!
Suspension [Pic. of Maria (Jade's mom)]
Accidental Run-In
Wonderful Rain
Staying Over
Celebrating [Pic. of Charlie]
Kicked Out
Swimming Lessons [Pic. of Liam]
Nature [Pic. of Mike]
Lovebites and Empty Classrooms [Pic. of Jane]
Overconfidence is Never a Good Thing [Pic. of Steve]
Sweet Reunion
Water War
Beaches & Fun
Robbers Should Be Quiet
Santa Monica Pier
Fat and Muscle
A Mistaken Kiss
Like It Didn't Even Happen...
Steamy Movies
Hear Me Out
The Christmas Party
Nerves Suck
There's Always A First Time
Taking A Risk
Second Chances
One and Only
Epilogue (Part One)
Epilogue (Part Two)


132K 1.4K 149
By believe96

Hey guys! Thank you all new fans for fanning! :D It means a lot! :D

THERE AREN'T GOING TO BE ANY LITTLE JADE'S OR LITTLE NOAH'S RUNNING AROUND WHILE THEY'RE STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!! Honestly, that would just ruin the story. Do you honestly think I'd do that?

Anyway, the cover to the side is by justsmilex. Thank you! :D

So, I don't think there's anything else I need to announce, so on with the story. :)


One and Only

Thirty-Three - Awkward...

I opened my eyes sluggishly to meet the bland white wall of the hotel room. My head pounded, A's if my brain itself was banging repetitively against the sides of my head. Feeling the incredible pain of each throb made me groan, and the fact that I couldn't even remember why my head was hurting so much made the sensation worse. Yet despite the massive headache, I felt a strange lightness in my chest, like last night had been the best night of my life even though I couldn't seem to remember it. Though by far, the most unusual thing I felt was this feeling that I had absolutely no clothes on. Maybe it was just me, but the warmth of Noah's body seemed to have increased, like my bare back was touching Noah's bare chest. I shook the feeling off, blaming it on my morning confusion.

"Noah?" I called, when I felt the bed shift a little though I didn't turn around due to pain-filled head.

"Hmm?" I could feel the deep vibration of his chest as he responded.

"You know what's funny?" I asked.

"What?" his voiced was tinged with exhaustion, considering it was around eight or nine in the morning.

"I feel like I'm naked," I murmured, not exactly sure why I was telling him this.

I felt his body shake slightly beside mine as he chuckled. "Me, too."

"You too what?" I questioned, having forgotten what I said prior to his laughing. The melodious sound had been quite distracting.

"I feel like I'm naked, too." he answered.

"But you usually don't wear a shirt to sleep anyway," I pointed out, then added, "Is your head hurting, too?"

"No, it's different, I felt completely naked. And yeah, my head's pounding."

I was suddenly hyper-aware, bolting straight up and wincing slightly at the pain in my crotch. My heart started beating deafeningly loud as I started getting a nagging feeling as to what exactly had happened last night. Oh please let it just be me. Please let it not be what I think it is.

Slowly I looked around the whole area of our room. The scattered clothes and that what I think it is? and a used condom by the corner of the bed. All the facts were right in front of me. The realization hit me like a slap. Noah and I...we had just...

Reluctantly I turned my head to face him, to find that he had also sat up and was staring wide-eyedly at the scene before us. I took a deep breath, "Noah, we had sex." If wasn't after I said that that I realized how horrible stupid I sounded.

"I figured." he said, still seemingly dumbfounded, then his voice softened and he whispered, "I-I'm sorry."

My felt found his blue one's questioningly, "Why?"

"Because," he pointed to the small trail of blood on the snow-white sheets, "I hurt you."

Even though I wanted to hug because of how sweet he was being, looking at the drops of the red liquid made me realize just how serious this situation was. I dug my head into my hands. No, no, no, no, no, no! This couldn't have just happened! It would ruin everything! Everything after it had just become right!

"Did you regret it?" Noah asked so suddenly I had to have him repeat the question. "Did you regret it?"

I buried my head into my arms, trying to get something out of my unresponsive mouth. Without even having to look up, I knew Noah's sapphire blue eyes were trained on me, giving my an intense gaze-one that I could not meet nor keep. Perhaps I took too long in answering because I felt him sigh and get up, which immediately resulted in me getting up. Tangled in sheets and slightly cringing from my soreness, I caught hold of his large hand.

"Noah..." I trailed off, not wanting him to leave.

"Just tell me if you regret it or not." his eyes flickered with annoyance at having to ask me the same thing thrice.

"I just..." I looked away from his analytical eyes and fixed my eyes on the wooden bathroom door behind him. "I just don't think it should've happened-"

He yanked his hand away from mine before I got the chance to finish my sentence, and it me that he had interpreted what I said incorrectly. "No, Noah, that's not what-"

"It's okay, Cupcake," he interjected abruptly, "we can-we can pretend like it never happened. We were drunk." He spit it out as if the words left a bitter taste in his mouth.

