The Girl With Flame Red Hair...

By writeforever52

82.5K 2.4K 442

Shirayuki and Akastsuki are sisters both born with unusual colored hair. Being twin sisters they've always be... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Flame Red Hair
Chapter 3: Freedom
Chapter 4: Kidnapped
Chapter 6 1/2: A Day Alone (must ready what's in bold REALLY IMPORTANT)
Chapter 6: Testing
Chapter 7: Sexist
Chapter 8: Dream
Chapter 9: Survival
Chapter 10: Hostage
Chapter 11: Fight
Chapter 12: Recover
Chapter 13: Arrival
Chapter 14: Bells
Chapter 15: Izana
Chapter 16: Questions

Chapter 5: Escape

5K 172 19
By writeforever52

Akatsuki woke to a throbbing pain in her head. Her eyes shot open as she remembered what happened. She was in the forests with Shirayuki when she heard a voice and everything went black. Raising up she took a look around her surroundings. She was in a dungeon alone and her hands were tied behind her back with rope. About to call out her sisters name she heard hushed voices and then the sound of glass breaking.

Worry struck her like a sword.

'What's going on!?' She wondered.

"HOT!" A male voice yelled out.

It was the same one Akatsuki heard before everything went black. There was then the sudden smell of something burning.

There was a fire.

"Shirayuki!" Akatsuki yelled out worriedly.


The sudden sound of quick paced foot steps had Akatsuki's heart pounding.

"Shirayuki where are you?!"

The fact that there was no response scared Akatsuki. There was a fire and the possibility of her twin sister getting caught in that terrified her.

"Shirayuki?"Akatsuki called out once more.

There was a pair of boots that stopped right in front of her 'cage'.

The cold metal bars slowly went up freeing Akatsuki. A hand stretched out and cut the ropes that bind her hands together. Standing in the moon light Akatsuki could now clearly see the face of who she thought to be her sister.

"I really hate to be violent but your friend has left me with no other choice." Said a male voice.

A sharp pain appeared behind her neck as she was basically dragged out of the cell.

Knowing good and well that he wouldn't let her go she still screamed, "Let go of me!"

She was then lifted up from the cold stone floor. His hand wrapped tightly around the nape of her neck as he roughly pushed her in front of him. As they quietly walked Akatsuki low key began to look around for anything that could help her escape, but there was nothing.

They continued to walk in silence until there was the sudden sound of someone breathing heavy. Turning the corner there was a railing and below a wooden door locked up with chains. Pulling on those chain was Shirayuki.

"Found you." The mysterious kidnaper said.

Akatsuki wanted to slap that smug smile off his face. Shirayuki surprised looked up.

"Let her go!" She yelled, seeing as her twin sister was in trouble.

"Aww c'mon red. You know I can't do that, but I promise not to hurt her if you go back to the cell without any resistance." The kidnaper tried to bargain.

He then gripped the older twin tighter and she cried out in pain.

"Shirayuki don't worry about me just run!" Akatsuki yelled as she kicked her leg back.

Taking the kidnaper by surprise she grabbed the hand that was on the nape of her neck and pressed hard on the pressure point in his wrist. She then grabbed his arm and flipped him over the railing. Lucky for him he landed on his feet but then Akatsuki jumped off the railing and landed safely on top of him.

Hoping off the kidnapper she ran in the direction Shirayuki went. Finally catching up to her she realized that they had hit an dead end.

"Seriously?" Akatsuki sighed.

"He's coming." Shirayuki warned.

The sound of his footsteps got closer and closer and the twins heart's thumped harder and harder. Shirayuki started to rummage through her bag and formulated a plan. The kidnaper stood before the twins as he 'coolly' placed his hands in his pockets.

"What? Have you finally given up?"

As Shirayuki quickly hid the lantern behind her back Akatsuki questioned, "Not a chance, but how are you ok!?"

After falling on top of him Akatsuki assumed that he'd be out of commission for a little while.

The kidnaper didn't really get a chance to respond when Shirayuki took a step towards him and smashed the lantern that she had hidden behind her back. The twins held thier noses as the kidnaper took a good wiff of the smoke.

"What the...smoke?!" He then went into a coughing fit as he collapsed to the ground.

The smoke began to clear up and Shirayuki explained that in the lit lantern was a type of grass with paralysis properties. The twins then ran to the second floor where they came across a series of windows.

