This Life We Lead

By mikymowse

2.5K 90 23

When two damaged people are united, there forms a bond stronger than love. Something deeper. Truer. And that'... More

This Life We Lead

Petty Jealousy

336 18 9
By mikymowse

They walk back to the prison in comfortable silence, smiles still playing on their lips, and Daryl sets the squirrels down on the table in the courtyard. He takes out his knife and expertly guts and skins the squirrel.

Carol makes a face. "Really, Daryl?"

He chuckles. "Hey, ya wanna eat?" He asks, tossing the chunks of meat into a pan and setting it over the fire.

She rolls her eyes and sighs, her smile fading a little. "Hershel told me we were running low on meds. I suppose you already volunteered to go?"

He looks up at her and nods a little. "Mm." He wipes his hand and gnaws on his thumbnail, a nervous habit.

She sighs. "Figured as much. Who's going with you?" A little bit of hope that he doesn't say Michonne flowers in her chest and she looks away, feeling bad.

Daryl dumps the cooked squirrel on a plate and smacks Carol's hand away playfully as she snatches a piece, eliciting a small smile. "Haven't asked anyone yet."

Carol nods.

He raises a hand to block the sun, his eyes squinted. "Ya know ya can come if ya want. I ain't gonna say no."

She shakes her head vigorously. "No, no..." She sighs. "I'll just get in the way." She looks up at him, squinting because of the bright light and snatches another piece of squirrel.

He turns back to the table and cuts up some more squirrel. "You're least likely ta get in the way." He says gruffly.

She sighs again. "Why don't you just take Michonne?" She asks bitterly, her tone clipped.

Daryl turns to face her and folds his arms. "Cuz I don't wanna go with Michonne."

She says nothing, cocking her jaw to the side.

He sighs and walks over, kissing the top of her head. "Just come." He murmurs. "Ya ain't gonna get in the way."

She scoffs. "Look at me, whining like a baby." Her eyebrows knit together in a scowl and she picks at a thread on the hem of her shirt.

"Ain't nobody whinin'." He says. "Quit beatin' yourself up."

She sighs and nods. "I know. I'm sorry. I just- maybe we should ask her. She could prove to be helpful."

Daryl chuckles and nods. "Long as you ain't gonna stab her in the head or nothing."

She smirks. "As long as she doesn't try anything on you."

He smiles. "Ya know I can fend for myself."

She shakes her head. "Nope. Sides, I wanna see my Pookie in action." She grins as his cheek flush a little.

He scoffs and shoves her with his shoulder playfully. "Whatever. I'll go let the others know lunch is ready."

She smiles and watches him as he walks off. Within a few minutes everyone who wasn't outside comes out and takes some food.

Carl snatches a plate and sprawls out in the grass. "Ugh. It's so hot." He groans.

Daryl laughs. "Just shut up an' eat your damn squirrel."

Carol smiles. "You now we have seats, Carl."

But the boy just shakes his head and groans again. "It's too hot for seats."

Daryl chuckles and eland back against the log, lacing his fingers behind his head and looking at Rick when he speaks. "Fences are gonna need to be reinforced soon." He says, watching the dead rattle the chain link loops, their eyes lost and their mouths gaping. "'Fore all them damn geeks come stormin' in here and tear the place apart."

Rick nods with a sigh and runs his hands through his hair. "I know. I just- I don't know how to yet."

Carol speaks up from her position behind Daryl. "Maybe we should just start some shifts or something, maintain the amount piling up on the fence?" She suggests, and they all look at her.

Daryl nods and stands up, snatching his crossbow. "Yeah. I'm done, so I'll see what I can do." He glances at Carol who nods and stands up, offering to go with him.

"Make sure ya keep your mouth shut. Don't know what'll happen." He grunts and picks up a stake.

She gives him a look. "Do you really think I'll keep my mouth open while I'm smashing someone's brains in?"

He senses the opportunity to tease her and a grin dances across his mouth. "Hey, could be admirin' some o' this." He says, wiggling his eyebrows at her and striking a pose before sticking his tongue out and breaking into laughter.

Carol just rolls her eyes and smiles. After a few moments her eyebrows knit and her smile morphs into a frown. "Remember earlier when I asked you if you and Michonne had a thing?"

Daryl arches an eyebrow and looks over at her. "Yea. What's about it?"

She blushes a bit and looks away. "Well, did you already know that I loved you?"

He smiles a little. "I had my suspicions, but I was still taking a risk." He shrugs. "Hell, even if ya had said ya didn't love me, I woulda still wanted ya to know."

She smiles and leans over to kiss him quickly, and he presses the flat of his hand to the small of her back, his other hand wrapped around the dripping wooden pole. She pulls away a little and smiles. "Okay, Daryl we should probably stop before someone at camp sees." She says, leaning up to kiss him one last time.

He smirks a little. "Eh. Let 'em watch." He presses one more kiss to her lips before turning his attention back to the walkers, a lopsided grin still suspended on his face.

She smiles a little and then her face becomes serious. "What happens if we keep getting groups like these? They'll knock down the fences."

Daryl sighs and shrugs. "Dunno. Hold 'me off. Ima try to fix the fence when I can, but Rick needs to help make some decisions, else we're all gonna be walker bait."

Carol purses her lips and nods, shuddering as the image of walkers tearing through flesh dances in her mind. She stabs another walker and the thought dissipates.

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