Alpha Magnet

By TheDevilWearsPrada

33.2K 783 164

Enter the crazy life of Cat Davis. A normal female werewolf who has never been in pack more than fifty people... More

Alpha Magnet
The sexy man whore is my mate
Hello Kitty
Kitty has claws
I'm too sexy for my shirt


3.7K 96 16
By TheDevilWearsPrada

Alpha Magnet 

Copyright 2012 ©

Dedicated to queenkathrinekathy(:

Chapter (1)-Expelled- 

I sat in the quite comfortable leather seat that faced the principal. By the way he was looking at me it seemed like we were having a starring contest on who would blink first. I smirked when he blinked, but it was only because someone (my mom) entered slamming the door wide open and letting it bang against the wall making the pictures hanging on the wall tremble, threatening to fall. I didn't dare look up at the angry blue eyes that could only be my mother's. Mr. Hence followed in carrying a phone in his hands, like it as his life line. Dweeb. 

 "Mr. Hanson, I have proof!" Mr. Hence shouted like a war at last has ended. I get it. My mother sat in the chair next to me, anger was leaking off her like ice cream melting on a hot summer day. I brought my knee up to my chest and watched as Mr. Hence handed the iPhone to Mr. Hanson.

 "What is it now?" My mom said clearly still angry. 

 "Well it seems Cat here did an accident in Chemistry today. She caused chemicals to explode in Brady Markham's face, and the shower to be used, flooding the classroom." The principal explained while looking down at the iPhone. He nodded his head and took in a deep breath before handing the iPhone to my mother. She took it and it showed me mixing things up while I had my head turned checking out a guy's ass. I pushed the beaker towards my lab partner, only for it to explode in his face. After that he ran around screaming like a girl. Humans...

My mom sighed then asked, "How many detentions this time?" I folded my arms across my chest and pretended to look like I was truly sorry. What is the big deal? Okay my partner was blasted with chemicals and was poured by tons of water, well wasn't that fun?

"I afraid Mrs. Davis that it’s been more than three times something liked this happened, not only in Chemistry. It would be best of you pulled her out of school and put her in a boarding school." The principal said slowly. I snapped my head up shocked. I thought I'd get a slap on the hand and all of this will pass.

"You can't be serious. My daughter has one of the top grades in this school." My mom said her voice turning from anger to squeaky. That was as even shocking to me as for everyone else, what do you know it’s in the werewolf gene, I think.

"That is true but she is one of many students who come to see me daily." The principal said putting his hands on his wooden desk.

"That is only because every time I come on my free time your too busy." I said trying to sweet talk my way through. "I see you as my father, Mr. Hanson." My mother shook her head not believing me while Mr. Hanson and Mr. Hence were shocked. Mr. Hanson shook his head and got out papers.

"Mrs. Davis, please consider my request." Mr. Hanson said passing her the papers. My mom didn't even look at them before handing them back.

"I will not, she has not gotten in a fight in more than five months, she is improving please give her a chance." My mom pleaded.

"Mrs. Davis please listen to Mr. Hanson." Mr. Hence said softly to my mom, by the way he was looking at her it seemed like he had a crush on her. Well, since he got the accident into this huge big mess it’s time for some pay back.

"Oh Mr. Hence you have something here." I said pointing to the corner of my mouth, indicating he had drooled. His cheeks flamed and he glared at me when he didn't have anything but caught what I was saying.

"Miss Cat Davis now is not the time to joking around." He said firmly.

"Oh, I know but right now isn't the time to be checking out my mother too, Mr. Hence." I said innocently. His brown eyes glared into mine and he ran a hand over his dirty blonde hair while fixing his glasses.

"I have to tell you though if you wanted to hook up with my mom this wasn't the way to go." I said standing up, I was taller than him. I poked his chest, "Let’s just say I'm a mommy's girl." I said poking his chest again. It takes gut to admit that, I must say so myself.

"Miss Cat Davis, sit down." Mr. Hanson said sighing. I brought two fingers to my eyes and then pointed them at him, saying I was watching him.

"Alright Mrs. Davis you leave me no choice but to expel Cat Davis from this school and all the surrounding schools nearby would not want to take her in." Mr. Hanson said getting annoyed.

"But-" I was about to say but was cut off.

"But my ass! I'm tired of having to deal with you." Mr. Hanson said first mad but then regaining his cool.

"How do you think I feel?" My mom asked. I stood their pouting, they sounded like I was the son of the devil! 

Mr. Hanson chuckled, "She always rips the papers when she gets mad." 

"She also eats a lot when she gets sad." My mother said chuckling along with him. 

"And makes that face when she's confused,"

"Likes she's trying to shit something out!"

"Mom, old dude! I'm right here!" I exclaimed not believing they were talking about me like I wasn't in the same room.

"She always wants attention." My Hanson said continuing like he never heard me. I faced Mr. Hence who was still behind me, ignoring my mom and the principal bashing on me.

"Admit it, even he has a better shot then you do." I said trying to make conversation, okay more like trying to make him mad.

He didn't say anything but walk out since after all he got what he wanted, well technically he didn't, he probably wanted my mom naked in his bed. I shuddered at the image, gross! In the end I ended expelled and grounded for a month.

~Moving time~

"Get your lazy ass over here and help me carry these boxes in the house!" My mother yelled from the back of the moving van. I yawned and spread my arms over my head loving the sun on my skin.

"Naw, I'm good." I said closing my eyes. As soon as the car stopped I jumped out and fell face first to the green soft grass, it wasn't because I love grass that much but because my mom is a horrible driver!

"It wasn't a question." She said dumping a box on top of me. A small oomph left my lips from the weight. I groaned and stood up with the box, following her inside. The house was huge for only the both of us. A pretty good place to throw parties since it had a built in pool and a big living room.

"How did you afford this place?" I asked setting down the box on a table. Furniture and everything was already here, but its wasn't ours.

"This is my parents’ home, silly! I told while on the way here." My mom said smiling and walking up stairs.

Oh no, no, no, no! Why didn't I hear about this? Wait, she said she told me, what was I doing while she was talking? I was listening to a sad song and looking out the window like I was in a movie... 

"Catty!!" I heard someone say, the only one who calls me that is grandma. I turned around and there she was in all her old glory. Can things get any better? Well they didn't when behind her I saw my grandpa running around the front yard naked...

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