The Keepers of Azera ( Book 1...

By I_am_Pendy

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I am not human. I do not come from Earth. My home is called Azera. I am an Azeran, or more specifically a Ke... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Shout Out to My Nonparticipating Readers!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Want More?

Chapter 13

27 0 0
By I_am_Pendy

Once our plates are clear, I track down Henri again. "What's going on in the war?"

"Tierra's still untouched, though they're not sure how long that'll last. Fighting on Tarak has ceased, and most of Mesa has evacuated to there. Last week the military base there was bombed, so it's a good thing Mesans have evacuated. But I don't really want to think about this stuff right now."

"Okay," I say, and slouch out of the mess hall. On my way to my dorm, where I know James is, something occurs to me. I've tried flashing back to my parents. It didn't work. Why?

I turn around and storm up to Level One to Matilda's office. I bang on the door, and when she says, "Come in," I fling the door open and stomp to her desk.

"What have you Blocked?" I snarl. "I want to know exactly what subjects you've Blocked and why. Because I can't look back on my parents, even though they're safe and sound. So why is that Blocked?"

Matilda sighs. "We've Blocked every regarding the enemy, and all combat, because it would scare you, and besides, you don't need to know that stuff. Unfortunately, your parents fall into that category."

"So what?" I scream. "So what if it scares me? It scares me more knowing there's a war going on, but I don't know what's going on, so I'm suppose to think it's all sunshine and rainbows? I didn't know where my parents were. They were dead to me, and it turns out that they're safe and sound? That doesn't have to do with enemy, my father becoming Chief, does it? Doesn't have to do with combat, huh? Because I was worried sick, I was scared for their lives-I'm still worried, because I'm not allowed to see combat, not at all, because it might scare me-well, it worked for the first eight years, but I want the"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not authorize to tell you that," she says icily. "Don't talk about things you don't understand, child."

"James feels the same way. And is he a child?" I ask quietly. "No. I need to know what's going on." I begin to cry. Matilda watches with little pity. "We're all scared, Matilda. It's not going to help you run this place if it's full of scared children. Please, at least lift the Block on my parents. It's not fair."

She watches me. "James has already told you all that I know, all that anyone knows. I cannot give you any information."

"Yes, but I could use flashbacks to find that information," I say. "I'm allowed to see battles from the past, why can't I see them from this war?"

"That is for learning History and war tactics," Matilda says.

"Oh, I'm allowed to learn about war tactics, but not about my parents?" I say.

"I will lift the Block on your parents, to a degree. Nothing on the war or your father's job. Does that make you feel better, so you can leave me alone?" she asks snarkily.

I nod and smile. "Oh, thank you so much."

"But I'm not unBlocking anything else," she says.

"That's fine," I say. I back out of her office and go to my dorm.

I literally run into James just as he leaves the dorm. I let out a small shriek. "You scared me!"

"You scared me!" James says with his hand on his chest. "What are you doing?"

"Going back to the dorm. I got Matilda to lift the Block on my parents. What are you doing?"

"Well, I was going to go find you, but that's job well done. How did you get Matilda to lift the Block?"

"By pissing her off," I say simply. "I kinda yelled at her."

He sighs. "Language, Callie..."

"Sorry. But it worked, didn't it?"

"By 'pissing her off', in your words? She'll probably...well, she'll do something, but there will be consequences."

"I know, I know... Where's Henri?"

"Catching up with the other Keepers and Guardians. Leave him be, Callie."

"Okay, fine. But what are we gonna do now?"

"Play a game of cards?" James suggests. "Or go visit Astrid and Isa...are you okay?" For I had just stopped abruptly.

I nod and rub my forehead. "Yeah, I've just developed a headache... I'm okay." I pitch towards the ground. James manages to catch me before I black out. It's not a headache that I'm feeling. It's a flashback that my bio-chip suddenly decided was necessary at this moment.

Three people are in the room-a women and two men. The woman is a Northerner; the man sitting in a chair has short brown hair and wears blue pants and a green shirt.My parents. Henri stands in front of them, looking extremely nervous and stressed out.

"You need to let Callie know," my father says, "that he's looking for her. He wants her, and I think he wants James dead. He's too protective of her; it'll set him back. Block him from his goal." 

"But why her?" Henri asks. "And why must I be the messenger, Chief?"

"Because they were close before the incident. He was kind to her, won her trust. Not that I think she's kept that trust in him...and I think he wanted her trust for the same nefarious reasons today," my father sighs. "Henri, I only ask you because I know Matilda won't. She's too...wrapped up in keeping her job and not worrying about the bigger issues. I've told her many times, at least lift the Block on the war, not the incident, but she doesn't want to hear it."

"Then why do you let her keep her job?" my mother argues."Alex, if she's not following your orders-this does pertain to-"

"She's not my employee; she works for the government," Poppa says shortly. "They've ignored my plea for the Trainer title to be removed from her. She's brainwashed them into believing that she's doing a good job of taking care of the children. I told her personally that the older group should be kept back as a reserve, and it's the only good thing she's done so far. She's not letting Callie fully develop her powers, against our wishes. James shares the same concerns that Callie's powers aren't developing like they should, and that the children look malnourished. They're kept in the dark on the war, and James says that they'll barely keeping order. Don't go into details about the war, Henri, but give enough to satisfy her curiosity."

"Callie's, you mean. But I was under the impression that you kept me her to pass a warning to Callie, not to complain about Matilda."

"And I did-were you not paying attention? Simon wants Callie, and he wants James dead."

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