Loved :||: Loved Series #6

By sarahthewriter20

28.7K 969 190

Sixth in the LOVED Series They all return to Hogwarts to re-live one more year of school. But the golden five... More

Part 1
1) Getting Back On Our Feet
2) Peas-In-A-Pod
3) Ready To Get Your Ass Kicked?
4) Aww, We Can Be Neighbours!
5) I'm Not Eating That Soup
6) They're Going To Have Little Weasley Babies!
7) Ready To Get Married
8) You Only Deserve Me!
9) The Missing Princess
10) Gregorius Anastasia
Part 2
11) I Don't Scheme
12) That Is It, Missy!
13) Don't Let Me Fall
15) House-Keeping
Part 3
16) Don't Leave Out A Single Juicy Detail
17) You Did Fail It For What? Three Years?
18) The Rest Of My Life
19) Sorry For Your Loss
20) Onions?!
21) Be Loud, Be Bold
22) Without Further Adieu
23) Whoop, Baby's Coming
Creds: Minors
Creds: School Mates
Creds: Drama Queens
Creds: Hogwarts
Creds: Family
Credits: Loved

14) Till The Very End

1K 38 3
By sarahthewriter20

Harry embraced me, placing a kiss on my cheek and placed my hand in Draco's. We stood together side-by-side before Kingsley, Draco still being taller than me even though I was in heels. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I'm sure Draco could hear it standing so close to me.

"Friends and family, we have gathered here today to share with Draco and Lily an important moment in their lives. During their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one." Kingsley started, grinning at us both. "Please stand opening reading."

He cleared his throat, a grin already forming.
"He never leaves the seat up
Or wet towels on the floor." The guests were already chuckling.
"The toothpaste has the lid on
And he always shuts the door!

She's very clean and tidy
Though she may sometimes delude
Leave your wand out at your peril
In a second it'll have moved!

He's a very active person
And I do not mean to snitch
But she likes lazy days
He'll still drag her to the Quidditch pitch!

He romances her and dines her
Home cooked dinners and the like
He even knows her favourite food
And spoils her day and night!

He says he loves her figure
And her magical power too
But when gravity takes her over
Will she charm with her IQ?

She says she loves his kindness
And his patience is a must
And of course she thinks he's handsome
Which in her eyes is a plus!

They're both not wholly perfect
But who are we to judge
He can be as stubborn as a Hippogriff
Whereas she won't even budge!

All that said and done
They love the time they spend together
And I hope as I'm sure you do
That this fine day will last forever.

He'll be more than just her husband
He'll also be her friend
And she'll be more than just his wife
She'll be his soul mate - till the very end."

The guests were trying to laugh through their tears of happiness and Draco squeezed my hand as he smiled wholeheartedly. "The rings may now be exchanged and vows spoken."

I turned to face Draco, Blaise coming up to the both of us, presenting each of us with a single silver ring, Draco's a little thicker than mine. He slowly pushed the ring over my finger as I did the same to him, then clasped both my hands in his. "I Draco Malfoy, take you Lily Potter to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before."

"I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live." I finished, tears leaking down my cheeks."

"I do." He nodded, completely sure of himself.

Happy tears sprung to my eyes and everyone stopped their crying as they waited for my response. "I do."

It barely came out as a whisper but I'm sure everyone got the message when I stepped forward and pressed my lips to Draco's, who easily took control of the moment, making it a long and slow one. Everyone erupted into applause, standing as we parted. 

"I now present to you Mr and Mrs Malfoy," Kingsley announced, smiling at the two of us looking at each other, Draco kissing me again and I couldn't help but smile against his lips. 

We turned to everyone, hand in hand and walked back down the aisle together, smiling at all our friends and family. Narcissa and Kingsley lead us to the round wooden table where the contracts had been placed, both Draco and I signing the wedding contract together, while Draco signed the Malfoy royalties paper and I signed the Royal Decree paper. 

Kingsley approached me, a glimmering gold crown in his hands. There were so many diamonds encrusted into it, it appeared almost silver and two large amethyst stones in the centre. I knelt down on one knee before him and he raised the crown high above my head before slowly bringing it down. Draco held out his hand and I took it, standing back up.

The Minister turned around to face the guests. "You're now looking at the new King and Queen of our world."

There was a cheer and the contracts quickly rolled themselves up and flew out the window to the Ministry. Kingsley turned back to me, quietly saying, "This is the crown every Gregory to sit on the throne was coronated with."

He bowed his head before slipping into the crowd, house elves already bustling about handing out drinks and nibbles, and it didn't take long for everyone to be pouncing on us. Narcissa scored the first hug, kissing both of us on the cheek, making Draco blush as he wiped off her lipstick. The girls were next, rushing towards us in one big group giving me a bone-crushing hug. "Congratulations! We're so happy for you!" Amelia smiled at me and a figure appeared at her side, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Blaise smirked down at me and leant over to kiss me on the cheek. "Congratulations, Lily, you deserve the best. Well done, man." The two boys shook hands and the couple moved along to allow us to greet our other guests.

I gave Bill and Fleur a hug, asking them when the baby was due, sometime towards the end of June and commented on how pregnancy suited her and she was practically glowing. She smiled, thanking me as Gabrielle ran up. "Lily, Lily! You look so beautiful in your dress. I wish I could be as beautiful as you one day."

I smiled down at her. "You already are, my dear." I greeted her parents, introducing them to Draco.

My eye spotted the awkward family clinging to the corner with Hermione's parents, whom she and Ron had invited as their plus ones, Arthur Weasley by their side. All six of them congratulated us. "Mummy!" 

A familiar voice called, making me spin around to see Teddy, still a little unsteady on his feet, running towards me, Andromeda following hastily behind. His hair changed from boring brown, which he probably gained during the ceremony and turned to an electric excited blue.

