Legendary Trainer

By UltimateTrainer

210K 3.3K 1.9K

In the outskirts of the Kanto Region,a ancient village in the top of a mountain just got raided by a mysterio... More

[1Changed Fate
[2]New Island Home
[3]Island Visitor
[4]Instense Training
[5]Summer Camp!!
[7]Summer Camp part 3
Summer Camp Last Part
Author Note
[8]Training Time Again!!
[9]Cerulean Visit!!
[10]Start of a Journey
[11] An Old Friend
[12]Viridian Stop!!
[13]Misty and Ash Reunion
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
[14]Night Time in Viridian
[15]Plans in Progress
[18]Rocky Situation
"Interview Time"
[16]Contest in Kanto
[17]Bug Fest
"Interview Time"
Gym Leader Profile
[19]Mount Moon Trouble!!
[20]Sensational Sisters
[21]Naval Battle!!
[22]Cerulean Concert
[23]Promised Date
[24]Trouble in The Tower
New Story
New Story

[6]Summer Camp part 2

8.3K 149 182
By UltimateTrainer

[okay guys this chapter Ash will gonna show them what he learn from his mom training all those years so better tune in].

Ash and Serena reached to the camp and Ash take Serena to the Camp Infirmary to take care of her knee.

Ash:Bye see you later!!

Serena:Wait!!,What's your name?

Ash:Oh yeah I forgot,I'm Ash

Serena:(blush)Ash!!,I'm Serena!!

Ash:Okay Serena,See you later

Ash left heading with the other campers who had gathered in the main field.

Prof.Oak:All right everyone,The second part of our activities is pokemon battle!!

Gary:Great this is my territory

Ash:(Pokemon battle?,sigh I hope Pikachu were here he can easily beat this kids).

Prof.Oak:The pokemon you going to choose is the one who had found in the forest,for those who hadn't found one can watch the battle instead,Okay let's get this battle camp started!!

All Campers:Yeah!!!


Everyone who had a pokeball releases their pokemon from their pokemon and started to bond with them.

Ash:Okay time to check out my pokemon for this camp

Ash releases his own pokemon revealing a small lizard that has a fire in its tail.


Ash:Great one of the starter!,cool

Prof.Oak:My my ,you got a good there child,that Charmander is in a lineage of Fierce and Charizards that lived in the Charihific Valley.

Ash:I heard of that place before,that's where all Charizard train in order to be the strong right!!

Prof.Oak:That's is correct my boy,I hope you show a great fight later!,I'm watching carefully okay!

Ash: I do my best Professor!!

After that Prof.Oak left Ash heading to his chair to watch the incoming Battle.

Prof.Oak:Okay everyone,I got the list of who going to battle first,first one is Ash vs Bill

Ash:(sigh)(oh great I'm first)

Meanwhile in a nearby bushes

Arceus:Yay my Ash first battle with other humans,I gotta picture(click)

Back with Ash

Ash feel a little shiver down to his spine like someone is talking about him.

Ash:Is it me or did get a little cold?

Referee:Trainers into your trainers box

Both Ash and Bill immediately step in to their trainers box and enlarged their pokeball.

Referee:This is a one on one battle between Ash and Bill if your pokemon is unable I will declare a winner,now show your pokemon

Bill:Go Ekans!!

Ash:Charmander I choose you!!

Both of their pokemon got in their battle position and wait for the ref to start the match.

Referee:Charmander vs Ekans start!!

Bill:Go Ekans show him what you can do!!


Ash:Charmander show them no mercy!!


Meanwhile in the Infirmary

The camp nurse just finish cleaning Serena knee and said that she can go now.

Leaf:Serena where have you been?,I so worried I thought something horrible happened to you!!

Serena:No I'm fine Leaf Really,I'm just hurt my knee that's all

Leaf:Well if you say so,oh I forgot the battle is going to start!!

Serena:What Battle?

Leaf:The battle between those who found pokeball in the forest

Serena:Oh so that's why,we needed to found one

Leaf:Yeah and I got one,come on let's head to the battle field hurry!!

Then as they about to head to the field a big explosion occur in the same location.

Leaf:Woah did you see that Serena?

Serena:I'm sure am,let's go check it out

Both girls hurriedly run towards to battle field where the explosion happened.

Back with Ash

Everyone jaw dropped when they see what happened to the poor Ekans who Battled Ash Charmander.

The Ekans is totally roasted but alive his trainer is always a little bit burned from the battle.

Ash:(Oppps I kinda get carried away)

In the bushes

Arceus is impatiently watching the scene wanting to hug her son badly but manage to keep her excitement.

Arceus:Go Ash beat them into a pulp(click)(click)

Author:Okay enough with that Arceus

Back with into The battle

Well you guess it Everyone is still dumbfounded for what happened earlier,even Prof.Oak assistant is impressed from Ash and Charmander.

Prof.Oak:(This kid is amazing,he maximize Charmander Flamethrower into its full potential without even evolving)

Referee:Um------Bill Ekans is unable to battle---Ash Charmander win

Then Everyone started to cheer for Ash,even Bill who congratulate Ash for the battle said to him that he be cheering for him for the rest of the competition.