I nodded slowly, still wanting to tell him that I hadn't wished it didn't happen, just that it had happened under different circumstances. I honestly, with all my heart, had not regretted it.


Looking out the window of Noah's Cadillac, I sighed yet again. The faraway luminescent blue glittered back at me. The faint sound of massive white waves crashing against the light brown sand and dull gray boulders could be heard. The sound was comforting and calming and offered a small escape from the atmosphere in this car.

The sexual tension was practically peeling off our skin as we both resisted the urge to touch one another, afraid of what the outcome of the simple interaction would be. And just as sexually tensed we were, we were twice as awkward. I couldn't get words out my mute mouth to even try to make small talk. I curled my hand into a tight fist, irritated at how ineffectively I was easing the uncomfortable mood.

It shouldn't have been so hard. Before Noah and I had become good friends, we had been in plenty of awkward and quiet situations where one us managed to make small talk which had in turn caused us to learn more about one another, but it didn't seem to be happening right now.

For the fourth time in the thirty-minute car ride we'd been in, Noah's hand reached over out of habit to rest on my thigh. But unlike habit, instead of laying on my leg, his hand hovered over it, as if contemplating whether or not setting his hand on my thigh would be a smart move. After a few moments he seemed to have made up his mind and glued his hand back to its place of the steering wheel.

I sighed, once again, tired of the unofficial 'no touching' rule we had both unknowingly were following. Reaching my hand over, I grabbed his hand and let it make contact with my leg. "You can keep your hand here if you want," I informed him, all the while patting his hand. The simple contact, after so long of no touching made my skin tingle and gave me a warm satisfaction. We were on the path back to normal behavior and diverging from the sexually tense and slightly aroused even though we couldn't get a non-fuzzy memory of the night before. Well, at least I was still slightly aroused at the fact that Noah and I had made love, but I immensely regretted that I had heavily been under the influence and not being able to remember it anymore. Oh, the joys of drunken sex. Wake up and realize how idiotically stupid you were to do 'it' while you were so drunk it was surprising you didn't have alcohol poisoning. What moron in their right mind even let us in? Oh...right, Noah had paid the bouncer. Well, what kind of a cheap scumbag was he to let two underaged teenagers into a club that was practically overflowing with booze? That little...he'll feel his own karma for being able to be bribed so easily.

I shook my head of the vengeful thoughts of the spiky-haired, freckled bouncer falling in a ditch or running from a big group of grizzly bears after a failed hunting attempt. That was taking it a little too far; I couldn't really blame him entirely for me not being able to find a single memory after getting up to dance. It wasn't exactly the bouncer's fault I couldn't remember my first time. I had chosen to get drunk off my mind, thinking nothing of it, and now look where that lead me to. I have no recollection of loosing my virginity, I managed to make it sound like I regretted the night, and now I'm a car with the man I lost my V-card and home's still another half hour away. I have no clue how I haven't bashed my overthinking mind into the dashboard yet. All these thoughts just made me want to take a sleeping pill and not wake up until I didn't have these recurring thoughts again.

I can't go on much longer like this! The awkwardness is suffocating! I took a deep breath and collected what little courage I did have and spoke up to say the most brilliant thing to ever utter in such a situation, "How was your day?" Now that dashboard was looking very inviting to bang my head against. I just wanted to pound my head against the window till it smashed into pieces or until my head cracked open so I could stop spilling out these amazing words, whichever came last.

I nervously averted my eyes to his face to find him glancing at me with ocean eyes interlaced with amusement and incredulity before he narrowed them a fraction of a millimeter and answered slowly, "It was okay. Yours?"

And he had to be the polite gentleman and inquire about how my day had been? Oh, why it has been splendid! I woke up with a splitting headache and a very sore vagina, but you know, I'm just dandy!

It wasn't after I saw Noah's surprised face that I found out that the words I thought had been spoken in my head had actually come tumbling out my mouth-which seemed to have a mind of its own. My green eyes widened twice their normal size, and my hands flew to my 'o' shaped mouth. Apparently this expression was particularly hilarious because, next thing I know, Noah was almost doubled over in laughter. After glaring at his chuckling figure for a few seconds, I decided to join him because, just like that, the awkwardness washed away like a salty wave on a sandy beach. Hopefully we wouldn't be touching its cold waters for awhile.


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Rose literally bounced up and down on her lavender bed. "Tell me everything!"

Take my advice and never get a best friend who finds your like second best entertaining after "One Tree Hill." Nah, I love her.

"Rose, there's not much I can tell you. I was too drunk off my ass to remember." I grumbled the last part.

She looked disappointed, but the phase was short-lived because she brightened up again. "Well tell me what you do remember."

I sighed, trying to remember as much as I could. "Well, after we won second place, we went back to our hotel room to change. Or well, for me to change, which reminds me, thanks for the dress! It's back at Noah's house if you want it."