"There are no latches on the windows." -Shirayuki

"Good, then we can just jump out."-Akatsuki

Opening the window she jumped out and winced. Ignoring the pain she opened up her arms to catch Shirayuki.

"The lamps broken so we can only use matches now." Shirayuki said as she held a newly lit match up.

"Don't worry about that we gotta-"

Akatsuki's heart stopped when a hand appeared and the fire went out.

"If you want fire, I have it. At any rate you can't win against me in this mountain and that drug of yours just now...wasn't that effective, huh?"

"How were you able to climb the stairs?"-Akatsuki

"I didn't." He said, lifting up a set of keys. "I had these."

Akatsuki did a roundhouse kick to try and hit the kidnaper so that while he was busy blocking Shirayuki could run away.

"Wait!" He yelled.

The kidnaper in a desperate attempt grabbed hold of Akatsuki's leg and yanked her back causing her to fall against the wall. He then violently grabbed Shirayuki's hand and threw her against the wall blocking off her escape route by placing the lit torch by her face.

"I said wait."

"It's hot." Shirayuki winced.

She began to sweat. So far all attempts to escape were a complete failure.

"Even if you both run away, don't you think that some other guy will have a go at you. As long as you're sold to aristocracy or royalty you'd be safe, right? You could live in luxury while being protected. Don't you think that's the easy way to live?

"I-we have no interest in living that way."-Shirayuki

"Then I'll take you with me."

"Like hell you will!" Akatsuki yelled in protest as she struggled to stand.

Before anything else could be done there were the sound of rustling leaves and in an instant the torch that the kidnaper was holding flew out of his hand. Standing there before the twins eyes was the white haired prince, Zen.

He elbowed the kidnaper in the ribs with such a force that he flew backwards. Acting like the prince in shining armor he was who had saved the twins twice, he placed his left hand on the wall next to Shirayuki.

"So it wasn't just a one day trip huh, Shirayuki." Zen lightly teased.

Unable to speak Shirayuki just stared into his eyes.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Zen asked, giving a small smile.

"Ah! Yeah I'm fine. I'm not hurt at all."

"Phew~ I see."

"Oh but Akatsuki...."

"Wow so nice be remembered. Yeah I'm ok too, thanks for asking." She said sarcastically.


"I was only kidding." Akatsuki said.

The moment was then ruined by the kidnaper moaning in pain. Everyone's head snapped in his direction.

"Heh, so you both have a bodyguard. Before this, I also...worked as an bodyguard."

"Yet you came up, with something like this?"-Shirayuki

"That's right. Even if you have social status or family honor, once your fortune is gone, you're penniless. Why shouldn't I earn money using all means?"

Akastuki stood up. Careful not to fall over she walked over to the kidnaper. Quick to unsheathe Zen's sword she thrusted it in the criminals direction. It was so fast he didn't have time to flinch. The blade of the sword was embedded in the trunk of the tree right next to the kidnaper's face. He moved his head slightly to see that his cheek was cut. Akatsuki moved her face close to his.

"I don't care about social status and crap like that at the end of the day we're all people. You, me, we're all the same. What right do you have to take and try and sell us? You think that just because you went through a bit of a rough time that gives you the 'ok' to do what you did?!" Akatsuki yelled.

"Yes I do." The kidnaper smirked. "I think-"

"Shut up." Zen said in a calm and steady voice as he removed his sword from within the tree. "I don't want to know what you think of them, but Akatsuki and Shirayuki are not tools for you to make money with."

The words that Zen spoke brought tears to the twins eyes.

"So those are their names, Akatsuki and Shirayuki."

"Don't you dare speak their names with your mouth!" Zen threatened with his sword.

"What the-are you their dad or something?"

"He called me their dad. Akatsuki did he have any other comrades?"-Zen

"I didn't see anyone but him."-Akatsuki

"If he's alone then we can take him down the mountain. We can hand him over to the government officials at the bottom of the mountain without having to escort him to the palace..."-Zen

"PALACE?! You came from the palace?!?!?! You...just who exactly are you? What's your name?"

Zen hesitated for a moment. "....Zen."

"...! I remember hearing that're the second Prince of Clarines."

"I am as well as Shirayuki and Akatsuki's friend."

Ok so I know this chapter took long to update it was ment to go up sooner but well it never happened. Thx for all the love and support guys,the views and votes I mean 2k...that's a lot considering that I take such a long time to update and stuff. Please comment more I like reading what y'all have to say. Until the next chapter ~Nyah

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