The sexy man whore is my mate

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Alpha Magnet

Copyright 2012 ©

Dedicated to: CaseyJimenez

Chapter (3)-The sexy man whore is my mate-
 I did my best to make it longer(: Don't Hate me for the ending :D

I sat in my seat, more like sulking in my seat. I was surrounded by bimbos who didn't even notice me or ignored me. One looked behind me to talk to the bimbo behind me and the one on my right looked over to my left trying to talk to the other bimbo next to me. What did I do to make the teacher hate me so much? I called her a dude...

I wasn't my fault! She had broad shoulders enough to make you think it was a guy and she wasn't facing me when I came in so I thought it was a guy! The no boobs didn't help either. I still think it’s a guy...

People were walking in and sitting in their desk while I bit on my pencil stopping myself from going all out on these bimbos.

"I mean he was alright in bed but that’s it!" The one in front with blonde curly hair said. She always has that face that makes you think she is mad, maybe she is I dunno.

"He didn't call back! Why wouldn’t he?! I mean look at me!" The one on my right whined loudly to the other bimbo to my left. 

"Want to go to the party tomorrow?" The one on the back of me said ignoring the first thing she said.
They kept talking like that which made me bite my pencil hard, stopping myself from slapping them senseless.

I dropped my head on my desk hard and groaned loudly getting the girl in front of me attentions.

"What's your problem?" She said practically hissing.

I prompt my elbow and rested my chin on my hand. Almost everyone was already in here and was talking loudly. Don't say anything, don't say anything, don't- 

"Twinkle, twinkle little slut, name a guy you haven't fucked." I sang to her. Her mouth dropped not expecting me to just right out insult her.

"Damien!" I heard the bimbo behind me call out to the guy who stopped right next to the girl's desk in front of me. He looked at me shocked when I sang. The bimbo in front of me looked like she was going to kill someone but right when she heard bimbo # 2 she snapped her head towards him. 

He was pretty HOT. He had brown hair that spiked everywhere in a mess but sexy way. Deep green eyes which can make any girl melt in there spot. 

I bit on my pencil again and looked at the teacher who was walking over. He was still standing there like this was his spot. Great! I hate this freaking spot!

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