Gary:Tch(He got lucky)

Ash kneel down to in front of Charmander and patted his head.

Ash:You did great,those hours of training we been through paid off


While the crowd is still gathered around the field,Serena and Leaf manage to reach the battle field.

Leaf:(pant)Did we make it?(pant)

Serena:(pant)I think not(pant)

Referee:Next battle is between Leaf and George,trainers step into your trainers box

Leaf:Well that's me,later Serena, watch me crash them okay!!

Serena:I will good luck!!

Serena watched the battle from a little crowed spot where she notice Ash sitting on a bench.

Serena:Hello Ash

Ash:Huh?,oh hey Serena,how's your knee,is it still hurt?

Serena:(blushing)No its fine now,can I sit?

Ash:of course,here!

Serena is nervously seated beside Ash who watching the battle curiously.

Serena:So Ash did you battled already?

Ash:Ah yeah,I'm the first one to be called and I win

Serena:That's great Ash

Ash:Nahh its not a big deal,I still have long way to go!!

Serena:Don't worry Ash,I will cheer you all the way!(blush)

Ash:(smile)Thanks Serena,I do my best!!

Meanwhile back with the bushes who releasing some murderous aura into the air.

Arceus:That Little Girl is making a move on my Ash,Grrrrr I will not stand for this!!

Author:(sweatdrop)Okay while Arceus jealousy watching them,let's head back with Ash and Serena shall we

Serena is talking with Ash for awhile,telling him where she came from and telling him her life.

Ash:You lived a great Life,Serena

Serena:Not Really,My dad left us when I just a baby,so I been living with my mom without knowing my dad the entire time

Ash:Someday you will find your dad Serena,just believe in it and "Don't give up till its over'

Serena:(blush)you always make me happy Ash,why is that?

Ash:Don't know,maybe because That the kind of guy is me,always making everyone happy

Serena:(blush)You got that right!!

Referee:Calling Ash and Gary,you two are up next

Ash stood up and stretches his arms and dusted off his pants.

Ash:Well off I go

Serena:(blush)Good luck Ash!!

Ash:Thanks,Serena cheer for me okay!!

Ash slowly walk his way towards the battle field where Gary is already there impatiently waiting for him.

Gary:Enjoying your time with your girl Ashy Boy

Ash:Huh?,Yeah kinda

Referee:This is a one on one battle between Ash and Gary,if your pokemon is unable I will declare the winner!!

Gary:Squirtle battle stance!!

Ash:Charmander I choose you

Referee:Charmander vs Squirtle,battle begin!!

Gary:Squirtle Finish off with Water Gun!!

Ash:Dodge it!!,keep your distance

Prof.Oak:Good strategy,waiting for Squirtle to get close himself then attack.

Gary:Grrrr!!Hold still will you,Squirtle Skull Bash!!

Ash:This is it,Charmander dodge it then Use Scratch multiple times

Squirtle charge towards Charmander using Skull Bash but easily evaded it and go behind Squirtle and attack multiple times in the head blasting Squirtle towards Gary.

Gary:What the? That can't be,get up Squirtle

Ash:Charmander Flamethrower!!

Gary:Quick Squirtle Withdraw!!

Ash:No matter,Charmander Spin Squirtle shell now

Charmander jump towards Squirtle who been hiding under his shell then Charmander lift Squirtle shell backwards and spin it around.

Gary:Hey that's Cheating!!

Ash:All fair in battle right!!,Charmander Flamethrower into Squirtle shell in its hole

Charmander smiled knowing what his trainer planning to do.

Charmander positioned Squirtle shell and fired a Flamethrower into one of its hole in the shell causing Squirtle to shout in pain from the inside.

Ash:Enough that shall do it,Charmander come back here

Charmander happily returned to his position and let Ash patted his head as a reward.

Ash:Great work partner!!


Referee:Well Squirtle is unable to battle that means Ash Charmander won

Everyone cheered loudly for Ash especially Serena who jumping up and down while clapping her hands for Ash.

Prof.Oak:great battle kids,but lets take an two hour break before we can continue the competition okay!!

Ash then head to where he last seated with Serena who been waiting for Ash to came back.

Serena:What amazing battle Ash!!

Ash:Yup I did it,Thanks for cheering Serena!!

Serena:(blush)you did great really,I make me jump from my seat while watching you battle

Ash:Haha yeah its instence battle that for sure

Then from behind Ash,Gary came towards him angry and piss them said something to Ash.

Gary:Hey Ashy Boy,you got lucky this time,but Someday I will beat up remember that


Then Gary left leaving Ash and Serena confused.

Serena:What was that about?

Ash:Don't know for sure,well I better get going now,see you later Serena

Serena:Bye Ash til Later(waving her Arm to Ash).

Ash came into the forest again and head into where Arceus is hiding to let her cook something for him.

[Okay let the next chapter rolling guys,more exciting situation is still gonna happened in the Camp so better tune in,bye].

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