I bent down and swept him up in my arms. "Teddy! My you've grown! You're so big now. But, remember my name is Lily?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "I know, but gran say I call you mummy!"

I smiled, sitting him on my hip, Draco giving the boy a high-five. "Hey, little man."

Andromeda reached us, a tired smile on her face. "I thought, since you would be taking care of the little rascal, he may as well call you what you are to him, as long as he knows who his parents were." I smiled and nodded, giving her a hug. "And congratulations, I hope you're both very happy."

Draco nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist, looking at the little boy that would come under our custody once we'd finished school. Harry came up to us and nodded to his godson. "Well done, you two look really great together."

I smiled at him and handed Teddy over to Draco, so I could hug Harry and I started crying again as his arms wrapped around me. "Hey, Teddy." Harry and I smiled at the young boy, who looked up at us in interest.

George approached his arm wrapped around Emmaline's waist in a protective claim as she looked stunning in the gold dress. They both wrapped me up in tight hugs, almost squeezing the life out of me. "Ugh, fragile here."

They laughed and Em allowed George to escort her away. I joined arms with Draco, who was still carrying Teddy, the boy now rambling on about a new toy Andy had bought him and we carried him inside where a few more of our guests were standing.

Dean, Katie, Seamus, Parvati, Neville and Luna looked up from standing in the corner, champagne glasses in their hands. They all smiled and walked over, each giving both of us a hug. "Hey, congratulations." Neville nodded. "You two deserve each other."

Dean nodded. "I hope you two are happy."

I smiled at him giving him another hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

I was tackled from behind as Crabbe and Goyle lifted me up and Draco looked slightly panicked for a second. "Please don't kill my wife especially on our wedding day."

I laughed as they put me down and gave both of them a hug. "He's right though, don't ever do that again."

Crabbe put a hand over his heart. "Well, we just wanted to show how happy and excited we were for you both."

Goyle nodded. "You look stunning by the way, your dress is beautiful."

I grinned up at my dear friend and turned to Draco, gesturing for Teddy and he gently handed him to me. "My, you three look like a family already," Minnie said as I turned to her.

I felt a blush coming on. "Thank you, Minnie."

Andromeda appeared again and I handed Teddy back to her, he looked sleepy and it was noon already, time for his nap and they were going home. I kissed him on the head and he waved as they walked out the door, followed by a loud crack. Pansy and Hermione came up either side of me and lead me over to a large round table, overflowing with gifts, some had fallen onto the floor. "Your wedding presents from various guests." They announced before looking over my shoulder.

Draco stood behind me and he held out a hand, which I took without hesitation and he led me out of the dining room towards the foyer, heading for the door of the wing he'd stayed in last night. Underneath a set of stairs, there was a platform and a beautiful black glossy grand piano and a shiny gold harp sat underneath it. Walking closer, I don't think I'd seen anything more beautiful, its ivory keys polished so much they shone.

I turned to Draco, happy tears in my eyes and he smiled. "My first wedding present to you was the house. The second is this piano and this harp."

I looked out at him. "That's why you were in Dominic Maestros Music Shop?"

He nodded, opening his arms as I approached him. "I had the instruments at the Manor repaired, they weren't exactly playable after sitting in that house for decades."

"I love them, thank you."

He smiled, kissing my nose. "There's a third but you have to go get changed."

Ginny and Pansy grab a hand each and with wide grins on their faces, led me upstairs to my room. The other girls were here too, each of us helping others out of their bridesmaid dresses, changing into cocktail dresses for the reception. I took out the flower in my hair and changed into a white and blue vertical striped jumpsuit, that had a trail of material behind it. 

The girls accompanied me downstairs, carrying a suitcase and out to the front of the house, where Draco stood beside a BMW and the rest of our guests were gathered around him. Blaise cleared his throat, raising a glass of champagne. "A speech before the bride and groom disappear into the night."

Draco rolled his eyes while the guests laughed. "Blaise, you better make this short."

"Well, it's certainly been an emotional day, even the cake is in tiers. All of you know Lily and all of you know she is a wonderful and caring person who deserves a wonderful and caring husband in return. Too bad Draco married her before she found one." Blaise was killing the best-mans speech, the guests were red in the face trying not to laugh. "You've got no idea how much I've been looking forward to today. After all the time I've been friends with Draco, he has at long last admitted that I am in fact the best man. I do have to say though Draco just how lucky you are, you will leave here today with a wife who is warm, loving and caring. And Lily, how lucky you are as well. You leave here today having gained a lovely dress and a wonderful bouquet of flowers. I did a bit of research and I discovered that according to tradition I am supposed to sing the groom's praises and tell you all about his many good points. Loyal, caring, sincere, honest, a great man... oops my bad we're not here to talk about me, I'm here to give a speech about Draco, well, I'm very sorry but I can't sing and I won't lie. I did try to keep this speech like Draco, short and not very funny so I just have one last message from Draco's Quidditch team to Lily – Apologies we couldn't all be there today, good luck with Draco, we found him to be useless in most positions, but wishing you all the best for tonight."

Draco tried not to roll his eyes, his face redder than everyone's put together and it probably didn't help I was laughing my head off. Blaise came over to us, receiving a punch to the shoulder from his best friend and picked my bag up, putting it into the boot of the beautiful black car. 

He held the passenger door open for me while Draco got behind the wheel and Blaise shut it for me once I was in. We waved goodbye to everyone, driving out of the courtyard and down the mountain to start our honeymoon. 

"Ready?" My husband asked gently, looking over at me.

I nodded, giving him a smile. "Yeah, I'm ready."


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Love always, Sare xx

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