"No, no, you can have it," she waved me off, "it probably looks better on you than me anyway. Doesn't really go too well with my pale skin. But you're diverting from the main topic! Get back on track!"

"Okay, okay, calm your mangoes." I put my hands up, palms facing her.

"Calm my mangoes?" she looked at me in that 'are you serious' way. When I nodded my head, her eyelids drooped slightly and she raised her eyebrow, "Really?"

"Anyway," I said loudly, signaling that I was continuing my reminiscing. "We got into the club after a little bribing; and well, basically Noah and I got horribly drunk, I led him to the dancefloor, and we woke up naked with our clothes all over the room. Thank god we had a condom or-"

"No need to thank god, you can just thank me," Rose piped up.

"-else I'd probably be crying my eyes out because no matter how much I love kids, there's no way I want one as a teenager."

"Was it good?" Rose asked, completely ignoring my little rant about being a teenage mom.

"Was what good?" I purposely asked, already knowing what she was referring to.

"You know what." she replied.

"I don't know. I. Can't. Remember." I stared at her incredulously, "Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?"

"Only the good parts," she winked before nudging my shoulder gently with her's. "Oh come on, there's got to be something you remember!"

"Only this feeling I woke up with that made me feel like the night before had been amazing," I said, recollecting the blissful state-besides the headache-I'd woken up in.

"Ah-ha! So he was good!" Rose grinned and raised her eyebrows slyly.

"Why do you care so much?"

She shrugged, "I just wanna know, but I doubt he was better than Alex." Her eyes turned dreamy at the mention of his name.

"I don't think so!" I raised my voice a fraction of an octave, feeling the unusual need to defend how good Noah was in bed.

"I don't think we should start this argument," Rose offered peacefully, but I could tell she still thought Alex was better.

I smiled nonetheless and nodded in agreement.

"You know what we should do?" Ross asked, "Like me, you, Emily, Alex, and Noah?"


"Go watch a movie!" Rose screeched excitedly.

"Uh...yeah..." I trailed off, my breath hit hitching and my heartbeat going erratic as the memories of the last time I went to the movies played through my mind.

"Are you seriously crying," Noah gave me a long, hard look before glancing back at the large screen displaying The Vow, "over this?"

"No," I sniffled, feeling embarrassed at the fact that I was tearing up because of a movie, no matter how good and said it was.

"Chicks. I'll never get why they cry over such stupid things. At least guys aren't like that." Noah said and turned his head to find Liam dabbing his eyes with his handkerchief. "Really, man?" Noah asked, giving him the same look Rose had given me earlier.

"What?" Liam sniffed.

"You're crying?" Noah looked at him like he was the unmanliest freak he'd ever seen.

"It's very emotional, okay?" Liam cried, getting defensive. I couldn't help but giggle, I'd never thought Liam was one to cry over a chick flick, especially one he really hadn't wanted to see.

Noah just gave him a disgusted look with Liam reacted by yelling, "Don't judge me! It hurts my feelings!" Then an old lady from behind us hit him on the head with her dinosaur of a purse and told him to shut his 'man panties' up before muttering about kids these days. "Ow," Liam said childishly while he rubbed the place the old granny had hit him. "And I don't wear man panties or regular panties! At least not all the time!" he shouted back at the lady and then crouched low and ducked under his arms to refrain from getting attacked by the lady's purse again.

By now I, among many others, was trying my hardest to hold in the laughter tugging at the edges of my lips at the scene that had just took place in front of us.

Going back to watch the movie, I found that the sad scene was over, so I didn't have to worry about bawling anymore.

"Are you even watching the movie?" Noah asked ten fifteen minutes later.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, not looking away from the screen.

"Because it seems like you're too busy drooling over Channing Tatum." he huffed, looking incredibly adorable when he was upset.

"I'm sorry, he's just sexy." I smiled secretively, deciding to have a little more fun.

"Not sexier than me." he pointed out.

Definitely not sexier than him, but there's now way I'd ever admit that to his face. Like he needed an ego boost. "Nah, he's sexier. You're...flabby." I poked his awfully firm abdomen while saying the last part, which contradicted my statement fully.

"I. Am. Not. FLABBY!" he whisper-shouted angrily.

"Yeah, yeah," I waved him off. "Sh. I'm trying watch the movie."

He took my hand in his abruptly and pushed it under his gray shirt before I could protest. I shivered slightly from the contact. He leaned into me and whispered in my ear, causing a thrill to run down my spine, "That's much more like the reaction I was hoping for." he placed his hand on my thigh, "Remember the last time we came here?" he asked his hand travelled slowly, far too slowly, up my thigh. My breath caught and came out rapidly. His arrogant smirk, no doubt, clicked back into place.


So guys! What'd you think?? Tell me please?

Please vote and comment. :D

Quote of the Upload:

"There are four things you cannot recover in life: the stone after it's thrown, the word after it's said, the occasion after it's missed, and the time after it's gone." ~I don't know

Song of the Upload:

Mirror by Lil Wayne ft. Bruno Mars


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