Legendary Trainer

By UltimateTrainer

210K 3.3K 1.9K

In the outskirts of the Kanto Region,a ancient village in the top of a mountain just got raided by a mysterio... More

[1Changed Fate
[2]New Island Home
[3]Island Visitor
[4]Instense Training
[5]Summer Camp!!
[6]Summer Camp part 2
Summer Camp Last Part
Author Note
[8]Training Time Again!!
[9]Cerulean Visit!!
[10]Start of a Journey
[11] An Old Friend
[12]Viridian Stop!!
[13]Misty and Ash Reunion
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
[14]Night Time in Viridian
[15]Plans in Progress
[18]Rocky Situation
"Interview Time"
[16]Contest in Kanto
[17]Bug Fest
"Interview Time"
Gym Leader Profile
[19]Mount Moon Trouble!!
[20]Sensational Sisters
[21]Naval Battle!!
[22]Cerulean Concert
[23]Promised Date
[24]Trouble in The Tower
New Story
New Story

[7]Summer Camp part 3

7.8K 139 162
By UltimateTrainer

[Hope you guys like what going on in the camp with Ash and Serena better tune in for whether Arceus will crash the camp maybe].

Ash headed to where Arceus set up a tent deep inside the forest.
Eventually he arrived seeing his mom looking at the pictures of Ash she took from camp.

Arceus:Oh hey Ash!!,How's the camp Sweety?

Ash:Oh its Fun I guess,is the food ready?,I'm starving!!

Arceus:Its all ready done,come on I made your favorite

Ash:Yes finally,Food,Thanks mom!!

Ash quickly grabbed a plate of food and started devouring it fast.

Arceus:There's a lot more so eat all you want Sweety!!

Ash:Oh I will,Thanks for the food!!

Meanwhile with Serena

Serena meet up with Leaf after her last match that she won.

Leaf:Serena!!.Over here!!

Serena:Leaf glad you win all your match today!!

Leaf:Yeah,They all small fries to me!!

Serena:Do you know who you going to fight next?

Leaf:Ahh yeah,Someone named Ash I presume!!


Leaf:Woah Serena not loud!!,wait do you know him?

Serena:(blushing)Well he's the one who help me in the forest!!

Leaf:Ohhh I kinda get the picture now!!

Serena:Well anyway,good luck fighting him later

Leaf:Well who ever he is,I'm going to beat him!!

Serena:Like I said earlier,Good luck!!

2 hours later

Ash and Leaf is already at their trainers box waiting for the referee to start the match.

Leaf:So you were Ash,Serena talk do much about you

Ash:She did?,Well I hoping all of it is nice!!

Leaf:Don't worry she didn't tell anything bad about you,just the good thing(wink).

Referee:Okay trainers this a one on one battle if your pokemon is unable I will declare the winner

Leaf:Say hello to my sweety!,Bulbasaur!!

Ash:(Ehhh Sweety!!.Just hearing that nickname give me the chills).

Leaf:Hey why are you just standing there?,Let out your pokemon!!

Ash:Okay okay jeez,Charmander I choose you!!

Leaf:A Charmander!!,Even though I have the disadvantage,I will not easy to be defeated

Ash:Okay,well ladies first!!

Leaf:Gladly Bulbasaur use Double Edge!!

Ash:Woah (that's a high level move,I am impressed that she teached her Bulbasaur that move)!!

Leaf:Come on Bulbasaur full power!!

Bulbasaur charge at Charmander who waiting to dodge at the perfect time.

Ash:(smirk)Even with that move its still not enough to beat us,Charmander dodge it then send Bulbasaur flying using Dragon Claw maximum power!!

Charmander nodded and dodge Bulbasaur attack then stop and let his claw bright forming a dragon like claw hitting Bulbasaur in the back.


Bulbasaur shriek in pain while flying across field and land near Leaf position with swirly eyes.

Referee:Leaf Bulbasaur is unable to Battle that means Ash Charmander wins.

Leaf:What!!!no way!!!

Ash:Hehehe!! Didn't see that coming did you!!

Leaf:Yeah no kidding!,Bulbasaur return!!

Ash:Charmander give yourself a nice rest,return!!

Leaf then walked towards Ash and handshake with him showing her sportsmanship.

Leaf:You beat Ash,but don't think that will happened again next time okay(wink).

Ash:Looking forward to it.

Referee:This is the final match up everyone,Ash and William please wait for next match after our break!!

Ash:Alright break time!!,time to eat!!


Then from the crowd Serena run towards Ash carrying a basket.

Ash:huh?,oh hey Serena,What bring you here?

Serena:(blushing)Well since its our break,I kinda want to have lunch with you is it okay?

Ash:Um okay,I'm fine with it!!

Then Suddenly Leaf came behind Serena touching her chest.

Leaf:woah Serena chest grew bigger!!

Serena:(blush)Kyahhhhh!!!Leaf What are you doing?

Leaf:Heehhh!!I kinda jealous,mine doesn't grew this fast!!

Serena:(blushing)Ahh!!Leaf stop that!!,Ash is right in front of us!!

Leaf didn't notice that Serena is talking with Ash who looking at the ground now when she attack Serena letting him see what happened.

Ash:(blushing)Um----you guys!!

Leaf:(sweatdrop)Opps sorry hehehe!!!

Serena:(still blushing)Jeez Leaf don't do that!!!

Leaf:Sorry sorry Serena,I didn't notice that you were talking to Ash this moment!!

Ash:Okay(sweatdrop),well that settled let's have lunch shall we!!

Leaf:Lunch? Yay count me in

For an hour Ash,Serena and Leaf have a little picnic near the forest where a small clearing can be found.

Leaf:So Ash where did you come from?,I seen you here before!!, are you from outcome of town like Serena here!!

Ash:Ahhh yeah,me and mom just came here for a quick vacation then head back home

Leaf:Hmmm Isn't that right!!

Ash:Yup that's all(bite sandwich)delicious!!

Author:Okay well let's check out the one who lurking in the bushes near Ash.

Arceus:(Ohh Ash,you have been surrounded by two cute girls,grrrr I'm so jealous).

Arceus is in her usual routine stalking her son in bushes and trees.

Arceus:(You girls have the nerve to steal Ash from me,I won't allowed it).

Serena:Here Ash have some of my Sandwich,Say Ahhhh!!

Ash:Huh?,Oh!! Ahhhh(bite on sandwich)Yum delicious

Arceus:(Whaaaattttttt,that girl).

Author:Okay well let's leave Arceus alone for now,she seems to be a little jealous with them.

Ash:Ohhh look at the time,it's almost time for my next match I still need train Charmander for a bit,I need to get going,see you girls later!!

Serena:Good luck Ash,we be cheering for you

Leaf:Yeah what she said!!

Ash left the girls who still enjoying their little picnic when Leaf started to say something.

Leaf:Hey Serena,did you think that Ash is so cool!!

Serena:Huh?,(blush)ahh yeah,why you ask?

Leaf:Well I kinda have a little crush on him

Serena:What?,you too!!

Leaf:Heh!!Thought so,you also have a crush on him,well can't blame you,who wouldn't fall that guy who great at battling and talking to us girls!!

Serena:So are you gonna tell him your feeling?

Leaf:Huh no way!!,I'm not that brave!!

Serena:Well I can't tell him either

Leaf:Well let's keep this a secret from him okay(wink)!


Both girls enjoyed their picnic for an hour then head back to the camp to watch Ash battle his last match.

[Surprising huh guys,well that our Ash alright,great at girls falling from him but dense as ever.still let's continue our story guys].

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